Theories Discussion > General Discussion
Tent dimensions
This is the tent as it was discovered. Tell me, how can nine bundled up well fed people and their gear fit inside that space? Four perhaps with a squeeze, but nine? People sleep laying down.
By the way, it was meant to be ten people. 55cm shoulder room minimum?
The two witnesses in the photo would barely fit. We know from the reconstructed tent, that is was lengthier. It is good to appreciate that photos are two dimensional representation of three dimensional objects. This is why photos of the tent, ravine or the woods themselves are usually skewed to a degree. It complicates our investigative efforts.
Олег Таймень:
--- Quote from: GlennM on October 08, 2024, 11:33:57 AM ---
This is the tent as it was discovered. Tell me, how can nine bundled up well fed people and their gear fit inside that space? Four perhaps with a squeeze, but nine? People sleep laying down.
--- End quote ---
Even 12 people can fit in
I recently looked at thr four images of the tent pn and what I find remarkable is the sheer amount of damage to the side of the tent the camera was on. I can not speak to the damage, if any that happened when the tent was helicoptered out of the area. Instead, when I look at the photos, it seems overkill to have so much of the tent savaged form the purpose of escape. I do not know why, but when I look at those photos, I think of how Jack the Ripper lingered over his victims. For people who needed to leave the area, it just looks like more time, effort and possibly knives were used to open a hole in the fabric that could be better used grabbing boots and blankets by the tourists!
Although the tent was finally thrown out after it all but rotted, there is nothing like blood, tree debris, animal odor or fire scorch to suggest that anything other than big snow made them leave the tent and area.
If nothing else, once they made mincemeat out of that shelter, their expedition must have been over. Could they really expect to continue to Ortoten, round it and come back the same way, collect their gear, collect their cache and shuffle downhill all the way to Vizhay and home? I'll wager that they were just bold enough to believe they could do it without a tent. That is hubris and hubris may have been the death of them all, sadly.
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