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Author Topic: Exploring The Yeti Theory  (Read 247158 times)

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August 21, 2019, 11:34:30 PM
Reply #180

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient

The above photo is quite interesting.  If you look carefully there appears to be a bare foot print on top of what seems to be a boot print. 

What is interesting though is the rounded shape of the bare foot print and the big toe is behind the other toes.  Normally a human big toe is the furthest forward but not for an ape. 

Would be interested to know what people think?

Star man

August 21, 2019, 11:51:27 PM
Reply #181


It's a velenki print, and I don't see an ape print. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 22, 2019, 03:08:03 PM
Reply #182


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
And who said anything about a ninja that can jump 50 feet in the air? 

I have been witness on TWO occasions where someone was punched with a bare fist resulting in a crushed eye socket that was worse then Tibs injury. The eye socket is the most robust part of the human skull, and one guy lost an eyeball..... for good.  Anyone that thinks humans cannot inflict these types of injuries especially when utilizing weapons is flat out not in touch with reality.  Same goes for falling out of a tree, into a deep boulder filled ravine etc.

Did they remove the persons TONGUE as well  !  ?  And did they leave TRACES of RADIATION on the person  !  ?

Decomposition is a real thing you know.  Seriously.....  Google it.   grin1

Radiation levels were low, and apparently brought to the site on the cloths of Yuri K.   wink1

And neither is evidence to the prior.

No Evidence of any animals or Organisms that could have caused Decomposition were presented. Radiation or something caused Ivanov great concern. And no Evidence that Radiation was brought to the site on any clothing.

Sure there is....  They were found FOUR MONTHS LATER half submerged in a creek.  It does not take a rocket scientist to establish common sense.  The autopsy reports clearly state 'missing', no mention of torn flesh, cut flesh..... Nothing.  It's called decomposition..... Period.  No need for some fantastical cryptozoology or unrealistic conspiracies.   

Radiation....  Sure there is.  It was only found on very specific articles of clothing which just happen to belong to members of the group that were involved in a RADIATION CLEANUP just prior to the DP trip, and the other worked in refining it.  Again.....  Common sense no brainier.

There is no Evidence of ordinary ANIMALS having had a part in the demise and decomposition of the Dyatlov group. No SIGNS of animal activity at or near the Dead Bodies. No SIGNS of BACTERIA, etc, were reported in the Autopsy. And the Radiation reports leave much to be desired. And this radiation question crops up elsewhere in the Forum.

So, just because Vozrojdenniy did not specifically mentioned wild animals and bacteria - the most obvious natural explanation when dealing with dead bodies rotting for months in the wilderness, we can literally cross them out of the story? Well, I guess that really leaves us with only the Yeti to blame. Or the fireballs, piloted by extraterrestrial astronauts, yes?
NO. The Autopsies were carried out by people who were aware of the unusual circumstances of this Case. IE A potential CRIME. Therefore it would be logical to assume that they would have mentioned any likely hood of animal or bacterial involvement. YES.

August 22, 2019, 03:14:50 PM
Reply #183


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I would imagine someone part of the search and investigation would notice drastically different footprints then a humans.   I don't see anything in that pic except human packed prints that the surrounding unpacked snow has blown away from.

Yeah, there is definitely a lack of detail on the foot prints in the file. 

Now the Discovery channel documentary - which I Would agree is sensationalised trash for the most part does include an interview with two of the original search party.  In the interview, according to the programme they do state that they noticed strange large foot prints that were not mentioned in the case files.  Is this also sensationalised trash?  I don't know.


Star man

Yes its a shame that that programme got a bit carried away with some parts and it certainly did become a bit sensational. I think that the interview with those 2 original searchers and what they said needs to be considered as TRUE. Why would they want to lie ?  They must have had respect and still have respect for the Dyatlov Group that met its demise in such an unusual way.

