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Dyatlov Pass Forum

Author Topic: Introducing: Me  (Read 13111 times)

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January 30, 2021, 01:52:45 PM
Read 13111 times


Hello everyone,

I'm obviously new to this forum, at least considering your part of the deal. I've been reading your theories and thinking about them for about a week I guess by now. It was Youtube that set me on the track, after watching a documentary about ghosts in the London underground, by presenting a video about the Dyatlov Pass Incident. In fact I was too scared to watch it, but read instead on wikipedia about the known facts.
One leading to the next I ended up here (aka playing the funny wikipedia-game aka following links that seem interesting).

As of now, my head is buzzing with information, forming questions and theories that sometimes keep me from sleeping (because I keep thinking or because I'm scared for reasons I don't understand myself). This means it's time for venting the brain by sharing and putting theories to the test by letting other people check them against probabilities and facts.

I'm German, so I'm fluent in German and quite so in English. I understand a little French and a very little Swedish, but no Russian at all. I can't even read the cyrilic letters. This means, I depend on translated material rather than being able to read the originals myself. :(

Being a mathematical brain, my brain is currently working on a case-by-case analysis of the known facts, knowing full well that by now I'm probably still missing a lot of them, not including those currently not known by the public anyway.

Hopefully we'll have a lot of nice and interesting discussions. As for now I'm already impressed by the length some of you go to to test your theories...

January 30, 2021, 03:58:02 PM
Reply #1


Hello, Missi--welcome to the forum!