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Author Topic: The Real Ball Lightning theory  (Read 127104 times)

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February 11, 2019, 03:08:56 AM
Reply #90

Nigel Evans

Sound like someone saw sunwrays and light shining through a void in the clouds that traveled at the peed of......  clouds.

February 11, 2019, 04:18:31 AM
Reply #91

Nigel Evans

Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

February 11, 2019, 04:35:54 AM
Reply #92


Look......   a shooting star coming straight at the viewer!!
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

February 11, 2019, 04:43:16 AM
Reply #93


Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

That could be a drone with a flashlight controlled by local kids.

February 11, 2019, 05:15:56 AM
Reply #94

Nigel Evans

Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

That could be a drone with a flashlight controlled by local kids.
and the witness reported feeling nauseous.

February 11, 2019, 05:44:54 AM
Reply #95


Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

That could be a drone with a flashlight controlled by local kids.
and the witness reported feeling nauseous.

There are too many possible causes of nausea to establish a direct connection to the lights. If we say so for the sake of the argument, photosensitivity may even trigger seizures in certain people. That still could be a drone with a flashlight... or something else of course. The balance of probability is on the drone's side when compared to some outer space origin of that light.

February 11, 2019, 05:51:27 AM
Reply #96

Nigel Evans

Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

That could be a drone with a flashlight controlled by local kids.
and the witness reported feeling nauseous.

There are too many possible causes of nausea to establish a direct connection to the lights. If we say so for the sake of the argument, photosensitivity may even trigger seizures in certain people. That still could be a drone with a flashlight... or something else of course. The balance of probability is on the drone's side when compared to some outer space origin of that light.
I'm not claiming an outer space origin. I'm claiming an electro magnetic origin. Like lightning but contained in a ball. Some people even use the term ball lightning.

Hey is that why i'm posting on a thread called.....

Wait for it......

Drum roll.

The Real Ball Lightning theory!!

February 11, 2019, 06:10:56 AM
Reply #97


Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

That could be a drone with a flashlight controlled by local kids.
and the witness reported feeling nauseous.

There are too many possible causes of nausea to establish a direct connection to the lights. If we say so for the sake of the argument, photosensitivity may even trigger seizures in certain people. That still could be a drone with a flashlight... or something else of course. The balance of probability is on the drone's side when compared to some outer space origin of that light.
I'm not claiming an outer space origin. I'm claiming an electro magnetic origin. Like lightning but contained in a ball. Some people even use the term ball lightning.

Hey is that why i'm posting on a thread called.....

Wait for it......

Drum roll.

The Real Ball Lightning theory!!

Drone is still more plausible explanation for the light in the picture. I am only judging by the picture as we don't have more data. Nausea of the witness is inconclusive at best.

February 11, 2019, 08:07:30 AM
Reply #98

Nigel Evans

Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

That could be a drone with a flashlight controlled by local kids.
and the witness reported feeling nauseous.

There are too many possible causes of nausea to establish a direct connection to the lights. If we say so for the sake of the argument, photosensitivity may even trigger seizures in certain people. That still could be a drone with a flashlight... or something else of course. The balance of probability is on the drone's side when compared to some outer space origin of that light.
I'm not claiming an outer space origin. I'm claiming an electro magnetic origin. Like lightning but contained in a ball. Some people even use the term ball lightning.

Hey is that why i'm posting on a thread called.....

Wait for it......

Drum roll.

The Real Ball Lightning theory!!

Drone is still more plausible explanation for the light in the picture. I am only judging by the picture as we don't have more data. Nausea of the witness is inconclusive at best.
Full report

A Tennessee witness at Elizabethton reported watching a large, low-flying, triangle-shaped object, according to testimony in Case 85762.

The witness began to feel light-headed and queasy just before seeing the object at 11:26 p.m. on August 8, 2017.

“We were traveling northeast when I first spotted very bright lights in the sky to our right,” the witness stated. “We pulled over facing Waffle House. It had two really bright, white lights that caught our attention on its front like headlights. It was flying very low over trees and buildings. Did not see nose of a plane. It appeared triangular. It flew diagonally to our left and behind us southwest to west. We turned around and pulled over near QP and observed as it appeared to hover over a mountain west-southwest. Noticed it wobbling. Was blinded by light after which did not see it anywhere.”

Tennessee MUFON Field Investigator Leonteen "Lonnie" Connolly closed this case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.