August 22, 2019, 03:48:16 PM
Reply #184


Maybe we can write to the authorities in Russia and demand they enter it as fact in the original case files. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 22, 2019, 11:05:06 PM
Reply #185

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I would imagine someone part of the search and investigation would notice drastically different footprints then a humans.   I don't see anything in that pic except human packed prints that the surrounding unpacked snow has blown away from.

Yeah, there is definitely a lack of detail on the foot prints in the file. 

Now the Discovery channel documentary - which I Would agree is sensationalised trash for the most part does include an interview with two of the original search party.  In the interview, according to the programme they do state that they noticed strange large foot prints that were not mentioned in the case files.  Is this also sensationalised trash?  I don't know.


Star man

Yes its a shame that that programme got a bit carried away with some parts and it certainly did become a bit sensational. I think that the interview with those 2 original searchers and what they said needs to be considered as TRUE. Why would they want to lie ?  They must have had respect and still have respect for the Dyatlov Group that met its demise in such an unusual way.

Maybe they were telling the truth but I think they would need to come forward independently as the discovery channel programme can't be considered credible?


Star man

August 22, 2019, 11:11:59 PM
Reply #186

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Maybe we can write to the authorities in Russia and demand they enter it as fact in the original case files.

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

The case files are lacking in a number of areas and the foot prints are one of these areas.

In a criminal investigation surely it would be expected that the bare feet and boot prints are matched to the hikers?  There are 8 to 9 sets of tracks reported and 9 hikers.  If they found a set of tracks with a foot size that didn't match anyone in the group, or say two people with size 10 shoes and there is only 1 hiker with this foot size its a massive clue.   You get what I mean.  But there's nothing like that.


Star man
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 04:56:04 PM by Star man »

August 22, 2019, 11:32:50 PM
Reply #187

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient

The above photo should be marked up with the areas I found interesting.


Star man

August 23, 2019, 04:07:18 AM
Reply #188


And who said anything about a ninja that can jump 50 feet in the air? 

I have been witness on TWO occasions where someone was punched with a bare fist resulting in a crushed eye socket that was worse then Tibs injury. The eye socket is the most robust part of the human skull, and one guy lost an eyeball..... for good.  Anyone that thinks humans cannot inflict these types of injuries especially when utilizing weapons is flat out not in touch with reality.  Same goes for falling out of a tree, into a deep boulder filled ravine etc.

Did they remove the persons TONGUE as well  !  ?  And did they leave TRACES of RADIATION on the person  !  ?

Decomposition is a real thing you know.  Seriously.....  Google it.   grin1

Radiation levels were low, and apparently brought to the site on the cloths of Yuri K.   wink1

And neither is evidence to the prior.

No Evidence of any animals or Organisms that could have caused Decomposition were presented. Radiation or something caused Ivanov great concern. And no Evidence that Radiation was brought to the site on any clothing.

Sure there is....  They were found FOUR MONTHS LATER half submerged in a creek.  It does not take a rocket scientist to establish common sense.  The autopsy reports clearly state 'missing', no mention of torn flesh, cut flesh..... Nothing.  It's called decomposition..... Period.  No need for some fantastical cryptozoology or unrealistic conspiracies.   

Radiation....  Sure there is.  It was only found on very specific articles of clothing which just happen to belong to members of the group that were involved in a RADIATION CLEANUP just prior to the DP trip, and the other worked in refining it.  Again.....  Common sense no brainier.

There is no Evidence of ordinary ANIMALS having had a part in the demise and decomposition of the Dyatlov group. No SIGNS of animal activity at or near the Dead Bodies. No SIGNS of BACTERIA, etc, were reported in the Autopsy. And the Radiation reports leave much to be desired. And this radiation question crops up elsewhere in the Forum.

So, just because Vozrojdenniy did not specifically mentioned wild animals and bacteria - the most obvious natural explanation when dealing with dead bodies rotting for months in the wilderness, we can literally cross them out of the story? Well, I guess that really leaves us with only the Yeti to blame. Or the fireballs, piloted by extraterrestrial astronauts, yes?
NO. The Autopsies were carried out by people who were aware of the unusual circumstances of this Case. IE A potential CRIME. Therefore it would be logical to assume that they would have mentioned any likely hood of animal or bacterial involvement. YES.

