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Author Topic: Must be spoken again:Kolevatov's device  (Read 8716 times)

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January 04, 2023, 11:57:55 PM
Read 8716 times


My imagination as an ignorant person in physics, radioactivity and nuclear energy; does not stop producing new versions.
I tried to carefully study the sources. I could not find any information about Kolavetov's device, which Zina mentioned on 28,159. The device in question should not be such a small tool that it can be overlooked. About the size of a shoebox.
1) Is there a record of this tool in the labaz, tent and cedar inventory?
2) Since this device is a secret device for government security, was it first seized by the investigators and hidden from the inventory?
3) For the cold Russia, which gained its energy resources in the 60s; Was Kolevotov trying to develop some kind of low uranium fusion stove?
4) Why did Kolevatov test the first night the tent was set up?
5) The device did not work, but on other camping nights; Has it been repaired with the help of Dyatlovunda?
6) in 1079; Could it be that the last time it was tried in a tent without a stove, the device exploded and infected a few people with radiation? and therefore your reason for leaving the tent?
Note: After writing my ideas, I saw that the subject was discussed in detail under the radiation topic. However, after seeing that all the possibilities listed are not convincing about leaving the tent, no one should object to the abandonment of the tent as a result of a radioactive accident that may occur inside the tent.
A real jolt is better than a wrong balance.

January 05, 2023, 12:17:19 AM
Reply #1


My imagination as an ignorant person in physics, radioactivity and nuclear energy; does not stop producing new versions.
I tried to carefully study the sources. I could not find any information about Kolavetov's device, which Zina mentioned on 28,159. The device in question should not be such a small tool that it can be overlooked. About the size of a shoebox.
1) Is there a record of this tool in the labaz, tent and cedar inventory?
2) Since this device is a secret device for government security, was it first seized by the investigators and hidden from the inventory?
3) For the cold Russia, which gained its energy resources in the 60s; Was Kolevotov trying to develop some kind of low uranium fusion stove?
4) Why did Kolevatov test the first night the tent was set up?
5) The device did not work, but on other camping nights; Has it been repaired with the help of Dyatlovunda?
6) in 1079; Could it be that the last time it was tried in a tent without a stove, the device exploded and infected a few people with radiation? and therefore your reason for leaving the tent?
Note: After writing my ideas, I saw that the subject was discussed in detail under the radiation topic. However, after seeing that all the possibilities listed are not convincing about leaving the tent, no one should object to the abandonment of the tent as a result of a radioactive accident that may occur inside the tent.

Я включила себе мантру. Давайте хоть третий круг, хоть десятый. Я смогу...
I turned on my mantra. Let's at least the third round, at least the tenth. I can...
« Last Edit: January 05, 2023, 12:22:46 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 05, 2023, 09:17:46 AM
Reply #2


As Почемучка emphasized, Kolevatov's "device" was a "tourist sled".  It was an improvised sled, made with spare skis.  Nothing about it was radioactive.

Как подчеркнул Почемучка, "приспособлением" Колеватова были "туристические сани". Это были импровизированные сани, сделанные из запасных лыж. В нем не было ничего радиоактивного.

January 05, 2023, 09:32:15 AM
Reply #3


My imagination as an ignorant person in physics, radioactivity and nuclear energy; does not stop producing new versions.
I tried to carefully study the sources. I could not find any information about Kolavetov's device, which Zina mentioned on 28,159. The device in question should not be such a small tool that it can be overlooked. About the size of a shoebox.
1) Is there a record of this tool in the labaz, tent and cedar inventory?
2) Since this device is a secret device for government security, was it first seized by the investigators and hidden from the inventory?
3) For the cold Russia, which gained its energy resources in the 60s; Was Kolevotov trying to develop some kind of low uranium fusion stove?
4) Why did Kolevatov test the first night the tent was set up?
5) The device did not work, but on other camping nights; Has it been repaired with the help of Dyatlovunda?
6) in 1079; Could it be that the last time it was tried in a tent without a stove, the device exploded and infected a few people with radiation? and therefore your reason for leaving the tent?
Note: After writing my ideas, I saw that the subject was discussed in detail under the radiation topic. However, after seeing that all the possibilities listed are not convincing about leaving the tent, no one should object to the abandonment of the tent as a result of a radioactive accident that may occur inside the tent.

