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Author Topic: Shocking new theory  (Read 15289 times)

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January 02, 2019, 11:26:10 PM
Read 15289 times


I found the article on web: https://www.rbth.com/history/329574-dyatlov-pass-russia-alien-conspiracy

Shocking new theory of the Dyatlov Pass Incident - the creepiest case in Russian history!
Nov 26 2018
Daniel Chalyan

 Fifty-nine years ago in the Urals, a team of 9 ascended ‘the mountain of the dead.’ Only one came down. The chilling details and inexplicable circumstances of their disappearance have become the stuff of nightmares and Hollywood fiction. Now, one Russian blogger believes he’s closer to the truth than we have ever been before.

The nature of the eventual discovery shocked the science community and investigators alike. The bodies had been discovered at different sites and at different times; some had signs of severe internal trauma, others showed traces of radiation. Half the bodies were naked or wearing each others’ clothes. And there was no object in the vicinity that could have caused any of that to happen, as concluded by the Soviet investigation.

Theories ranged from homicidal psychosis to aliens and government experiments. And they're showing no signs of slowing down - just look at this movie trailer for 'The Devil's Pass'. And it's not even the only horror movie to come out of Hollywood that deals with the subject matter.

Now, nearly 60 years later, Russian blogger Valentin Degterev - who manages a journal about the paranormal and unexplained - believes the deaths of the Dyatlov group were caused by a small-yield missile that hit the side of the rock. Evidence of a 30-meter wide crater, he says in his online journal, can be seen on closer inspection of the satellite images of the area and is situated about three km from the site of their tent.

“The granite was melted to basically red glass. I think the temperature at the moment of impact was very high. This is clearly visible on the satellite images.”

He continues: “Having been woken up by the shockwave, [the hikers] were blinded by the bright light, probably suffering temporary loss of vision. This explains their sudden escape and descent into the woods.”

The findings are even more strange, given Degterev’s belief that the firing of the missile had not been a test.

“The missile had probably gone off-course and changed direction, hitting the mountain face accidentally.”

The blogger states that, had there been no radiation found on the clothes, his other theory would’ve been that it was a meteor impact.

“I think the place needs a thorough look when spring arrives. If radiation is indeed found, and if there is an impact crater, then the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass can be considered solved.”

But can Degterev’s theory explain everything?

January 03, 2019, 02:23:38 AM
Reply #1


I have`t lot of time, but I should react on such fake the information.

I found the article on web: https://www.rbth.com/history/329574-dyatlov-pass-russia-alien-conspiracy

But can Degterev’s theory explain everything?

Dear Monika !
You have again got on a bait of one information adventurer by name Degterev.
That that this article was written by other person, anything cannot change. Can aggravate only.
Valentine Degterev is known troll in information field which specialises on everyones doubtful throw fakes and which is loved very much by "Yellow Press".
When in 2012 from the city of Ivdel the plane of small aircraft with 12 passengers was gone and extensive searches have been spent, it without hesitating of that at many people and especially at relatives gone nervous pressure have been raised has written on the Internet that he ostensibly heard a radio signal from area far from a place where then have found plane fragments. Certainly, on that place have found nothing but have spent a lot of time and money for this search. To it the psychological condition of relatives gone was indifferent.
After that it already some times gave fake information on that that is in area Dyatlov pass. After that all it appeared simply a bluff. And this article based on ostensibly «to find Degterev » too is a bluff. For this purpose what it to understand, it is necessary to travel much in extreme conditions. However itself Degterev conditionally speaking does not tear off a bum from a sofa, and thinks out fakes. I know this place because there was many times. That it shows that on the Google-image, these are usual roughnesses of a relief. There are no craters. Especially from what that of rockets. If he the absolute layman in the rocket technics allows it to dream as the Neanderthal man. For example, what there could be the rocket and whence it could appear?Even if on that place that that also has fallen, the group of anything would not notice Dyatlov, because noted place is on other party of a ridge, and in the middle there is one more spur of a ridge. It "has already found" in 2016 «military base» in 5 … 8 km on the north from Dyatlov pass which has appeared usual changes in vegetation of a local landscape. Certainly, it has appeared the next bluff. And it is a lot of such examples. It takes very frequent it the information from discussion in forums and perverting it gives out for "finds" in "Yellow Press". This press very much loves such throw fakes information.
Here writed Galina (nick is Vietnamka) which took part in exhumation of remains of Simeon Zolotaryov wrote. Degterev in Russian tried to accuse the newspaper «Komsomolskaya Pravda» of forums and Galina (together with the newspaper) that they have disrespectfully managed with bones from a tomb. It too has appeared a bluff, but noise was big right at the beginning. Could not understand yet that was truth. Galina if she has such desire in more details can write.
I am very much surprises unreliable information in view of that is how much easily and habitually perceived. Usually love more and believe that any authors of fakes write, than that is received as a result of laborious searches. Probably it because it more interesting and reminds a detective more. But life and a detective is very various substances. It is necessary to understand that you want to receive as a result: a false detective or truth about that what has happened?
Article which you result anything the general that is in this case has no.