Logical to assume? So they should have mentioned any form of deliberate injury or "mutilation"... And we have none of that.
Instead, eyes and tongue are simply "missing", not ripped, nor cut. Or someone/something made them dissapear?
How about natural decay and animal activity which exist, instead of cryptochupacabras for who we have only legends and not even one material evidence?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 10:36:28 AM by Morski »
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

August 23, 2019, 11:26:38 AM
Reply #189


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Maybe we can write to the authorities in Russia and demand they enter it as fact in the original case files.

I wouldn't hold my great on that one.

The case files are lacking in a number of areas and the foot prints are one of these areas.

In a criminal investigation surely it would be expected that the bare feet and boot prints are matched to the hikers?  There are 8 to 9 sets of tracks reported and 9 hikers.  If they found a set of tracks with a foot size that didn't match anyone in the group, or say two people with size 10 shoes and there is only 1 hiker with this foot size its a massive clue.   You get what I mean.  But there's nothing like that.


Star man

Just one of the many questions in this Dyatlov Case. Scarcity of Information and Evidence. There must surely have been the opportunity to take many photos of all the Footprints in the area. We do not appear to have that many photos  !  ?  Also there is not much written about the Footprints. Once again, surely in a potential Criminal Investigation that is just the sort of Evidence you would be looking for.

August 23, 2019, 11:30:51 AM
Reply #190


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
And who said anything about a ninja that can jump 50 feet in the air? 

I have been witness on TWO occasions where someone was punched with a bare fist resulting in a crushed eye socket that was worse then Tibs injury. The eye socket is the most robust part of the human skull, and one guy lost an eyeball..... for good.  Anyone that thinks humans cannot inflict these types of injuries especially when utilizing weapons is flat out not in touch with reality.  Same goes for falling out of a tree, into a deep boulder filled ravine etc.

Did they remove the persons TONGUE as well  !  ?  And did they leave TRACES of RADIATION on the person  !  ?

Decomposition is a real thing you know.  Seriously.....  Google it.   grin1

Radiation levels were low, and apparently brought to the site on the cloths of Yuri K.   wink1

And neither is evidence to the prior.

No Evidence of any animals or Organisms that could have caused Decomposition were presented. Radiation or something caused Ivanov great concern. And no Evidence that Radiation was brought to the site on any clothing.

Sure there is....  They were found FOUR MONTHS LATER half submerged in a creek.  It does not take a rocket scientist to establish common sense.  The autopsy reports clearly state 'missing', no mention of torn flesh, cut flesh..... Nothing.  It's called decomposition..... Period.  No need for some fantastical cryptozoology or unrealistic conspiracies.   

Radiation....  Sure there is.  It was only found on very specific articles of clothing which just happen to belong to members of the group that were involved in a RADIATION CLEANUP just prior to the DP trip, and the other worked in refining it.  Again.....  Common sense no brainier.

There is no Evidence of ordinary ANIMALS having had a part in the demise and decomposition of the Dyatlov group. No SIGNS of animal activity at or near the Dead Bodies. No SIGNS of BACTERIA, etc, were reported in the Autopsy. And the Radiation reports leave much to be desired. And this radiation question crops up elsewhere in the Forum.

So, just because Vozrojdenniy did not specifically mentioned wild animals and bacteria - the most obvious natural explanation when dealing with dead bodies rotting for months in the wilderness, we can literally cross them out of the story? Well, I guess that really leaves us with only the Yeti to blame. Or the fireballs, piloted by extraterrestrial astronauts, yes?
NO. The Autopsies were carried out by people who were aware of the unusual circumstances of this Case. IE A potential CRIME. Therefore it would be logical to assume that they would have mentioned any likely hood of animal or bacterial involvement. YES.

