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Author Topic: 64th anniversary conference in Yekaterinburg  (Read 18678 times)

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January 01, 2023, 09:12:42 AM
Read 18678 times


2 февраля 2023 в г. Екатеринбурге (организатор — профком сотрудников УрФУ) состоится конференция памяти группы Дятлова, погибшей в горах Северного Урала 64 года назад и традиционная встреча на кладбище, о чем ниже. Конференция будет проходить по адресу: пр. Ленина, д. 66 в пространстве УрФУ под названием «Точка Кипения». Официальное начало выступлений в 12-00. Регистрация участников с 11-30. Адрес на карте.
Для включения в список участников, пришлите свое ФИО (полностью) на fond-dyatlov@yandex.ru до 1 февраля. При себе необходимо иметь паспорт или иной документ, удостоверяющий личность с фотографией. Количество мест ограниченно. Поэтому просьба заявляться оперативно. Тем кто уже это сделал, повторно нет необходимости. Будут перерывы по времени выступлений. Планируется каждому пришедшему предоставить по небольшой бутылке воды. Кофе-брейк также будет предусмотрен. Желающие смогут ознакомиться с прессой по теме, в т.ч. новинкой. В 17-00 на Михайловском кладбище состоится сбор у мемориала дятловцев, возложение цветов.
* * *
On February 2, 2023, in Yekaterinburg (organized by the trade union committee of UrFU employees), a conference will be held in memory of the Dyatlov group, who died in the mountains of the Northern Urals 64 years ago, and a traditional meeting at the cemetery, as described below. The conference will be held at: Lenin Ave, d.66 in the UrFU hall called "The Boiling Point". The official start of performances at 12-00. Registration of participants from 11-30. Map.
To be included in the list of participants, send your full name to fond-dyatlov@yandex.ru before February 1. You must have a photo ID. The number of places is limited. Therefore, please apply promptly. For those who have already done so, there is no need to do it again. There will be intermission breaks. It is planned to provide each visitor with a small bottle of water. A coffee break will also be provided. Those who wish will be able to get acquainted with the press on the topic, including the latest news. At 17-00 at the Mihaylovskoe cemetery, a gathering will be held at the the Dyatlov group Memorial, laying flowers.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2023, 11:14:03 AM by Teddy »

January 18, 2023, 05:58:24 PM
Reply #1

Саша Кан


January 24, 2023, 06:22:29 AM
Reply #2


All applications will be considered notified of the decisions made. Detailed information on the commemorative events will be posted soon before the date of the event.
Несколько лет подряд я отправляла заявки для рассмотрения моего доклада. Доклад был на 8 минут в  виде видеоролика. Доклад принимался, мне обещали показать мой ролик на конференции (обещал даже Петр Бартоломей и КУК), но ни разу ни один ролик не был показан. На последней конференции последний участник выступал с докладом кажется 1,5 часа...
Если на конференции 2023  покажут мой предыдущий 8-минутный доклад - это будет справедливо.
В докладе говорится о моей версии, о том, что со слов Ю Юдина они считались антисоветчиками, на них писались ложные доносы, что шпионы и хотят сбежать на запад. А Кириленко, глава Свердловского обкома, боялся лишиться своей должности и карьеры, особенно после оппозиционной конференции 1956 года и письма из ЦК о борьбе с антисоветчиками. В ролике представлены доказательства. С уважением. Анна Русских.

For several years in a row, I sent applications for consideration of my report. The report was for 8 minutes in the form of a video. The report was accepted, I was promised to show my video at the conference (even Peter Bartholomew and COOK promised), but never a single video was shown. At the last conference, the last participant made a report for 1.5 hours, it seems...
If my previous 8-minute report is shown at the 2023 conference, it will be fair.
The report says about my version, that according to Yu Yudin, they were considered anti-Soviets, false denunciations were written on them that spies wanted to escape to the west. And Kirilenko, the head of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee, was afraid of losing his position and career, especially after the opposition conference of 1956 and the letter from the Central Committee on the fight against anti-Soviets. The video presents the evidence. With respect. Anna of the Russians.

