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Medical exam

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I am not going to argue with you GlennM. This is not how it works. Read the quote of the forum:
"Know that your work speaks only to those on the same wavelength as you."  – Jean Cocteau

I can turn blue in the face from arguing and it won't make a iota of difference.

And this topic is not about the book.

Hello Teddy,  sorry if I offended. Accept apology. Yes, endless arguements can arise over details, motives and decisions in the quest for new insight.  You do better. You investigate. We only speculate. The question of whether a body frozen, thawed and re frozen has led us to the conclusion that it could not be determined in 1959. Today, it would require advanced technology and would still be open to dispute. Thank you for your clarification and your research with the medical examiner.


--- Quote from: Teddy on December 09, 2022, 03:10:25 AM ---I learn things in the process:
The hyoid consists of a body, a pair of larger horns, called the greater cornua, and a pair of smaller horns, called the lesser cornua.

--- End quote ---
Вся беда в том. что судебно-медицинские аспекты разбираются не профессионалами.

А профессионалы с большим опытом знают, что основное тело кости сочленяется с рожками - хрящиком. Который закостеневает к определенному возрасту человека. К 25 годам  его жизни. Как правило. Подвижность рожков кости - и объясняется этим несерьезным хрящиком. Людмиле было 21 год.

Судмедэксперты приводили случаи когда у атлетически сложенного молодого человека 25 лет - эти хрящики были еще слабенькими. Таким образом все очень примерно.

The whole trouble is. that forensic aspects are not dealt with by professionals.

And professionals with extensive experience know that the main body of the bone articulates with horns - cartilage. Which ossifies by a certain age of a person. By the age of 25. Usually. The mobility of the horns of the bone is explained by this frivolous cartilage. Lyudmila was 21 years old.

Forensic experts cited cases when an athletic young man was 25 years old - these cartilages were still weak. So everything is very approximate.

There is cartilage and a region of the long bone called  the growth plate. If the growth plate gets damaged by a fracture in childhood,,that person may wind up using a lift in the shoe of the shorter leg. This really does not bear on the medical examiner's findings for the DP9. What we seek is evidence the bodies were moved prior to discovery. One piece of evidence would be to know if they were cleaned up and returned. Re dressing them would necessitate thawing.


--- Quote from: GlennM on December 10, 2022, 07:07:34 PM --- What we seek is evidence the bodies were moved prior to discovery. One piece of evidence would be to know if they were cleaned up and returned. Re dressing them would necessitate thawing.

--- End quote ---
А вот тут очень интересный момент. Судебно-медицинский эксперт обязан по своей должности описывать и все виды загрязнений, которые он видит на одежде тех, кого ему дали в виде трупов на исследование. Никто из других фигурантов следствия не имеет ни регламента и ни возможности тщательно рассматривать все слои одежды на трупах. Возрожденный Б.А. указывает количество пуговиц, резинки, разрывы одежды, следы обгорания. Но при таких травмах и кровепотере  - ни разу не указывает на пятна крови на одежде. С чего бы это?

And here is a very interesting moment. The forensic medical expert is obliged by his position to describe all types of pollution that he sees on the clothes of those who were given to him in the form of corpses for research. None of the other defendants in the investigation has neither the regulations nor the opportunity to carefully examine all the layers of clothing on the corpses. Resurrected B.A. indicates the number of buttons, elastic bands, tears in clothing, traces of burning. But with such injuries and blood loss, it never indicates blood stains on clothes. Why did it happen?


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