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Author Topic: DNA results show that man buried in Zolotaryov's grave is not Zolotaryov  (Read 18613 times)

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May 16, 2018, 11:09:12 PM
Read 18613 times


DNA results show the person in Zolotaryov's grave is not Zolotaryov. According to this latest development we have unknown John Doe burried in Zolotaryov's grave

May 17, 2018, 12:55:19 AM
Reply #1


I'm confused. I thought the recent exhumation concluded that it was a match for Zolotaryov. So now we have a skeleton with a similar facial structure, age and injuries to those noted in the autopsy, but DNA shows that he's someone else. I guess this John Doe wouldn't be another one of the hikers.

This is odd that the John Doe would be so similar but not Zolotaryov. By why not in this mysterious case?

Cue Zolotaryov was a special forces spy who faked his death and killed the other 8 hikers. /conspiracy

May 17, 2018, 12:58:29 AM
Reply #2


I agree with Marchesk. It's really weird that this guy is apparently not Zolotaryov yet has almost the exact same bone structure. How many people was his DNA tested against?

May 17, 2018, 04:25:41 AM
Reply #3


Yeah, I call BS.

The dna was compared to a niece in which its highly questionable whether she is even related at all.  Add that to the possibly one of them was adopted and was never told, or they simply didn't announce it to everyone they meet.  Perhaps the milkman was involved?   

Sounds to me like the same old half-azz investigating that got us here in the first place.  It would also appear to be an attempt to manufacture a conspiracy in hopes of forcing the case to be reopened.  Thats called a false-flag ladies and gents. 
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 10:15:16 AM by Loose}{Cannon »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 18, 2018, 02:07:52 PM
Reply #4


So if you plug the In Fact article into Google Translate this is what you get:
Today, in the studio of the program "In fact" it is possible to solve one of the most mysterious events of the last century - a group of tourists on the pass, which was later named after the leader of this group Djatlov. The extinct interest in this story again increased after the program "Actually" aired several months ago. Journalists of the program began to work out all possible versions from everyday, to the most fantastic and after some time it was proved that the death of tourists occurred at the hands of people. And the tragedy that took place on the slopes of the snowy mountains was the most real mass murder.

I--I just--I can't even...
Can anybody direct me to this irrefutable proof of murder?

I'm just going to plant this here... those of you that get it will get it.


May 18, 2018, 04:05:42 PM
Reply #5

Per Inge Oestmoen

The injuries found after the exhumation are consistent with the injuries on Zolotaryov's body that were described in 1959, and the nature of the injuries shows why the more precise and analytic examination of these injuries was and is extremely significant.

The skeletons of the other victims should now also be exhumed, for a thorough forensic examination. All injuries must then be examined and analyzed in a scientifically rigorous manner.

May 18, 2018, 05:51:54 PM
Reply #6


You mean science according to whomever is pushing the investigation right? Because that's what's happening here.

An exhumation didn't happen. A desecration happened. You should be furious. Those victims deserve so much more than this circus freak side show.

May 18, 2018, 06:12:31 PM
Reply #7


You mean science according to whomever is pushing the investigation right? Because that's what's happening here.

An exhumation didn't happen. A desecration happened. You should be furious. Those victims deserve so much more than this circus freak side show.


Calzaghe gets it!

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 19, 2018, 08:04:56 AM
Reply #8


You mean science according to whomever is pushing the investigation right? Because that's what's happening here.

An exhumation didn't happen. A desecration happened. You should be furious. Those victims deserve so much more than this circus freak side show.


Calzaghe gets it!


I'm rather proud of that meme. I even added the Scumbag Steve hat to Maury who represents KP in all of this... what a crap show they've made of it.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 09:17:47 PM by CalzagheChick »

May 19, 2018, 09:27:09 PM
Reply #9


Laff...   Its true!   All they have established is that one of them is adopted.    lol1

Remind me again how this makes the remains not Zolotaryov?!?
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 20, 2018, 02:49:19 PM
Reply #10


Laff...   Its true!   All they have established is that one of them is adopted.    lol1

Remind me again how this makes the remains not Zolotaryov?!?

You're asking the wrong person. Apparently Teddy has the inside information on all of this murder stuff. It must be a smoking gun to gamble the integrity of your entire site that's done an amazing job at being dedicated to getting the truth about what happened to those kids on that mountain in 1959 all on some information from an inside source and questionable DNA results.

