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Author Topic: Inside the tent  (Read 31378 times)

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April 03, 2018, 12:46:35 PM
Read 31378 times


What I have learned from Columbo is that when it comes to a crime all not normal things are suspicious. It is well known that Igor Dyatlov was very concerned about tidiness and order and he expected this from the hiking members. For example he expected that each one cleans its feet ever evening.

When the search party found the tent their impression was that everything was on its designed place. Everything seems orderly. Only there was a pile of shoes on the left side of the entrance that appeared chaotically. Isn't this suspicious? I think yes, this was no routine.

I see at least three possibilities:
1) They did wear their shoes, left the tent and something or someone forced them to undress their shoes. Would fit to the murder theory that I do not believe.
2) Someone searched the shoes for something. As far as I know it was not uncommon in this time to hide some valuable items in a secret places in the shoes. Would fit to a KGB / spy theory, that I also do not believe.
3) Some of the rescue team made the chaos accidentally. Can't be proved or refuted.

Even if I can't explain it, I have he feeling it is a part of the puzzle.

April 03, 2018, 08:32:34 PM
Reply #1


I would guess in such limited space within the tent, you would just pile them up in one location.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 04, 2018, 02:17:31 PM
Reply #2


What I have learned from Columbo is that when it comes to a crime all not normal things are suspicious. It is well known that Igor Dyatlov was very concerned about tidiness and order and he expected this from the hiking members. For example he expected that each one cleans its feet ever evening.

Strange. Whence it is known, what " Igor Dyatlov was very concerned about tidiness and order and he expected this from the hiking members " (с)?
And " expected this from the hiking members. For example he expected that each one cleans its feet ever evening " (с), it not is Igor. It is Zina on their winter travel of 1957 demanded.
You have mixed events a little.
When the search party found the tent their impression was that everything was on its designed place. Everything seems orderly. Only there was a pile of shoes on the left side of the entrance that appeared chaotically. Isn't this suspicious? I think yes, this was no routine.

It is absolutely not suspicious. Usually on ski travel boots stack in a sleeping bag, that they would not freeze by the morning.
As Dyatlov team had blankets instead of sleeping bags, they lay all together wrapped in some blankets. That they have escaped from tent very quickly, all packings have mixed up. Therefore all looked chaotically.

I see at least three possibilities:
1) They did wear their shoes, left the tent and something or someone forced them to undress their shoes. Would fit to the murder theory that I do not believe.

On similar travel at night always remove footwear and the top layer of clothes. They crude from snow and them put downwards. When spend the night on top of mountains where there is no wood. Or suspend near to the iron stove when spend the night in wood. What to dry. It is usual practice of such travel.

2) Someone searched the shoes for something. As far as I know it was not uncommon in this time to hide some valuable items in a secret places in the shoes. Would fit to a KGB / spy theory, that I also do not believe.

This theory has no substantiations because at first it is necessary to establish the reason on which KGB or spies should attack a command. And such reasons actually are not present. It is possible to think up it simply, but it already Conspiracy theories, instead of studying of the valid information.

3) Some of the rescue team made the chaos accidentally. Can't be proved or refuted.

Yes. It too was a part of process of acquaintance with tent. Students who have found tent had no experience and accurate instructions concerning its research.

Even if I can't explain it, I have he feeling it is a part of the puzzle.

It is normal. Rene Descartes spoke: "Сall all in question!" (De omnibus dubitandum! - latinium).
Because that incidentis is difficult mystery, therefore to it show such great interest.

April 06, 2018, 12:40:53 PM
Reply #3


I have read that it was Igor, but you seem to be the expert. Anyways, when everything was orderly and only the shoes are put chaotically on a pile and this is mentioned explicitly in the report ... I can't help to wonder about this. It does not have to, but could be a hint. 

June 02, 2018, 05:58:40 PM
Reply #4


Are you referring to the fact this detail is out of place because Igor was such a control freak? I would say this could be a clue as well. It doesn't seem like them at all to just throw the shoes in a pile. They were all orderly in their own way.

August 22, 2018, 05:37:05 PM
Reply #5


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
There doesnt appear to be any thing really suspicious about the way the tent or its contents were found.

August 28, 2018, 03:25:39 PM
Reply #6


There doesnt appear to be any thing really suspicious about the way the tent or its contents were found.

That's a matter of opinion to say the least.

Many people find the completely undisturbed nature of the inside of the tent compared to the violent deaths of the inhabitants of said tent completely suspicious! Almost as though the tent and all its contents were staged into one big pretty picture.

