(Little abbreviated, without weater prognose and some fragmens...)
Participants in the conference:
[–] forensic medical expert Eduard Tumanov
[–] writer Nikolai Andreev
[–] prosecutor Andrei Kuryakov (in the center)
[–] glaciologist from Moscow State University - Viktor Popovnin
[–] Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent - Natalya Varsegova

[–] Let us recall that at the moment there are about 70 versions of the tragedy, but none of them can be considered true, since each leaves a huge number of questions unanswered. Why, we know that. Because for almost 10 years, Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists have been conducting their own investigation into this mysterious story, and in particular, it was thanks to the interest and efforts of our publication that the prosecutor’s office of the Sverdlovsk region began checking this case.
[VARSEGOVA]: Hello! Indeed, in September 2018, we turned to the prosecutor’s office of the Sverdlovsk region with a request to disclose on behalf of the relatives of one of the dead tourists (Zolotaryov’s relatives), with a request to explain the cause of the death of the Dyatlov group. With a request to explain not just the cause, but all the circumstances of the tragedy. We compiled a fairly large questionnaire. And a few months ago we received the materials of the prosecutor's inspection in our hands. They are known to us, we have studied them for a long time, but by agreement we postponed the publication of the materials of this inspection until the public appearance. Now this moment has come. And we are ready to discuss the audit materials together with our expert Andrey Kuryakov.
[–] Andrey Valentinovich, the floor is yours, please!
[KURYAKOV]: Thank you, colleagues. So, the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass.
[–] We are glad to welcome you to the Komsomolskaya Pravda press conference (July 2020) dedicated to the new version of the Dyatlov Pass mystery.