“She and her husband were driving in the Elizabethton, Tennessee, business district preparing to get gas and shop at a nearby Walmart store when the witness started to feel queasy and unsettled,” Connolly stated in his report. “She further described the feeling as much stronger than mere queasiness, but rather like standing on a moving dock on water, and then also added that she felt as though riding on a roller coaster. The couple witnessed a large triangular craft flying low just above trees at 1498 W. Elk Avenue in Elizabethton. The light was very bright, nearly blinding, so they stopped to view the craft better and described it as very large, totally silent with blinking lights that flew over their car and then toward the nearby mountain and over it.”

Then they noticed that the craft stopped.

“Just out of sight but still able to see the blinking lights, the witness noticed the craft stop and hover. She had gotten out of the car but had to brace herself on the car window to settle her disorientation.  The craft then moved on out of sight from the northwest to the southwest of her position. Her husband told her he did not recognize it as any craft he was familiar with. The witness described the distance of the craft to be approximately 200 degrees above the horizon at about 1,470 feet elevation (according to a phone app the husband was using to monitor it).

“In the supplied video, an mp4 file, I observed what appeared to be a very large, silent craft just as was described by the witness but could discern no movement due to the movement by the witness. The entire description was very similar to an earlier case I had been assigned in January of this year, MUFON case #81628. The witness described a silent, gliding, triangular craft in the same county in the city of Kingsport, Tennessee.”

Elizabethton is a city in, and the county seat of, Carter County, Tennessee, population 13,372.

February 11, 2019, 09:00:56 AM
Reply #99


To sum up, we have witnesses who claim to have seen a flying object with bright lights, in urban-populated area, at low altitude, with (almost) no noise, hovering and wobbling. To me, the description fits a drone with high-power LED lights controlled by somebody in the area for fun. This can be easily built from stuff on ebay.

It would be more interesting if that happened in remote area but I prefer to be sceptical about this one. Let alone the connection of lights in the sky with unexplained deaths, unless they are attributed to explosives, chemical weapons, space junk etc...

Link below is an eshop with aerial LEDs for drones, there are some videos, too.

February 11, 2019, 09:05:42 AM
Reply #100

Nigel Evans

To sum up, we have witnesses who claim to have seen a flying object with bright lights, in urban-populated area, at low altitude, with (almost) no noise, hovering and wobbling. To me, the description fits a drone with high-power LED lights controlled by somebody in the area for fun. This can be easily built from stuff on ebay.

It would be more interesting if that happened in remote area but I prefer to be sceptical about this one. Let alone the connection of lights in the sky with unexplained deaths, unless they are attributed to explosives, chemical weapons, space junk etc...

Link below is an eshop with aerial LEDs for drones, there are some videos, too.
The light was very bright, nearly blinding, so they stopped to view the craft better and described it as very large, totally silent with blinking lights that flew over their car and then toward the nearby mountain and over it.”

February 11, 2019, 09:18:27 AM
Reply #101


To sum up, we have witnesses who claim to have seen a flying object with bright lights, in urban-populated area, at low altitude, with (almost) no noise, hovering and wobbling. To me, the description fits a drone with high-power LED lights controlled by somebody in the area for fun. This can be easily built from stuff on ebay.

It would be more interesting if that happened in remote area but I prefer to be sceptical about this one. Let alone the connection of lights in the sky with unexplained deaths, unless they are attributed to explosives, chemical weapons, space junk etc...

Link below is an eshop with aerial LEDs for drones, there are some videos, too.
The light was very bright, nearly blinding, so they stopped to view the craft better and described it as very large, totally silent with blinking lights that flew over their car and then toward the nearby mountain and over it.”

Yes, no problem with that. Fog lights for cars have standard power of 100-160W In most countries it is actually illegal to use in urban area or close to other cars in traffic because they could blind drivers going the other way. It is possible to buy a LED of 1000W of power attachable to a drone () It is 10 times more powerful than a standard automotive fog lights and you can find many other videos of drones equiped with powerful LEDs that most people would describe in the same manner.

February 11, 2019, 09:33:00 AM
Reply #102

Nigel Evans

To sum up, we have witnesses who claim to have seen a flying object with bright lights, in urban-populated area, at low altitude, with (almost) no noise, hovering and wobbling. To me, the description fits a drone with high-power LED lights controlled by somebody in the area for fun. This can be easily built from stuff on ebay.

