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Author Topic: "Unknown Compelling Force" D.P.I Supernatural/Paranormal Event?  (Read 20477 times)

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January 10, 2019, 07:03:34 AM
Read 20477 times


Overcome by a " unknown compelling force".

Was the D.P.I a supernatural or paranormal event?  A supernatural or paranormal encounter could explain the unknown factors in this case. Also perhaps why the tragedy still remains a mystery since 1959. Some may be entrench in other suppositions that preclude the D.P.I as a paranormal event. And yes this includes UFO's Aliens and Yeti.

There was no other foot prints so that should rule out the army or mansi tribe involvement.

No debris from a rocket or bomb explosion.

Enviromental beta particle radiation within normal range. Area could of been previously contaminated by nuclear tests. Nothing grows there because it's a "Dead Mountain".

Not an avalanche, slopes are not steep enough. etc etc.

Supernatural- A force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

Paranormal- An occurence or event without scientific explanation.

*Lights, orbs or UFO"s photographed and seen in the sky and by other scared witnesses. A mention of a very loud noise (sonic boom?) when the UFO's took off exhibiting non ballistic flight. A woodsman and a miner not easily scared both had terrifying encounters with UFO's in the same time frame.

And everyones fav the Yeti. Which have been documented to have some special ablities. Abilities such as being infrasonic, interdimentional and even telepathic. There's already threads on Infra-sound. The interdimential part comes into play with trackways that mysteriously start and stop without explanation or no prints left behind. Telepathic encounter with witnesses being scared out of their sleep and tent with powerful sounds of Sasquatch/Yeti vocalizations.

I know they have all these abilities because I have experienced it first hand. Consider the Yeti with the documented abilities of their cousins the Sasquatch are very capable of this type of mysterious attack. However the frightening UFO's encounters at the same time in the same area can't be left out of the puzzle either. Perhaps both occured and at the time was beyond our knowledge of these types of phenomena.

The strange unknown facts in this case will not support a criminal case. Nor can it be solved by a team of scientists. The phenomena that occured that night almost 60 years ago will not be force into a box.  Why, because that's the intrinsic nature of a Supernatural or Paranormal event.  shock1




"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

January 10, 2019, 07:40:24 AM
Reply #1

Nigel Evans

Or a rare natural event like the quebec video i've just posted on the nitrogen dioxide thread.

January 10, 2019, 12:20:43 PM
Reply #2


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
A nice Post by Tracker. Certainly a Supernatural or Paranormal theory can not be ruled out. Many of the Events that make up the Dyatlov Mystery could certainly be attributed to an unknown quantity and quality.

January 10, 2019, 11:34:26 PM
Reply #3



Here is my point of view:

1.   UFO:
Now, we do not now solve if it is true that extraterrestrial Aliens are visiting the Earth really. Let's say, theoretically, that they are real. I have read many articles and some books on the subject, and I have noticed that witnesses report similar experiences. My personal result: what happened during the fatal night of the Dyatlov has to do nothing with Aliens. It seems that the Dyatlov group lived a few hours after they left the tent. And the whole chain of events from the tent's escape, their rational behaviour at the fire and at ravine, as well as waiting at the fire, does not correspond to the alien attack. And I have never heard that Aliens killed people and such many people at the same time.
My answer is no.
2.  Paranormal activity (Ghost, Demons):
I have been interested in paranormal things for a long time, and as in the case of Aliens, the chain of events at that night is not responsive to paranormal events.
My answer is no.
3. Yeti
I'm not sure they exist but if we accept it theoretically that they exist, where are traces in the snow? Where are the traces on the bodies? Why did food and things remain intact in the tent? And also, the chain of events and, in particular, the long waiting time at the fire and the building of the den does not indicate their chasing/stalking by anyone.
My answer is no.
4. The Mansi people ot Army
See the point 3.
My answer is no.
5. Rocket testing/fauilure
No traces of debris, stupidity testing rockets in the area where it is known that there will be tourists (their move in the area and the hiking trail was planned long time before at the university and was approved). My answer is no.
6. Thus, the only thing left is a natural phenomenon. And so far, it is a phenomenon unknown because up to now the Dyatlov mystery is still unresolved. I personally take seriously the presence of orange balls that are reported by many witnesses. Whatever the natural mysterious phenomenon is, I have no idea. But the phenomenon had to create a pressure wave that caused a serious injury to the three at the ravine. I doubt they would fall down into ravine as Zolotarev camera stayed intact. Ivanov claimed that some force from the air selectively attacked the three, but I do not believe it was controlled by some person or Aliens. At the same time, I cannot imagine that any physical phenomenon would also selectively attract them. It would be an incredible coincidence ...