January 03, 2019, 09:36:17 AM
Reply #2


I have`t lot of time, but I should react on such fake the information.

I found the article on web: https://www.rbth.com/history/329574-dyatlov-pass-russia-alien-conspiracy

But can Degterev’s theory explain everything?

Dear Monika !
You have again got on a bait of one information adventurer by name Degterev.
That that this article was written by other person, anything cannot change. Can aggravate only.
Valentine Degterev is known troll in information field which specialises on everyones doubtful throw fakes and which is loved very much by "Yellow Press".
When in 2012 from the city of Ivdel the plane of small aircraft with 12 passengers was gone and extensive searches have been spent, it without hesitating of that at many people and especially at relatives gone nervous pressure have been raised has written on the Internet that he ostensibly heard a radio signal from area far from a place where then have found plane fragments. Certainly, on that place have found nothing but have spent a lot of time and money for this search. To it the psychological condition of relatives gone was indifferent.
After that it already some times gave fake information on that that is in area Dyatlov pass. After that all it appeared simply a bluff. And this article based on ostensibly «to find Degterev » too is a bluff. For this purpose what it to understand, it is necessary to travel much in extreme conditions. However itself Degterev conditionally speaking does not tear off a bum from a sofa, and thinks out fakes. I know this place because there was many times. That it shows that on the Google-image, these are usual roughnesses of a relief. There are no craters. Especially from what that of rockets. If he the absolute layman in the rocket technics allows it to dream as the Neanderthal man. For example, what there could be the rocket and whence it could appear?Even if on that place that that also has fallen, the group of anything would not notice Dyatlov, because noted place is on other party of a ridge, and in the middle there is one more spur of a ridge. It "has already found" in 2016 «military base» in 5 … 8 km on the north from Dyatlov pass which has appeared usual changes in vegetation of a local landscape. Certainly, it has appeared the next bluff. And it is a lot of such examples. It takes very frequent it the information from discussion in forums and perverting it gives out for "finds" in "Yellow Press". This press very much loves such throw fakes information.
Here writed Galina (nick is Vietnamka) which took part in exhumation of remains of Simeon Zolotaryov wrote. Degterev in Russian tried to accuse the newspaper «Komsomolskaya Pravda» of forums and Galina (together with the newspaper) that they have disrespectfully managed with bones from a tomb. It too has appeared a bluff, but noise was big right at the beginning. Could not understand yet that was truth. Galina if she has such desire in more details can write.
I am very much surprises unreliable information in view of that is how much easily and habitually perceived. Usually love more and believe that any authors of fakes write, than that is received as a result of laborious searches. Probably it because it more interesting and reminds a detective more. But life and a detective is very various substances. It is necessary to understand that you want to receive as a result: a false detective or truth about that what has happened?
Article which you result anything the general that is in this case has no.


Thank you for your comment.

I personally never believed the involvement of the army or weapons / missiles in the incident. My tip is some physical phenomem.
I posted the article here only as another point of view from net.
It is good that you have an opportunity to explain to us that it is a unreliable source and a writer.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2019, 09:40:22 AM by Monika »

January 03, 2019, 10:18:45 AM
Reply #3


Russian bloggers are tired of V. Degtyarev and his many versions, the version of the rocket is not wealthy, because the government in 1959 itself imposed on all others this version.

January 04, 2019, 02:42:08 PM
Reply #4


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I found the article on web: https://www.rbth.com/history/329574-dyatlov-pass-russia-alien-conspiracy

Shocking new theory of the Dyatlov Pass Incident - the creepiest case in Russian history!
Nov 26 2018
Daniel Chalyan

 Fifty-nine years ago in the Urals, a team of 9 ascended ‘the mountain of the dead.’ Only one came down. The chilling details and inexplicable circumstances of their disappearance have become the stuff of nightmares and Hollywood fiction. Now, one Russian blogger believes he’s closer to the truth than we have ever been before.

