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Author Topic: Dyatlov's group died on a false denunciation  (Read 21447 times)

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January 16, 2023, 05:58:50 AM
Read 21447 times


Главный свидетель событий Юрий Юдин:

The main witness of the events is Yuri Yudin:

« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 08:18:46 AM by anna_pycckux »

January 16, 2023, 06:07:31 AM
Reply #1


Please change the thread title to english

Also, many of us cannot read the underlined text in your picture…. please give a description to what it says. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 16, 2023, 06:25:17 AM
Reply #2


1.Название темы исправила на английский: Dyatlov's group died on a false denunciation
2. В подчеркнутом тексте то же самое, что в моем сообщении: Юю ЮДИН сообщает в интервью, что на ребят группы Дятлова собирался компромат.

1. The title of the topic was corrected to English: Dyatlov's group died on a false denunciation
2. The underlined text is the same as in my message: Yu YUDIN informs in an interview that dirt was going to be collected on the guys of Dyatlov's group

January 16, 2023, 06:29:14 AM
Reply #3


1.Название темы исправила на английский: Dyatlov's group died on a false denunciation
2. В подчеркнутом тексте то же самое, что в моем сообщении: Юю ЮДИН сообщает в интервью, что на ребят группы Дятлова собирался компромат.

1. The title of the topic was corrected to English: Dyatlov's group died on a false denunciation
2. The underlined text is the same as in my message: Yu YUDIN informs in an interview that dirt was going to be collected on the guys of Dyatlov's group

Very well.

Can you explain how Yudin stating dirt was to be collected indicates they intended to defect?
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!
The following users thanked this post: anna_pycckux

January 16, 2023, 07:01:00 AM
Reply #4


доносы были ложными, я уже об этом писала. Юрий Юдин так же об этом говорил: Дятлов и его товарищи были патриоты своей родины. Они были умными, спортивными, волевыми и свободомыслящими. Таких власть не любила и боялась таких ребят.. И  у ребят было много завистников. Накануне 21 съезда КПСС такие доносы о возможном побеге - явились решающими для власти. Группу решили ликвидировать. Иначе главе Свердловского обкома пришлось бы проститься с  должностью.

the denunciations were false, I have already written about it and Yuri Yudin also talked about it. Dyatlov and his comrades were patriots of their homeland. They were smart, athletic, strong-willed and free-thinking. The authorities did not like such people.. And the guys had a lot of envious people. On the eve of the 21st Congress of the CPSU, such denunciations of a possible escape were decisive for the authorities. The group decided to liquidate. Otherwise, the head of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee would have to say goodbye to the post.

Заголовок темы: Группа Дятлова погибла по ложному доносу

topic title: group died on a false denunciation
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 07:05:22 AM by anna_pycckux »

January 16, 2023, 02:07:42 PM
Reply #5


Not entirely sure what is meant by "denunciation", but my guess is that you are referring to the system in place in the Soviet Union whereby neighbors, colleagues, students, etc. were encouraged to report their peers if they expressed anti-Soviet sentiment. While someone might have reported the Dyatlov Group to the authorities claiming they had a plan to emigrate abroad... the problem with this is that they were in the middle of Russia, without sufficient supplies to make it to any border, so I don't think authorities would "liquidate" their own comrades unless there was something which made this claim credible. Maybe the only thing is that they called themselves the "Khibina" group... Khibina is a mountain range near Finland... But they were very far from there.

The following users thanked this post: anna_pycckux, Jean Daniel Reuss

January 16, 2023, 02:47:10 PM
Reply #6


Not entirely sure what is meant by "denunciation", but my guess is that you are referring to the system in place in the Soviet Union whereby neighbors, colleagues, students, etc. were encouraged to report their peers if they expressed anti-Soviet sentiment. While someone might have reported the Dyatlov Group to the authorities claiming they had a plan to emigrate abroad... the problem with this is that they were in the middle of Russia, without sufficient supplies to make it to any border, so I don't think authorities would "liquidate" their own comrades unless there was something which made this claim credible. Maybe the only thing is that they called themselves the "Khibina" group... Khibina is a mountain range near Finland... But they were very far from there.

