Dear KathleenDSmith1, if you don't mind I'll flesh out your words a bit here and answer the unclear questions.
I also read Chivruay Tragedy 1973, which is mysterious too,
There is nothing mysterious in this case. It is only such windbags and fantasists like Nagaev who can invent a lot of tall tales and gossip, wishing to appear knowledgeable and clever. Which in no way corresponds to their knowledge and abilities.
also all hikers had how to be aware of climate change, and type of clothing to wear, and workflow/monies to have available. ..World was changing but also the quality of clothing, better material for tents, etc....what is the mystery is Lidiya Martina ..the connections..."copy and paste"
And "Lydia Martin's riddle" does not exist from the word at all. But if there is no mystery, it can be invented, which would puzzle the beginners to study such cases as "Dyatlov group" or "Chivruay Tragedy 1973". If you know and understand what happened fully and correctly enough, everything is easily and simply explained by natural causes.
Lidiya Martina was 26 years old. She worked at the Ekran secret research institute.
There is nothing secret about this institute and Lydia's work in it. Both then and now it is known that Lida did not work at the Ekran Research Institute, but at the Ekran factory, which was connected to the design bureau that produced TV sets and radio receivers. These are two different organizations with the same name. Of course, many peculiarities of work were not advertised, but so it is accepted in any commercial or industrial firm. Try to find out production secrets at Boeing, for example, or Raytheon, or at least at SONY or Samsung, which produce TV sets? This is how you can easily "make a big deal out of a big deal".
And I don't understand, what can it have to do with where someone from this group worked to what happened? There is a complete lack of logical connection there. Any reasonable person should get knowledge and analyze, not blow fantasies on a completely empty place.
Nagaev says the institute where Martina worked as an engineer developed the very devices the Dyatlov group had to test in the area of Mt. Otorten.
I have already said that Nagaev is just a blabbermouth who has no knowledge at all. He replaces them with his unintelligent fantasies, which, when tested, turn out to be absolute fakes.
Dyatlov's group did not and could not test any "devices", because at that time the Ekran factory (where Lida worked 14 years later after graduating from the radio engineering faculty of the university) produced radio receivers, which were powered only by ordinary stationary electricity.
He also says that Kuznetsov, leader of the KuAI group, took part in the search for the Dyatlov group in 1959,
Here's another fake. Think about it: in 1959, Mikhail Kuznetsov was only 11 years old. And he lived in a city that is located almost 500 miles from Sverdlovsk. This is enough to understand the extent of Nagaev's ignorance in his unintelligent fantasies.
which Borzenkov denies.
And what do you propose to do about such fake claims?