Many times on this forum, I have read about the theory that the Rav4 fell through a snow cornice, were trapped, and died there. I want to be able to agree that that is plausible, but I keep being troubled by the incredible shock trauma of their wounds. From what you know of the human body and trauma, do you believe a fall through a snow cornice could do this?
For example, from this site under DEATHS (Zolotaryev): "... excerpt from the interrogation of forensic expert of the Regional Forensic Investigation Bureau Boris Vozrozhdenniy led by Junior Counselor of Justice and Criminal Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region, Lev Ivanov, on May 28, 1959: These wounds, especially appearing in such a way without any damage to the soft tissue of the chest, are very similar to the type of trauma that results from the shock wave of a bomb.
Another example: One can't help but notice on Photo 82 at, Zolotaryev's chest cavity not only took a blow or blast to the ribs that broke those bones, but his chest cavity was hit with such force, it blew everything contained therein down into his abdomen. Do you think falling through a snow cornice would create this kind of effect, or would it more necessari;y have to be some kind of shock wave or blast directly hitting the chest, as is quoted above?
Dear amashilu,
Many times on this forum, it has talked about bomb blasts, yetis, Kung foo , UFO 's , KGB with blunt sticks and strangers jumping up and down on rib cages .
What do you mean by shock trauma of their wounds? There has been enough conversation by those at the time and so called experts suggesting crush injury.
It's not a blast injury, they are crush injuries ,falling or being crushed. The example you give is only relative to the knowledge of ivanov. It's bullshit , it's uneducated knowledge, not an experienced professional opinion. Its a guess and a stab in the dark at best.
The photo of zolo shows nothing other than the aftermath of the autopsy, that's the cutting open of the chest and re-stiching . His mid to low ribs are still in place. If you have ever seen a person die , at death , the area below the ribs completely deflates, the air is expelled. I'm not sure what you think you are seeing that represents a blast to the ribs?
ribs only protect the lungs and heart , the lungs inflate and go up and down. The lower edges of the rib cage protect the kidneys and liver to a certain extent. Zolos abdomen is also flat , it is just the lower ribs that are still in place .