Andrey [KURYAKOV]: I would like to say right away at the beginning of the press conference that for me the secret, this secret has been solved. And how it was revealed, I will tell about it today. Now I am dealing with this issue as an applicant for the degree of candidate of legal sciences, I am writing a PhD thesis.
And since the question arose of applying various legislation (Soviet, modern) for fixing evidence, in order to evaluate the evidence and come to the only correct conclusions in the end. For this, not only the framework of the prosecutor's check was necessary, but also the application of legal science – this is, in general, what I am doing now.
But since today I just wanted to talk about that, and I will tell you about what legal novels were applied, used in order to reveal this secret, which excites the minds of several decades. Once again, I will dwell on why this was done. After we received an appeal from Natalia Vasilyeva… This appeal indicated two facts, two grounds for verification.
The first reason is that the relatives and friends of the dead have the right to know the reason. Not even so much the cause of death, but the cause of the emergency. And secondly, when we raised and studied the criminal case, which is in the archive, we saw that yes, in the Northern Urals there is some kind of elemental force that caused the death of nine trained sports people, sports trained, prepared for hiking trips. And until the moment of verification, this power was not known.
What kind of force can cause such terrible consequences? Since the Dyatlov Pass is a place of mass tourism, this place of mass tourism is visited by various groups, both amateur and organized. Namely, in January and February, i.e. at the very dangerous time when the Dyatlov group died. It was important for us to determine what is the reason that led to the tragedy. And, accordingly, take measures to prevent them. (Pause) Once again, so that it is also clear to everyone, let us once again dwell on the fact that the subject of the prosecutor's check is to find the causes that led to the death and take measures.
The subject of my scientific research is the legal substantiation of the possibility of such checks and the application of this new legal knowledge in the future, during other similar checks. Accordingly, in my story I will talk about the prosecutor's check, and about scientific new methods.
So, the organization of the check. In order to carry it out, it was necessary to assemble a group of prosecutors. We trained 12 people. I led it. Each had its own set of issues that each employee of the prosecutor's office considered: prepared documents, prepared projects for the appointment of examinations.
The next most important issue that we had to resolve was the powers of the prosecutor. Since it is no secret that investigators can appoint examinations, conduct an inspection of the scene. But whether there are such powers of the prosecutor, that was the question. Why is it important? Because in order to answer all the secrets of the Dyatlov Pass, it was necessary to appoint examinations there.
So, in 2017, the prosecution authorities were endowed with such powers. (…) As a matter of fact, we were a bit of a pioneer when we appointed these examinations, conducted them, worked with experts, etc.
The next step was the development of supervisory versions. Because it is impossible to check everything in the world. It was necessary to determine the range of issues that we wanted to check. Confirm or refute. There are 75 versions, strictly speaking. We divided all these 75 versions into nine groups. (…) There are 9 versions in total, we checked each of these versions, and we gave our own assessment to each of these versions. Now, in order to start this review and start answering these versions, we needed to identify two key questions, and solve two more key questions.
First, what was the weather like at the scene of the tragedy on February 1-2, 1959? This is the most difficult scientific task. (…) And the second key question – it was necessary to determine the location of the tent! (…)
The examination was carried out for a very long time, it took 4 months, but based on the results of the microclimatic examination, which was appointed, as I said earlier, using the powers of the prosecutor, we learned and now know with scientific accuracy what weather conditions were at the Dyatlov Pass at the time of the death of the group. And the next question… Now we knew the location of the tent, we knew the place, we named the weather. Now the next block of questions that we have set for ourselves! (…)
'First', this is what Prosecutor Tempalov knew about the criminal case before – this was discussed at a press conference in February. («Tempalov's note»)
The «second» block of questions is unreasonable attention from the General Prosecutor's Office of the USSR. Why was the case requested by the Prosecutor General's Office, why was control over the investigation established?
The fact is that in 1959 the orders of the Prosecutor General, which regulated the organization of supervision, they were marked «for official use», and, accordingly, the general public did not have access to this internal document of the Prosecutor General’s Office.
Now this is not the case, now we have all the orders of the Prosecutor General, they are public, they can be seen on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office. So, when we found these orders, they answered all the questions: why was the investigator, the forensic prosecutor, investigating the case? Why the regional prosecutor was present during the forensic medical examination, why the case was put under control in Moscow. Those. all these requirements followed strictly from those orders and that regulatory framework that was closed at that time, and accordingly, there are no questions there.
The next interesting block No. 3 is flying objects «glowing balls». What we did, we copied all the references to flying, luminous balls-objects from the materials of the criminal case, and gave these materials for examination. We have the Ural Regional Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in Yekaterinburg.
And we gave the data for conducting a trassological examination. What it is? This is where the expert on the traces, on the description of these phenomena, compared with known objects and came to a conclusion. This is a very large expertise… These materials and the examination itself are in the possession of Natalia Varsegova. She, as the applicant, had familiarized herself with them earlier. I won't go into details.
The meaning is as follows: that the expert compared the description of the movement of objects, the speed of objects, the direction compared, the speed of the wind, the direction of the wind on the dates when these phenomena were observed, and clearly determined that these phenomena are the most likely «weather balloons». Those. objects that move in the direction of the wind, with the speed of the wind. And everything that is haze and so on has such a visual effect, when in the distance… this effect is also described. Accordingly, it was there some kind of illusion. The second thing he came up with… He compared these objects with traces left by rocket technology, flight path, flight range, observation time, and so on.

And on the basis of general and particular signs, he completely denied that all these air objects could have something to do with rockets and rocket technology. Well, his last assumption, and the expert assessment of the tracer, that these objects, some of them COULD BE the so-called «halo effects».
This is also called the «second sun» and «second moon» in another way, when it is reflected in the sky and visually visible, as if two suns, one sun on one side, and one on the other. They also float on the horizon, and so on, i.e. this is the entire investigative examination, it has been analyzed in detail, in the most detailed way for 15 pages, general and particular signs have been determined, and, accordingly, the version with balls and, in general, with any influence on the death of the group – we have verified it. We have refuted it!
The next block number 4, in general, that this is some kind of influence of the military, in addition to these balls, that these were ROCKET TESTS. We made a request to the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Defense issued us an archival certificate that, yes, indeed, on February 2, 1959, a rocket was launched from the Kapustin Yar test site. Yes, the rocket flew approximately the distance that is up to… is to the Dyatlov Pass, but the rocket flew the distance, but in the wrong direction.
It was sent to a training ground located in Kazakhstan. Accordingly, yes, there was a rocket, but it had nothing to do with it, it would not have been seen from the Dyatlov Pass, and, accordingly, this circumstance has nothing to do with the events…