I wondered about that as well, especially with reading about suitcase bombs. There is really no way to know what was meant, popular opinion is that it was the sled mentioned in the satirical publication but like most everything else, we really don't know for sure.

it would make sense it was but there is really no proof other than adding 2+2 and getting 4.  But as I have always said, 1+1=3 and its also true (think about it)

January 05, 2023, 06:08:19 PM
Reply #4


Suitcase bomb = fragmentation. Fragmentation= shards Shards= blood. Where is the forensic evidence? Asking for a friend.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 05, 2023, 06:43:54 PM
Reply #5


I have thought about it.....1+1=3? It doesn't make sense .  Please expand/explaine. Tenne.

January 07, 2023, 12:15:27 AM
Reply #6


I have thought about it.....1+1=3? It doesn't make sense .  Please expand/explaine. Tenne.

one man + one woman = one baby
so 1+1=3

meaning sometimes we see things as black and white but even numbers can be different than what we see and add up different than we expected. it's a saying here

January 07, 2023, 12:48:39 AM
Reply #7


one man + one woman = one baby
so 1+1=3

meaning sometimes we see things as black and white but even numbers can be different than what we see and add up different than we expected. it's a saying here
Не, я конечно все понимаю... Но если после знака равенства стоит цифра три, то это наверное не один ребенок, а тройня. Многодетная за один раз - семья...Мдя, шотландская математика - это отдельный вид искусства...

No, of course I understand everything ... But if the number three is after the equal sign. then this is probably not one child, but triplets. Having many children at a time is a family ... Hmm, Scottish mathematics is a separate art form ...
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 07, 2023, 03:51:54 AM
Reply #8


I have thought about it.....1+1=3? It doesn't make sense .  Please expand/explaine. Tenne.

one man + one woman = one baby
so 1+1=3

meaning sometimes we see things as black and white but even numbers can be different than what we see and add up different than we expected. it's a saying here

I understand that but you must start from basic rules . 1+1 = 2. Otherwise your days will be long and questioning the very fabric of existence.

Yes, all things could happen although I'm not sure what the actual "saying " is that you refer to.

To observe a tent on a mountainside and think someone put it there and it wasn't the people that were found dead close by and who owned it, because they wouldn't be able to carry it ,(yet there are pictures) raises questions?.

How did the people that covered up the deaths get the tent to that location along with all the bodies and equipment if it's impossible to carry the tent?

The outsiders would have to transport all of the group's equipment ( skis, boots ,food, pants,tent,poles, pans, cameras, axe's, bodies  etc) up the slope and all of their own equipment. They would need their own tent and supplies to stay in whilst they planned the event of , fake foot prints, photos, how they would plan the scene so it looked natural( but it doesn't look natural to you) . They would have to know what to write in diaries, know  what was in the cameras that have half used film that hadn't been developed in them.

These stagers would then have to start a fire by the ceder for some reason, break branches up a tree, make sure they didn't leave anything behind at the source of accident and at the tent, ceder,ravine and the slope etc.

How did they get the dead bodies to their final resting places?

Is this how your 1+1= 3 is working?
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January 07, 2023, 08:42:46 AM
Reply #9


To observe a tent on a mountainside and think someone put it there and it wasn't the people that were found dead close by and who owned it, because they wouldn't be able to carry it ,(yet there are pictures) raises questions?.

How did the people that covered up the deaths get the tent to that location along with all the bodies and equipment if it's impossible to carry the tent?

military helicopter. remember the lights seen at night? they had radar and were more than capable of night flights

The outsiders would have to transport all of the group's equipment ( skis, boots ,food, pants,tent,poles, pans, cameras, axe's, bodies  etc) up the slope and all of their own equipment. They would need their own tent and supplies to stay in whilst they planned the event of , fake foot prints, photos, how they would plan the scene so it looked natural( but it doesn't look natural to you) . They would have to know what to write in diaries, know  what was in the cameras that have half used film that hadn't been developed in them.

This was 1959 after WW2,  not the 1800's , they not only had helicopters to fly people in and drop them off so when they skiied down, there were tracks. Don't forget this was the main time that spy masters from every country played with lives all over the world. This would be nothing for them to do. What messed them up was they used local honest people for some of the reports and they did everything they could to mess it up so the parents would know. Just because the government was known for corruption doesn't mean the population was

These stagers would then have to start a fire by the ceder for some reason, break branches up a tree, make sure they didn't leave anything behind at the source of accident and at the tent, ceder,ravine and the slope etc.

like I posted, this would hardly be a problem for experienced cold war workers.

How did they get the dead bodies to their final resting places?


Is this how your 1+1= 3 is working?

It's working out well, not only did I answer your question in a timely manner because I was paying attention, I also learned that there are people in this world who think that any country that isn't bombing maternity wards is an inferior country. but as my mom always said, consider the source.