January 26, 2023, 04:00:20 AM
Reply #3


2 февраля 2023 года состоится конференция "Памяти Группы Дятлова" в г.Екатеринбурге (организатор — профком сотрудников УрФУ). Предлагаем желающим выступить перед пришедшими со своими докладами на тему трагедии прислать название доклада, требуемое время для выступления и краткое его содержание на электронный адрес: fond-dyatlov@yandex.ru c 31.12.2022 до 28.01.2023 гг. После все заявки будут рассмотрены и заявителям сообщено о решении. Подробная информация по самим памятным мероприятиям появится несколько позже.
* * *
On 2 February 2023 in Yekaterinburg the annual conference will be held in "Memory of the Dyatlov Group". Organizer is the trade union committee of UrFU employees. We invite those who wish to present their reports on the topic of tragedies to send the title of the report, the required time for the speech and its brief content to the email address: fond-dyatlov@yandex.ru from Dec 31, 2022 to Jan 28, 2023. All applications will be considered notified of the decisions made. Detailed information on the commemorative events will be posted soon before the date of the event.

By chance I came across and realized that everything in life is as usual, the smart keep silent and give an address on direct links and conditions, foo ... mmm ... alternatively gifted - cocksuckers and loudly declare themselves.
Who can explain me that if the clear language says what and where to do, then these 2 "figures" start self-promotion and declare themselves on a foreign site, which is related to the conference, as to related information.
Directly to the conference could not be addressed, and here - it is necessary? In fact, there they will not go, because they know very well what kind of "fruit" and they do not and will not go there, after what and how they have done. Maybe they already did, for which they got it, and then they came here to complain.
By the way, Ms. Охрененко Ohremenko, who masquerades as anna_pycckux is blatantly lying in much of what she writes, and about the fact that she was promised something by Peter Bartholomew (and this after what she wrote and lied about him) and generally about what and how things happened. For the most part these are vile fabrications in the spirit and according to the methods of Dr. Goebbels. She is not welcome on any Russian forum (except Panfilov's forum, for which he got it from the others).
It pains me greatly to see what my compatriots, who do not shine with knowledge in their homeland, have begun to do with this forum, but try to attach their second-rate products to people who need to carefully and accurately explain the difference of perception between people of different countries and interpret the essence of the terms adopted where it applies.
This is an attempt to show oneself "knowledgeable and offended" and no more. They do not provide useful information 99% of the time.
Complete and reliable information on the conference will be available after the conference. Peter Bartholomew, and Alex Koskin and organizers from UPI University promised it.
And for now only one note from the organizers:
"We are tired of the nonsense of TV shows, we will talk about how to continue to live, how to keep the memory, what solutions have been reached." - said a member of the search expedition, Ural Federal University professor Peter Bartholomew.
And here they are rushing to cram in additional "shows" as well.
The following users thanked this post: Manti, Почемучка, Elka

January 26, 2023, 06:03:02 AM
Reply #4


Sir, I don't know you. I have some questions for you. If you don't answer, then you are a babbler and a windbag. 1. How did I insult and slander Peter Bartholomew? I asked P Barto to answer only 7 questions. And he didn't answer. 2. My principle is to tell only the truth. The fact that Bartholomew promised me in a telephone conversation that my video would be presented at the conference is the true truth. He said no more than 10 minutes. I did 8 minutes. Information on the promise of COOK is in writing. 3. Who gave you the right to insult me? Half of my book consists of references to authoritative witnesses and case materials. The book was purchased by the universities of Berlin, Munich and Helsinki. She received the highest rating from famous people: Vladimir Askinaji, Vladimir Blinov, professor, writer, honorary citizen of Yekaterinburg. His words after reading the book: "I am shocked. I jumped up at night and read: "I hope you will ask for forgiveness from a lady who does not know you, has never communicated with you and has never insulted you by word or deed.
The following users thanked this post: Manti

January 26, 2023, 06:22:39 AM
Reply #5


For the most part these are vile fabrications in the spirit and according to the methods of Dr. Goebbels. She is not welcome on any Russian forum.
1. Моя версия близко подошла  к истине, это сознают все, и, уверена, даже вы. Это многих раздражает.
2. Журналистка Варсегова донесла на мою книгу сыну Кириленко, представила ему адвоката и вероятно больших днеге от победы  в суде. И этот суд я выиграла уже на стадии апелляции. Кассация и Верховный суд России так же остался на моей стороне. (в кассации у Кириленко было 2 адвоката, у меня адвокатов не было. Я сражалась в  суде за свою книгу одна, так как изучила юриспруденцию, и считаю, что получила образование юриста по ГПК) И это достойно аплодисментов.
3. Быть забаненным на форуме Тайна.ли - очень почетно. Все лучшие исследователи забанены на Тайне. ли