Next version #5: that the cause is a «NUCLEAR EXPLOSION». Here we went the following way: from Kuntsevich, whom I mentioned earlier, we took the preserved books of tourists with whom they went on this trip. These books were subjected to radiological examination. And it turned out that there was no radiation contamination on the books!
Secondly, the experts were given the documents of the examination, which was carried out in 1959, and the director of the Institute of Industrial Ecology of the Ural Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Zhukovsky. He conducted this examination, compared those trace radiation residues of the beta study that were on the clothes of tourists, compared them with the «East Ural radiation trace». Let me remind you that there was a radiation accident at the Mayak enterprise in 1957, and that after that accident, the only manifestation was beta radiation at the site of infection, which is on the clothes of the Dyatlov group.
Accordingly, when the comparison was made. And, moreover, thanks to Komsomolskaya Pravda, we received documents stating that tourists, as well as Krivonischenko, who was an employee of the enterprise, went on «weekend hikes» around their cities, around their enterprise! (…)

The next block of versions No. 6 is HURRICANE. The hurricane was very similar. This version was taken very seriously by us. Why? because when we first left for the village. Ushmá, the last settlement before the Dyatlov Pass, where the Mansi live, I interviewed two local residents, and they said that yes, Kholatchakhl, cold is death, stunted is a mountain.
And earlier there on this mountain, with strong winds, hurricanes, it blew away both the deer that grazed there and the shepherds. And there were cases when Mansi died there. It was, as she said, a very long time ago. But, nevertheless, such winds happen there, and we had such facts. These explanations are in the materials. Moreover, in the course of checking with the Ural hydrometeorological center, we found documents that indicated that in the area of ??mountain Otorten there are flashes of hurricane wind of foehn nature, which reach speeds of 50-70 m / s, and accordingly, in this place, in this localization such winds could be. But the question about the wind was answered during the microclimatic examination. I will talk about it at the end. Accordingly, the hurricane was not confirmed in our country, because microclimatologists refuted these data…
And the next reason number 7 is EARTHQUAKES, seismic phenomena. We also worked together with the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and with the Obninsk Institute of Seismology, requested all the data from that time, and it turned out that there were no fixations of seismic activity in this localization.

And the penultimate version No. 8 is a replacement for Zolotaryov.
This is about the fact that Zolotaryov Semyon / Alexander is actually not the one he claims to be. We found, or rather, we received from Komsomolskaya Pravda samples of Zolotaryov's handwriting, both where he called himself Alexander, and where he called himself Semyon.
And according to these handwriting samples, a handwriting examination was carried out, during which both Zolotaryov, who calls himself Alexander, and Zolotaryov, who calls himself Semyon, they said… the expert said that these documents, these questionnaires, were signed by the same person. Thus, Zolotaryov called himself this way and that, and accordingly, there is no secret, there is no secret here, this is the secret of his personal relationship to his own name.
And the last version remains, the 9th version, this is AVALANCHE. I will tell you right away that she has found her full confirmation, but the cause of death is not only her. Accordingly, before moving on to it, I forgot to say one more important point. After we arrived from the Dyatlov Pass, after we determined the location of the tent, after we determined the exact coordinates, this was not enough for us. We needed to make a 3d model, I once talked about this. This is a very important point, because 3d-modeling… 3d-model, it enabled the experts to visually assess what was happening at the Dyatlov Pass. Therefore, now there will be a video of this 3d model that we made. This is a completely scientifically accurate picture of the place. Now, when I say, it will be necessary to stop. Everyone, please stop. Well, now I'll tell you WHAT HAPPENED THERE.

So, this is the Ural Range. This is Komi, west. East – Sverdlovsk region. This height-top is called Kholatchakhl. Here she is! This is a top view of Kholatchakhl. This peak is the 905th height… Previously, the height on the right was called the height of 880 meters. And the ridge that connects Holatchakhl and the 905th height is called the Dyatlov Pass.
So what did he want, and what plans did the Dyatlov group have? And why is this place even a place of mass tourism? Because these are very beautiful mysterious places in the Northern Urals. But in order to rise to them, it is impossible to go here. This is the taiga, these are windbreaks, this is snow there, 3-4 meters each. Therefore, as tourists do: they are on the rivers, here is Lozva, and here is Auspiya, they drive on snowmobiles, or on boats, or in cars, literally up to the ascent, i.e. according to Lozva or Auspiya!
They rise to the plateau, and along the ridge they calmly go to Otorten, and there further – pillars «Manpupuner» and so on. But – this is the only place where you can safely get there without going through these windbreaks of the Urals, and calmly climb up. That is why it is a place of mass tourism, that is why people travel there now.
Of course, including the Dyatlov Pass. They take pictures there. But most importantly, it is a place of access to the Ural Range and the beauties of the Subpolar and Northern Urals.
So what were the plans of the Dyatlov group? They were supposed to come here on skis along Auspiya, then climb up. There are 2 versions: climb the ridge and go to Otorten, or cross the pass and go to Otorten right here. But this is not essential…
On the first day, they tried to attack Holatchakhl, and they did not succeed, because when they went upstairs, there was a strong headwind. They came back and made a labaz here. Roughly speaking, a secret. They left the main things there: warm clothes, food, and so on, and light on the 1st at three o'clock in the afternoon, they began to climb the pass, which was then nameless. They climbed to a height of 900 m (on the map 811 meters!/) and reached here. Now, why did they get to this point? As the microclimatic examination established, when Dyatlov rose, the wind was of a north-western direction, it went around Holatchakhl and blew as if from top to bottom. But microclimatologists determined for us what the winds were like in January.