Yeah, I’m thinking they would have been made example of in a hearing of public shame.   thumb1 thumb1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

January 16, 2023, 08:37:44 PM
Reply #7


Yeah, I’m thinking they would have been made example of in a hearing of public shame.   thumb1 thumb1
Вы абсолютно правы. Когда студент того же самого института от физикотехнического факультета, где обучались ядерные физики, - выступил с критикой власти на собрании - Артур Немелков: его не расстреливали и не садили в тюрьму. Просто отчислили. Он потом всё равно закончил высшее образование и жил долго и счастливо.
Если молодежь организовывала общества критикующее власть - их просто судили и давали малые срок лишения свободы. Потому что это была уже агитация против власти. Была группа студентов-историков из Москвы. Сроки они не отбыли и их почти прости. И они жили долго и счастливо.

Вся беда в том, что Аннушке эти аргументы приводятся от знатоков: постоянно. Но она как неизлечимый шулер - все продолжает играть и проигрывать. Видимо она считает иностранных исследователей - легкою добычей. Но здесь я. А я как верно сказал месье Чарльз - ископаемое, мамонт. Мамонт темы Перевал Дятлова.

You are absolutely right. When a student of the same institute from the Faculty of Physics and Technology, where nuclear physicists studied, criticized the authorities at a meeting, Artur Nemelkov: he was not shot and was not sent to prison. Just expelled. He later completed his higher education anyway and lived happily ever after.
If young people organized societies that criticized the authorities, they were simply tried and given a small prison term. Because it was already agitation against the government. There was a group of history students from Moscow. They have not served their terms and almost forgive them. And they lived happily ever after.

The whole trouble is that these arguments are given to Annushka from experts: all the time. But she is like an incurable sharpie - everything continues to play and lose. Apparently she considers foreign researchers - easy prey. But here I am. And as I rightly said, Monsieur Charles - a fossil, a mammoth. Mammoth theme Dyatlov Pass.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 07:34:36 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...
The following users thanked this post: karpov

January 17, 2023, 12:24:18 AM
Reply #8


Not entirely sure what is meant by "denunciation", but my guess is that you are referring to the system in place in the Soviet Union whereby neighbors, colleagues, students, etc. were encouraged to report their peers if they expressed anti-Soviet sentiment. While someone might have reported the Dyatlov Group to the authorities claiming they had a plan to emigrate abroad... the problem with this is that they were in the middle of Russia, without sufficient supplies to make it to any border, so I don't think authorities would "liquidate" their own comrades unless there was something which made this claim credible. Maybe the only thing is that they called themselves the "Khibina" group... Khibina is a mountain range near Finland... But they were very far from there.
Вы очень близко подошли к истине. Безобидное название "Хибины" - могло сыграть  с ребятами злую шутку и даже по 2 причинам: 1. Хибины - это горы, которые находятся на шранице России, Финляндии и Норвегии. Я расследовала, и выяснила. что несколько групп студентов в 60- 80-х годах погибли в Хибинах в полном составе, так же как и дятловцы. Очевидно их так же подозревали  в бегстве на запад.
2 прочина могла такой: В СССР запрещалось создавать любые организации без ведома и без контроля КПСС. Группу "Хибина" могли счесть за такое незаконно созданное опасное для государства сообщество.
Спасибо за понимание ситуации.

You have come very close to the truth. The harmless name "Khibiny" - could play a cruel joke with the guys and even for 2 reasons: 1. Khibiny is a mountain that is located on the border of Russia, Finland and Norway. I investigated, and found out. that several groups of students in the 60-80s died in the Khibiny in full force. Apparently they were also suspected of fleeing to the west.
2 the reason could be as follows: In the USSR it was forbidden to create any organizations without the knowledge and control of the CPSU. The group "Khibina" could be considered for such an illegally created dangerous community for the state.
Thank you for understanding the situation.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 12:38:31 AM by anna_pycckux »

January 17, 2023, 12:36:25 AM
Reply #9


Not entirely sure what is meant by "denunciation", but my guess is that you are referring to the system in place in the Soviet Union whereby neighbors, colleagues, students, etc. were encouraged to report their peers if they expressed anti-Soviet sentiment. While someone might have reported the Dyatlov Group to the authorities claiming they had a plan to emigrate abroad... the problem with this is that they were in the middle of Russia, without sufficient supplies to make it to any border, so I don't think authorities would "liquidate" their own comrades unless there was something which made this claim credible. Maybe the only thing is that they called themselves the "Khibina" group... Khibina is a mountain range near Finland... But they were very far from there.

