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Author Topic: Funerals  (Read 18154 times)

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March 09, 2018, 06:55:35 AM
Read 18154 times


March 9
Yuri Doroshenko and Zinaida Kolmogorova are buried in Mikhailovskoe cemetery.
Yuri Krivonischenko is buried in Ivanovskoe cemetery.

March 10
Igor Dyatlov and Rustem Slobodin are buried in Mikhailovskoe cemetery.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 12:58:21 AM by Teddy »

May 12, 2018, 06:35:29 AM
Reply #1


Witness testimony of Rimma Kolevatova given on April 14 (Case files pages 270-272). This is before the body of her brother was found.
"I was present at all the funerals of the group. Why were their faces and hands all so dark brown? How can we explain the fact that the four of them who were beside the fire, they were obviously alive, why didn’t they try to return to the tent? If they were considerably better dressed, as far as I can see from clothes missing from the tent … if it was a natural disaster, then for sure, after being warmed by the fire, then the guys would have crawled back to the tent. The whole group wouldn’t have perished from an Arctic storm!"

Recollection of relatives and eyewitnesses at the funeral, given almost fifty years after the tragedy, mention the dark orange color of the skin, reminiscent of the color of bricks. Though unusual, nothing of this was recorded in the official records of the autopsies. At that time, all photography was black and white, so there are no color pictures of the dead. Some say that only the exposed skin was darker in color, that the skin under their clothes what could be seen (it was Zina family member who witnessed this), was not so unnaturally colored. Here is a thought - what if this orange tinge was a bad mortician job?

May 12, 2018, 06:37:57 AM
Reply #2


On May 12 Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolle were buried in Mikhailovskoe Cemetery, in a plot designated to UPI. Semyon Zolotaryov's funeral was a few days after May 12. It was delayed so his mother could attend. She had to travel from Krasnodar to Sverdlovsk. Semyon Zolotaryov, since he was not a UPI contingent, was buried in Ivanovskoe cemetery where Yuri Krivonischenko was rested in peace on March 9. Zolotaryov had no relatives or friends in Sverdlovsk, and it was Sogrin who identified his belongings. Before joining Dyatlov group Zolotaryov enlisted in Sogrin group for a trek to Circumpolar Ural that would have lasted 25 days. Zolotaryov needed the title Master of Sports which would have reflected his pay and this trek could have given him the qualification. Sogrin describes him as a very open, outgoing, polite, with good communication skills which is expected for a guide. Semyon explained to Sogrin that he found a shorter trek (15 days) and that Igor Dyatlov accepted him n the group. Semyon apologized for the situation and explained that he has family reason - he wanted to take his mom to Caucasus before the begging of the touristic season when he will be busy.
Zolotariov’s mother came from Krasnodar to Sverdlovsk to collect his belongings in April, as she had been told to, before her son was found. It’s known she was not in Sverdlovsk in May when the bodies arrived. It’s likely that the authorities guessed the body was that of Zolotaryov by the process of elimination. I have to mention that all the known photographs of Zolotaryov are from as late as 1943. Recent exhumation of Zolotaryov's body on 12 April 2018 was preceded by 1 year effort to obtain a permit since there was no record of Semyon Zolotaryov being ever buried in Ivanovskoe cemetery, or anywhere else in Sverdlovsk. So it is hard to say when exactly was his funeral, but witnesses remember that it was a few days after May 12.
This time no one called Yudin to identify the bodies. The secrecy grew tremendously. Yuri Yudin, according to his words, was told 40 years later about the terrible internal injuries some of his friends had. There is a controversy about the non-disclosure. Even if there was a non-disclosure why nobody say anything earlier. On the other hand, there is undercurrent that KGB was warning that bad things are going to happen to people that try.
  • Korotaev in a interview says that he and everybody present on the pass had to sign a non-disclosure for 25 years. But the fact is that he was never on the pass. He gave a lot of information that can not be verified.
  • Gushtin book "The price of a Govsecret - 9 lives"

The last 4 bodies found in May were buried in closed coffins, unlike the ones found in February, which were buried in open coffins as is the usual practice in Russia to this day, except for military deaths. Many years later, in the 1990s, Lev Ivanov, the official investigator for the case, apologized for preventing the parents from dealing with their loved ones in a proper way, not even being allowed to see the faces of their children. But the reasons for his decision are not just based in secrecy. In an interview given to a Kazakh newspaper in the 1990s, after his retirement, Lev Ivanov said he had made one exception for Alexander Nikolaevich, the father of Lyudmila Dubinina. While she was in the coffin in the morgue, he let her father enter, and permitted someone to open the lid so that he could see her. When he saw his daughter’s corpse, he fainted.

Witness testimony of Alexander Dubinin given on April 14 (Case files pages 284-287). This is before the body of his daughter was found.
"Till the day I still can believe that this could happened in the Soviet Union, that in this large industrial and cultural center of the country, could exist such a criminal disregard for preserving the lives of a whole group of people. ...Those heartless leaders were never concerned that eight days after the planned return date at Vizhay, there was no contact, yet nobody did anything and search was rescue operations started on the 21 February."

On the last photo is Thibeaux-Brignolle aunt at Nikolai's grave in 1960

November 15, 2018, 06:25:59 AM
Reply #4


Thank you, I will study this.