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Question for WAB

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WAB, You are our resident expert on Soviet Union military topics. So I wanted to ask you about the statement Bienko made in his 2013 interview that Teddy has made available on the site. He said: "The officers [military] told her [Bienko's mother]  that they had heard about tests in this area [Northern Urals] of acoustic low-frequency psychic weapons." Do you believe there is any truth in this statement?


--- Quote from: MDGross on July 29, 2020, 08:50:11 AM ---"The officers [military] told her [Bienko's mother]  that they had heard about tests in this area [Northern Urals] of acoustic low-frequency psychic weapons."

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Bienko's wife actually. Bienko's mother didn't like the Komsomol, but then started worshiping it because they saved his son's life. Bienko's wife is teaching English to the officers.


--- Quote from: MDGross on July 29, 2020, 08:50:11 AM ---WAB, You are our resident expert on Soviet Union military topics. So I wanted to ask you about the statement Bienko made in his 2013 interview that Teddy has made available on the site. He said: "The officers [military] told her [Bienko's mother]  that they had heard about tests in this area [Northern Urals] of acoustic low-frequency psychic weapons." Do you believe there is any truth in this statement?

--- End quote ---

No, it's out of the question. It's not about what I believe, it's about the real technical and military aspects of this action.
1. It wasn't until the '90s that acoustic weapons were introduced in various countries. Including Russia, but this was not given much attention and did not allocate much money. Only preliminary research works were conducted.
2. At the end of the 1950s, the USSR had two priority areas in its defense industry - nuclear and thermonuclear weapons (bombs and missile warheads) and delivery means - missiles and, to lesser extent, long-range aircraft. Other areas were almost never developed or developed very little. Both then and now, military development spending is many times less than in the U.S. (now it is about 15 times less, I think the ratio was even higher back then). That's why at that time it was not until such exotic developments.
3.  Such experiments require very large amounts of energy (from units to tens megawatts) and huge equipment amounts, so it is impossible have such powerful and gigantic equipment in that area. For the same reasons, in the 2000s the military administration refused use such weapons directly.
4.  To now date, there are no roads with normal cross-country ability in that area, even for army-type heavy-duty trucks. If we go back 60 years, there were only very bad hiking trails and winter roads for the Mansi deer sleds. Any military trials require large infrastructure and organization of residential settlements, which it can not be hidden and made so that they do not leave traces in nature. Between 1970 and 1986, military radar was installed on Mount Chistop, so the road was specially constructed and there are many different traces of that activity. Conducting any military tests would have created infrastructure several times larger. However, there are no traces of such activities there. Even the roads (very poor cross-country ability) that are there now were temporary roads connected with logging in the 60s and 70s...
5. I have already said many times that any talk from relatives of the deceased (if they are not specialists in what they are talking about) is very counterproductive method truth finding out. Psychologically, for his is always better for them think that someone is specifically blame for the deaths of their relatives. So they grab any rumors and conversations that they can think of around them. It's easier for them accept death of their own people. It's the normal psychology of those who have lost something of great value to them.
6. I have already seen and read several times that some "officers" talk and write lot of nonsense because they deal with fantasies, and not memories. And very often "officers" are not officers, but just strangers. This is often done for the public or make them famous in the media.

Thanks for the correction Teddy.

WAB you are amazing with your depth of knowledge. Many in this forum, especially me, offer theories with no factual evidence. I'm trying to learn from your example.
I believe your infrasound scenario makes the most sense. Exiting their tent the way the Dyatlov group did was such an irrational act. They were not in their right minds at least temporarily.

MD Gross - It is frustrating trying to piece everything together and therefore tempting to grasp at straws.  cry2
These deep rabbit holes are just dead ends.  bang1
We are always hearing lots of wild ideas we just need to see something concrete and new that we have all missed.  shock1
I learn something new every time I come on this site. Even if it is not worth knowing !  lol2

Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать.  grin1
It is better to see it once than hear it a hundred times.


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