You've probably only captured text and initial thought from that theory.
The primary point of my interest in this matter was not the death of a nine-member group. I'll be honest with you, but those students are not interesting for me. I was interested since begin in Zolotaryev ... Analysis of what he did or didn't do right.
Now I'll be a little open to you. Maybe it will help someone to understand this theory better.
Zolotaryov was an SOF scaut, just like me who fought in the war, just like me. And he survived war, just like me. Of course, Zolotaryov fought in a much more challenging and difficult war than Afghanistan and he had to be much more experienced than any modern SOF scout or me.
SOF scouts are a bit different people, but I don't want to demonize them. But be honest with yourself.
SOF Scouts are people who are selected by a specific personality and psychological profile. In most cases, these guys are unreadable introverts. But very friendly and decent/polite. On the other hand, they are people who can change their personality and aggression very quickly according the situation. They are very adaptable people. "From angel can became a killing machine".
They are people who have to be able to adapt very quickly and evaluate the situation. They are people who must be highly intelligent.
Its based on fact of working in small groups of 2-4 people for a long time without any logistical or combat security. They must rely solely on themselves. They are people who are usually not afraid of nature and natural phenomena, nor are they afraid of people.
They are people who must be able to quickly break out of contact or destroy an enemy in the event of a combat contact with a mechanized platoon (about 20-30 soldiers). Yes 2-4 soldiers against 20-30 ordinary soldiers. SOF Scouts are the elite of every ground army, and their activity for the enemy always means concern. Because to eliminate SOF scaut is always a little bit difficult than eliminate common combat soldier especially of common-civilian people.
In history, such small groups were able to destroy entire mechanized companies by ambush in a very short time. It is due to their profile from which everything unfolds.
SOF Scouts are very bright and attentive people, as information collection is their mission. Sometimes I think that life-mission. They are simply inquisitive and therefore, in my opinion, Zolotaryov has taken pictures during the accident. And I admit that although I would never want to suffer the situation like him, and I would have the chance, then I would probably also take pictures. Since his personality profile is likely to be similar to mine.
SOF Scouts are people who perceive death situations and wounds situations differently than ordinary - civilian people. Because they even saw that death. And Zolotaryov must have seen death in the past. And probably he also caused death to somebody - to German soldier. SOF scouts are specific to their humor (especially black humor).
It is not important if you are a scout from the USA, Russia, Bulgaria or Germany, you will always have a very similar psychological profile. In other words, you will think similarly if not the same way. Does not matter if you are a Scout in 1940 or a modern scout. The basis of SOF scout is hidden movement in nature with information collecting combat tasks. And nature has not changed in the last few thousand years.
Being a SOF Scout means going through a tough psychological selection. The score in our army was often 2: 207, and it was still from already combat soldier pre-selection. This means that the chance that a civilian will become a SOF Scout only by a psychological profile is about 1: 600. Maybe (circa). And that's not to mention the hellish physical selection process. Then I can say that Scout will became every 1: 700-800 civilian. If someone goes through the psychological profile of the SOF Scout, then it is more probably that his mind power will force him to overcome the physical pain in the selection process. That is why ithe score is higher. That's why I mentioned also the Rorszach test here and my arrogant allusions to Sarapuk.
Zolotaryov in my opinion really photographed elk and freeze as the last. Zolotaryov was the one who decided and built the base nearby the cedar. He pulled down 75m deeper into the forest for just because of safety. - typical scout decision - never stay at the edge of the forest. Hide yourself! A normal man would settle down and burrow near the cedar, especially when they were already spreading fire. Zolotaryev was the best dressed! Just because of his calm in this situation. Zolotaryov thougs were racional like an every SOF scout.
I come to my theory only by analyzing Zolotaryov's behavior, which, as I say, was very similar to my or other SOF scout.
I will not call it as "Dyatlavov expedition", but "Zolotaryevs expedion" . Zolotaryov was the strongest and most experienced article of the whole expedition, who gave orders at a critical moments. Dyatlavov was just a 23? years old guy with any life experiences, the same like other students.
On the first picture is me (modern scout), on the second scout from 1940 :)
Btw. the baby in the photo is not mine: D
You can see on pictures that for 70 years is everything the same.