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Author Topic: Why did they stop writing?  (Read 6146 times)

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January 02, 2023, 02:28:34 AM
Read 6146 times


Journal entries were made regularly on January 24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31. Some friends; they say that no matter how heavy the snow is, this does not prevent skiing. In the diary dated 31; We understand that the group is having difficulties in progress and is trying to make the walk easier by applying some techniques. If the passage was passed on January 31 and a tent had been set up somewhere on the cedar, the diary entries dated February 1 would have been made. Since the said entry is not made,
1) The group left the forest and started to climb the pass. It was 4 o'clock. They were late to cross the pass due to heavy snow and heavy load. It was easier to go down. Not so far into the valley. up to the trees. They also made a final decision to set up a lab (appropriate place). Although they went down, they were still in the dark and set up the tent in difficulty. Due to fatigue and conditions, they could not enter the diary on the evening of 31 or the morning of 1 February.
Cause No log was entered on February 1st. They woke up very tired in the morning. There was a lot of work for the lab, such as sorting the food, packing the tent, cleaning the stove and filling it with wood. No one could spare time for an extra occupation like writing a diary. Daily; It was written during the breaks between the trees. In order to regain the lost time, the skis would move quickly. They started late due to the establishment of labaz. they had lost yesterday and today for the route. If they set up the tent at 1079, everything would be fine after February 2nd. The tent was set up, the room was entered. The meals were eaten. The evening newspaper was prepared. Next was the diary entry. But whatever happened happened then. Evening 19/20 hours. If it had been at night, it was highly probable that at least someone would have made a diary entry before going to bed.it would be highly likely that one of them would make a journal entry before going to bed.it would be highly likely that one of them would make a journal entry before going to bed.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2023, 02:33:14 AM by Osi »
A real jolt is better than a wrong balance.

January 02, 2023, 02:57:57 AM
Reply #1


It doesn't matter if the tent set up on the cedar or the tent set up on the slope of 1079. Surely, at least one of the 9 people would have the opportunity to make a diary entry before going to bed. Thus, it strongly indicates that the disaster started at 19-22 in the evening, not while sleeping.
A real jolt is better than a wrong balance.
The following users thanked this post: GlennM

January 02, 2023, 04:05:57 AM
Reply #2


If not the type; When it snows, a warm air is formed. People take to the streets to have a snowball fight or to create a snowman. There were such meteorological conditions while climbing to 1079. Weather -8/10. Around 5 pm, the tent was to be set up on the hillside, as had been agreed before. While the tent was being set up, the snow continued. that night 40 cm of soft snow fell on the ground hardened by the winds. Then the snow stopped and the weather got rough. We have an average distance of 200 meters from the tent to the summit. Around 21 or 22 o'clock; The snow layer (tonight's snow) 150 meters long, 20/30 meters wide and 40 cm thick began to slide from where the tent was cut. It should be at 40 km/h. It took 13-15 seconds to pass over the tent (I did the calculation) This pass, which took 15 seconds, was the main cause of the panic in the tent. It was actually a harmless pass. He had only broken a ski pole, collapsed the tent, but failed to damage the reinforced pole on the other side, or dislodge the tent dug into the hardened old snow pit. You know, if an egg was thrown on a stretched canvas, the people inside would hear a terrible noise. As a result, the snowflakes passing over them terrified them. And they started walking down with the avalanche from the tail of the avalanche that was over. They made the footprints from the back of the avalanche. so the traces were preserved. and they did not dare to turn again and take life material from the tent. Although experts claim that there will not be an avalanche here, as far as I have seen from the videos taken at the gate, it is a place with a very steep slope. Yes, it wasn't a devastating avalanche. Just a triggered layer of snow.
A real jolt is better than a wrong balance.

January 02, 2023, 07:10:01 AM
Reply #3


Ok so they abandoned the tent because they were afraid of another snow slip. This is possible. But this doesn't solve the whole case. What cracked Tibo's skull and Lyuda's and Semyon's ribs?


