Theories Discussion > General Discussion
Art Bell's radio show
I have been invited to the Art Bell's radio show. The live broadcast is on Nov 16, Friday 9-11 pm PDT.
The opening line of today's phone conversation was - do you think this will be 1 hour or 2 hour show. After half an hour listening to me they said - this will be more than 3 hours, lets make 2 radio shows.
I chose the date to honor Kolevatov's date of birth and I plan to publish an article based on the information Galina shared with us.
Posting this here now to ask if you want me to discuss certain points or particular aspect of the case. What do you think I should talk about? They gave me pretty much the green light to talk about whatever my heart desires. It's a given that I will announce Dyatlov Pass Forum as the only place where people can discuss the case in English.
Your input will be appreciated.
BTW when I asked how did they come up with the idea of Dyatlov Pass the answer was "Another guest mentioned it as one of the strangest mysteries..."
It might be a good idea to keep close to the facts of the case. We know that there are many speculations and it would be easy to get in to a tangle with all those speculations. What facts there are could easily take up an hour or 2 and just mentioning the principle speculations, if thats the correct way to put it. For instance, THE TENT, go with all the facts relating to the search and finding and then the description of the interior and the cuts etc etc. And follow that with the main theories relating to the tent. And so on I guess. Much like we seem to be doing with the FORUM.
Sticking to the facts the best I know them is a given. You know that I have never entertained a theory other than them being murdered. But I never state that this is a fact, this is my opinion. I am thinking of making a list of facts that are strange and inexplicable in this case. Since this is what keeps people hashing out on this tragedy. Help me with this. Keep in mind the majority of the audience will hear about this case first time on the show. l will start off the top of my head:
* The tent had been cut open from within.
* Nothing was stolen from the tent - money, food, alcohol, clothes, shoes, backpacks, gear, all this would have been very useful and wasn't cheap and accessible at the time.
* The two girls died virgin.
* No alcohol was found in any of the deceased.
* There were no indications of other people nearby on Kholat Syakhl apart from the nine hikers.
* No traces of avalanche were apparent or reported in the area.
* Footprints from the camp showed that all group members left the tent of their own accord, on foot, in an orderly way, nobody was running, limping, stumbling, dragged or falling on their way down the slope.
* Forensic pathologist Dr Vozrozhdenny stated that the fatal injuries of three of the bodies could not have been caused by another human being, "because the force of the blows had been too strong and no soft tissue had been damaged".
* Some clothes showed radioactive contamination that could not be attributed to an environmental exposure.
* Hikers were wearing the clothes from other members of the group. This is normal if presume the latter were dead already, but i still can't comprehend why Zolotaryov was wearing Lyudmila's hat and coat - they were dying together seem like it, and with similar injuries.
Facts that are hugely blown out of proportion and context, things that are arguably facts or that can be explained:
* Frame №17 from Tibo camera
* Frame №34 from Krivo camera
* Fire balls in the sky reported in February and March 1959
* Where the tent was pitched (did they drift or get lost)
* Lyuda's missing tongue
* Missing eyes on Lyuda and Zolotaryov
* Orange skin reported at the funerals in March 1959
* More bodies reported at the Ivdel morgue
* Bodies reported being seen from the search helicopters lying around the tent
* Pilots of search helicopters being sabotaged and killed in the following years
To be continued
Thats great so far Teddy. Obviously the Cedar Tree and the so called Den area you will mention as well. Along with the Tent those 2 sites seem to be the basis for all that went on.
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