August 28, 2018, 07:01:47 PM
Reply #7


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I suppose its ones point of view. Either way its part of the mystery.

August 29, 2018, 01:45:35 AM
Reply #8


The more I read about "the tent", the more I am convincing myself, that even though the whole mystery is based on the events inside/outside of the tent, the tent itself, as a key evidence, is not of a particular avail. Since the moment they found it, it went through so much bad handling (from the searching parties, the investigators, and, of course, the very way they "collected" and loaded it for transportation), that even if we are able to find it today, I doubt it would be possible to tell the story of the last night of the Dyatlov group.
Anyway, even though I want to think that the actual tent might still exist, probably long forgotten, in some basement in Ivdel, I highly doubt it.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 10:18:33 PM by Морски »
"Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it." Mark Twain

August 29, 2018, 05:08:51 PM
Reply #9


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I believe the tent and other evidence are kept in storage somewhere. Its common to keep evidence even where there is only the slightest hint of foul play. And because of the nature of the Dyatlov Case, that evidence could be kept indefinitely.

October 14, 2018, 03:17:54 PM
Reply #10


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
And as regards the orderliness or not of the inside of the Tent, if they pitched the Tent under difficult weather circumstances then that may explain the position of items in the Tent.  And then they all left the Tent suddenly without taking those items with them. So I say its not the way that the items were laid out thats the mystery its why they all left the Tent ! ? 

November 03, 2018, 11:53:45 AM
Reply #11


Hi guys,

I'm new and completely late to the party, but I've really been thinking about the tent today.  I can't find Loose Cannon's post on the tent itself and why it wouldn't be a key factor in this case, but the more I study and think, the more I have to agree that the tent as A TENT is just distracting us. 

It seems like most scenarios place The Nine sleeping when the event happened, therefore, why they were undressed.  However.  What if that's wrong?  The autopsies noted that they'd eaten approximately 6-7 hours prior to death.  But what if that was lunch?  In reading the diaries, there's a lot of mention of singing around the campfire BUT only once all the work is done.  I think it was in Lyuda's diary?  And she mentions that it was kind of a buzzkill and not all the guys were fond of the idea.  I also read that they had difficulty with travel, due to the rivers not being completely frozen and making it impossible to walk on ice.  Bear with me here.

What if (and this who case is one giant 'what if' their shoes were wet?  The conditions suck that night.  We know they tried to build a fire, because the pits were found.  The scenario could be along the lines of, accidentally getting their feet wet in a partially unfrozen creek--much like the creek where the Rav4 were found--and because of conditions and the high risk of continuing to move WITH wet feet, they decide to make camp.  Pitch the tent, start a fire.  Remove their shoes so they can dry.  This wasn't their first time at the rodeo, so to speak, and they're going to know they need to 1) have shelter and two) be dry.  Dyatlov takes his coat off because, in between setting up camp and going down to the cedar, he could get too sweaty.  The flashlight there?  Possibly because the sun is getting ready to set---not already in the dark.  We focus so much on the tent as something having happened INSIDE.  But the factor that started the downfall....what if it was something that happened before they even got into the tent?  Wet shoes/clothes.  An injury from trying to walk through the snow and falling/getting hurt.  The group knows the Mansi are close by and, if a few headed down to try and get help for an injured friend---only to find foe, not friend, and then are attacked?   Yes, Zolotaryov still has his camera around his neck and we initially think it was because he grabbed it when he left the tent.  But what if he'd never taken it off his neck?

I feel like a lot of scenarios are based on the fact that it's everything is business as usual until ONE MOMENT.  But since all of them died, leaving little clues, I feel like it could have just as easily been a gradual breakdown.  Something they thought they could handle, like a simple injury or wet shoes, which then led to a snowball of effect of problems that simply got out of control.  Whether that be drawing too much attention to themselves or just sheer panic that someone accidentally died?  Maybe everything looks normal and tidy because they didn't have the opportunity yet for it to GET out of control (i.e. ripping the tent, everyone running out into the night).  They'd done this before.  They're not going to leave their shelter in the cold, just as they wouldn't go out underdressed.  They know the risks.  Also: they write about fixing tears/sewing the tent in the diaries.  It was already torn and ripped.  And if you don't do a thorough job, your stitches can easily come out; especially if subject to wind and rescuers fussing with it/dragging it behind them.

All the love,
We're all stories in the end....so make it a good one, eh?