The nature of the eventual discovery shocked the science community and investigators alike. The bodies had been discovered at different sites and at different times; some had signs of severe internal trauma, others showed traces of radiation. Half the bodies were naked or wearing each others’ clothes. And there was no object in the vicinity that could have caused any of that to happen, as concluded by the Soviet investigation.

Theories ranged from homicidal psychosis to aliens and government experiments. And they're showing no signs of slowing down - just look at this movie trailer for 'The Devil's Pass'. And it's not even the only horror movie to come out of Hollywood that deals with the subject matter.

Now, nearly 60 years later, Russian blogger Valentin Degterev - who manages a journal about the paranormal and unexplained - believes the deaths of the Dyatlov group were caused by a small-yield missile that hit the side of the rock. Evidence of a 30-meter wide crater, he says in his online journal, can be seen on closer inspection of the satellite images of the area and is situated about three km from the site of their tent.

“The granite was melted to basically red glass. I think the temperature at the moment of impact was very high. This is clearly visible on the satellite images.”

He continues: “Having been woken up by the shockwave, [the hikers] were blinded by the bright light, probably suffering temporary loss of vision. This explains their sudden escape and descent into the woods.”

The findings are even more strange, given Degterev’s belief that the firing of the missile had not been a test.

“The missile had probably gone off-course and changed direction, hitting the mountain face accidentally.”

The blogger states that, had there been no radiation found on the clothes, his other theory would’ve been that it was a meteor impact.

“I think the place needs a thorough look when spring arrives. If radiation is indeed found, and if there is an impact crater, then the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass can be considered solved.”

But can Degterev’s theory explain everything?

There is no evidence of an Explosion of any kind at the Tent or other sites nearby.  And if there was an Explosion then we could expect lots of specific damage to people and objects and also the material remains of an Explosion.

January 17, 2019, 05:30:44 AM
Reply #5

Per Inge Oestmoen

I found the article on web: https://www.rbth.com/history/329574-dyatlov-pass-russia-alien-conspiracy

“I think the place needs a thorough look when spring arrives. If radiation is indeed found, and if there is an impact crater, then the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass can be considered solved.”

But can Degterev’s theory explain everything?

It can explain nothing. There is no indication that there were any explosions at camp site or down in the ravine. We can safely put that theory to rest as just another fantastic one.

Also, it should be mentioned that the article concludes with an unwarranted assumption.

It has been stated that the tent was cut from the inside. That statement relies on the testimony of one single woman and was not examined by other competent pepole, and cannot be considered proven. Is the tent available for examination today, or has it somehow "disappeared"?

But it is still possible that the tent was cut from the inside. Does that prove that the students did it? No. Even if the tent was cut from the inside, there is no evidence that the students did the cutting. There is no evidence that the students left the tent through the cuts either.

January 26, 2019, 12:08:16 PM
Reply #6


I found the article on web: https://www.rbth.com/history/329574-dyatlov-pass-russia-alien-conspiracy

“I think the place needs a thorough look when spring arrives. If radiation is indeed found, and if there is an impact crater, then the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass can be considered solved.”

But can Degterev’s theory explain everything?

It can explain nothing. There is no indication that there were any explosions at camp site or down in the ravine. We can safely put that theory to rest as just another fantastic one.

Also, it should be mentioned that the article concludes with an unwarranted assumption.

It has been stated that the tent was cut from the inside. That statement relies on the testimony of one single woman and was not examined by other competent pepole, and cannot be considered proven. Is the tent available for examination today, or has it somehow "disappeared"?

But it is still possible that the tent was cut from the inside. Does that prove that the students did it? No. Even if the tent was cut from the inside, there is no evidence that the students did the cutting. There is no evidence that the students left the tent through the cuts either.

As for the tent having been cut from the inside, I agree we cannot rely on that at all. Even if we assume the conslusion from the official protocol, it says absolutely nothing about wheter the person making the incision was outside or inside the tent at that time, nor wheter it was made by one of the victims or an outside party.

"The nature and form of all (...) cuts suggest that they were formed by contact with the canvas inside of the tent with the blade of some weapon (presumably a knife)."

The statement only concludes that the contact of the blade with the fabric was from the inside of the tent wall. That means that eithe ra person with a knife was inside and pushing the blade agains the wall or the person was outside, pushed the blade through the wall and made the incision by pulling the blade towards themselves and to the side.