Yeah, I’m thinking they would have been made example of in a hearing of public shame.   thumb1 thumb1
У власти в СССР в 1959 году стояли сталинисты, которые боролись с оппозицией радикально. Тем более, что в 1959 году, когда проходил поход Дятлова - в Москве в Кремле проходил 21 Съезд КПСС. Если бы ложные доносы на группу дятлова могли оказаться правдивыми и во время съезда группа сбежала на запад - это был бы позор власти и всей стане, ее социалистической системе. И этот позор прогремел бы на весь мир.
В конце 1956 года случился такой казус, что в УПИ на комсомольской конференции студенты начали критиковать власть, и коммунисты этого очень испугались. Такие скандальные конференции прошли во многих институтах страны и власть даже была вынуждена оправить во все организации письмо "О ПРЕСЕЧЕНИИ ВЫЛАЗОК АНТИСОВЕТСКИХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ" - наверное это будет сложный перевод на английский. студент-оппозиционер Немелков был исключен из комсомола и из УПИ. Его не ликвидировали только потому, что о нем заговорил уже весь мир и "Голос Америки" и "Радио Свобода" и т д.. Но многие другие студенты, например из университета Свердловска пострадали сильнее. Они были отправлены в психиатрическую больницу и некоторые там скончались. Об этом есть письменные свидетельства. Вся моя версия строится только на достоверных свидетельствах.

Stalinists were in power in the USSR in 1959, who fought the opposition radically. Moreover, in 1959, the - 21st Congress of the CPSU was held in Moscow in the Kremlin. If false denunciations of Dyatlov's group could turn out to be true and during the congress the group fled to the west, it would be a disgrace to the authorities and the whole camp, its socialist system. And this shame would have thundered all over the world.
At the end of 1956, there was such an incident that at the UPI at the Komsomol conference, students began to criticize the authorities, and the Communists were very afraid of this. Such scandalous conferences were held in many institutions of the country and the authorities were even forced to send a letter to all organizations "On the suppression of ATTACKS by ANTI-Soviet elements" - probably it will be a difficult translation into English. the student-oppositionist Nemelkov was expelled from the Komsomol and from the UPI. He was not liquidated only because the whole world was already talking about him and the Voice of America and Radio Liberty, etc.. But many other students, for example from the University of Sverdlovsk, suffered more. They were sent to a psychiatric hospital and some died there. There is written evidence of this. My whole version is based only on reliable evidence.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 12:40:45 AM by anna_pycckux »

January 17, 2023, 12:37:55 AM
Reply #10

Олег Таймень

Not entirely sure what is meant by "denunciation", but my guess is that you are referring to the system in place in the Soviet Union whereby neighbors, colleagues, students, etc. were encouraged to report their peers if they expressed anti-Soviet sentiment. While someone might have reported the Dyatlov Group to the authorities claiming they had a plan to emigrate abroad... the problem with this is that they were in the middle of Russia, without sufficient supplies to make it to any border, so I don't think authorities would "liquidate" their own comrades unless there was something which made this claim credible. Maybe the only thing is that they called themselves the "Khibina" group... Khibina is a mountain range near Finland... But they were very far from there.
Вы очень близко подошли к истине. Безобидное название "Хибины" - могло сыграть  с ребятами злую шутку и даже по 2 причинам: 1. Хибины - это горы, которые находятся на шранице России, Финляндии и Норвегии. Я расследовала, и выяснила. что несколько групп студентов в 60- 80-х годах погибли в Хибинах в полном составе, так же как и дятловцы. Очевидно их так же подозревали  в бегстве на запад.
2 прочина могла такой: В СССР запрещалось создавать любые организации без ведома и без контроля КПСС. Группу "Хибина" могли счесть за такое незаконно созданное опасное для государства сообщество.
Спасибо за понимание ситуации.

