Dyatlov Pass Forum

Theories Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Axelrod on November 04, 2024, 11:52:19 AM

Title: The book left at the 41st forest site
Post by: Axelrod on November 04, 2024, 11:52:19 AM
The first interrogation protocols talk about some book
that the Dyatlov group left in the 41th settlement for hospitality (gift to Venedictov).
The book's title is not given in protocol.


Now, it would seem, there is no chance to determine what kind of book it was, but there is one clue.
The Dyatlov group's diary is called "In the Land of Mysterious Signs" (В стране таинственных знаков) in Grigoriev's notes.
Perhaps the diary's title was inspired by the title of the book left behind.

I have not found a book with exactly that title, but I have this title spinning around in my head.

Yes, indeed, a book with a similar title was published before 1959.
Vladimir Bragin "In the Land of Dense Grasses" (1948) - "В стране дремучих трав".
Perhaps this is that book (it was reprinted many times).
(https://i.ibb.co/wYhzndY/BC2-1390331533.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
By the way, the book's picture is similar to photo of expert Nikitin with Zolotaryov's skull on exhumation.
(https://i.ibb.co/Jp0XGqD/zol-exhumation-13.jpg) (https://ibb.co/rpTnz3D)

Everything that is random is not random.

What will be another ideas?

Title: Re: The book left at the 41st forest site
Post by: Ziljoe on November 04, 2024, 03:12:03 PM
There is zero connection to the  picture by similar  expert Nikitin with Zolotaryov's skull on exhumation. We are definitely in the land of fantasies.