January 02, 2023, 08:17:26 AM
Reply #4


Ok so they abandoned the tent because they were afraid of another snow slip. This is possible. But this doesn't solve the whole case. What cracked Tibo's skull and Lyuda's and Semyon's ribs?
Tibo must have been caught in a layer of snow, maybe he was outside. Den was chosen, with the most snow accumulation around Cedar. The bunker must have been Semyon's idea. This was an elevation about 5 meters above the waterbed. They opened a horizontal hole of 3 meters under the snow and enlarged the room to rest close to the waterbed. Kolevatov carried the wet branches he embraced to the hole to use in the flooring. The knife was in his den, as the investigators said. or while removing 4 from the water was not noticed. Tibo was taken to the bunker and was one of the first to die. After that, hypothermia kicks in. They are sleeping. Like April, the waters warm up and the shelter above the water bed melts from the bottom and starts to accumulate snow mass in the valley. The bunker's static breaks down and it collapses. This collapse does not happen overnight. It is a collapse that lasts for 1 month. While Tibo and Kolavetov are trapped in the flat place of the water bed, Semyon and Liyutmila are subjected to chest fractures as the crushing snow mass rolls over the body by the downstream sloping waterfall. This is a gradual fracture as a result of decades of pressure.
A real jolt is better than a wrong balance.

January 02, 2023, 08:52:10 AM
Reply #5


But according to the autopsy, they suffered the rib fractures while alive.


January 02, 2023, 09:32:25 AM
Reply #6


It seems that I do not have enough information about the case. In this case; I put Semyon and Tibo outside the tent. Liyutmila must have been the first to be evicted from the tent. The movement of the snow layer may have been noticed before the avalanche started, and the first ones must have been blown downhill by the snow. After all, as someone who believes that deaths are the result of a natural phenomenon; in this direction, I do not find it shameful to move to different natural versions. For example, Tibo Semyon and Liyutmilanin leave the group and go into the forest while the tent is being set up.
A real jolt is better than a wrong balance.

January 02, 2023, 10:36:40 AM
Reply #7


Osi, I support your idea regarding the location of the tent and the events that followed causing the hikers to leave. Everything else that happened can have multiple explanations, none of which will ever be proven. The only essential question is why they abandoned the tent. I am satisfied with your conclusion.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 02, 2023, 02:27:37 PM
Reply #8


There's also the theory that pages are missing from the diaries.   
The following users thanked this post: RMK, Manti

January 02, 2023, 05:08:27 PM
Reply #9


We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 02, 2023, 05:33:47 PM
Reply #10



Do you think that the hikers leaving the tent without proper footwear etc would stop to rip out pages of a diary to start a fire? Not saying they didn't, just asking if that is what you are saying

January 02, 2023, 06:04:42 PM
Reply #11


Are there pages missing or is it just that some pages were skipped and left blank. Just more media rumours I would guess.

OSI as you suggest,it was either too cold to write the diary or as you say , the event happened on the evening. Scattered food suggests that it was the end of the day , before sleep , or perhaps early morning. If they were all in the tent at the same time with food out , it would need to be well organised. Writing etc. Saying that , they wrote the newspaper...

January 02, 2023, 09:16:15 PM
Reply #12


We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 03, 2023, 07:12:30 AM
Reply #13


They had several pieces of paper in their pockets that they didn't use though. Famously Semion had the humorous magazine "Crocodile", while Rustem (if I remember right?) had a letter in his pocket. If they badly needed kindling, they had options.