You have come very close to the truth. The harmless name "Khibiny" - could play a cruel joke with the guys and even for 2 reasons: 1. Khibiny is a mountain that is located on the border of Russia, Finland and Norway. I investigated, and found out. that several groups of students in the 60-80s died in the Khibiny in full force, as well as dyatlovtsy. Apparently they were also suspected of fleeing to the west.
2 the reason could be as follows: In the USSR it was forbidden to create any organizations without the knowledge and control of the CPSU. The group "Khibina" could be considered for such an illegally created dangerous community for the state.
Thank you for understanding the situation.
Анна, в КГБ не работали идиоты. Никто не мог из них думать, что можно убежать на Запад, преодолев тысячу километров бескрайней снежной тайги, изрезанной сотнями рек.
Кроме того, вы свою тему не знаете. А если знаете, то напомните нам в каком году восстановили Немелкова в ВУЗ ? И какой именно это был ВУЗ ?
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.
The following users thanked this post: karpov

January 17, 2023, 12:57:16 AM
Reply #11


Анна, в КГБ не работали идиоты. Никто не мог из них думать, что можно убежать на Запад, преодолев тысячу километров бескрайней снежной тайги, изрезанной сотнями рек.
Кроме того, вы свою тему не знаете. А если знаете, то напомните нам в каком году восстановили Немелкова в ВУЗ ? И какой именно это был ВУЗ ?
КГБ скорее всего и были провокаторами ложных доносов, ибо если ребята из группы Дятлова отказались вербоваться - это считался бунт против всей системы.
Про Немелкова. Немелкова хотели оправить в психбольницу, уже под окнами УПИ стояла машина. но его отбили товарищи. Немелков после отчисления ушел в армию, восстановился в другом институте и в другом городе.
Вообще Немелкова спасло то, что о нем заговорил весь мир. Бесы очень боятся яркого света.

The KGB most likely were the provocateurs of false denunciations, because if the guys from Dyatlov's group refused to enlist, it was considered a revolt against the entire system.
About Nemelkov. Nemelkov wanted to be sent to a mental hospital, there was already a car under the windows of the UPI. but his comrades repulsed him. Nemelkov, after being expelled, joined the army, recovered at another institute and in another city.
In general, Nemelkov was saved by the fact that the whole world was talking about him. Demons are very afraid of bright light.

January 17, 2023, 01:41:51 AM
Reply #12

Олег Таймень

Анна, в КГБ не работали идиоты. Никто не мог из них думать, что можно убежать на Запад, преодолев тысячу километров бескрайней снежной тайги, изрезанной сотнями рек.
Кроме того, вы свою тему не знаете. А если знаете, то напомните нам в каком году восстановили Немелкова в ВУЗ ? И какой именно это был ВУЗ ?
КГБ скорее всего и были провокаторами ложных доносов, ибо если ребята из группы Дятлова отказались вербоваться - это считался бунт против всей системы.
Про Немелкова. Немелкова хотели оправить в психбольницу, уже под окнами УПИ стояла машина. но его отбили товарищи. Немелков после отчисления ушел в армию, восстановился в другом институте и в другом городе.
Вообще Немелкова спасло то, что о нем заговорил весь мир. Бесы очень боятся яркого света.

The KGB most likely were the provocateurs of false denunciations, because if the guys from Dyatlov's group refused to enlist, it was considered a revolt against the entire system.
About Nemelkov. Nemelkov wanted to be sent to a mental hospital, there was already a car under the windows of the UPI. but his comrades repulsed him. Nemelkov, after being expelled, joined the army, recovered at another institute and in another city.
In general, Nemelkov was saved by the fact that the whole world was talking about him. Demons are very afraid of bright light.
Вы не ответили на вопросы. В каком году восстановили Немелкова в ВУЗ ? И какой именно это был ВУЗ ? В каком году Немелкова повторно приняли в комсомол ?
Вы этого не знаете или умышленно скрываете, вводя всех в заблуждение ?
You didn't answer the questions. In what year was Nemelkov restored to the university? And which university was it? In what year was Nemelkov re-admitted to the Komsomol?
Do you not know this or are you deliberately hiding it, misleading everyone?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 01:46:08 AM by Олег Таймень »
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 17, 2023, 03:06:25 AM
Reply #13


