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Author Topic: According to Nigel Evans himself  (Read 56068 times)

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October 30, 2018, 03:29:41 PM
Reply #30

Nigel Evans

Plausible = wild guess. We'll never know.

November 09, 2018, 04:33:13 AM
Reply #31


Hull is far more believable in saying The unholy Angels of Satan made this catastrophe. Ball lightning is less well documented than witchcraft and possession.

November 09, 2018, 05:14:07 AM
Reply #32

Nigel Evans

Hull is far more believable in saying The unholy Angels of Satan made this catastrophe. Ball lightning is less well documented than witchcraft and possession.
I'd have to disagree :-

Are just three of (say) a dozen recent discussions. Sagan's book documents hundreds of sightings in the US primarily (from memory) from Oak Ridge Labs, so many of the witnesses are respected professional people.

The last link is my favourite site. Excellent catalogue.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2018, 11:01:29 AM by Nigel Evans »

November 09, 2018, 10:56:22 AM
Reply #33


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Some nice research there Nigel.  The Ball Lightning enigma is beginning to remind me of another interesting enigma  CROP CIRCLES.  And interestingly there are reports of such circles appearing on snow covered ground. But I havent found any thing to suggest that any circles were found at or near the Dyatlov Pass area.

November 09, 2018, 11:00:58 AM
Reply #34

Nigel Evans

Some nice research there Nigel.  The Ball Lightning enigma is beginning to remind me of another interesting enigma  CROP CIRCLES.  And interestingly there are reports of such circles appearing on snow covered ground. But I havent found any thing to suggest that any circles were found at or near the Dyatlov Pass area.

Thanks. Interesting about snow circles that's new to me. One theory for crop circles is....... atmospheric microwaves!

November 10, 2018, 12:25:10 PM
Reply #35


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Crop Circles is a whole new ball game, but I thought I would mention it just in case any one knows of any such occurrences in that part of the World that might be relevant to the Dyatlov Case.

November 11, 2018, 03:11:17 AM
Reply #36

Nigel Evans

Not many crops at a latitude of 62 degrees...

November 11, 2018, 07:18:23 PM
Reply #37


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Thats true.  The circles are mostly evidenced on fields with crops but they do crop up , no pun intended, on other landscapes, such as snow.

November 12, 2018, 12:53:56 PM
Reply #39


Case-Files Achievement Recipient


The event below occurred back in November 2012 in Russia, around Kemerovo 200km NE of Novossibirsk.

''Residents of the Kemerovo region Promyshlennaya have found in the snowy fields 12 unusual circles of the same size (1 m 90 - 6.2 ft) without any footprints in fresh snow nearby.

People have even decided to do night patrols on site to determine who is the author of this work: pranksters or aliens.

The villagers ask to journalists to help them find the answer. Channel "STS Kuzbass" went there and captured the mysterious circles in the video.''


November 12, 2018, 01:51:48 PM
Reply #40

Nigel Evans

I'd guess that they're man made probably from some form of vehicle. But I could be wrong.

November 12, 2018, 05:54:03 PM
Reply #41


I get a kick out of the idea that aliens would travel many light years to make geometric shapes in our crops and snow.

Is that their version of trolling us? Do they get bored in-between anal probing and cattle mutilation? The first time around, they built the pyramids, which is slightly more impressive than some crop circles, even if it's still stone-aged. Aliens seem to be pretty stingy about sharing their technology or cure for cancer. Good thing we shot down one of those buggers so we could reverse engineer microchips from fabrication techniques millenia ahead of us.

Can you imagine what the government would have been able to do in the 1950s with an iPhone XR? Surely we'd have quantum computers and transporters by now.

November 13, 2018, 05:49:05 PM
Reply #42


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I'd guess that they're man made probably from some form of vehicle. But I could be wrong.

They could be man made. But there are reports from other parts of Russia and indeed other parts of the World that may take some explaining, ie, locations where vehicles cant get, etc.

November 13, 2018, 05:55:16 PM
Reply #43


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I get a kick out of the idea that aliens would travel many light years to make geometric shapes in our crops and snow.