My conclusion:
some natural unknown phenomenon.

January 11, 2019, 04:16:56 AM
Reply #4

Nigel Evans


Here is my point of view:

1.   UFO:
Now, we do not now solve if it is true that extraterrestrial Aliens are visiting the Earth really. Let's say, theoretically, that they are real. I have read many articles and some books on the subject, and I have noticed that witnesses report similar experiences. My personal result: what happened during the fatal night of the Dyatlov has to do nothing with Aliens. It seems that the Dyatlov group lived a few hours after they left the tent. And the whole chain of events from the tent's escape, their rational behaviour at the fire and at ravine, as well as waiting at the fire, does not correspond to the alien attack. And I have never heard that Aliens killed people and such many people at the same time.
My answer is no.
2.  Paranormal activity (Ghost, Demons):
I have been interested in paranormal things for a long time, and as in the case of Aliens, the chain of events at that night is not responsive to paranormal events.
My answer is no.
3. Yeti
I'm not sure they exist but if we accept it theoretically that they exist, where are traces in the snow? Where are the traces on the bodies? Why did food and things remain intact in the tent? And also, the chain of events and, in particular, the long waiting time at the fire and the building of the den does not indicate their chasing/stalking by anyone.
My answer is no.
4. The Mansi people ot Army
See the point 3.
My answer is no.
5. Rocket testing/fauilure
No traces of debris, stupidity testing rockets in the area where it is known that there will be tourists (their move in the area and the hiking trail was planned long time before at the university and was approved). My answer is no.
6. Thus, the only thing left is a natural phenomenon. And so far, it is a phenomenon unknown because up to now the Dyatlov mystery is still unresolved. I personally take seriously the presence of orange balls that are reported by many witnesses. Whatever the natural mysterious phenomenon is, I have no idea. But the phenomenon had to create a pressure wave that caused a serious injury to the three at the ravine. I doubt they would fall down into ravine as Zolotarev camera stayed intact. Ivanov claimed that some force from the air selectively attacked the three, but I do not believe it was controlled by some person or Aliens. At the same time, I cannot imagine that any physical phenomenon would also selectively attract them. It would be an incredible coincidence ...

My conclusion:
some natural unknown phenomenon.

I'd agree with much of your post except for rocket failure. An accidental crash up wind of the tent with a fire and release of nitrogen oxides would explain a lot of the hard evidence of what happened that night concerning the tent. The problem comes in explaining everything that happened after the bodies were found.

So it doesn't fit the facts as well as the natural explanation which i'd agree is the favourite.

January 11, 2019, 05:21:32 AM
Reply #5



Here is my point of view:

1.   UFO:
Now, we do not now solve the question if is true that extraterrestrial Aliens are visiting the Earth really. Let's say, theoretically, that they are real. I have read many articles and some books on the subject, and I have noticed that witnesses report similar experiences. My personal result: what happened during the fatal night of the Dyatlov has to do nothing with Aliens. It seems that the Dyatlov group lived a few hours after they left the tent. And the whole chain of events from the tent's escape, their rational behaviour at the fire and at ravine, as well as waiting at the fire, does not correspond to the alien attack. And I have never heard that Aliens killed people and such many people at the same time.
My answer is no.
2.  Paranormal activity (Ghost, Demons):
I have been interested in paranormal things for a long time, and as in the case of Aliens, the chain of events at that night is not responsive to paranormal events.
My answer is no.
3. Yeti
I'm not sure they exist but if we accept it theoretically that they exist, where are traces in the snow? Where are the traces on the bodies? Why did food and things remain intact in the tent? And also, the chain of events and, in particular, the long waiting time at the fire and the building of the den does not indicate their chasing/stalking by anyone.
My answer is no.
4. The Mansi people ot Army
See the point 3.
My answer is no.
5. Rocket testing/fauilure
No traces of debris, stupidity testing rockets in the area where it is known that there will be tourists (their move in the area and the hiking trail was planned long time before at the university and was approved). My answer is no.
6. Thus, the only thing left is a natural phenomenon. And so far, it is a phenomenon unknown because up to now the Dyatlov mystery is still unresolved. I personally take seriously the presence of orange balls that are reported by many witnesses. Whatever the natural mysterious phenomenon is, I have no idea. But the phenomenon had to create a pressure wave that caused a serious injury to the three at the ravine. I doubt they would fall down into ravine as Zolotarev camera stayed intact. Ivanov claimed that some force from the air selectively attacked the three, but I do not believe it was controlled by some person or Aliens. At the same time, I cannot imagine that any physical phenomenon would also selectively attract them. It would be an incredible coincidence ...