Logical to assume? So they should have mentioned any form of deliberate injury or "mutilation"... And we have none of that.
Instead, eyes and tongue are simply "missing", not ripped, nor cut. Or someone/something made them dissapear?
How about natural decay and animal activity which exist, instead of cryptochupacabras for who we have only legends and not even one material evidence?

Well it was a potential Criminal Investigation. We are talking about the possible Murder of 9 people. When the Authorities started searching in earnest in the area of concern they were searching with the knowledge that a Crime may have been committed.

August 23, 2019, 02:15:54 PM
Reply #191


And who said anything about a ninja that can jump 50 feet in the air? 

I have been witness on TWO occasions where someone was punched with a bare fist resulting in a crushed eye socket that was worse then Tibs injury. The eye socket is the most robust part of the human skull, and one guy lost an eyeball..... for good.  Anyone that thinks humans cannot inflict these types of injuries especially when utilizing weapons is flat out not in touch with reality.  Same goes for falling out of a tree, into a deep boulder filled ravine etc.

Did they remove the persons TONGUE as well  !  ?  And did they leave TRACES of RADIATION on the person  !  ?

Decomposition is a real thing you know.  Seriously.....  Google it.   grin1

Radiation levels were low, and apparently brought to the site on the cloths of Yuri K.   wink1

And neither is evidence to the prior.

No Evidence of any animals or Organisms that could have caused Decomposition were presented. Radiation or something caused Ivanov great concern. And no Evidence that Radiation was brought to the site on any clothing.

Sure there is....  They were found FOUR MONTHS LATER half submerged in a creek.  It does not take a rocket scientist to establish common sense.  The autopsy reports clearly state 'missing', no mention of torn flesh, cut flesh..... Nothing.  It's called decomposition..... Period.  No need for some fantastical cryptozoology or unrealistic conspiracies.   

Radiation....  Sure there is.  It was only found on very specific articles of clothing which just happen to belong to members of the group that were involved in a RADIATION CLEANUP just prior to the DP trip, and the other worked in refining it.  Again.....  Common sense no brainier.

There is no Evidence of ordinary ANIMALS having had a part in the demise and decomposition of the Dyatlov group. No SIGNS of animal activity at or near the Dead Bodies. No SIGNS of BACTERIA, etc, were reported in the Autopsy. And the Radiation reports leave much to be desired. And this radiation question crops up elsewhere in the Forum.

So, just because Vozrojdenniy did not specifically mentioned wild animals and bacteria - the most obvious natural explanation when dealing with dead bodies rotting for months in the wilderness, we can literally cross them out of the story? Well, I guess that really leaves us with only the Yeti to blame. Or the fireballs, piloted by extraterrestrial astronauts, yes?
NO. The Autopsies were carried out by people who were aware of the unusual circumstances of this Case. IE A potential CRIME. Therefore it would be logical to assume that they would have mentioned any likely hood of animal or bacterial involvement. YES.

Logical to assume? So they should have mentioned any form of deliberate injury or "mutilation"... And we have none of that.
Instead, eyes and tongue are simply "missing", not ripped, nor cut. Or someone/something made them dissapear?
How about natural decay and animal activity which exist, instead of cryptochupacabras for who we have only legends and not even one material evidence?

Well it was a potential Criminal Investigation. We are talking about the possible Murder of 9 people. When the Authorities started searching in earnest in the area of concern they were searching with the knowledge that a Crime may have been committed.

The potential is there pretty much every time you have a dead body, not to mention nine, I agree.

But what does this have to do with the autopsy report not mentioning animals and bacteria? if the group died in a hotel room - fine, no rodents or predators. But the circumstances are different. In the wilderness you have animals, and whatever the environment, you have bacteria. And, I don`t think coroners should explain the very process of decomposition of the human body, especially in the specific conditions of the Pass. it is common sense. You don`t explain why you get wet during a rain storm.