May 24, 2018, 02:56:36 PM
Reply #11


Hello everybody,

today there are two kind of theories. Theory kind one: The accident was caused by natural forces (avalanche, snow storm, infrasound, ball lightning, stove, poison and so on). Theory kind two: Other human were involved (Mansi, KGB, ...). OK, there is still a third kind for aliens, UFOs, The Yeti, and all that stuff, but I would say, this is not realistic. So either a natural force was the initial trigger for the accident or a human force (even with other human involved, it still could be an accident). There is not a single proof for the one theory or the other. All we have so far are hints. A hint always needs interpretation, because it is not clear. So some hints point more in the direction that a natural force was the trigger (for example no other traces), some point into the direction that other human were involved (for example they left the area orderly and not in panic).
I think we all agree, that if the man, buried in Zolotaryov's grave is not Zolotaryov, this has a massive impact on the case. Because then it is clear that other human were involved. Because of this, it is so important to determine, how certain it is that the man in Zolotaryov's grave is Zolotaryov or not. When I read the articles and all the forum posts a lot of questions came into my mind. I will post them all in the hope, someone can answer them. Some of them I can answer for myself, nevertheless I will post them.

Question 1: How sure is it that Zolotaryov attended the journey and not another man?
Answer: Very sure, since the pictures before the journey and during the journey show the same man.

Question 2: Who identified the hikers in the ravine? Is it possible that the body of Zolotaryov was identified as another hiker. Think of the level of decomposition. Is it possible that some of the other hiker was accidentally buried in the grave of Zolotaryov?
Answer: The exhumation showed that the man buried in the grave of Zolotaryov is surely older than 30 years old. All other hikers were much younger. For me, this is a proof that a mix-up can't be the reason. Either the man is Zolotaryov or if not, it happened by purpose. OK, there is the possibility that another man who has nothing to do with the accident who was in the same age and had similar injuries was accidentally buried in the grave, but the chance for this is almost zero, so not possible.

Question 3: When I understand the DNA comparison correct, the found DNA had not a good quality or was not enough. Because of this, only a test of the female line could be carried out with two other relatives. Better than nothing, for sure. But what if Zolotaryov's mother was not his real mother? What if his father betrayed his mother? Does the DNA test exclude such things?
Answer: ?

Question 4: What if Zolotaryov was neither related with the female line nor with the male line? For example he was adopted. I mean when I see the photo of him sitting next to his parents (I guess it are his parents), they look not similar for me. Was this excluded somehow?
Answer: ?

Question 5: How good is the quality of the DNA comparison? Are there external factors that can damage the DNA (water, sunlight, snow, radiation, whatever)? In general, what is the positive/negative/false positive/false negative ratio? You know, each measurement has a ratio how many negative cases are mistaken for positive cases and how many positive cases are mistaken for negative cases?
Answer: ?

So don't get me wrong. I don't want to doubt the results simply because it does not fit with my favorite theory. I only want to understand how valid the results are. I only want to understand how many factors can have an influence on the results. How high is the chance that the body buried in Zolotaryov's grave is not Zolotaryov? I mean, 100% certainty is not possible, we all know this. But can you give an estimation whether it is more 70% certainty or 90% or maybe even 99%?

I hope someone can give me an answer to these questions.

May 24, 2018, 07:43:42 PM
Reply #12


DNA is increasingly reliable widely used method. Any way, KP is repeating the test in the Russian federal center of forensic science and going to do a cross-tests between relatives. Wait for 2-3 weeks.
  But I would like to say not about DNA, about the family.
Semen was born in 1921
. from the village of Udobnoy on the border with the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), 
He was born in станица. Станица is not "just a village", it's a Cossack settlement was founded in 1858 during the Caucasian War as a first line of defence.  I found some archive documents which indicate that his grandfather was a member of the Kuban Cossack Host at that time. Semen is a Cossack and history of his family is closely related to the Cossack history and history of this territory.
1914 1WW. His father took part in the Mesopotamian campaign as a medical assistance of the Hopersky Cossack regiment.
1917 revolution. Kuban Cossack didn't support a new regime and civil war started. I don't know how his family survived. Villages passed from one hand to another 2-3 times per night. But it wasn't enough. In 1919 the secret document of the mass extermination  of the Cossacks was created by soviet government.
The current research shows that aroun 70% of Cossack were exterminated. For 3 years. Can u imaging?
  Semen was born 12 months later after the Bolshevic's troops liberated this region. But his sister was born during the height of the civil war and mass extermination of Cossack, in 1919. Her daughter passed the DNA test.
 We know exactly that Semen's family adopted at least 2 girls during the 2WW. No guaranty they didn't adopte infants during the civil war. It's the reason for cross DNA test between relatives now.