It would be more interesting if that happened in remote area but I prefer to be sceptical about this one. Let alone the connection of lights in the sky with unexplained deaths, unless they are attributed to explosives, chemical weapons, space junk etc...

Link below is an eshop with aerial LEDs for drones, there are some videos, too.
The light was very bright, nearly blinding, so they stopped to view the craft better and described it as very large, totally silent with blinking lights that flew over their car and then toward the nearby mountain and over it.”

Yes, no problem with that. Fog lights for cars have standard power of 100-160W In most countries it is actually illegal to use in urban area or close to other cars in traffic because they could blind drivers going the other way. It is possible to buy a LED of 1000W of power attachable to a drone () It is 10 times more powerful than a standard automotive fog lights and you can find many other videos of drones equiped with powerful LEDs that most people would describe in the same manner.
Interesting video, thanks.

February 12, 2019, 01:58:43 AM
Reply #103

Nigel Evans


February 12, 2019, 02:02:04 AM
Reply #104

Nigel Evans


February 12, 2019, 02:19:01 AM
Reply #106

Nigel Evans


Let's not say "UFO arriving at earth in a worm hole".

Instead lets say "Discharging ion stream creating a blue/violet glow from excited nitrogen" Hmm.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 02:40:58 AM by Nigel Evans »

February 12, 2019, 03:04:30 AM
Reply #107



Let's not say "UFO arriving at earth in a worm hole".

Instead lets say "Discharging ion stream creating a blue/violet glow from excited nitrogen" Hmm.

Is there an example of this happening near the earth surface? I mean that the NO2 theory is fairy consistent but we need to establish a connection between the ion streams in the pictures and the poisoning of people out in the open. I think it's possible to take it from the other end a first find out the concentration level of poisonous gas to be "weaponized" a then find out what energy is required to reach that level, considering it is not in a closed chamber.

February 12, 2019, 04:13:35 AM
Reply #108

Nigel Evans

Is there an example of this happening near the earth surface? I mean that the NO2 theory is fairy consistent but we need to establish a connection between the ion streams in the pictures and the poisoning of people out in the open. I think it's possible to take it from the other end a first find out the concentration level of poisonous gas to be "weaponized" a then find out what energy is required to reach that level, considering it is not in a closed chamber.
Well i can post reports of "ufos" that fit the visual requirements, i can't confirm that NO2 is there, just that they look right, e.g. NO2 is orange at modest temperatures and dark brown to black at higher temps so all i can do is post photos and videos that fit :-

Posted this before -
Just found this -
The pattern is of objects that are of white, orange, black colours. Black for hot NO2, orange for cooler NO2, white for water vapour.

All the "plume" photos i've posted have shown orange mixed with white. This is my favourite :-

Note how the plumes seem to be ejected from the "poles" as if under the control of an electric or magnetic field.

This is near the ground -

The Chivruay photo might be the best answer to your question :-


February 12, 2019, 04:48:57 AM
Reply #109

Nigel Evans

I struggle with the plane theory....


February 12, 2019, 12:33:39 PM
Reply #110


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Looks like sunlight sneaking through a gap in the clouds.

      Sunset for that day was 9:01:28 pm.

February 12, 2019, 12:41:20 PM
Reply #111


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

Orb or vehicle of some kind.  Many witnesses describe these things as vehicles of some kind  !  ? 

February 12, 2019, 12:45:08 PM
Reply #112


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Another low flying orb, this one is interesting because Ivanov spoke of "heat rays".

That could be a drone with a flashlight controlled by local kids.
and the witness reported feeling nauseous.

There are too many possible causes of nausea to establish a direct connection to the lights. If we say so for the sake of the argument, photosensitivity may even trigger seizures in certain people. That still could be a drone with a flashlight... or something else of course. The balance of probability is on the drone's side when compared to some outer space origin of that light.
I'm not claiming an outer space origin. I'm claiming an electro magnetic origin. Like lightning but contained in a ball. Some people even use the term ball lightning.

Hey is that why i'm posting on a thread called.....

Wait for it......

Drum roll.

The Real Ball Lightning theory!!

I cant figure out how ELECTRO MAGNETISM can transmute into a potential solid body.  Many witnesses describe seeing a vehicle of some kind and that vehicle is solid within the definition of the word SOLID.