November 03, 2018, 05:42:10 PM
Reply #12


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The exact sequence of events is not known, obviously. But the Tent is one of the key areas of investigation. The Tent is not insignificant as far as any investigation is concerned. The findings seem to show that all the Group left the Tent at the same time, so this would rule out any comings and goings to the Tent from the Cedar Tree area which is a mile away.

November 03, 2018, 07:08:48 PM
Reply #13


Speaking of the tent....looking at the loose photographs, the last two are supposedly taken on February 1, as they are setting up camp.  I count only four people, plus one more (taking the picture) to make five.  Where are the other four?  In the conditions, wouldn't you want everyone pitching in to get the camp set up as fast as possible?
We're all stories in the end....so make it a good one, eh?

November 04, 2018, 12:06:21 AM
Reply #14


Speaking of the tent....looking at the loose photographs, the last two are supposedly taken on February 1, as they are setting up camp.  I count only four people, plus one more (taking the picture) to make five.  Where are the other four?  In the conditions, wouldn't you want everyone pitching in to get the camp set up as fast as possible?

Went to the treeline to get some fuel for the stove.    whist1


All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 04, 2018, 08:18:09 AM
Reply #15


Speaking of the tent....looking at the loose photographs, the last two are supposedly taken on February 1, as they are setting up camp.  I count only four people, plus one more (taking the picture) to make five.  Where are the other four?  In the conditions, wouldn't you want everyone pitching in to get the camp set up as fast as possible?

Went to the treeline to get some fuel for the stove.    whist1



You mean....the EMPTY stove?!?!?  J/K, I know it's just happenstance that the picture only is five of the hikers, but boy, that's a random coincidence.  If we knew for certain that the Rav4 were the ones missing from the picture, THAT would be incredible. 

In all seriousness, though, do we know for certain that those two pictures are from the final night, or is that just an assumption someone made?  Granted, it's been awhile since I used an SLR camera over digital, but I'm fairly sure that there aren't timestamps on that kind of film.
We're all stories in the end....so make it a good one, eh?

November 04, 2018, 09:47:08 AM
Reply #16


SEMYON ZOLOTARYOV is clearly seen in both pictures and he is part of the RAV4... so.......

Also, the stove DID have one small 'log' stored within it for travel, but I have a hard time believing they would get it started without smaller kindling.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 04, 2018, 10:00:14 AM
Reply #17


SEMYON ZOLOTARYOV is clearly seen in both pictures and he is part of the RAV4... so.......

Also, the stove DID have one small 'log' stored within it for travel, but I have a hard time believing they would get it started without smaller kindling.

I agree, it makes much more sense to start a stove with kindling, which was readily available.  We always used newspapers to get campfires started.  That said, do you think the burn marks on the bodies and burned clothes was from carelessness/panic?  Or is that a clue towards what caused them to leave the tent?  I've been discussing the case with my husband (ahem, forcing him to listen to me) and his initial thought was that the stove is the main culprit.  Well.  Once I got him to stop interrupting me and saying "yeti" all the time.  nea1
We're all stories in the end....so make it a good one, eh?

November 04, 2018, 07:53:32 PM
Reply #18


The stove was home-made.....  anything is possible.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 07, 2018, 11:05:43 PM
Reply #19


The stove was home-made..... anything is possible.

BL was used to light the stove that night. An intense ray of energy was directed out at upper layer of snow 20 meters up the slope, causing it to slide down onto tent, covering the stove and entrance. A military spy plane on a test flight overhead records the heat ray. Soldiers are dispatched to steal the technology from Igor.

There, that combines four theories into one.

November 12, 2018, 06:43:30 PM
Reply #20


The stove was home-made..... anything is possible.

BL was used to light the stove that night. An intense ray of energy was directed out at upper layer of snow 20 meters up the slope, causing it to slide down onto tent, covering the stove and entrance. A military spy plane on a test flight overhead records the heat ray. Soldiers are dispatched to steal the technology from Igor.

There, that combines four theories into one.

My yeti loving husband would fully endorse this theory!!
We're all stories in the end....so make it a good one, eh?

November 14, 2018, 02:20:27 PM
Reply #21


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Yes a YETI like creature would most likely get them all vacating the TENT pretty quickly, especially if descriptions of such creatures are to go by.

November 14, 2018, 08:56:18 PM
Reply #22


Yes, through three small cuts that a cat would have trouble getting through, and without the need for taking their knives or anything else to protect themselves with.  Makes perfect sense. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

November 15, 2018, 08:52:09 AM
Reply #23


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Unless we have the TENT before us we won't know for sure if the other cuts weren't made by the DYATLOV GROUP.