They just state facts - broken bones, missing body parts, and eventually the cause of death. Relation between assumptions and facts is highly problematic. Think about Thibo`s skull. Rifle butt, fall onto a rock, or Yeti`s hand grab? I see no need to go chase the wild, while you can have the tame.
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

August 23, 2019, 02:45:09 PM
Reply #192


I don`t think coroners should explain the very process of decomposition of the human body, especially in the specific conditions of the Pass. it is common sense. You don`t explain why you get wet during a rain storm.

Bingo.   okey1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 23, 2019, 04:52:44 PM
Reply #193

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Maybe we can write to the authorities in Russia and demand they enter it as fact in the original case files.

I wouldn't hold my great on that one.

The case files are lacking in a number of areas and the foot prints are one of these areas.

In a criminal investigation surely it would be expected that the bare feet and boot prints are matched to the hikers?  There are 8 to 9 sets of tracks reported and 9 hikers.  If they found a set of tracks with a foot size that didn't match anyone in the group, or say two people with size 10 shoes and there is only 1 hiker with this foot size its a massive clue.   You get what I mean.  But there's nothing like that.


Star man

Just one of the many questions in this Dyatlov Case. Scarcity of Information and Evidence. There must surely have been the opportunity to take many photos of all the Footprints in the area. We do not appear to have that many photos  !  ?  Also there is not much written about the Footprints. Once again, surely in a potential Criminal Investigation that is just the sort of Evidence you would be looking for.

Exactly.  Very odd particularly considering the search party was asked to pay particular attention to the foot prints.


Star man

August 24, 2019, 11:53:09 AM
Reply #194


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
And who said anything about a ninja that can jump 50 feet in the air? 

I have been witness on TWO occasions where someone was punched with a bare fist resulting in a crushed eye socket that was worse then Tibs injury. The eye socket is the most robust part of the human skull, and one guy lost an eyeball..... for good.  Anyone that thinks humans cannot inflict these types of injuries especially when utilizing weapons is flat out not in touch with reality.  Same goes for falling out of a tree, into a deep boulder filled ravine etc.

Did they remove the persons TONGUE as well  !  ?  And did they leave TRACES of RADIATION on the person  !  ?

Decomposition is a real thing you know.  Seriously.....  Google it.   grin1

Radiation levels were low, and apparently brought to the site on the cloths of Yuri K.   wink1

And neither is evidence to the prior.

No Evidence of any animals or Organisms that could have caused Decomposition were presented. Radiation or something caused Ivanov great concern. And no Evidence that Radiation was brought to the site on any clothing.

Sure there is....  They were found FOUR MONTHS LATER half submerged in a creek.  It does not take a rocket scientist to establish common sense.  The autopsy reports clearly state 'missing', no mention of torn flesh, cut flesh..... Nothing.  It's called decomposition..... Period.  No need for some fantastical cryptozoology or unrealistic conspiracies.   

Radiation....  Sure there is.  It was only found on very specific articles of clothing which just happen to belong to members of the group that were involved in a RADIATION CLEANUP just prior to the DP trip, and the other worked in refining it.  Again.....  Common sense no brainier.

There is no Evidence of ordinary ANIMALS having had a part in the demise and decomposition of the Dyatlov group. No SIGNS of animal activity at or near the Dead Bodies. No SIGNS of BACTERIA, etc, were reported in the Autopsy. And the Radiation reports leave much to be desired. And this radiation question crops up elsewhere in the Forum.

So, just because Vozrojdenniy did not specifically mentioned wild animals and bacteria - the most obvious natural explanation when dealing with dead bodies rotting for months in the wilderness, we can literally cross them out of the story? Well, I guess that really leaves us with only the Yeti to blame. Or the fireballs, piloted by extraterrestrial astronauts, yes?
NO. The Autopsies were carried out by people who were aware of the unusual circumstances of this Case. IE A potential CRIME. Therefore it would be logical to assume that they would have mentioned any likely hood of animal or bacterial involvement. YES.

Logical to assume? So they should have mentioned any form of deliberate injury or "mutilation"... And we have none of that.
Instead, eyes and tongue are simply "missing", not ripped, nor cut. Or someone/something made them dissapear?
How about natural decay and animal activity which exist, instead of cryptochupacabras for who we have only legends and not even one material evidence?

