Theories Discussion > Yeti / Snowman

"Yeti" photo enhanced

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I saw this today:

My question: Because this costume is so silly, I have to wonder if they are having authentic Sasquatch sightings and want to brainwash the skiers going to that ski resort to think it's all a joke?


--- Quote from: RidgeWatcher on April 08, 2021, 06:49:48 PM ---I saw this today:

My question: Because this costume is so silly, I have to wonder if they are having authentic Sasquatch sightings and want to brainwash the skiers going to that ski resort to think it's all a joke?

--- End quote ---

Authorities will try all sorts of tricks to deflect from the real goings on. Same with UFO reports. Bit risky dressing up as Yeti or Big Foot with Hunters with guns in Russia and the USA.

I don't think having a campfire will keep animals away.

When I used to camp, foxes would routinely come quite close within 1 or 2 meter to the campfires probably out of curiosity more than anything else, and also because they are quite smart and might have thought campfire equals leftover food.

In this slideshow, for the first time, an attempt is made to analyze in detail the mysterious figure on frame 17 of the film by Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolle, one of the members of the Dyatlov group. This is especially important for the hypothesis of tourists  dying from a bigfoot attack. The study made it possible to specify who was captured in the picture

I submit the Mansi, Yeti, Abominable Snowman image can be fully understood by simply looking at the photograph taken just before it.


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