Theories Discussion > Yeti / Snowman
Menk Face...Zoomed in and clearly Simian
--- Quote from: marieuk on July 11, 2021, 04:55:15 PM ---They're still there. I can see them. The documentary sounds interesting.
--- End quote ---
They're all still visible to me as well.
Wow. Super weird guys. I dont know. Is what it is. Wishing you all well.
Ok. I can finally see the photos again and the new ones posted by Manti. Manti, those photos are really good. I personally can clearly see the face on this individual/Menk...though not so defined as the close ups Ive shared based on another contributors photo work. Again, the question remains...why haven't well known Big Foot/Cryptid Researchers ever undertaken indepth/professional investigations of this photo? There is so much that can be scientifically/forensically gleaned from such an investigation. There of course are going to be those Dyatlov enthusiasts who will always discount from the get go any Menk theory. But if a responsible many Dyatlov experts claim to be...this photo, combined with 1) the warnings from the Mansi regarding the threat of violence at the hands of Menk at this very location and
2) the Dyatlov Groups own writings...should REQUIRE any responsible investigator to do a sober/indepth inquiry into the Menk/Yeti theory. But silence. People will not even address the oddness of why even Big Foot researches aren't doing this work. Something very strange is going on here. Again, the Patterson-Gimblin film has been forensically analyzed a million times...yet not once has this Menk photo. As for why I was bizarrely unable to view any image in this thread for a the better part of a week...something indeed strange is going on.
There are so many decisions the Dyatlov Group took that I don't understand... but one of them is not taking a gun with them.
We know from photos that they took shotguns on previous hikes.
The area of the incident is inhabited by bears, though they would have been hibernating, and moose. In my mind this is the main reason to take a gun... if a curious moose approaches, just shoot a warning shot into the air. This is the safest for both parties... the moose will leave you alone.
If you don't have a gun and meet a moose in the forest, you're in trouble.
There was a Mansi "chum" with moose antlers found nearby so we know there are moose in the area.
This came to my mind now because this would also help resolve the Menk theory... if they had a gun, they would have either shot the Menk or scare it away, and probably it would avoid them in the first place.
It is widely believed that none of their possessions were stolen but.. is it possible that they actually did take a gun and it went missing?
I did read an article from a Russian newspaper saying that Igor did have a gun. Obviously, this doesn't mean it was true. I'll try and find it, but yes you're right, if you're heading off to the wilds inhabited by bears etc make sure you have a gun with you! By the way I'd recommend listening to Teddy's interview with Natasha Cooper to everyone. She mentions a lot of things you may or may not already know and it gives you an idea of just how much research has gone into the book. Sorry for going off topic a little bit AmericanKevin.
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