Well it was a potential Criminal Investigation. We are talking about the possible Murder of 9 people. When the Authorities started searching in earnest in the area of concern they were searching with the knowledge that a Crime may have been committed.

The potential is there pretty much every time you have a dead body, not to mention nine, I agree.

But what does this have to do with the autopsy report not mentioning animals and bacteria? if the group died in a hotel room - fine, no rodents or predators. But the circumstances are different. In the wilderness you have animals, and whatever the environment, you have bacteria. And, I don`t think coroners should explain the very process of decomposition of the human body, especially in the specific conditions of the Pass. it is common sense. You don`t explain why you get wet during a rain storm.

They just state facts - broken bones, missing body parts, and eventually the cause of death. Relation between assumptions and facts is highly problematic. Think about Thibo`s skull. Rifle butt, fall onto a rock, or Yeti`s hand grab? I see no need to go chase the wild, while you can have the tame.

You seem to miss the point. And also rodents can be found in Hotels. And then you seem to contradict yourself by saying that whatever the environment you have bacteria. And then you say you dont think coroners should explain the very process of decomposition of the human body. But thats precisely what is needed in a potential Criminal Investigation, an EXPLANATION if at all possible.

August 24, 2019, 12:21:53 PM
Reply #195


You have bacteria living in your gut, skin etc.... even in a perfectly sterile environment, they take over in death.  Fact

Wonder whats swimming around in creeks.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 02:57:31 PM by Loose}{Cannon »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 24, 2019, 02:02:27 PM
Reply #196


Why am I missing the point?

You say, that because Vozrojdeniy did not specifically mentioned animals and/or bacteria, there is no evidence of them being present, hence we need other explanation for the missing body parts of the decomposing for months in the wilderness bodies... Nice, what is your guess then?

I see no contradiction in my words. Ok, you may have rodents in your hotel room, but you can have bacteria everywhere. So it is absurd to eliminate their role in demaging and decomposition of the body, especially in the specific environment of the Pass.

Now, the process of decomposition and the cause of death are two separate things. Obviously, no specific relation was stated. They died because of their traumas, and they decay, because that is what happens when we die. That is probably way too obvious for a coroner, so no need to explain how and why they rot.

Dont get me wrong, but I think you are missing the point, while trying to exclude all reasonable facts, and looking for a sensational cause.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 02:44:48 PM by Morski »
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

August 24, 2019, 05:02:16 PM
Reply #197

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Extract from the www:

Hyoid bone, U-shaped bone situated at the root of the tongue in the front of the neck and between the lower jaw and the largest cartilage of the larynx, or voice box. The primary function of the hyoid bone is to serve as an anchoring structure for the tongue.

In Lyuda's autopsy report the "unusual movement of the hyoid bone is mentioned".

Bacterial or rodent damage?


Star man

August 24, 2019, 06:20:01 PM
Reply #198


Extract from the www:

Hyoid bone, U-shaped bone situated at the root of the tongue in the front of the neck and between the lower jaw and the largest cartilage of the larynx, or voice box. The primary function of the hyoid bone is to serve as an anchoring structure for the tongue.

In Lyuda's autopsy report the "unusual movement of the hyoid bone is mentioned".

Bacterial or rodent damage?


Star man

If the entire area is decomposed, is it a wonder it has movement? 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 25, 2019, 01:39:03 AM
Reply #199

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Extract from the www:

Hyoid bone, U-shaped bone situated at the root of the tongue in the front of the neck and between the lower jaw and the largest cartilage of the larynx, or voice box. The primary function of the hyoid bone is to serve as an anchoring structure for the tongue.

In Lyuda's autopsy report the "unusual movement of the hyoid bone is mentioned".

Bacterial or rodent damage?


Star man

If the entire area is decomposed, is it a wonder it has movement?

I don't know.  But it could be an important piece of evidence about the tongue.  I can certainly understand it could be damaged if it was forcefully ripped out, but I don't know enough to say if it could be loosened by decomposition.