So, in January, about 20% of the time, the southwest wind blew, and 80% – northwest. Now, the place where these winds cross, it's right here. On this slope-spur, right here in this place, there was an intersection of this wind and this wind.
/I don’t know what Kuryakov had in mind, but I think many will imagine that there were 2 winds at once, both the first one (which was 80%) and the second (which was 20%) blew out, and both blew out like a candle. To be honest, I would be afraid to take a child to such a teacher in a kindergarten./ … This wind carried the snow, and this wind carried the snow… And the place of snow accumulation was in this place. So, when Dyatlov walked along the eastern slope of Holatchakhl, they went under the snow canopy.

Here the strength of the wind fell by 10-15%, they went into the shade. And when we conducted a situational examination, and the master of sports in tourism told us that when a decision is made to install a scarf on a mountain, they look for a shady wind shadow, they found it. But the mistake was…
What they did not know and could not know is that the wind shadow is not created by the terrain, but the wind shadow is created by snow accumulation. /those. he thinks that there was not an earthen, not a stone mound, but a large snowdrift!/
They stood right under the visor. Moreover, when the microclimatologist determined the location of this snow peak for us, let's say, we did not yet have the exact location of the tent. We don't know exactly where she is yet. I mean, it was just speculation.
Accordingly, we learned about the location of the snow peak in August, and the exact location of the scarf /from photos/ we got only in September. And when they coincided with us, our tent just turned out to be 50 meters under this visor. /In general, this whole story of obtaining a location from a photo and a camera with a focus of 5 cm from Kuntsevich reminded me of measuring the height of a building with a barometer. /
The exam question was: «Explain how to measure the height of a building with a barometer.» The student's response was:
«Tie a barometer to a long rope and lower it from the roof to ground level, and then, pulling it back, measure the length of the rope, which will show the exact height of the building. Set the time on the stopwatch and drop the barometer from the roof down, measuring the time of the fall. Then, the second option, using the formula L=(a*t¼)/2, calculate the height of the building.»
«Are there other ways?»
«Yes. There is a very easy way and I hope you enjoy it. You take the barometer in your hands and go up the stairs, putting the barometer against the wall and making marks.»
So further, at 5 o'clock they came, made a tent. The tent was pitched for about 2 hours. We were also told this by expert tourists, also a master of sports from Perm. It means that further there the technology is as follows: when a tent is set up, the tourists themselves are wet, a lot of work is being done there. They climb into the tent, undress in the tent, take off their wet clothes, put on only dry clothes. In which they, in principle, then, and ended up on the street. They began to print a newspaper, which is most likely because it was written on the 1st, Vecherniy Otorten. And they started eating. This is also very important. For food, they ate crackers and meat that they had.
Then two tourists Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolle left the tent. /he doesn't say there are 2 traces of urine in the criminal file/ We assume, and the data indicate why they left. Thibeaux-Brignolle – it was on duty.

And Zolotaryov is the only person from the entire Dyatlov group who had a mountain tourism category and who went to those places where there are avalanches. This is the North Caucasus. /Dyatlov and Kolmogorova were also in the mountains in the Caucasus in the summer and autumn of 1957,
pictured avalanche tunnels/
The rest of the group, they received their discharges in such non-avalanche places. Accordingly, Zolotaryov was well aware of the danger of setting up a tent on a mountain. Moreover, according to experts, in the glaciologist who is present here, which means that snowballs begin to roll down as harbingers of an avalanche. It is most likely that these lumps swept through the tent. This means that Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolle are leaving the tent.
Then the AVALANCHE BEGINS. But one of the versions of private researchers is that the avalanche completely closed all tourists /Shkryabach talked about this/ – they were broken there, they got bodily injuries /Axelrod also suggested, what a sin to hide !!!/. This is not so… Since the expert who conducted the examination of the tent, according to the data that is in the criminal case, he came to the following conclusions:
1. At the tent, the tension ropes and the stand were laid at the same time. Accordingly, neither the wind nor man could put them down. It could be a single force of some kind at the same time. These tether and pole mechanisms could only fall if, most likely, an avalanche occurred at the same time.
2. The next conclusion of the expert trassologist is that the tent was cut, this is an important point, from a sitting position. Because if they fell asleep… It was important for us to understand what was happening when the avalanche started. That is, they were not lying in a tent, they were in a sitting position. Most likely, Zolotaryov commanded that an avalanche had begun. At the same time, it means that the far part of the tent collapsed. The only right decision in this situation is that 2 tourism experts, Yekaterinburg and Perm, told us that the only right decision is to sharply, urgently cut the tent and jump out of it immediately!

When we conducted a supervisory experiment (photo from the KP article dated 03/24/2019 – «For some reason they were silent about the found Dyatlov tent for two days») and tried to detect how much time people spend so that 9 people can leave the tent… In order to leave the tent through the entrance, close, open the regular opening, it takes 40-45 seconds.
In order to through the slot, it takes 14 seconds. Taking into account the fact that Thibeaux-Brignolle and Zolotaryov were outside the tent, i.e. there is not 14, there is already somewhere 10 seconds. I mean, they did everything right.
They jumped out of the tent. Then there was the question, where did the big piece go from the tent, i.e. on all examinations, all experts indicate that there are three incisions. They were made from the inside. Well, where did the big piece of the central part of the tent go? So, the expert analyzed the gaps and determined that this piece, which means it was formed when they tried to pull the tent down the mountain. That is, they did everything right, they didn’t jump out of it, they realized that they had to go further, because the avalanche could be this avalanche or the next one. It is already difficult to say what was in this emergency situation, what was the logic. They tried to drag this tent behind them, but a piece came off.
Then the group together, without panic, retreated 50 m, and they went to the stone ridge. They did it right, because the rocky ridge is a natural avalanche stop. They did everything right. And here is the second reason why the group died, why the group was already, let's say, sentenced to death and it did not return. When they turned around, they did not see the tent… /and then he says that they left a flashlight there!/ If there was a moonlit night… (and the moon set at 4:30 that night, the microclimatologist told us this, everything was calculated). The visibility of the tent was, therefore, from 6 to 16 meters. 16 m is the best option. Tourists also retreated to 50 meters. /I already discussed, there was 20-30 m from the tent moved to 20 m, and the first rescuer Sharavin saw traces 2-3 meters from the tent/
When they turned up (gesturing), they did not see the tent. /And, therefore, you have to go one and a half kilometers down, wherever your eyes look!/

In order to answer the question: well, how did you not see it? they all understood where they were coming from, here it is, approximately in this place! We also conducted a surveillance experiment. We took a man and a woman and blindfolded them. They retreated 30 m, went down below the tent, and we experimented, is it possible to find it with closed eyes, not seeing the tent?
Although there it was audible by the sound where she was.
And a person, when, not seeing a landmark, goes aside. Well, this is directly visible, we have both in the photo and on the video… that… without seeing the tent on the mountain, you will never find it! Accordingly, apparently some attempts were made. They didn’t see her, they went down further… This course of events is confirmed by the fact that, in other words, one lantern was left on the tents, and the second lantern was left on the stone ridge.
If they had seen the tent, they would not have left a second flashlight on the ridge in absolute darkness. They wouldn't throw lanterns around. Accordingly, they at least simply become attached to where the scarf is approximately located… /I think that the stone ridge was a hump-inflection of the terrain, through which, going down, it was no longer possible to see a tent with a flashlight. Here Kuryakov admits that they marked the place with a flashlight. But since there was the first flashlight, why didn't they see the tent with it 50 meters away? and there were 9 people holding hands, not 2!/
Then the group goes down. They come down here, to the cedar. They go-go-go as long as the wind allows… until they enter the wind shadow. Further, what the microclimatologist told us is that at the moment of leaving the tent, it is approximately the time of 20-21 hours, that's it at this moment it begins… Ah! And most importantly, why did the avalanche go? Because it is at this moment, 20-21 hours, that a sharp deterioration in the weather begins: the wind blows 10-15 m/s, with gusts up to 35 m/s.