Вы не ответили на вопросы. В каком году восстановили Немелкова в ВУЗ ? И какой именно это был ВУЗ ? В каком году Немелкова повторно приняли в комсомол ?
Вы этого не знаете или умышленно скрываете, вводя всех в заблуждение ?
You didn't answer the questions. In what year was Nemelkov restored to the university? And which university was it? In what year was Nemelkov re-admitted to the Komsomol?
Do you not know this or are you deliberately hiding it, misleading everyone?

В моей книге "Уральская голгофа" есть вся важная Инфа про Немелкова, которого сочли в УПИ за оппозиционера и антисоветчика. Удивлена, что Немелков скончался в 2012 году и никто из исследователей темы перевала Дятлова не заинтересовался его личностью и его версией гибели Дятловцев!! Только после выхода моей книги заговорили и о конференции в УПИ и про Немелкова!! Информация про Немелкова, его биография есть в интернете в большом объеме. Что после отчисления ушел в армию, там снова вступил в комсомол, был отличником боевой и политической подготовки. потом учился в Челябинске. У него была большая семья, дети и внуки. На скриншоте представлен архивный материал по биографии Немелкова.

In my book "Ural Golgotha" there is all the important information about Nemelkov, who was considered by the UPI to be an oppositionist and anti-Soviet. I am surprised that Nemelkov died in 2012 and none of the researchers of the Dyatlov Pass topic were interested in his personality and his version of the death of the Dyatlovites!! It was only after the publication of my book that they started talking about the UPI conference and about Nemelkov!! Information about Nemelkov, his biography is on the Internet in large volume. That after his discharge he joined the army, there he joined the Komsomol again, was an excellent student of combat and political training. then he studied in Chelyabinsk. He had a large family, children and grandchildren. The screenshot shows archival material on Nemelkov's biography.


January 17, 2023, 03:25:35 AM
Reply #14

Олег Таймень

Вы не ответили на вопросы. В каком году восстановили Немелкова в ВУЗ ? И какой именно это был ВУЗ ? В каком году Немелкова повторно приняли в комсомол ?
Вы этого не знаете или умышленно скрываете, вводя всех в заблуждение ?
You didn't answer the questions. In what year was Nemelkov restored to the university? And which university was it? In what year was Nemelkov re-admitted to the Komsomol?
Do you not know this or are you deliberately hiding it, misleading everyone?

В моей книге "Уральская голгофа" есть вся важная Инфа про Немелкова, которого сочли в УПИ за оппозиционера и антисоветчика. Удивлена, что Немелков скончался в 2012 году и никто из исследователей темы перевала Дятлова не заинтересовался его личностью и его версией гибели Дятловцев!! Только после выхода моей книги заговорили и о конференции в УПИ и про Немелкова!! Информация про Немелкова, его биография есть в интернете в большом объеме. Что после отчисления ушел в армию, там снова вступил в комсомол, был отличником боевой и политической подготовки. потом учился в Челябинске. У него была большая семья, дети и внуки. На скриншоте представлен архивный материал по биографии Немелкова.

In my book "Ural Golgotha" there is all the important information about Nemelkov, who was considered by the UPI to be an oppositionist and anti-Soviet. I am surprised that Nemelkov died in 2012 and none of the researchers of the Dyatlov Pass topic were interested in his personality and his version of the death of the Dyatlovites!! It was only after the publication of my book that they started talking about the UPI conference and about Nemelkov!! Information about Nemelkov, his biography is on the Internet in large volume. That after his discharge he joined the army, there he joined the Komsomol again, was an excellent student of combat and political training. then he studied in Chelyabinsk. He had a large family, children and grandchildren. The screenshot shows archival material on Nemelkov's biography.