Is that their version of trolling us? Do they get bored in-between anal probing and cattle mutilation? The first time around, they built the pyramids, which is slightly more impressive than some crop circles, even if it's still stone-aged. Aliens seem to be pretty stingy about sharing their technology or cure for cancer. Good thing we shot down one of those buggers so we could reverse engineer microchips from fabrication techniques millenia ahead of us.

Can you imagine what the government would have been able to do in the 1950s with an iPhone XR? Surely we'd have quantum computers and transporters by now.

Maybe Aliens dont need to travel many light years. Maybe they are on a different time scale to mere mortals. Maybe they can pop in and out of whatever dimensions there are. Maybe there are good Aliens and bad Aliens.  Who knows.

November 16, 2018, 03:49:53 AM
Reply #44


Sir Nigel!  grin1
At last that I could write that promised.
In the first, allow you to correct: that case with a fireball about which I spoke was not in Chivruai (it is Kola peninsula), and on Сaucasus. Distance and a difference between them same as between Alaska and California. It is truth there necessary exchange mountains there.  grin1

This case is how it is described by the head of group of those climbers Vladimir Kavunenko it is possible to read (in Russian) under this reference http://kmvline.ru/lib/kavunenko/18.php .
I will tell this story my words. Vladimir Kavunenko it was said before me at 1979 at meeting of federation of climbers and the hikers of sports club "Burevestnik" which united students, graduate and professors of universities of the USSR, and as scientific and academic. I there was as the vice-president of branch of the hikers as the volunteer (did not get money for this work).
There was a president branch of climbers Evgenie Tamm ( https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC,_%D0%95%D0%B2%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%98%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87  unfortunately there is no reference in English) whom friend Kavunenko was and he has invited Kavunenko to tell about this case. Evgenie Tamm headed expedition to the Everest in 1982 when our climbers have ascent on top the Everest on the SW face (it there is the most difficult route on this mountain till now) in number of 11 persons https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%8D%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F .
To my regret I cannot find this reference in English so quickly.


Now I will tell about how there was this event with a fireball.
In result (it is article Vladimir Kavunenko + my memoirs and translation) I can tell so:

On August, 17th 1978 five climbers went down from top of mountain “Trapitsia (Trapeze)” (it is the western Caucasus http://www.nhpfund.org/nominations/western_caucasus.html  mountain the “Trapeze” http://www.mountain.ru/article/article_display1.php?article_id=2616  ) and have stopped on a lodging for the night at height of 3900 metres (12800 ft).

Kavunenko has told about it approximately so itself (it from other article about this case):
«I have woken up from strange sensation. Someone has got into tent the stranger. I have put out a head from a sleeping bag and have stood with surprise. On distance of 1 metre from a tent floor the bright yellow sphere in the size as a tennis ball hung." That this such and whence it undertook? "- I have thought and wanted to declare alarm. But I have not had time to shout I all it as the sphere has plunged into Korovin's sleeping bag. Wild shout was distributed, and fiery ("newcomer") has jumped out therefrom and has started to float smoothly over other sleeping bags. It disappeared that in one, in other sleeping bag by turns. Each time was distributed heart-breaking shout of the sleeping person.
I was as is constrained by not clear force, and lay without movement, as though be paralysed. All people lay in the sleeping bags. When the sphere has got into my bag, I have felt a severe pain, me me burnt down with the welding device, and I have fainted.
After a while I have come to the senses, and have seen the same yellow sphere which periodically, observing only to it known law, got into sleeping bags. Each time such "visiting" caused desperate shout of the person. So has repeated some times. Position was awful. When I have come to the senses again, it seemed in the fifth or sixth time) a pain, the sphere of a devil in tent any more was not.
When I being in a bag, I could not stir any hand, any foot. The body burnt, and it has turned to the centre of a monstrous pain completely. I have again fainted...
In hospital where us delivered by helicopter, at me have counted seven wounds. It were not burns: it were pieces of muscles which have appeared pulled out and burnt down to bones. In the same condition there were also my friends - Shitinin, Bashkirov, Carpov.
the fiery sphere has killed the fifth climber (Oleg Korovin). Probably, its sleeping bag lay on a rubber mattress and has been well isolated from the earth.