January 03, 2023, 08:36:35 AM
Reply #14


I believe the reason they quit writing was they were no longer alive

January 03, 2023, 08:45:29 AM
Reply #15


I believe the reason they quit writing was they were no longer alive
Последняя запись вот эта
The last post is this one

На следующее утро они вышли и пройдя 2 км встали на новую стоянку. Дневник по ходу движения писать - некогда. И неудобно. Поэтому имеет смысл считать, что отписать события этого маршрутного дня - собирались уже в установленной палатке. И есть смысл считать, что посчитали - что писать не о чем. Всего 2 км прошли. И еще имеет смысл считать - что главному ответственному за ведение дневника - Зине Колмогоровой: стало совсем не до дневника. Ведь можно закрывать глаза на то, что самым аккуратным хроникером была именно Зина Колмогорова. Но тогда надо закрывать глаза - буквально на все.

The next morning they went out and after walking 2 km stood at a new parking lot. Diary in the course of the movement to write - once. And uncomfortable. Therefore, it makes sense to consider that the events of this route day were written off already in the established tent. And it makes sense to assume that they counted - that there is nothing to write about. Only 2 km passed. And it also makes sense to consider that the main person responsible for keeping the diary is Zina Kolmogorova: it was not at all up to the diary. After all, you can turn a blind eye to the fact that it was Zina Kolmogorova who was the most accurate chronicler. But then you have to close your eyes - literally everything.
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 03, 2023, 04:21:12 PM
Reply #16


I believe the reason they quit writing was they were no longer alive

This is  a true statement. There is no argument to it.
The following users thanked this post: marieuk

January 03, 2023, 06:31:37 PM
Reply #17


Asking with a smile, how does this help. What is tthe point of this line of inquiry?  I think that if diaries are found them we must believe writing was not suppressed. What more can we glean from this?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 03, 2023, 06:50:55 PM
Reply #18


Asking with a smile, how does this help. What is tthe point of this line of inquiry?  I think that if diaries are found them we must believe writing was not suppressed. What more can we glean from this?

I would say the point of inquiry on this matter is what a person believes happened. If a person believes that they camped there and cut the tent etc, then I guess it wouldn't matter to that person

If on the other hand, if a person felt as I do, that they were accidently killed and it was covered up, then the dates and style of writing become important

in other words, its important to some people and not to others but I for one am happy to see this line brought up
The following users thanked this post: marieuk

January 03, 2023, 08:30:54 PM
Reply #19


They were trying to save their own lives. In this case, it is not possible for them to write a diary.... Semyon, who is the oldest and most mature, may have wanted to write something, but he could not succeed.

January 03, 2023, 10:10:21 PM
Reply #20


Gentlemen, it seems to me that this is like staring at ripples at one end of a swimming pool and trying to deduce what caused them at the other end of the pool. How do you propose to narrow the possibilities from a million explanations down to one? What is your next step in your investigation?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 03, 2023, 10:52:56 PM
Reply #21


asking questions that we want the answers to

January 04, 2023, 07:33:16 AM
Reply #22


Neither the living nor the dead have answers at this juncture. Progress will come from (1) military records (2-) missing tissue sample analysis (3) deathbed confession (4) financial records of payoff (5) archaeological evidence at 1079 and/ or forest locations.

With regard to conspiracies,  follow the money! Could someone milk the forum for what they can get from it and then write a book for profit? There is no money to be made by advocating a slab slip, so I won't get rich. I would like to know why they left the tent as they did, but don't we all?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 04, 2023, 08:51:26 AM
Reply #23


if it was just one forum, mabye I guess but I quite enjoy going through the evidence and listening to other ideas so if someone is making money off it, then its no different than paying to see a movie etc

and yes, when we find out the truth, it will explain everything and I really hope that someone saved it all

BTW, I do believe that the doctors etc said as much truth as they dared. They were forced into this and from what I see, someone wanted the news out

January 04, 2023, 09:16:32 AM
Reply #24


With regard to conspiracies,  follow the money! Could someone milk the forum for what they can get from it and then write a book for profit?
Вы почему-то решили, что русские не прошли Ваши круги размышлений уже по сотому кругу? Исследователи 1990-х годов в России - уже ставили перед собою куда более реальные идеи. Потому что на эти годы уже там прошло много туристских групп. Именно по склону 1079. Ночевали там, попадали в метели и мороз. Именно зимою и именно поставив эксперименты. Группа Семяшкина например.
Я всегда улыбаюсь когда Вы приговариваете - про необходимость поиска материальной заинтересованности. Вы это говорите как заклинание. У каких-то событий и явлений - не бывает материального интереса.

