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Dyatlov Pass Forum

Author Topic: How to post images  (Read 33704 times)

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October 03, 2017, 05:06:39 PM
Read 33704 times


Posting pictures here is relatively easy, and you have a few options.  Below, I will attempt to outline them as a guide for whomever needs it. thumb1

Option #1  Uploading directly from the forum

For your convince, we have setup the forum to easily attach your pictures to your post directly from the screen you create/type your post. Directly below the window in which you type and to the left you will find  "• Add image to post". All you have to do is place the cursor where you want the photo to appear in your post and click that button. This will open a window to imgbb.com which is a photo sharing/hosting platform. Follow the prompts and upload your image. When the upload is complete, the window will close automatically and insert your image link with proper tags into your post where you had the cursor.  Thats it!

Note: When using this method you ARE NOT required to sign up with their site (free anyway). Your photo will go onto their system without the ability to retrieve later, retrieve past uploads, organize them in folders or anything else. It simply uploads it to their server as a one-time deal. Again, this is completely free, harmless, and nobody will ever have any of your information because you never even joined their site.   

Option #2   Posting images you already have uploaded to a photo sharing/hosting site.

In this option I will discuss posting your images that you already have uploaded and hosted somewhere on the internet. Places like Imgbb, Image Shack, Flikr, TinyPic, Snap Fish, and Shutterfly to name a few. Image hosting sites like these will provide you with a set of different styles of links to the image.

What you need to do is locate and copy the direct link and it should look something like this  http://image.ibb.co/dSMsab/0_f324d_56345975_XL.png . Then come back to the posting window here on the forum and right-click/paste with your mouse. After you paste the link, you need to left click-hold on the mouse to highlight the link. Now go directly above the posting window and click on the little button that looks like this . This will apply the proper [img]http://tags to your link and display your image when you submit your post. If your hosting site provides you with a BBCode link, you can use that also as it already has the [img] tags!  You can also use thumbnail links if your hosting site provides them.   Thats it!

Option #3   Posting images found anywhere on the internet.

This is by far the easiest.  If you come across a picture on the net that you want to post here, all you have to do is right click on the image and select "copy image address", come here and paste it with a right click, add the [img] tags like outlined in option #2 using the little  picture button, and your done. If for some reason you do not have the option to "copy image address" when you right click on the image, you will have to right-click and select "open image in new tab" where ONLY the image is showing on the screen and grab the link/location from the address bar at the top of your browser.  Thats it!

Additional notes!

Since photobucket announced that they no longer allow links to your images hosted there to be pasted and displayed without paying an astronomical amount of money. IMGBB.com has become THE hosting site to use that literally has ALL the features you could ever want/need, and its 100% FREE.  If you need an image hosting site to store your pictures, create and organize folders etc please sign up. You will not regret it and posting multiple images will be extremely easy as I am about to describe.

When you create a folder in imgbb and upload a set/group of photos to that folder, you can 'select all' from the upper right when viewing all the images in the folder, then click the drop-down labeled 'actions', then select 'get embed codes'.  A window will pop up giving you a drop down to select what type of link (you want the BBCode full) links, or the (BBCode thumbnail linked) links. The thumbnail links will display smaller clickable versions when you post... like here.  http://forum.dyatlov-pass.com/index.php?topic=8.0  Doing it this way will allow you to post ALL images within that folder as fill size OR as thumbnails and they will already have the proper tags when pasted to the forum. 

Any questions, just ask! 
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 05:28:53 PM by Loose}{Cannon »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

February 24, 2020, 03:41:23 PM
Reply #1

Jean Daniel Reuss

Posting pictures here is relatively easy, and you have a few options.  Below, I will attempt to outline them as a guide for whomever needs it. thumb1

Option #1  Uploading directly from the forum
No difficulty

Option #2   Posting images you already have uploaded to a photo sharing/hosting site.

Option #3   Posting images found anywhere on the internet.

This is by far the easiest.  If you come across a picture on the net that you want to post here, all you have to do is right click on the image and select "copy image address", come here and paste it with a right click, add the [img] tags like outlined in option #2 using the little  picture button, and your done. If for some reason you do not have the option to "copy image address" when you right click on the image, you will have to right-click and select "open image in new tab" where ONLY the image is showing on the screen and grab the link/location from the address bar at the top of your browser.  Thats it!