Their tent has been laced up from within. In it were: radio transmitter, ice axe, the curtailed cable and other metal things. But the fireball has not touched any subject. People have suffered only. Strange there was all it (as though there was this visitor). It seemed that it it is conscious, spitefully, as the sadist, scoffed at us, betraying their terrible torture

What weather then was:
«It was cloudy, but there were no signs of approach of a thunder-storm. Those who have survived, not once saw, how there are fireballs in mountain areas earlier. But they considered that it was torture or it was that that another similar.
That it could be, they did not know. Fireballs they observed not once. They (fireballs) appeared either before a thunder-storm, or after it more often and they quickly disappeared. As a rule. This fiery sphere was in tent and (as they thought) scoffed at them. They thought that it was something another... Anybody from them has not noticed, when and as this "newcomer" has left.
The special commission organised under the analysis of this event in mountains of Caucasus, recognised in this "newcomer" as a fireball.

It is that I remember also to me it was possible to read in other articles in addition. Therefrom I took many citations and have tried to translate into English.

It is a unique case which is described authentically and in detail when the fireball caused events with travellers.

You can easily compare result of this event and event of Dyatlov group.

Further I would like to comment on some questions which set in this section of a forum about Dyatlov group.

November 16, 2018, 03:59:22 AM
Reply #45


Ball lightning is a good theory as Ivanov might say

Ivanov told not about the fireball, and about possible occurrence of UFO. He never heard about the phenomenon the fireball.

Even better combined with the NO2 theory.
Now you're cooking on gas...

From natural gas it turns out very little NO2. Gas from the wood furnace too contains a little NO2. Besides, the It is a unique case which is described authentically and in detail when the fireball caused events with Dyatlov group the wood furnace did not heat on this camping site. It intended for a short on time kindling only in morning.

November 16, 2018, 04:01:18 AM
Reply #46


....... he stated that he believed that the lights were connected with the deaths.

"And how can Ball Lightning cause those very serious injuries to some of the Group  !  ?"
By exploding?

These are citations from different places. It is not necessary to confuse them together. Ivanov meant occurrence far in the sky of images of a light stain in the form of a sphere. Also considered that it was foreign UFO which has mortally affected to Dyatlov group.

November 16, 2018, 04:12:13 AM
Reply #47


Here you're seeing snapped neck injuries ala Kolevatov.

Dear Nigel Evans! So it is impossible to speak confidently about it. You did not see this trauma of a neck “ala Kolevatov”. Therefore to result comparison with that that it is written in Wikipedia in other case, is wrong.
The trauma of neck Kolevatov is that the end an avalanche probe


Has got to a neck when searchers searched for bodies by means of these an avalanche probe. This absolutely characteristic damage is well described in the report of the medical expert. Searcher Anatoly Mohov spoke to me about it when I have asked it particularly about this damage.
The fireball leaves other damages. They it is much more on the size also look like a heavy burn.
Therefore Hound of the Baskervilles Black Dog of Bungay here has no place.  grin1

Also with the roller link i posted earlier Yuri K had a serious burn on his leg.

This burn the fireball too has no similarity to a burn. It absolutely coincides with signs of a usual burn from wood fire. A burn the fireball burns muscles and a skin on all thickness (as in a microwave if meat very strongly to overheat) to bones, and at Yury To was superficial ожег even almost without обугливания surfaces.

It is all now.

November 16, 2018, 06:50:56 AM
Reply #48

Nigel Evans

Fantastic article but why hasn't this event been linked to the DPI before?

