Factual Information > Conferences in memory of the Dyatlov group

Memorial conference (memory evening) of the Dyatlov group. February 2, 2024

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Elena Dmitrievska:
Hello!My name is Elena Dmitrievskaya. I have been researching the Dyatlov Pass tragedy for more than 10 years. I represent the Independent Union of Tragedy Researchers and am the author of a unique version of the ritual murder, based strictly on the materials of the criminal case and ethnographic sources. She participated in the conference in Yekaterinburg in 2023 and 2024
I present to you the conference materials published by me and other participants.

Speech by P.I. Bartholomew.

Elena Dmitrievska:
speech by S.N. Sogrin And V.G. Karelin

The second speech by P.I. Bartolomey and the report by Dmitry Kireev

video from the participant Dmitry Kireev

Hi Elena Dmitrievskaya

Can you give us a basic explanation of your version. I do look at many of the Russian or foreign videos but it can be a hard watch . Auto translation doesn't always work great.

So far  you say ritual murders. By who, the Mansi?

Elena Dmitrievska:

--- Quote from: Ziljoe on February 17, 2024, 03:57:52 AM ---Hi Elena Dmitrievskaya

Can you give us a basic explanation of your version. I do look at many of the Russian or foreign videos but it can be a hard watch . Auto translation doesn't always work great.

So far  you say ritual murders. By who, the Mansi?

--- End quote ---
Hello. Let me post all the conference materials first before I can start publishing my version.

Ok..you might get questions. I'm happy if you are.


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