1. My version has come close to the truth, everyone is aware of it, and I'm sure even you. This annoys many people.
2. Varsegova denounced my book to Kirilenko's son, presented him with a lawyer and probably a big day from winning in court. And I won this court already at the appeal stage. The Cassation and the Supreme Court of Russia also remained on my side. (Kirilenko had 2 lawyers in cassation, I had no lawyers. I fought in court for my book alone, as I studied law, and I believe that I received a lawyer's education in the CPC) And this is worthy of applause.
3. Being banned on the forum is a mystery.lee - very honorable. All the best researchers are banned on the Secret. li

January 26, 2023, 07:04:46 AM
Reply #6



January 26, 2023, 07:17:13 AM
Reply #7


Sir, I don't know you.

Just like everything else.

I have some questions for you.

I prefer not to communicate with scumbags.
Except for 1...2...3 remarks, so that readers would know who is who:

My principle is to tell only the truth.

1. Bullshit always seems to the author to be the ultimate truth. As your idol Gebbels wrote: "The more monstrous the lie, the more readily it is believed."©
And the test of truthfulness is easily verified by the fact that Охриненко Oremenko's real name is hidden behind the погоняло nickname anna_pycckux.

She received the highest rating from famous people: Vladimir Askinaji, 

2. This is a lie in its purest form. Since I am in much closer contact with him, I can say this with absolute certainty.
However, anyone can be fooled, but only for a very short time. Which, apparently, is what happened.
3. After what has been written about Bartholomew many times, you must be the last scoundrel, what to ask from him. He formally answers all who send requests to the conference, not paying attention to the address, and the decision is made on the content. Let's look at the result.

At this point our conversation is over once and for all, because we do not want to get our hands dirty with such crap.
The following users thanked this post: Почемучка, Elka

January 26, 2023, 07:54:10 AM
Reply #8


The book was purchased by the universities of Berlin
Which one?
Книгу "Уральская Голгофа или Госзаказ на ликвидацию" запрашивал и отправлял в Берлин литературный агент, который сам меня нашел. В какой именно университет Берлина отправлена книга - я не уточняла. На скриншоте письмо от Литературного агента с просьбой купить мои книги.
The book "The Ural Golgotha or the State Order for Liquidation" was requested and sent to Berlin by a literary agent who found me himself. I did not specify which university of Berlin the book was sent to. The screenshot shows a letter from a Literary agent asking me to buy my books.

January 26, 2023, 08:09:26 AM
Reply #9


блоггеру WAB: сэр, вы пустомеля и человек ограниченный умственно и интеллектуально, если даже не в курсе, что писатели часто публикуют свои произведения под псевдонимом.
Рецензия от В. М. Аскинадзи имеется в  моей книге и ее смысл такой, что автором продела большая работа и лучше вряд ли кто-то напишет, хотя версия - это версия и нужно искать дополнительные документы по теме.
Скриншот начала рецензии от В Аскинадзи. Повторяю: вы должны просить у меня прощение за оскорбление.

to the WAB blogger: sir, you are a pustomel and a person limited mentally and intellectually, if you are not even aware that writers often publish their works under a pseudonym.
The review from V. M. Askinaji is available in my book and its meaning is such that the author has done a lot of work and hardly anyone will write better, although the version is the version and you need to look for additional documents on the topic.
screenshot of the beginning of the review from Askinaji. I repeat: you must ask my forgiveness for the insult.


January 26, 2023, 01:52:35 PM
Reply #10


The book was purchased by the universities of Berlin
Which one?
Книгу "Уральская Голгофа или Госзаказ на ликвидацию" запрашивал и отправлял в Берлин литературный агент, который сам меня нашел. В какой именно университет Берлина отправлена книга - я не уточняла. На скриншоте письмо от Литературного агента с просьбой купить мои книги.
The book "The Ural Golgotha or the State Order for Liquidation" was requested and sent to Berlin by a literary agent who found me himself. I did not specify which university of Berlin the book was sent to. The screenshot shows a letter from a Literary agent asking me to buy my books.

I looked in the library of Humboldt University, which is my alma mata, and was hoping to find your book. But maybe it's not part of the library but only used by some professor. That's why I was asking.

