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Dyatlov Pass Forum

Author Topic: I think they have solved it  (Read 5072 times)

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May 28, 2024, 10:30:33 AM
Read 5072 times


Hello All:

I have been intrigued with DPI for 10+ years. I've been a member of this forum for years, but I mainly read and rarely post. I think this is a great group of people and I've enjoyed being a small part of it.

When Teddy and Igor's book was released a few years ago, I purchased it immediately and devoured it. Upon completion, I thought it was a very interesting theory with some great points, but I was left unconvinced. However, after several years of quiet contemplation, I now believe that they have "solved the mystery". Yes I admit that is a very strong opinion, and yes it is only my opinion. Additionally, I admit that the phrase "solved the mystery" is too strong b/c there is still a lot of work to be done.

I am writing today with two goals:
First to say "congratulations" to Teddy and Igor (RIP). I had started to believe that the mystery would never be solved. For what it is worth, I have great admiration for both of them.

Second is to remind everyone that revisiting their theory with a fresh set of eyes might be worthwhile. Why did it take me years to accept their theory? IMO DPI is the type of mystery that grabs us and sucks us into its vortex. Anyone researching DPI will inevitably form some theories or at the very least identify particular pieces of evidence as critical. It is simply hard for us to accept new theories if they don't "match" our internal theories/evidence. As a group I think we should all support Teddy's efforts in any way possible. I will personally be donating to the cause in my own meager way, I urge you to do the same.

Thanks for your time!

- Johnny
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May 28, 2024, 12:15:01 PM
Reply #1


The expedition to the Dyatlov Pass has become the very pinnacle of every year in my life. There is a daunting amount involved in just the preparation. The ensuing events on the mountain are so nerve-racking and all encompassing that they become the focus of my very existence. It may sound a little unhinged, but hey, there are much more unhealthy and expensive obsessions, don't you think? There are so many bits and pieces that I am sharing here and there, and some take time to digest (like my encounter with the bear). I felt the need to put it all in a separate memoir/diary which is not directly related to the case but integral to understanding of why am I doing what I do. Maybe my calling is derivative of the person I am, perhaps I'm destined to wither my life on the mountain trails... Bulgarian writer Georgi Markov said: "The living close the eyes of the dead, and the dead open the eyes of the living."

Getting to the point, I hate mixing investigating with my personal experience on the Dyatlov Pass. That said, all of you helping me seem to be genuinely interested in my wellbeing, so everyone that has or will contribute will receive an address and login to read my personal diary as I write it, on the go. I thought of announcing it after I actually write some pages and this will start after I get my Russian visa (first days of June), but JohnnyNumber6 here unlocked my heart. You have my promise that I will start writing a personal diary about what happens behind the scenes. It will have a retrospective about the past expeditions, including Expedition Unknown. Everything that doesn't seem important to be reported on the site as relevant to solving the case will be published in this memoir/diary that I am calling MY DYATLOV PASS.

As I am often overwhelmed, I may at times seem harsh and unreasonable, even ungrateful. I want to assure you that you are my closest friends regardless of the differing theories we believe in. As we embark on this new journey, may God bless all of us with good health, sound minds, and pure hearts!


You may not be able to make it to the Pass, but I can bring the Pass to you.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 04:31:17 PM by Teddy »