My conclusion:
some natural unknown phenomenon.

January 11, 2019, 11:57:25 AM
Reply #6


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Quoted from Monika  ;  [[   their rational behaviour at the fire and at ravine, as well as waiting at the fire, does not correspond to the alien attack. And I have never heard that Aliens killed people and such many people at the same time.  ]]

How do you know that they behaved in a rational way at the fire and at the ravine  !  ?  And how do you know that they waited at the fire  !  ?  And how do you know about the nature of Alien attacks  !  ?  And how do you know whether or not people have been killed by Aliens  !  ? 

January 18, 2019, 06:30:57 AM
Reply #7


Anyone want to translate to English  those posts above. Lol.

There's a reason the group was taking all those pictures of the woods. And documented in writing, Now we know the Yeti/Snowman exist. And don't forget the orbs in the sky. Orbs also have been linked with North American Sasquatch sighting reports.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

January 18, 2019, 09:40:19 AM
Reply #8


Ve bu olağanüstü güce sahip adam en çok da Dubinina ve Semyona zarar verdi.....Çünkü asıl intikam almak istediği bu ikisiydi....İkisinin de gözleri yok ve kaburgaları kırık....Ve Dubininanın dilide yok üst dudağı da...Çünkü bu olağanüstü güce sahip adam Dubinanın kendisini diliyle ret etmesi yüzünden dilini kopardı ve üst dudağını da...Ve kızgınlığından dolayı bunları çiğneye  çiğneye yedi......Olayın tek mantıklı açıklaması ancak böyle olabilir....Diğer teoriler olması mümkün değil.....

And the man who has this extraordinary power hurt most of both Dubinina and Semyon ..... Because it was the two that he wanted to take revenge .... They both have no eyes and their ribs are broken .... And Dubinina has no tongue in the upper lip. Because the man with this remarkable power ripped off his tongue because of Dubina's rejection by his tongue, and his upper lip ... And he chewed it up because of his anger ...... The only sensible explanation of the event could be this .... Other theories could be possible not.....
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 18, 2019, 09:40:57 AM
Reply #9


Olay ise öncelikle ekibin ormanlık bölgede muhtemel yemekten sonra garip ve korkunç bazı sesleri duymasıyla başladı.....Grup çok korktu ve irkildi....Çünkü sesler çok ürkütücüydü......Ve ormanda daha fazla duramadılar ve dağa doğru kaçıp orada çadır kurdular.....ama olağanüstü güce sahip adam onları takip etti....Ve çadıra kadar gelip kapıyı açmaya çalıştı....Grup çok korktu ve yakın ayakda olsa çadırdan kaçtılar.....Ve ormanlık alana kadar kaçtılar....Orada ateş yaktılar çünkü iki kişi çadırdan kısmen çıplak çıkmıştılar..Onlar ateşin yanında kaldı ve diğer üçü çadıra dönüp malzemeleri toplayacaklardı.....Ve diğer dördü de bir sığınak yapmaya karar verdiler...Ama olağanüstü adam önce ateşin yanındaki kısmen çıplak iki adamı öldürdü..Sonra İgoru sonra Rüstemi sonrada Zolotoryoyu....En sonunda da sığınağa gelip diğer dördünün işini bitirdi.....Semyon ve Dubinina aff diledi yalvardı ama olağansütü güce sahip yani Süperman olan adam bunları affetmedi ve gözlerini çıkardı ve kaburgalarını yüksek basınçla kırdı ve Dubininanın dilini dudağını alıp kızgınlıktan yedi.....Sonra onları orada bırakıp gitti....