January 26, 2023, 02:15:57 PM
Reply #11


I looked in the library of Humboldt University, which is my alma mata, and was hoping to find your book. But maybe it's not part of the library but only used by some professor. That's why I was asking.
Если вы серьезно очень хотите получить эту книгу, я найду способ, как отправить ее через литературного агента. И хорошо бы подумать о переводе книги на немецкий.

If you seriously really want to get this book, I will find a way to send it through a literary agent. And it would be good to think about translating the book into German.

January 26, 2023, 10:50:48 PM
Reply #12


I looked in the library of Humboldt University, which is my alma mata, and was hoping to find your book. But maybe it's not part of the library but only used by some professor. That's why I was asking.
Если вы серьезно очень хотите получить эту книгу, я найду способ, как отправить ее через литературного агента. И хорошо бы подумать о переводе книги на немецкий.

If you seriously really want to get this book, I will find a way to send it through a literary agent. And it would be good to think about translating the book into German.

I was under the impression, that an English translation exists, for I don't read Russian.

But I guess, this is getting a little away from the actual topic...

January 27, 2023, 12:47:50 AM
Reply #13


Просьба ко всем, кто поедет на Конференцию 2023г, которая будет проводиться в  профкоме УПИ:
Очень важна любая информация по председателю профкома 1959 г Слободину В. Е (это однофамилец Рустика Слободина).
Слободин В Е отправлял группу Дятлова в поход, он же собирал на Дятлова и его друзей компроматы (со слов Юрия Юдина).
Цитата из интервью Ю Юдина: это был провокатор.
Нужна любая информация по этому человеку: жив ли он, когда был уволен из УПИ, где работал и где жил?
Многое знает Петр Бартоломей, который был участником Совета Профкома УПИ, но Бартоломей молчит и никакую информацию по Председателю профкома не дает. Что вызывает предположение: "Барто и Председатель профкома - "два сапога пара" (русский сленг).
A request to everyone who will go to the Conference in 2023, which will be held in the UPI trade union committee:
Any information on the chairman of the trade union committee of 1959 V. E. Slobodin is very important (this is the namesake of Rustik Slobodin).
Slobodin In E sent Dyatlov's group on a hike, he also collected compromising materials on Dyatlov and his friends (according to Yuri Yudin).
Quote from an interview with Yu Yudin: it was a provocateur.
We need any information on this person: is he alive when he was dismissed from the UPI, where he worked and where he lived?
Peter Bartholomew knows a lot, who was a member of the Council of the UPI Trade Union Committee, but Bartholomew is silent and does not give any information on the Chairman of the Trade Union Committee. What causes the assumption: "Barto and the Chairman of the trade union committee - "two boots in a pair" (Russian slang).

January 28, 2023, 01:10:22 PM
Reply #14


2 февраля 2023 в г. Екатеринбурге (организатор — профком сотрудников УрФУ) состоится конференция памяти группы Дятлова, погибшей в горах Северного Урала 64 года назад и традиционная встреча на кладбище, о чем ниже. Конференция будет проходить по адресу: пр. Ленина, д. 66 в пространстве УрФУ под названием «Точка Кипения». Официальное начало выступлений в 12-00. Регистрация участников с 11-30. Адрес на карте.
Для включения в список участников, пришлите свое ФИО (полностью) на fond-dyatlov@yandex.ru до 1 февраля. При себе необходимо иметь паспорт или иной документ, удостоверяющий личность с фотографией. Количество мест ограниченно. Поэтому просьба заявляться оперативно. Тем кто уже это сделал, повторно нет необходимости. Будут перерывы по времени выступлений. Планируется каждому пришедшему предоставить по небольшой бутылке воды. Кофе-брейк также будет предусмотрен. Желающие смогут ознакомиться с прессой по теме, в т.ч. новинкой. В 17-00 на Михайловском кладбище состоится сбор у мемориала дятловцев, возложение цветов.
* * *
On February 2, 2023, in Yekaterinburg (organized by the trade union committee of UrFU employees), a conference will be held in memory of the Dyatlov group, who died in the mountains of the Northern Urals 64 years ago, and a traditional meeting at the cemetery, as described below. The conference will be held at: Lenin Ave, d.66 in the UrFU hall called "The Boiling Point". The official start of performances at 12-00. Registration of participants from 11-30. Map.
To be included in the list of participants, send your full name to fond-dyatlov@yandex.ru before February 1. You must have a photo ID. The number of places is limited. Therefore, please apply promptly. For those who have already done so, there is no need to do it again. There will be intermission breaks. It is planned to provide each visitor with a small bottle of water. A coffee break will also be provided. Those who wish will be able to get acquainted with the press on the topic, including the latest news. At 17-00 at the Mihaylovskoe cemetery, a gathering will be held at the the Dyatlov group Memorial, laying flowers.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2023, 11:14:34 AM by Teddy »

