Theories Discussion > Murdered

Mansi Hypothesis

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--- Quote from: Charles on December 10, 2022, 01:15:55 AM ---Among the local population in 1959? Really?

Anyway I don't care, it's a percentage and it's enough: the peaceful Mansi is a Rousseauist myth, and even a bit racist... like they are so innocent, stupid and primitive they didn't invent murder yet... )))

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Вы станете стоять на своем - совершенно ни на что не опираясь? Вы как оказалось - и все данные по теме гр. Дятлова не знаете. Не знакомились с тем, как Карелин описывал общение с манси, как участник группы Шумкова описывал и как ростовский экстремал Фоменко описывал знакомство с манси.
Сидя в далекой стране и не пытаясь ничего узнать по теме даже в периметре очень связанной с нею информации и делать такие далеко идущие и обижающие наш коренной народ выводы: это несовместимо ни с чем. Вы взялись толковать талмуд - не будучи так сказать этой религии.

Will you stand your ground - completely without relying on anything? You, as it turned out - and all the data on the topic gr. You don't know Dyatlov. They did not get acquainted with how Karelin described communication with the Mansi, how a member of the Shumkov group described and how the Rostov extreme Fomenko described his acquaintance with the Mansi.
Sitting in a distant country and not trying to find out anything on the topic, even in the perimeter of information very related to it, and making such far-reaching and offending conclusions for our indigenous people: this is incompatible with anything. You undertook to interpret the Talmud - not being, so to speak, this religion.


--- Quote from: Charles on December 10, 2022, 01:17:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: Почемучка on December 10, 2022, 01:39:00 AM ---Sitting in a distant country and not trying to find out anything on the topic, even in the perimeter of information very related to it, and making such far-reaching and offending conclusions for our indigenous people: this is incompatible with anything. You undertook to interpret the Talmud - not being, so to speak, this religion.
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"Offending conclusions for indigenous people"... very funny. But we know more about the Mansi religion than they know themselves because the Mansi don't have anthropology and because their culture is in its final stage of decomposition. Indigenous cultures don't survive the contact with modernity.

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Мы о культуре манси уже знаем даже больше, чем есть на самом деле. Дятловеды занимаются фантазированием и выдумывают подробности, которых не существовало. Каннибализм с поеданием языков и выпиванием крови. Этот бред уже ни в какие ворота не лезет.
We already know even more about the Mansi culture than we actually do. Dyatlovologists are engaged in fantasizing and inventing details that did not exist. Cannibalism with eating tongues and drinking blood. This nonsense no longer climbs into any gate.


--- Quote from: Charles on December 10, 2022, 02:35:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Зайцев on December 10, 2022, 01:40:15 PM ---Cannibalism with eating tongues and drinking blood. This nonsense
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It's not "nonsense". Did you hear about the Nazino tragedy? A famous case of cannibalism in Soviet Union. In 1961, Michael Rockefeller was killed and eaten by tribesmen in New Guinea. There are other  cases of such practices recorded around the world during the 20th century. Why call it nonsense?

I could agree that the thing is not proven (if I had read the arguments but I am not very interested in this theory). But it was possible. And it is still possible in many parts of the world, and more than possible, it actually happens. And in similar circumstances: peasants from remote regions freaking out when their cattle or crops are threatened. Not proven: yes, nonsense: no.

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Like wise Charles,

Snow slip/slide. Not proven :yes, nonsense :no

Wolverine's : Not proven:: yes, nonsense(fantasy) : no

Tree and staging : Not proven ,yes nonsense: no

Snow cave(snow bridge) , very possible.

These things happen in other parts of the world too, as you say....


--- Quote from: Charles on December 10, 2022, 02:35:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Зайцев on December 10, 2022, 01:40:15 PM ---Cannibalism with eating tongues and drinking blood. This nonsense
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It's not "nonsense". Did you hear about the Nazino tragedy? A famous case of cannibalism in Soviet Union. In 1961, Michael Rockefeller was killed and eaten by tribesmen in New Guinea. There are other  cases of such practices recorded around the world during the 20th century. Why call it nonsense?

I could agree that the thing is not proven (if I had read the arguments but I am not very interested in this theory). But it was possible. And it is still possible in many parts of the world, and more than possible, it actually happens. And in similar circumstances: peasants from remote regions freaking out when their cattle or crops are threatened. Not proven: yes, nonsense: no.

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Недавно о каннибализме манси публично заявил Дробышевский, кандидат биологических наук, доцент кафедры антропологии биологического факультета МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова.
Знаете продолжение этой истории, как Почемучка вывела его на чистую воду ?
Recently, Mansi cannibalism was publicly announced by Drobyshevsky, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Do you know the continuation of this story, how Pochemuchka brought him to clean water?


--- Quote from: Charles on December 10, 2022, 02:35:06 PM ---
It's not "nonsense". Did you hear about the Nazino tragedy? A famous case of cannibalism in Soviet Union. In 1961, Michael Rockefeller was killed and eaten by tribesmen in New Guinea. There are other  cases of such practices recorded around the world during the 20th century. Why call it nonsense?

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Не волнуйтесь, мы разумеется слышали. Их очень много этих историй, когда люди в условиях невыносимого голода и отсутствия возможности питаться чем-то другим - переходили на людоедство. Во всех странах планеты Земля.
Но как это связать с манси и туристами? У кого там был голодомор? У советских манси, которые сами себя в состоянии прокормить тем что дает им природа? Мало того, манси кормили результатами своей охоты и рыбной ловли - и проходящих черех их поселения туристов, геологов, геодезистов, топографов и так далее. Все это многократно описываемые случаи.
Вы даже вообразить себе не сможете, сколько я могу Вам пересказать таких историй. Например гитлеровская операция "Ульм" февраля 1944 года или катастрофа FH-227 в Андах 1972 года. Но в них, повторюсь, нет ни единой аналогии с рассматриваемой нами историей гибели группы Дятлова.

Don't worry, we certainly heard. There are a lot of these stories, when people, in conditions of unbearable hunger and the lack of the opportunity to eat something else, switched to cannibalism. In all countries of the planet Earth.
But how can this be connected with Mansi and tourists? Who had a famine there? The Soviet Mansi, who are able to feed themselves with what nature gives them? Moreover, the Mansi fed the results of their hunting and fishing - and passing through their settlements of tourists, geologists, surveyors, topographers, and so on. All these are repeated cases.
You can't even imagine how many stories like this I can tell you. For example, the Nazi operation "Ulm" in February 1944 or the FH-227 crash in the Andes in 1972. But in them, I repeat, there is not a single analogy with the story of the death of the Dyatlov group that we are considering.


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