The event started with the team hearing some strange and horrible sounds after the likely dinner in the wooded area ..... The group was very frightened and startled .... Because the voices were very frightening ...... And they couldn't stop in the woods and run away to the mountain they set up the tent ..... but the man with the extraordinary power followed them .... And he tried to come up to the tent and open the door .... The group was very frightened and they ran away from the tent though close to the foot ..... And they ran away until the forested area. There they burned fire because two people came out of the tent partially naked. They stayed by the fire, and the other three would go back to the tent and gather the materials ..... And the other four decided to make a shelter ... But the extraordinary man before the fire partially He killed two naked men. Then he killed Igoru after Rustemi and Zolotoryu .... Finally he came to the bunker and finished the four others ..... Semyon and Dubinina wished to apologize but the man with the super power, Superman, didn't forgive them and took out his eyes and broke his ribs with high pressure and took the tongue of Dubinin into his lips and ate them from the anger ..... Then he left them there ....
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 19, 2019, 02:20:14 PM
Reply #10


Olaydan sonra görülen gökyüzündeki ilginç ışıklar ve cisimler ancak cinler olabilir....Cinler bu dağcıları farketti ve diğer arkadaşlarını da çağırdılar...Ve bu yüzden orada sayısız cin geldi...Ve cesetleri dehşetle incelediler gözlediler.....Cinlerin olayla ilgisi olmadığını düşünüyorum....Onlar sadece seyirciydi.....
Rrrrr a forum pirate is trying to hijack me thread. Someone call out the guard  and unleash hell! Lol, nice try but I am not taking the bait :)
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." Arthur Conan Doyle

January 19, 2019, 06:13:31 PM
Reply #11


Olaydan sonra görülen gökyüzündeki ilginç ışıklar ve cisimler ancak cinler olabilir....Cinler bu dağcıları farketti ve diğer arkadaşlarını da çağırdılar...Ve bu yüzden orada sayısız cin geldi...Ve cesetleri dehşetle incelediler gözlediler.....Cinlerin olayla ilgisi olmadığını düşünüyorum....Onlar sadece seyirciydi.....

After the incident, the interesting lights and objects in the sky can only be demons. I think it wasn't .... They were just audience .....
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 19, 2019, 06:17:13 PM
Reply #12




Lütfen göndermeden önce metninizi İngilizce'ye çevirmeye başlayın.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

February 07, 2019, 11:03:35 AM
Reply #13


Three of the dead were found in the prone. The other three were on his back. The other three were about as well. So what should have attacked sometimes sometimes from the front sometimes from the side should have attacked ..... So it must be a very fast and flying entity ... According to the distance between the four climbers in the snow, Dubinina managed to escape only 3-4 meters. So the superman is too fast.
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

February 07, 2019, 04:59:22 PM
Reply #14


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Three of the dead were found in the prone. The other three were on his back. The other three were about as well. So what should have attacked sometimes sometimes from the front sometimes from the side should have attacked ..... So it must be a very fast and flying entity ... According to the distance between the four climbers in the snow, Dubinina managed to escape only 3-4 meters. So the superman is too fast.

What exactly is your SUPERMAN  !  ?  Is it HUMAN or ALIEN or some CREATURE.  Or is it PURE ENERGY or a GHOST. 

February 08, 2019, 03:41:26 AM
Reply #15

Nigel Evans

Three of the dead were found in the prone. The other three were on his back. The other three were about as well. So what should have attacked sometimes sometimes from the front sometimes from the side should have attacked ..... So it must be a very fast and flying entity ... According to the distance between the four climbers in the snow, Dubinina managed to escape only 3-4 meters. So the superman is too fast.

What exactly is your SUPERMAN  !  ?  Is it HUMAN or ALIEN or some CREATURE.  Or is it PURE ENERGY or a GHOST.


February 08, 2019, 04:06:38 AM
Reply #16


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Three of the dead were found in the prone. The other three were on his back. The other three were about as well. So what should have attacked sometimes sometimes from the front sometimes from the side should have attacked ..... So it must be a very fast and flying entity ... According to the distance between the four climbers in the snow, Dubinina managed to escape only 3-4 meters. So the superman is too fast.

What exactly is your SUPERMAN  !  ?  Is it HUMAN or ALIEN or some CREATURE.  Or is it PURE ENERGY or a GHOST.

This post doesnt tell us anything.