In what year was Nemelkov re-admitted to the Komsomol, reinstated in the university? Do you not know this or are you deliberately hiding it, misleading everyone?
В каком году Немелкова повторно приняли в комсомол, восстановили в ВУЗ ? Вы этого не знаете или умышленно скрываете, вводя всех в заблуждение ?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 03:29:36 AM by Олег Таймень »
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 17, 2023, 04:30:05 AM
Reply #15


В каком году Немелкова повторно приняли в комсомол, восстановили в ВУЗ ? Вы этого не знаете или умышленно скрываете, вводя всех в заблуждение ?
читай мое предыдущее сообщение внимательно:
В комсомол вступил будучи в армии. В армию ушел после отчисления из УПИ в 1956 году. Так что скорее всего в армию ушел в весенний набор 1957 года. А в институт поступил после армии. Так что возможно в 1960 году. (тогда служили 3 года)
В институт г. Челябинска поступил после армии.
Если ты знаешь более точные данные - будет интересно услышать, хотя на версию гибели Дятлова это никак не влияет. Олег, ты живешь в тех краях и занят расследованием гибели дятловцев наверное ранее, чем я. Почему ты и другие мастодонты темы не встретились  в тех краях с Немелковым, чтоб взять у него интервью... и что послужило поводом для твоей неожиданно пристальной заинтересованности личностью Артура Немелкова? ПРОШУ ОТВЕТИТЬ НА МОИ ВОПРОСЫ.

read my previous message carefully:
He joined the Komsomol while in the army. He joined the army after being expelled from the UPI in 1956. So most likely he joined the army in the spring of 1957. And he entered the institute after the army. So maybe in 1960. (then they served for 3 years)
He entered the Chelyabinsk Institute after the army.
I do not know exactly what year it was. If you know more accurate data, it will be interesting to hear, although this does not affect the version of Dyatlov's death in any way. Oleg, you live in those parts and are busy investigating the death of the Dyatlovites probably earlier than I am. Why didn't you and other mastodons of the topic meet with Nemelkov in these parts to interview him... and what was the reason for your intense interest in the personality of Arthur Nemelkov? please answer my questions
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 04:40:16 AM by anna_pycckux »

January 17, 2023, 04:43:43 AM
Reply #16

Олег Таймень

В каком году Немелкова повторно приняли в комсомол, восстановили в ВУЗ ? Вы этого не знаете или умышленно скрываете, вводя всех в заблуждение ?
читай мое предыдущее сообщение внимательно:
В комсомол вступил будучи в армии. В армию ушел после отчисления из УПИ в 1956 году. Так что скорее всего в армию ушел в весенний набор 1957 года. А в институт поступил после армии. Так что возможно в 1960 году. (тогда служили 3 года)
В институт г. Челябинска поступил после армии.
Если ты знаешь более точные данные - будет интересно услышать, хотя на версию гибели Дятлова это никак не влияет. Олег, ты живешь в тех краях и занят расследованием гибели дятловцев наверное ранее, чем я. Почему ты и другие мастодонты темы не встретились  в тех краях с Немелковым, чтоб взять у него интервью... и что послужило поводом для твоей неожиданно пристальной заинтересованности личностью Артура Немелкова? ПРОШУ ОТВЕТИТЬ НА МОИ ВОПРОСЫ.

read my previous message carefully:
He joined the Komsomol while in the army. He joined the army after being expelled from the UPI in 1956. So most likely he joined the army in the spring of 1957. And he entered the institute after the army. So maybe in 1960. (then they served for 3 years)
He entered the Chelyabinsk Institute after the army.
I do not know exactly what year it was. If you know more accurate data, it will be interesting to hear, although this does not affect the version of Dyatlov's death in any way. Oleg, you live in those parts and are busy investigating the death of the Dyatlovites probably earlier than I am. Why didn't you and other mastodons of the topic meet with Nemelkov in these parts to interview him... and what was the reason for your intense interest in the personality of Arthur Nemelkov? please answer my questions
All clear. You don't know the topic and you managed to shove it into your book as proof of the death of the group. Here you are amused. I didn't expect this.
Всё ясно. Вы не знаете тему и умудрились её засунуть в свою книгу, как доказательство гибели группы. Вот вы развеселили. Я этого не ожидал.
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 17, 2023, 04:54:03 AM
Reply #17