Если честно - украсть на форуме нечего. И пояснить больше не получается. Здесь не читают русские источники. Ну дам я Вам ссылку на гибель пограничников в Симушире. Как наглядный пример. И что? Переводить для Вас - тоже бессмысленно.

For some reason, have you decided that the Russians have not gone through your circles of reflection already for the hundredth circle? Researchers in the 1990s in Russia were already setting themselves much more realistic ideas. Because many tourist groups have already passed there over the years. It was on slope 1079. We spent the night there, fell into snowstorms and frost. It was in the winter and it was by setting up experiments. The Semyashkin group for example.
I always smile when you say - about the need to find material interest. You say it like a spell. Some events and phenomena have no material interest.
To be honest, there is nothing to steal on the forum. And I can't explain anymore. Russian sources are not read here. Well, I'll give you a link to the death of border guards in Simushir. As a good example. So what? Translating for you is also pointless.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2023, 09:21:59 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 04, 2023, 10:11:10 AM
Reply #25


It's never pointless. It's not for one or other. It's for the internet and any readers and researchers who come after. Maybe not yet born.

And Russian sources are sometimes read by some here. Of course knowing about them in the first place is hard. At some point I've read everything I could find about this case, not only on this website but even 100s of pages on Russian forums via Yandex translate. I'm none the wiser.

The following users thanked this post: marieuk, tenne

January 04, 2023, 11:03:41 AM
Reply #26


It's never pointless. It's not for one or other. It's for the internet and any readers and researchers who come after. Maybe not yet born.

And Russian sources are sometimes read by some here. Of course knowing about them in the first place is hard. At some point I've read everything I could find about this case, not only on this website but even 100s of pages on Russian forums via Yandex translate. I'm none the wiser.

I totally agree but what we can do is use practical knowledge to try to fill in the gaps to come up with a working theory that  explains it all. Until we know for sure, this is just an intellectual exercise but I for one am learning a lot, other than the insane posters but they at least add humor, about things I had no understanding of.

January 04, 2023, 02:07:48 PM
Reply #27


. So what? Translating for you is also pointless.

Small minded and arrogant. You can do better. Please try.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 04, 2023, 03:25:44 PM
Reply #28


It's never pointless. It's not for one or other. It's for the internet and any readers and researchers who come after. Maybe not yet born.

And Russian sources are sometimes read by some here. Of course knowing about them in the first place is hard. At some point I've read everything I could find about this case, not only on this website but even 100s of pages on Russian forums via Yandex translate. I'm none the wiser.

I totally agree but what we can do is use practical knowledge to try to fill in the gaps to come up with a working theory that  explains it all. Until we know for sure, this is just an intellectual exercise but I for one am learning a lot, other than the insane posters but they at least add humor, about things I had no understanding of.

I completely agree with both of you.   Everyone has something to add to the forum in their own way. 
The following users thanked this post: Ziljoe, tenne

January 04, 2023, 10:00:19 PM
Reply #29


So what? Translating for you is also pointless.

Small minded and arrogant. You can do better. Please try.
Я читаю ваши посты и в основном понимаю что варится в Ваших головах. Без знания английского. Потому что я хочу понять.
Если мне нужно - я ищу названный источник и сама его перевожу. Гугл светит всем одинаково. Я вот выше назвала ключевые слова. Пограничники и Симушир. Вы для интересу - гуглили?

Знания - это не то, что Вам кто-то разжевал. