Theories Discussion > Lightning strike / Ball lightning

Carbon 14 is a beta emitter and occurs naturally

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Nigel Evans:

Google's magic doesn't extend to explaining the Black knight of the Vaviarga, but it told me about carbon14 synthesis... kewl1

Good point wrt sloppy thinking.

Magical thinking. Your "paper" is in an UN-reviewed scientific latrine of a journal auth no citations, no references to it - and no available text!!  Explain what this nonsense claims, ok?

Also patent is sheer lunacy by crock who does not understand the slightest bit of quantum physics. Microwave? Nonsense. No wonder nobody can solve anything in case. The nuts barge in and muss up everything.

Nigel, Don't you have a degree in physics?

Nigel Evans:
Yes. But 40 years ago. I've been a software developer ever since.
So i have more understanding than authority :)
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