Theories Discussion > General Discussion
Teddy's new trip
Teddy will experience a night in a replica tent soon. I hope she develops certain insights and communicates them to the forum. I'll be looking for indications of these things. In her opinion:
1. Is cutting out of the tent a viable choice?
1a. How fast can the new tourists leave by the front flap?
1b. In what lighting and tent partition location did this happen?
2. Does the snow pack and slope support a slab slide theory?
3. Will a vertical cut be made in a snow bank to affirm layering of different densities of snow?
4. Would a retreat to boot rock be preferable to the forest if the tent were to be reused?
5. Can raised footprints be generated?
6. Can documented sock, boot and footprints be replicated?
7. What is her assessment of the trip/fall hazard of a descent from the tent?
8. What are the number of steps taken from tent to tree, and what is the stride length?
9. Transit time tent to tree?
10. Effectiveness of a simple flashlight as a beacon from the tent?
11. Effectiveness and security of rigging a stove without trees nearby for supporting the middle of the tent and stove?
12. What is the wisdom of having a cold night on a multiday trek? Is this not inherently dangerous then or later on?
13. Is there a real likelihood that an animal could enter the tent by surprise?
14. What camp tools must absolutely be required to make fire and cover at the Cedar?
15. Comment on the time and effort required to regain the tent.
The Ravine
1. Count the number of steps and stride length from tree to ravine
2. Would the tree or the ravine be the preferred destination from the tent?
3. Is a snow cornice observed at the ravine?
4. Could a flooring of branches be quickly made at the den, as opposed to finding one made by Mansi previously?
5. Comment of the onset of hunger and thirst.
6. Regard the ledge where Lyuda was found. In winter conditions, is is more likely she slid down or crawled up?
I will print these and other questions the forum members might have with me in case my brain freezes.
I am in full awe of what the Pass holds for me.
It would be really cool if you had weatherproof cameras set up outside pointing in all four directions with a live stream! I'd pay at least $20 to access that lol. You never know, you could catch a slab avalanche, katabatic winds, or an elk migration. Stay safe!
Teddy, as you well know there is a lot of discussion about the steepness of the slope the tent may have been pitched on. Also, those who believe it was always on 1079 dispute the angle of the slope. There is the angle of the hillside, but there is a much steeper angle of the tent had a foundation cut into a ledge in the snow.
Perhaps if your smart phone has an inclinometer built in, you could download an app that would permit you to find both the natural angle of the slope as well as the steeper angle from the floor of the ledge to the peak of 1079.
Perhaps with your information, forum members can rule avalanches and slab slides in or out of consideration. Tks.
--- Quote from: OLD JEDI 72 on January 05, 2025, 09:48:35 AM ---It would be really cool if you had weatherproof cameras set up outside pointing in all four directions with a live stream! I'd pay at least $20 to access that lol. You never know, you could catch a slab avalanche, katabatic winds, or an elk migration. Stay safe!
--- End quote ---
Setting up a live camera is not new. Check this post:
Lets discuss this realistically, because if it keeps coming up I could discuss it wit the Russians.
Note the main difference in both suggestions. Ziljoe means the ravine. This is where I also think the tragedy happened, where the bodies were found, and the coroner says that 3 of them couldn't move or be moved after the trauma. While OLD JEDI 72 "cameras set up outside pointing in all four directions". To catch a snow slab/avalanche it has to be where the tent was. But there is nothing there to put a camera on top. No stone, no tree, nothing. Where do you think a camera should be mounted. And I am not familiar with the technology nowadays but what does it mean "pointing in all four directions"?
Help me process the idea, where should the camera be, what to point at, who is going to change the batteries, is it a motion activated or what?
The outlier rock is too far away from both the tent location and the ravine. It is the only thing sticking out, but it is useless for a camera to be mounted. You can see how small the snowmobiles look from the distance.
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