February 08, 2019, 06:58:46 AM
Reply #17

Nigel Evans

Three of the dead were found in the prone. The other three were on his back. The other three were about as well. So what should have attacked sometimes sometimes from the front sometimes from the side should have attacked ..... So it must be a very fast and flying entity ... According to the distance between the four climbers in the snow, Dubinina managed to escape only 3-4 meters. So the superman is too fast.

What exactly is your SUPERMAN  !  ?  Is it HUMAN or ALIEN or some CREATURE.  Or is it PURE ENERGY or a GHOST.

This post doesnt tell us anything.

February 08, 2019, 11:54:40 AM
Reply #18


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Three of the dead were found in the prone. The other three were on his back. The other three were about as well. So what should have attacked sometimes sometimes from the front sometimes from the side should have attacked ..... So it must be a very fast and flying entity ... According to the distance between the four climbers in the snow, Dubinina managed to escape only 3-4 meters. So the superman is too fast.

What exactly is your SUPERMAN  !  ?  Is it HUMAN or ALIEN or some CREATURE.  Or is it PURE ENERGY or a GHOST.

This post doesnt tell us anything.

SPAM then ! ?

February 08, 2019, 02:10:31 PM
Reply #19

Nigel Evans

SPAM then ! ?
No just trying to be witty. You said - What exactly is your SUPERMAN  !  ?  Is it HUMAN or ALIEN or some CREATURE.  Or is it PURE ENERGY or a GHOST. 


February 08, 2019, 04:06:43 PM
Reply #20


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
SPAM then ! ?
No just trying to be witty. You said - What exactly is your SUPERMAN  !  ?  Is it HUMAN or ALIEN or some CREATURE.  Or is it PURE ENERGY or a GHOST. 

Iam hoping that cennetkusu can enlighten us all by what he is going on about.  I suppose we have to take everything into consideration, even the possibility of a SUPERMAN.

February 09, 2019, 04:28:06 PM
Reply #21

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Maybe he is taking about a vampire?  Super human strength, can fly etc.  Don't think their blood had been drained though

February 09, 2019, 07:56:38 PM
Reply #22


There are only two reasons that can accomplish this event .... 1. Superman 2.Gins  This is a superman. But he's not a normal person ...He must be able to use close to 100% of his brain. So he can fly and he has incredible powers. He can be invisible. And maybe it could be thousands of years old. And he must be able to travel around the world.
There's no other explanation for this incident. Or the jinn can do.Because they have very fast and magnetic forces.Of course, the death of young people is sad.
I think they're okay now. I think God will take them to Heaven. They had to die and they died.
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

February 09, 2019, 07:59:55 PM
Reply #23


n this case, people became a sign. So God warned people. He said you were not created in vain. Come to yourselves and worship me. So what does this tell us much about how it happened? We have to say. Because it happened somehow. What we need to understand from this incredible event. Otherwise, we cannot fully understand this event. What we have to think is what this event tells us.
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

February 09, 2019, 08:15:01 PM
Reply #24


The cause of rib fractures must be the magnetic force of the superman. And the other 6 mountaineers must have died with this magnetic force. So with the magnetic force that hits the heart directly. But Semyon and Dubinina were tortured to death. They're not dead now. Dubinina must be back when she was dying. Because superman must be looking at him when he's got his eye and his tongue. Then he wanted to move ... Because he wasn't dead ... But he must have finally died of cold.
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

February 09, 2019, 08:21:06 PM
Reply #25


What is the cause of the catastrophic deaths of Semyon and Dubinin? Because Superman wanted to make them good and obedient. The others did not resist much. But Semyon and Dubinina resisted the Superman. They didn't want to obey him. Nikolai resisted a bit. That's why Superman violated them more. To be good and obedient ...
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

February 09, 2019, 09:51:58 PM
Reply #26


It also explains how these young people go to the forest along a proper line. And how they can get back in the right way .... Or they can't find the way in the night in the darkness. Why did they not run? Because they heard the superman, and they knew they weren't gonna run away. But maybe they thought they could get out of the woods.
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

February 10, 2019, 12:53:54 AM
Reply #27

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient

February 10, 2019, 10:10:39 AM
Reply #28


What is the superman?
My guess is it's a very old man who can use 100% of his brain and be superman.
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

February 10, 2019, 11:45:15 PM
Reply #29

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
What is the superman?
My guess is it's a very old man who can use 100% of his brain and be superman.

Where does the idea of the super man come from?