When we were there at the pass, there were gusts up to 20 m/s. It is impossible to go against such a wind, but at the time of the accident the wind was 15 m/s, with gusts then up to 35 m/s. Since there was a snow pile, these gusts, they… provoked the movement of snow masses.
Moreover, when the tourists descended, the temperature dropped, i.e. when they went down, the temperature dropped from –20°С date to –35°С. /it turns out that every 2-3 minutes the temperature dropped by 1°C!/ They reached the cedar, made a fire. The fire burned out, burned out for an hour and a half. Farther near the fire, the fire did not burn, because it was in the open space. Near the fire, two tourists die. Then the group splits up, so to speak. Zolotaryov subgroup and Dyatlov subgroup. /It is very interesting, against this background, that Zolotaryov gave two watches to the youngest of the guys Thibeaux-Brignolle. Or his leadership was manifested in the fact that «Watch out while I sleep!»/
And Zolotaryov, and Dyatlov, they went back to the tent. Both that and the other group. Kolmogorova, Dyatlov, Slobodian went to the tent. They did not see the tent, they followed in their footsteps, they crawled in their footsteps. /why then Dyatlov climbed into some kind of birch dead end, all the more he crawled in the footsteps of Kolmogorova. Maybe it's already frozen?/
When we were at the pass, we were in this hollow, it is not possible there in a different way. When they descended, they blazed through the snow, and they followed their tracks back. The climatologist told us that with 100% probability the tent was not visible from the cedar. /What can you see at night?/ Therefore, they lay on the same line, because Kolmogorova, apparently, crawled first, then Slobodin, and Dyatlov crawled in their tracks. They crawled out of the forest zone and immediately froze. There was a temperature down to minus 40-45°, with a piercing wind that blew in that direction. /It's too much. Those 45 was temperature or wind?/