As far as I understand from the files and articles on this website, the investigation ruled out the involvement of outside party based on this and missing footprints in the area. Also, they ruled out Mansi as the perpetrators after they interviewed some of them and upon consideration that they were not violent and the place had no significance to them.

I consider both conclusions pretty much illogical as if the investigatiors "prefered" to rule out homicide/manslaughter option. To me saying it was not the Mansi after interviewing some of them is equally illogical to the conclusion that "it was not the Russians" after investigating some of them. In criminal justice, the suspect can be only ruled in or ruled out individually.

Having said that, it also does not necesarilly mean the investigation was going the wrong way but I believe it was not performed up to the standards.

February 15, 2019, 12:17:10 PM
Reply #7

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Russian bloggers are tired of V. Degtyarev and his many versions, the version of the rocket is not wealthy, because the government in 1959 itself imposed on all others this version.

This low yield weapon theory is remarkably similar to my low yield nuke hypothesis.

Did the Russian government say that it was a low yield rocket back in the day?

February 15, 2019, 12:52:45 PM
Reply #8


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Russian bloggers are tired of V. Degtyarev and his many versions, the version of the rocket is not wealthy, because the government in 1959 itself imposed on all others this version.

This low yield weapon theory is remarkably similar to my low yield nuke hypothesis.

Did the Russian government say that it was a low yield rocket back in the day?

The USSR Authorities never suggested that any weapons had been used.

February 20, 2019, 09:49:25 AM
Reply #9


I don't know about Russian authorities, but for example Krivonischenko's father believed it was some kind of a weapon testing. That his son and Doroshchenko were blinded by the explosion, and that's why they couldn't sustain the fire.

February 20, 2019, 12:08:25 PM
Reply #10

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I don't know about Russian authorities, but for example Krivonischenko's father believed it was some kind of a weapon testing. That his son and Doroshchenko were blinded by the explosion, and that's why they couldn't sustain the fire.

It's possible that he could have been blinded by a nuke heat flash, but autopsy didn't say anything about the retinas of the eyes.  Not surprised about that though.

February 20, 2019, 02:07:49 PM
Reply #11


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I don't know about Russian authorities, but for example Krivonischenko's father believed it was some kind of a weapon testing. That his son and Doroshchenko were blinded by the explosion, and that's why they couldn't sustain the fire.

Put yourself in the parents position. You receive the bad news and obviously your first thoughts are of sorrow. You go through the emotions. Eventually you then start to look for a cause. And your cause is not helped by the fact that the Authorities are unable to give a FULL AND PROPER EXPLANATION as to what actually happened, for some reason. So you may eventually start to look for what is nowadays known as conspiracy theories.

February 20, 2019, 02:11:50 PM
Reply #12


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I don't know about Russian authorities, but for example Krivonischenko's father believed it was some kind of a weapon testing. That his son and Doroshchenko were blinded by the explosion, and that's why they couldn't sustain the fire.

It's possible that he could have been blinded by a nuke heat flash, but autopsy didn't say anything about the retinas of the eyes.  Not surprised about that though.

Its continually floated around that a Nuclear Explosion occurred. But it would have had to have been a very strange Nuclear Explosion.

February 20, 2019, 03:59:26 PM
Reply #13

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I don't know about Russian authorities, but for example Krivonischenko's father believed it was some kind of a weapon testing. That his son and Doroshchenko were blinded by the explosion, and that's why they couldn't sustain the fire.

Put yourself in the parents position. You receive the bad news and obviously your first thoughts are of sorrow. You go through the emotions. Eventually you then start to look for a cause. And your cause is not helped by the fact that the Authorities are unable to give a FULL AND PROPER EXPLANATION as to what actually happened, for some reason. So you may eventually start to look for what is nowadays known as conspiracy theories.

Yes I can imagine how difficult it must have been for the parents and families so I do not disagree with you.

However, I am not clouded by the emotion of the situation and after examining the case files a nuclear test is a very high scoring candidate IMO.   During 1959 Russia had agreed a temporary moratorium on nuclear weapon testing and agreed not to test weapons.  It would be internationally embarrassing for them if they had to admit that the DPI had been caused by such a test.

To confirm this hypothesis or disprove it, all they need to do is take some solil samples, and some tree samples and test the tree rings for the presence of Strontium 90 to see if there is a step change in concentration, above the conventional rise there was at this time due to worldwide nuclear tests.

Saying that I am going to park this hypothesis for now as I don't think there will be much more that can be done other that to undertake the tests.  There may be further indirect evidence that I will keep an eye open for. 

I would,like to look at some of the other theories in more detail.