Dyatlov Pass Forum

Theories Discussion => Avalanche => Topic started by: Axelrod on March 23, 2025, 09:01:16 AM

Title: Avalanche after explosion to excavate a hole
Post by: Axelrod on March 23, 2025, 09:01:16 AM
Although I have long been against the avalanche version for the Dyatlov Pass, I always doubted how it could be, but recently a rather bold avalanche version came to my mind. To present it, I will first cite information from the book by journalist Valery Panyushkin "Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Prisoner of Silence" (2004).

(https://i.ibb.co/fjVdqd6/hodor-uznik.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Mikhail Borisovich [KHODORKOVSKY*] (an experienced foreign agent) was arrested right when he got off the plane. This was on October 25, 2003 (the day after the "black day of cosmonautics"). Here is what he writes from prison:

"I was an absolutely convinced Komsomol member, I believed in communism, I believed that there were enemies around us, whom we were holding back by force of arms. That's why I went into a "closed specialty" and wanted (dreamed of) working at a defense plant. By the way, I didn't work there for long, and I really liked it. I was absolutely indifferent to history, philosophy, and the humanities in general, except for economics. In the Komsomol, I was responsible for organizational work for drinking at the institute, losing secret notebooks, and for a fight in the dorm - any troublemaker became then kicked out of the Komsomol, and therefore out of the institute.

I was young and confident in my rightness, I thought about nothing else. We are surrounded by enemies, on the front line, there should be no room for weakness. Well, I was a fool – how else can I justify myself? When my mother said that she was “ashamed of her son” (when I went to work for the Komsomol) – I remembered, but did not understand.

My worldview was broken after trips abroad in 1990-1991. It was a shock to me when I saw not enemies there, but normal, good people."

I cannot pass by the following moment, just as I cannot pass by the synagogue on the pukki in UrFU and the house of Moisei Axelrod in Yekaterinburg.

Young people gathered at the synagogue in Moscow, mostly Jews, of course, but not only.

The reason for going to the synagogue could be the desire of a young man to find a Hebrew teacher, which teacher could very well turn out to be a KGB informer, which is why the search for a teacher became an exciting and risky game.

At the same time, you could meet acquaintances at the synagogue, find out who was planning to emigrate, who submitted documents and who was rejected.

In the end, you could just meet a pretty girl or boy.

On the day of the Joy of the Torah (Simchat Torah), young people danced at the synagogue, hugging each other, right on the street, since on the day of the Joy of the Torah it is customary to dance with joy.

(https://i.ibb.co/dwxwRrFc/hodor1992.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
And the Komsomol organizations, on the instructions of the KGB, no doubt, sent to synagogue their activists to patrol.

Komsomol members photographed young people dancing in front of the synagogue, passed the photos on to the KGB or the institute's Komsomol authorities, that is, to you, Mikhail Borisovich.

In the same way, Komsomol patrols were sent to Orthodox churches on Easter.

Performing a religious ritual (dancing on the day of the Joy of the Torah, participating in a religious procession) was equated with anti-Soviet activity.
The most interesting episode from Khodorkovsky’s life for us:

(https://i.ibb.co/xKZTh06Q/hodor1982.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bjt91ZXn)
In the early 1980s, during the winter holidays, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, already a foreman of a construction team, went to a collective farm where his team was supposed to work in the summer. The collective farm had to dig a pond for breeding fish. The work was hard, large and poorly paid, because who would pay well for excavation work. Showing the young foreman Khodorkovsky his collective farm, the chairman took the young man, by the way, to the warehouses, and the collective farm warehouses were filled with saltpeter – it was used as fertilizer...

– Oh! – said Mikhail Khodorkovsky, – saltpeter. How about we don't dig a pond for you? How about we blow it up for you?

– What do you mean, blow it up? – the chairman probably vividly imagined a pond being blown up by young blockheads from the Mendeleyev Institute, columns of water rising into the sky and mirror-like carp flying across the sky.

– Well, we'll make a big hole with several directed explosions. It'll take a couple of days to prepare the explosions, a couple of days to level everything out later. In 5 days you'll have a pond, and then we'll build you something else.

– What will we blow it up with? – the chairman looked at the young foreman, and the chairman probably didn’t like the way the young foreman’s eyes were glowing with completely inappropriate Komsomol enthusiasm.

– Look at all that saltpeter.

Here foreman Khodorkovsky began to explain to the chairman that his construction team was not just students, but chemistry students, that he, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a graduate and excellent student, specialized in explosives at the military department. And from saltpeter and several other simple substances, which would certainly be found on the collective farm, it would be very easy to make explosives, dig pits, lay explosives, and bam!

“No need,” the chairman summed up, because he was a wise man with a lot of life experience. “It’s better to dig with a shovel. Like people.”

The entire following summer, foreman Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the fighters of his construction team dug a pond with a shovel.

(end of quote)

Further, I hope that the idea is clear, and there is nothing special to describe. Dyatlov could have taken some explosives with him on the hike to make it easier to dig a hole for a tent (it was already getting dark) to protect himself from the wind. The use of explosives was successful, but deep layers were disturbed, which caused snow to fall on the tent after some time.

(https://i.ibb.co/JFtDymDw/film2-12.jpg) (https://ibb.co/QjQyCpy3)

The saltpeter for the explosion could have been found in the 2nd Northern. It was not for nothing that the guys spent so long getting ready and swarming there.

(https://i.ibb.co/k6M6cgbD/film0-36-cut.jpg) (https://ibb.co/tP3PCMj2)

Of course, this version can be improved – describe the fuse of the explosive, conduct experiments on the avalanche, but in general the idea is already clear.

(https://i.ibb.co/qYNFWQJF/hodor-audiobook.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)