я еще раз напоминаю, что личность Артура Немелкова не может рассматриваться как личность обычного рядового человека. Его не могли сразу ликвидировать, ибо об Артуре Немелкове заговорил весь мир и он был под пристальным вниманием западных журналистов. На скриншотах представлены доказательства, о том, что западные радиостанции говорили о скандальной конференции и об Артуре Немелкове, который критиковал власть. После конференции было исключено из УПИ очень много студентов. Их судьба нам неизвестна. Но известна судьба одно из бывших студентов УПИ. Так же исключенного после конференции. Это Евгений Шунько! Он оставил воспоминания про учебу в УПИ. Он смог устроиться на работу в Новосибирский Академгородок. Но на него начал писать порочащие письма сам Кириленко. В конце концов Шунько пришлось эмигрировать на запад.

I remind you once again that the personality of Artur Nemelkov cannot be considered as the personality of an ordinary ordinary person. They could not immediately eliminate him, because the whole world was talking about Arthur Nemelkov and he was under the close attention of Western journalists. The screenshots show evidence that Western radio stations talked about the scandalous conference and about Artur Nemelkov, who criticized the authorities. After the conference, a lot of students were expelled from the UPI. Their fate is unknown to us. But the fate of one of the former students of UPI is known. Also excluded after the conference. This is Evgeny Shunko! He left memories of studying at UPI. He was able to get a job in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. But Kirilenko himself began to write defamatory letters to him. In the end Shunko had to emigrate to the west.

January 17, 2023, 05:33:54 AM
Reply #18

Олег Таймень

Don't mislead anyone. Nemelkov was re-admitted to the Komsomol in 1958. After that, the Dyatlov group was killed for its connection with Nemelkov? This is complete nonsense
Не вводите никого в заблуждение. Немелкова в 1958 году повторно приняли в комсомол. После этого была убита группа Дятлова за связь с Немелковым ? Это полный бред

If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 17, 2023, 05:51:17 AM
Reply #19


Группа Дятлова была убита по ложному доносу. Изучай интервью Юрия Юдина, я об этом 100 раз писала. И даже заголовок темы: УБИТЫ ПО ЛОЖНОМУ ДОНОСУ. Обстановка в УПИ была такая после скандальной конференции: агентура строчила на слишком смелых и свободомыслящих - доносы! Тогда даже было такое понятие: ИНАКОМЫСЛЯЩИЕ! И за свое инакомыслие можно было поплатиться.

Dyatlov's group was killed on a false denunciation. Study Yuri Yudin's interview, I've written about it 100 times. And even the title of the topic: KILLED BY FALSE DENUNCIATION. The situation in the UPI was like this after the scandalous conference: the agents scribbled on the too bold and free-thinking - denunciations! Then there was even such a concept: DISSIDENTS! And you could pay for your dissent.


January 17, 2023, 06:02:19 AM
Reply #20

Олег Таймень

Группа Дятлова была убита по ложному доносу. Изучай интервью Юрия Юдина, я об этом 100 раз писала. И даже заголовок темы: УБИТЫ ПО ЛОЖНОМУ ДОНОСУ. Обстановка в УПИ была такая после скандальной конференции: агентура строчила на слишком смелых и свободомыслящих - доносы! Тогда даже было такое понятие: ИНАКОМЫСЛЯЩИЕ! И за свое инакомыслие можно было поплатиться.

Dyatlov's group was killed on a false denunciation. Study Yuri Yudin's interview, I've written about it 100 times. And even the title of the topic: KILLED BY FALSE DENUNCIATION. The situation in the UPI was like this after the scandalous conference: the agents scribbled on the too bold and free-thinking - denunciations! Then there was even such a concept: DISSIDENTS! And you could pay for your dissent.
Анна, вы съезжаете с темы. Давайте дальше разбираться. В комсомол Немелкова приняли до гибели группы. А когда его приняли в ВУЗ ? Какой это ВУЗ, как называется ? Вы этого не знаете или знаете, но вводите ваших читателей в заблуждение ?
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.
The following users thanked this post: karpov

January 17, 2023, 06:15:48 AM
Reply #21


не так поставлен вопрос. Нужно спрашивать так: в комсомол Немелков был снова принят в вотчине Кириленко?? Или в другой области, не подчинявшейся Кириленко?

 that's not how the question is posed. You need to ask like this: was Nemelkov re-admitted to the Komsomol in Kirilenko's patrimony?? Or in another area that was not subordinate to Kirilenko?