Additional notes!
I have not created a folder in imgbb ...................................

Any questions, just ask!

An important practical question

I started writing my first illustrated post with images copied from the internet (searching with "Google").

It's easy with "copy image address" ---> *** , then I frame with [ img ]***[ /img ] and look at "Preview".

The result is much more pleasant and enjoyable for the reader.

But I realize right now that there are copyrights (in principle almost always I think).
To stay within the legality it would be necessary to make formalities and requests for authorization that I find complicated and long (and very boring).

   What do you think about it?
Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

February 25, 2020, 12:09:18 PM
Reply #2


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Posting pictures here is relatively easy, and you have a few options.  Below, I will attempt to outline them as a guide for whomever needs it. thumb1

Option #1  Uploading directly from the forum
No difficulty

Option #2   Posting images you already have uploaded to a photo sharing/hosting site.

Option #3   Posting images found anywhere on the internet.

This is by far the easiest.  If you come across a picture on the net that you want to post here, all you have to do is right click on the image and select "copy image address", come here and paste it with a right click, add the [img] tags like outlined in option #2 using the little  picture button, and your done. If for some reason you do not have the option to "copy image address" when you right click on the image, you will have to right-click and select "open image in new tab" where ONLY the image is showing on the screen and grab the link/location from the address bar at the top of your browser.  Thats it!

Additional notes!
I have not created a folder in imgbb ...................................

Any questions, just ask!

An important practical question

I started writing my first illustrated post with images copied from the internet (searching with "Google").

It's easy with "copy image address" ---> *** , then I frame with [ img ]***[ /img ] and look at "Preview".

The result is much more pleasant and enjoyable for the reader.

But I realize right now that there are copyrights (in principle almost always I think).
To stay within the legality it would be necessary to make formalities and requests for authorization that I find complicated and long (and very boring).

   What do you think about it?

Well you said it.  There is Copyright Law to consider.  It can take time.  No short cuts really unless you want to take a chance.

February 26, 2020, 01:51:58 PM
Reply #3

Jean Daniel Reuss

Well you said it. There is Copyright Law to consider.  It can take time.  No short cuts really unless you want to take a chance.

Thank you Sarapuk for your explanation. I realize that I was really ignorant.
For myself it is the time that is lacking, because I am in a hurry to find rational arguments to, perhaps, advance the understanding of the enigma of DPI.
It is not a matter of luck or laws, but of moral conscience.
I do not know at this point whether copyright is morally justified. I only realize that this is a matter of some debate !
 See  :
But I do not have the time to read all these articles on copyright because I want to learn about DPI.

There are also 4 other opportunities but all 4 of them require you to have time available.

  •••  1° Searching by the means of "Google" how to obtain pictures without copyright
  --->  Numerous answers to consider.
     For example:

  •••  2° Ask for the authorization from the author of the image
  ---> many difficulties :
Who is he? Where is he ? What is his email address ?
How precisely do you formulate an appeal that might look like :
                Dear sir
   I would like your agreement to illustrate the comment I plan to send on the Dyatlovpass.com forum with the image at http://xxx.
It is probably useful to explain to you in what consists the DPI which was perpetrated in the year 1959
(because the DPI is less internationally notorious than the death of Adolf Hitler in 1945...).
An explanation of the DPI :

  •••  3° Shooting the appropriate photographs by yourself
  --->   Then subscribe on
Then follow the instructions of Loose}{Cannon --->  How to post images
    " Dyatlov Pass Forum > Genesis > Rules, Intros, Board information > Board Information > How to post images "

  •••  4° « A little sketching is (often) better than thousand words »
I am convinced that this statement is true ! (You do not need to be skilful at drawing comprehensible sketches).
As a result, I purchased a graphics tablet (also known as a digitizer, drawing tablet, drawing pad, digital drawing tablet, pen tablet, or digital art board)
brand name WACOM.
But I still have not had the time to have practice so that I can obtain some useable image files.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 11:32:50 PM by Teddy »
Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.