Zolotaryov's subgroup – they also went in this direction. We found documents, where it was indicated that this flooring of theirs was under the snow, it was found at a distance of 40 meters to the south-west from the cedar. Here is the west, here is the southwest… /there was erroneous information about the southwest, it was west or northwest.
Both Dyatlov and Zolotaryov, they went in one direction, they went back to the tent. Just Zolotaryov, they stayed, did it, went deep into the snow. His subgroup did the flooring. /That is, at first two of them froze at the cedar, and then they just decided to make flooring, cutting off 15 trees, when three left. And why then so many Christmas tree needles on Kolmogorova's pants after?/
But in this place of the ravine, the corners of the ravine, if the usual 11°, but when they made the flooring, when they dug up this snow, they, in fact, provoked the snow to move. /what did they dig up? with bare hands without a shovel?/ And the snow movement was confirmed to us by specialists from the Ural Academy of Sciences. And, accordingly, here is the progress that they are talking about. /and if there was no progress, was it just a collapse of the ice ceiling of the arch above the stream?/ They cut the slope /the slope became 22°/ and the snow came down. So, the slope was cut by Zolotaryov's four. That is, they were blown off the floor from this/ why then the flooring and things were not demolished, but only they were demolished to the side as much as 5 meters?/, and covered with a three-meter layer of snow. /It turns out that these three were covered with 3 meters of snow, and the two at the cedar – only 3 cm. Based on the terrain, it is difficult to imagine how they either dug 3 meters or 3 meters collapsed!/
An expert psychologist, to whom we gave all the data about the Dyatlov group, about each of them, their own characteristics, their letters there, she said that it really happened, they fought to the last for the survival of the group. Those. they were… in fact, they were on fire, but there was such a heroic struggle, there was no panic. Until the very end, each of them carried out their own mission. Yes, in order to save the whole group. But, unfortunately, they did not have a chance to escape under these circumstances.
And now – about the examinations that we conducted. Since, as I say, the prosecutor has the authority to conduct examinations, Finally, run the 3d model again so that we can look again. That is, here is the pass, here is the tent, here is the place of snow accumulation.
So, the last issue that we had to resolve was medical examinations. So that a medical expert can give us an answer. It was very important, because really, questions about injuries, questions about injuries, they remained all this time, and only a professional in their field could answer them. We took advantage of the right, which I am now considering as part of my Ph.D. thesis, this is the right of the prosecutor to appoint special examinations.
And 9 special examinations were appointed in the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Sverdlovsk Region. Conducted by 6 specialists: candidates of medical sciences, teachers at the Ural State Medical Academy, and the group was headed by the head of this institution Kondrashov. The examination was carried out quite carefully. We provided them with all the documents that we had, which they demanded of us, including data related to snow, with snow surveys, which played a very important role. Everything related to the properties of snow in those places…
And since Eduard Viktorovich Tumanov was on the pass, he saw the scene of the incident with his own eyes, he formulated questions for the experts. Essentially speaking, a professional who was at the scene of the tragedy was asking questions for professionals who were already using 3d model data and other documents.
And we took questions from, let's say, from the public, from Natalia Varsegova, who asked them, so to speak, in a philistine way. But nevertheless, these are the questions that interest and worry everyone lately, all these years. And given the fact that these forensic examinations are medical examinations… There is a blog about medical secrecy… I can't talk too much about this, but I'll be brief! All tourists, except for Zolotaryov, Dubinina and Thibeaux-Brignolle – they died from freezing, cooling, and so on. Hypothermia, and then death.
All bodily injuries – they are typical, this is a very important question, are typical for bodily injuries of groups of tourists and climbers who fall into avalanches. The study, analysis and generalization of these features was carried out in the 70s and 80s. This was not the case in 1959! And accordingly, then the experts could not rely on that scientific knowledge. These studies are now available. Comparative characteristics of each injury were carried out. The general conclusion is that the bodily injuries of the entire Dyatlov group, they correspond to the group that got into the avalanche. /so it seems that everyone got into the avalanche, and only three of the four of Zolotaryov had avalanche injuries?/
But the injuries of Zolotaryov, Dubinina and Thibeaux-Brignolle are different, i.e. I will give the example of Zolotaryov, his ribs were broken. So, as the experts explained to me, I will tell you. They explained it with an example to make it clear. What I understood, I think you will understand too, using the example of a ‹tennis ball›. (…) Where we press, there is a deformation. If we approach the assessment of bodily injuries with such logic, then it is really completely incomprehensible how Zolotaryov had injuries to his ribs… /what is unclear here? it is not clear with the skull!
But if we take a ball and create a load encircling, covering, like this, and press from above, then damage and a break, they will not be in the place where the force is applied, but on the reverse side. And accordingly, if snow was pressing on the bodies from above from all sides, 3-4 meters of snow, this is about half a ton, 2 tons of snow, then the bodily injury should be on the reverse side. /he forgot about the skull!/
Here they are on the back of everyone! All three are on the other side! And when the experts looked at injuries on this basis, on these principles, on this approach, EVERYTHING fell into place! And they made an unequivocal answer that the bodily injuries were caused, and these fractures are terrible, they were caused by the pressure of the flowing force. Which in such a way influenced!
Accordingly, this question, which is rather complicated, has been answered! But what I've been saying now is 50% science. Because we applied scientific knowledge, legal knowledge, technological and technical, various. Because in all sectors, both law and technology, in 1959 there were no such developments and developments. And in all industries they were then used again and developed! But the data that was collected in 1959 by prosecutors, rescuers, state authorities, the Ministry of Defense, police agencies, they were enough… And there were enough of them so that in 60 years, using already new technologies, expertly, with evidence, using evidence obtained by legal means, to answer accurately and most likely (affirmative hand gesture) to the question (it is clear that this is the most likely, because there is nowhere to escape from some kind of tolerance) to the question, what happened to Igor Dyatlov's group?
And we can… But besides the fact that we have to answer the question from the point of view of the prosecutor's office, we must also take measures to ensure that these consequences do not happen again. We came to the conclusion. Yes, the slope is avalanche-prone! This fact is a legal fact.
Therefore, two information was prepared, both to the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Sverdlovsk region, and to the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, where the danger of this slope was described in detail, and it was proposed to take measures within the competence to ensure safety. I know that this work of enforcement agencies has begun, but I don’t know the details…
Accordingly, the verification that was launched in the form of an investigation in 1959 was completed in 2019. We have established the causes of death, we have taken measures for safety, and the nuances, details, legal formulation, registration – now everything is happening within the framework of my already scientific work, where I will offer these legal scientific conclusions in order to use them in the future and in practice, and in legal regulation!
(end of his speech)