January 17, 2023, 06:26:03 AM
Reply #22

Олег Таймень

не так поставлен вопрос. Нужно спрашивать так: в комсомол Немелков был снова принят в вотчине Кириленко?? Или в другой области, не подчинявшейся Кириленко?

 that's not how the question is posed. You need to ask like this: was Nemelkov re-admitted to the Komsomol in Kirilenko's patrimony?? Or in another area that was not subordinate to Kirilenko?
So good. Let's go into a little more detail now. Do you want to say that the Komsomol organization, having re-admitted Nemelkov to the Komsomol, decided to go against the despotic Kirilenko, who wanted the death of Nemelkov and everyone he knew?
But, Kirilenko, heading another region, could not influence the career and happy life of Nemelkov. Correctly?
Так, хорошо. Давайте ка теперь немного подробнее. Вы хотите сказать что комсомольская организация, повторно приняв Немелкова в комсомол, решила пойти против деспотичного Кириленко, желавшего гибели Немелкову и всем, с кем он знаком ?
Но, Кириленко возглавляя другой регион, не смог повлиять на карьеру и счастливую жизнь Немелкова. Правильно?
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 17, 2023, 06:31:41 AM
Reply #23


я хочу сказать, что в стране не все были такие хамы, самодуры бульдозерного типа, костоломы и мстительные карьеристы как Кири

I want to say that not everyone in the country was such boors, bulldozer-type tyrants, bonecrackers and vindictive careerists like Kiri

January 17, 2023, 06:43:13 AM
Reply #24


я хочу сказать, что в стране не все были такие хамы, самодуры бульдозерного типа, костоломы и мстительные карьеристы как Кири

I want to say that not everyone in the country was such boors, bulldozer-type tyrants, bonecrackers and vindictive careerists like Kiri

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!
The following users thanked this post: anna_pycckux

January 17, 2023, 07:22:31 AM
Reply #25


« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 07:33:33 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 19, 2023, 07:23:47 AM
Reply #26


Not entirely sure what is meant by "denunciation", but my guess is that you are referring to the system in place in the Soviet Union whereby neighbors, colleagues, students, etc. were encouraged to report their peers if they expressed anti-Soviet sentiment. While someone might have reported the Dyatlov Group to the authorities claiming they had a plan to emigrate abroad... the problem with this is that they were in the middle of Russia, without sufficient supplies to make it to any border, so I don't think authorities would "liquidate" their own comrades unless there was something which made this claim credible. Maybe the only thing is that they called themselves the "Khibina" group... Khibina is a mountain range near Finland... But they were very far from there.
You have come very close to the truth. The harmless name "Khibiny" - could play a cruel joke with the guys and even for 2 reasons: 1. Khibiny is a mountain that is located on the border of Russia, Finland and Norway. I investigated, and found out. that several groups of students in the 60-80s died in the Khibiny in full force. Apparently they were also suspected of fleeing to the west.
2 the reason could be as follows: In the USSR it was forbidden to create any organizations without the knowledge and control of the CPSU. The group "Khibina" could be considered for such an illegally created dangerous community for the state.
Thank you for understanding the situation.
The tragedy of the Dyatlov Pass was repeated in the Khibiny. 1. Several student groups died in Khibiny during the Soviet era. We know about three groups that died in full force: at the beginning of 1961, seven students of the Leningrad Agricultural Institute died in the ruins of the Ebruchorr Pass. The causes of death have not been established.
фотохостинг imgur

2. 1973 - The Chevruay tragedy. 10 students of the city of Kuibyshev were killed. The official cause of death is freezing.

3. 1981 - all seven Leningrad students died, Vortkeuai Pass. The KGB considered flight abroad as the reason for the group's disappearance. The corpses were found 8 months later.
Perhaps there were more dead groups, but the information was classified.