Theories Discussion > Reindeer
--- Quote from: Manti on November 21, 2022, 08:29:30 PM ---It's a compelling theory.
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Соглашусь, это очень красивая версия.
Поскольку я так давно в теме, что могу привести некоторый аналог похожего происшествия именно с Игорем Дятловым.
Летом 1956 года он водил в поход группу и они оказались на пути скачущего на них во весь галоп табуна лошадей.
Лошади - это более одомашненные и более интеллектуальные животные. Табун обогнул застывших в страхе и сбившихся по команде Игоря в одну кучу туристов.
То что олени повели бы себя иначе - это само собой разумеется.
Следов на насте склона от нескольких пар оленьих ног - могло и не остаться. Помним, что ниже палатки пролегала традиционная тропа перегона оленей. Олени могли выбираться на свой запах этой тропы. Они по чутью - мало чем отличаются от волков или собак.
Если туристов это затаптывание настигло врасплох, дальше можно тянуть нитку рассуждений. Но олени бегают по горам в светлое время суток...
I agree, this is a very beautiful version.
Since I have been in the subject for so long, I can give some analogue of a similar incident with Igor Dyatlov.
In the summer of 1956, he led a group on a hike and they found themselves in the path of a herd of horses galloping on them at full gallop.
Horses are more domesticated and more intelligent animals. The herd rounded the tourists frozen in fear and huddled together at Igor's command.
The fact that deer would have behaved differently is a matter of course.
There might not have been any traces on the crust of the slope from several pairs of deer legs. We remember that a traditional reindeer trail ran below the tent. Deer could get out on their scent of this trail. They are by instinct - not much different from wolves or dogs.
If this trampling caught tourists by surprise, then you can pull the thread of reasoning further. But deer run through the mountains during daylight hours...
--- Quote from: Почемучка on December 16, 2022, 01:53:22 AM --- But deer run through the mountains during daylight hours...
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As far as I know deer actually sleep during the day, and are most active at dawn and dusk. The same applies to elk.
Насколько мне известно, олени спят днем и наиболее активны на рассвете и в сумерках. То же самое относится и к лосям.
Some interesting information from here:
--- Quote ---We were really surprised by some of the data and what we learned.
"The most important factor that increases the likelihood of a deer moving in daylight hours is temperature. Basically, the colder the weather is, the better your odds will be for seeing deer.
"The amount of cloud cover or the lack of cloud cover is the second most important factor impacting deer movement. Rainy weather isn’t good. Cloudy skies are somewhat better for spotting deer movement. A clear sky is the best day to hunt, with bright, clear, cold days the most productive.
"The third factor impacting deer movement has surprised all of us associated with the study. Wind velocity plays a major role in whether deer move or don’t move. I expected to see a bell-shaped curve relationship with wind speed. I thought a calm day with no wind wouldn’t be good for causing deer movement. I assumed really strong winds with possible wind speeds of 30 to 40 mph wouldn’t be good days to hunt. I initially thought that wind speeds of 12 to 15 miles per hour would be the best days to hunt. But in our statistics, we’ve seen a linear relationship. In other words, the harder and the faster the wind blows, the more deer sightings and deer kills we recorded during that 20 years.”
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Мы были действительно удивлены некоторыми данными и тем, что мы узнали.
«Самым важным фактором, который увеличивает вероятность движения оленей в дневное время, является температура. По сути, чем холоднее погода, тем выше ваши шансы увидеть оленей.
«Количество облачного покрова или отсутствие облачного покрова — второй по важности фактор, влияющий на движение оленей. Дождливая погода неблагоприятна. Облачное небо несколько лучше позволяет обнаружить движение оленей. светлые, ясные, холодные дни самые продуктивные.
«Третий фактор, влияющий на движение оленей, удивил всех нас, связанных с исследованием. Скорость ветра играет важную роль в том, двигаются олени или нет. Я ожидал увидеть колоколообразную кривую зависимости от скорости ветра. Безветренный безветренный день не был бы хорошим поводом для движения оленей. Я предположил, что действительно сильный ветер с возможной скоростью ветра от 30 до 40 миль в час не будет хорошим днем для охоты. Сначала я думал, что скорость ветра от 12 до 15 миль в час час был бы лучшим днем для охоты. Но в нашей статистике мы увидели линейную зависимость. Другими словами, чем сильнее и быстрее дует ветер, тем больше оленей было замечено и убито за эти 20 лет».
Саша Кан:
Саша Кан:
As a new member, I don't know the types of humor that appear here, so can anyone tell me for certain whether this scientific-looking article is a joke? It's about deer (which we know were not in the area due to absence of deer tracks) causing some of the nine victims to travel in a direction we know they did not travel (due to absence of their tracks there) dragging things we know they didn't (due to lack of drag marks) leaving behind clothes and boots that they knew they would die without since they were in a windy snowstorm on a deadly-cold mountainside in the dark. I only read as far as I did because I kept looking for "April Fools" or some such banner. I did skim to the end, and there is no "gotcha" notice anywhere. Is this website full of these sorts of parodies? This is the first one I've encountered in my week of researching here. I was pretty sure it was a parody at first, because it seemed akin to "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras" in that it was suggesting deer instead of the obvious weather causes.
This article is almost written like the first similar thing I read in the 1990s when I first got internet access and eagerly started researching a mystery that had permeated USA culture for decades: "cattle mutilations" that were speculated to be from UFOs or evil government cover-ups using futuristic helicopters that picked up cows and horses in the night, whisked them away, experimented on them, then dropped their corpses into pastures. Turned out that they were all just natural deaths that when looked at up-close by people who had never looked at them up-close before appeared to be too strange to be natural (the same way that the missing tongue and facial injuries in the Dyatlov case are simply natural animal scavenging and decomposition but are wildly speculated about by countless people). One of the speculators of a horse death, an actual veterinarian, wrote a paper in near-identical scientific-looking form as this one, vividly detailing wild, cruel medical procedures, using medical terms, that the horse had been subjected to by a secret gov't op and then dumped in a pasture afterwards to disguise it as natural (never explaining why they didn't simply destroy it instead). Each time another vet asked him whether a certain injury on the horse wouldn't more prudently be explained by a specific type of scavenger performing a specific type of normal activity, his answer was almost always nothing more than "no".
OK, so someone please tell me whether this article is a joke.
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