In hospital where us delivered by helicopter, at me have counted seven wounds. It were not burns: it were pieces of muscles which have appeared pulled out and burnt down to bones. In the same condition there were also my friends - Shitinin, Bashkirov, Carpov.
Translating the link he describes everyone getting 4th degree burns.

now read the pathologist on Yuri K :-
There is a burn across the entire surface of the left anticnemion with a size of 31 x 10 cm with parchment density. In the lower third of the left ??? of brown-black colour with charred tissue and the blow out of the cutaneous covering ???? in the middle and upper thirds there is an ambustial surface ???red and light brown colour. On the rear inside surface of the left shin there is an abrasions of dark brown colour with parchment density and sizes of 8 x 1.3 cm, ? x 1.5 cm, and 2 x 1 cm. The rear of the left foot is dark brown in colour with subcutaneous defects of the epidermis with a size of 10 x 4 cm. ??? of the second toe is charred and the skin is dark brown in colour ???

Blown out skin = 4th degree? charred toe, two thirds described as ambustial = burnt/scalded. Seems it's all there.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 01:05:58 PM by Teddy »

November 16, 2018, 06:55:38 AM
Reply #49

Nigel Evans

Ball lightning is a good theory as Ivanov might say

Ivanov told not about the fireball, and about possible occurrence of UFO. He never heard about the phenomenon the fireball.
In his interview with Leninsky Put, Ivanov used the term "fire orb" 7 times.

Now you're cooking on gas...
This is an English joke that i shouldn't have used on this forum. It's probably confused Americans never mind Russians!  grin1
Please ignore.

November 16, 2018, 07:21:49 AM
Reply #50

Nigel Evans

Dear Nigel Evans! So it is impossible to speak confidently about it. You did not see this trauma of a neck “ala Kolevatov”. Therefore to result comparison with that that it is written in Wikipedia in other case, is wrong.
The trauma of neck Kolevatov is that the end an avalanche probe
The pathologist said :-
The neck is long and thin, and deformed in the area of the thyroid cartilage.
A "deformed neck" translates to me as equalling a deformed spine. But he doesn't investigate this further? I guess we'll never know. You are correct to state there is no strong evidence for a snapped neck.
This burn the fireball too has no similarity to a burn. It absolutely coincides with signs of a usual burn from wood fire. A burn the fireball burns muscles and a skin on all thickness (as in a microwave if meat very strongly to overheat) to bones, and at Yury To was superficial ожег even almost without обугливания surfaces.
No, see above, it is seems to be described as 4th degree. Blown out skin, only one toe charred suggests electrical discharge imo. But i would agree that the evidence is ambiguous and either cause is equally possible but one charred toe maybe significant and is difficult to explain from a wood fire.

November 16, 2018, 09:01:59 AM
Reply #51

Nigel Evans


Some interesting accounts of bl and recent attempts to recreate it under lab conditions. Also it connects Kavunenko’s account with the dpi.

November 16, 2018, 03:35:57 PM
Reply #52


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Dear Nigel Evans! So it is impossible to speak confidently about it. You did not see this trauma of a neck “ala Kolevatov”. Therefore to result comparison with that that it is written in Wikipedia in other case, is wrong.
The trauma of neck Kolevatov is that the end an avalanche probe
The pathologist said :-
The neck is long and thin, and deformed in the area of the thyroid cartilage.
A "deformed neck" translates to me as equalling a deformed spine. But he doesn't investigate this further? I guess we'll never know. You are correct to state there is no strong evidence for a snapped neck.
This burn the fireball too has no similarity to a burn. It absolutely coincides with signs of a usual burn from wood fire. A burn the fireball burns muscles and a skin on all thickness (as in a microwave if meat very strongly to overheat) to bones, and at Yury To was superficial ожег even almost without обугливания surfaces.
No, see above, it is seems to be described as 4th degree. Blown out skin, only one toe charred suggests electrical discharge imo. But i would agree that the evidence is ambiguous and either cause is equally possible but one charred toe maybe significant and is difficult to explain from a wood fire.

This is a good example of some of the implausible deductions made by certain people during the history of the investigation in to the demise of the Dyatlov group. In this case someone is claiming that a neck injury was caused by a PROBE while searching for the bodies, which somewhat CONTRADICTS what the autopsy report said.