Star man

August 25, 2019, 04:23:21 AM
Reply #200

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Just another quick thought on the hyoid bone.  The autopsy report mentions "unusual" movement of the bone.  If it is normal for the bone to loosen due to decomposition why would the autopsy describe it as "usual"


Star man

August 25, 2019, 04:31:46 AM
Reply #201


Just another quick thought on the hyoid bone.  The autopsy report mentions "unusual" movement of the bone.  If it is normal for the bone to loosen due to decomposition why would the autopsy describe it as "usual"


Star man

I dunno but analyzing every word from a google chosen translation......  meh
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 25, 2019, 05:52:57 AM
Reply #202


Just another quick thought on the hyoid bone.  The autopsy report mentions "unusual" movement of the bone.  If it is normal for the bone to loosen due to decomposition why would the autopsy describe it as "usual"


Star man

Probably the "usual" movement is when the whole thing is still there, while "unusual" is when the muscles and tissue holding it, are not there anymore.
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

August 25, 2019, 06:51:22 AM
Reply #203


Is it easier to pull a bone out of a living fish, or a 4 month dead rotten fish? 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 25, 2019, 07:11:14 AM
Reply #204


Does it take cryptozoology or aliens to do this slippage?

« Last Edit: August 25, 2019, 07:25:23 AM by Loose}{Cannon »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 25, 2019, 07:28:00 AM
Reply #205


How about those eyes....  did Yeti suck out those eyeballs? 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

August 25, 2019, 04:32:03 PM
Reply #206

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Just another quick thought on the hyoid bone.  The autopsy report mentions "unusual" movement of the bone.  If it is normal for the bone to loosen due to decomposition why would the autopsy describe it as "usual"


Star man

I dunno but analyzing every word from a google chosen translation......  meh

That's just it.  I don't know either.  I'm just relaying what I read. 


Star man

August 25, 2019, 04:39:57 PM
Reply #207

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have no idea what happened to that person.  I doubt that we will conclude anything from considering what was meant in the reports by specific terms.  My interpretation is that skin slippage or tissue slippage is different from epidermis is absent.  But it depends on how specific the wording of the report was meant to be.  Terms can often be thrown around that sometimes need clarification.

Again I have no idea what happened to the above persons eyes?


Star man

August 27, 2019, 04:52:30 AM
Reply #208

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The extract below describes the sorts of injuries expected from different types of fall.  It is also documented that the type of force required to cause the flail chest injuries of Lyudmila and Semyon is the same order as a car crash or a fall from significant height.

Have a look at the extract and ask yourself whether you would expect to see additional head injuries, lower and upper extremity injuries and or spinal injuries?  Also ask yourself how you think a human might have inflicted those flail chest injuries?

This is the extract below.  Note SLF means same level fall.

Extremity skeletal injuries (ranging from 20% in SLFs [33] to 77% in high falls [9] where hip and upper extremity (UE) injuries predominate in SLFs and other lower extremity (LE) injuries are more common in high falls.

Spine injuries are very common (ranging from 13% in mixed falls [9] to 36% in high falls [4,6]. Lumbar spine injuries are completely predominating. Spine injuries are not confined to high falls, but can happen from even below 2 m [6].

Head injuries are more common in children, likely due to them having relatively larger heads, shifting the center of gravity cranially. Jumpers more often land on their feet than fallers and thus injuries to the lower extremities are more common, but the higher the fall, the greater is the chance of landing on the head. 20-45% of falls from 2-10 m resulted in head injury. Several studies have detailed reports on head injuries with ranges of 0.7-5.8% of epidural hematoma, 0.9-6.0% of subdural hematoma, 1.5-7.0% of subarachnoid hematoma and 0.4-3.7% of intracerebral hem


Star man

August 27, 2019, 05:40:43 AM
Reply #209


Did they slide head first down an embankment?  Can a person be dragged 50m of snow downhill from the cedar? 

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!