February 12, 2019, 12:51:15 PM
Reply #113


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
It's official, fire balls are common - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3118671/Mapping-90-years-UFO-sightings-Fireballs-commonly-seen-egg-shaped-craft-rarer-Maine-hotspot.html

I wouldnt go as far as saying its OFFICIAL, because what and who represents OFFICIAL.  THE  UNITED NATIONS  !  ?  THE DAILY MAIL  !  ?  Some UFO researcher  !  ? 

February 12, 2019, 12:55:37 PM
Reply #114


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Let's not say "UFO arriving at earth in a worm hole".

Instead lets say "Discharging ion stream creating a blue/violet glow from excited nitrogen" Hmm.

Some people are saying its a FAKE. Looks like a hand appearing out of the clouds and then that light or whatever coming down.  This video tells us absolutely nothing.

February 12, 2019, 01:05:35 PM
Reply #115


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Is there an example of this happening near the earth surface? I mean that the NO2 theory is fairy consistent but we need to establish a connection between the ion streams in the pictures and the poisoning of people out in the open. I think it's possible to take it from the other end a first find out the concentration level of poisonous gas to be "weaponized" a then find out what energy is required to reach that level, considering it is not in a closed chamber.
Well i can post reports of "ufos" that fit the visual requirements, i can't confirm that NO2 is there, just that they look right, e.g. NO2 is orange at modest temperatures and dark brown to black at higher temps so all i can do is post photos and videos that fit :-

Posted this before -
Just found this -
The pattern is of objects that are of white, orange, black colours. Black for hot NO2, orange for cooler NO2, white for water vapour.

All the "plume" photos i've posted have shown orange mixed with white. This is my favourite :-

Note how the plumes seem to be ejected from the "poles" as if under the control of an electric or magnetic field.

This is near the ground -

The Chivruay photo might be the best answer to your question :-

The CHIVRUAY photo looks distinctly like a common occurrence in old type films taken with the older type of cameras.  I used to develop and print such photos and often you would end up with the kind of thing you see in the CHIVRUAY photo.

February 12, 2019, 01:07:57 PM
Reply #116


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I struggle with the plane theory....

So what are the details ! ?  Where, when, time, who took the video, with what did they take the video, etc.

February 12, 2019, 02:06:27 PM
Reply #117

Nigel Evans

I struggle with the plane theory....

So what are the details ! ?  Where, when, time, who took the video, with what did they take the video, etc.
Click on the text "YouTube" in the bottom left corner an read the comments.

February 12, 2019, 02:10:57 PM
Reply #118

Nigel Evans

Is there an example of this happening near the earth surface? I mean that the NO2 theory is fairy consistent but we need to establish a connection between the ion streams in the pictures and the poisoning of people out in the open. I think it's possible to take it from the other end a first find out the concentration level of poisonous gas to be "weaponized" a then find out what energy is required to reach that level, considering it is not in a closed chamber.
Well i can post reports of "ufos" that fit the visual requirements, i can't confirm that NO2 is there, just that they look right, e.g. NO2 is orange at modest temperatures and dark brown to black at higher temps so all i can do is post photos and videos that fit :-

Posted this before -
Just found this -
The pattern is of objects that are of white, orange, black colours. Black for hot NO2, orange for cooler NO2, white for water vapour.

All the "plume" photos i've posted have shown orange mixed with white. This is my favourite :-

Note how the plumes seem to be ejected from the "poles" as if under the control of an electric or magnetic field.

This is near the ground -

The Chivruay photo might be the best answer to your question :-

The CHIVRUAY photo looks distinctly like a common occurrence in old type films taken with the older type of cameras.  I used to develop and print such photos and often you would end up with the kind of thing you see in the CHIVRUAY photo.
If the negative exists it answers the question ditto other copies?

February 13, 2019, 05:38:58 AM
Reply #119

Nigel Evans

Wrt the Chivruay photo the wind direction was given as  W N W which would fit with the very black section of the top left corner being part of a plume from an upwind object. It wouldn't fit if this very dark section was at any of the other three corners. So you would have to argue for a 1 in 4 coincidence that the worst deterioration fits the plume theory.

N.B. it can be argued that the dark patches of snow fit the NO2 theory as cooled/condensed NO2.  I.e. all of the photo could be genuine.