January 30, 2023, 08:17:18 AM
Reply #15


Application for participation in the conference-2023 sent
Заявка на участие в конференции-2023 отправлена
« Last Edit: February 02, 2023, 02:00:55 AM by Teddy »
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

January 30, 2023, 03:43:06 PM
Reply #16


The translator gives "Ricochet of the combat Mole" (рикошет боевого крота) for Zaitsev's book' name. I would like to read this book but I don't even understand the title, asking for someone with better Russian for help.

Is it something like this?


January 30, 2023, 04:56:32 PM
Reply #17


The translator gives "Ricochet of the combat Mole" (рикошет боевого крота) for Zaitsev's book' name. I would like to read this book but I don't even understand the title, asking for someone with better Russian for help.

Is it something like this?

Yes, Manti, I daresay it probably is something like that.  I seem to recall that Зайцев has previously posted about that subject on these forums.

February 01, 2023, 05:56:31 AM
Reply #18

Олег Таймень

Tomorrow's speech by Shamil Sabirov at the Conference-2023 in Yekaterinburg. Rocket version. Who understands Russian, listen. I didn't understand anything in Russian either. Too many obscure terms related to radioactivity on tourists' clothes
Завтрашнее выступление Шамиля Сабирова на Конференции-2023 в Екатеринбурге. Ракетная версия. Кто понимает русский язык, послушайте. Я и на русском языке ничего не понял. Слишком много непонятных терминов, связанных с радиоактивностью на одежде туристов
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

February 01, 2023, 09:57:37 AM
Reply #19


Komsomolskaya Pravda continues to investigate and chose to mention "1079" book in their article for the anniversary of the Dyatlov Pass incident 💙


« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 12:32:05 PM by Teddy »
The following users thanked this post: marieuk, Manti

February 02, 2023, 01:12:48 AM
Reply #20


Participants are listed in order of appearance on DYATLOVPASS.COM

This is my presentation:

« Last Edit: February 02, 2023, 02:03:06 AM by Teddy »
The following users thanked this post: marieuk, Ziljoe

February 03, 2023, 01:58:44 AM
Reply #21


Part of the conference, mostly Skibinski, you can see the list of participants here https://dyatlovpass.com/


February 04, 2023, 03:22:58 AM
Reply #22


12 parts of the Evening in memory of the Dyatlov group February 2, 2023: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=23#p89
Шапокляк сдвинутая старуха

The most documented version of the "Battle Mole Ricochet" at the link: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=6#p11

February 05, 2023, 09:04:24 AM
Reply #23


12 parts of the Evening in memory of the Dyatlov group February 2, 2023: https://dyatlovpass1.ru/viewtopic.php?id=23#p89
I would like to know what is Dyatlov Pass 1 in English??? Where did the name of this forum come from? Did Theodore give his consent to copy the name of his forum? Is the new forum an offshoot of the main forum or just a new invention using the authority of the main forum of Theodora??

February 05, 2023, 09:14:33 AM
Reply #24


I own dyatlovpass.ru so they had to go with the 1. I can not fight this and I don't want to.
For example no one can have 1.dyatovpass.ru but dyatovpass1-2-3.ru and 1-2-3dyatlovpass.ru I can do nothing about.
I have plans for dyatlovpass.ru.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 09:20:30 AM by Teddy »

February 05, 2023, 09:26:35 AM
Reply #25


creation dyatlovpass.ru - good idea.
The following users thanked this post: Teddy

February 18, 2023, 06:45:39 AM
Reply #26


There is very little information from the conference 64. I was surprised that, as it turned out, this time my 8-minute report with my version of the "State Order for liquidation" was heard, in which there were testimonies of the most important witnesses as well as archival documents. The sleepy kingdom started up, disputes and scandals began))) I was not at the conference, I would like to see a recording of this moment.
I learned the information from Lena Dmitrievskaya, who was present at the meeting. She was also outraged. They were waiting for Buyanov's report with his lavna, but instead of Buyanov they heard a video recording -a message from Anna Russian. Everyone was outraged. Figuratively speaking, pearls were thrown to pigs instead of tops, and the pigs rebelled.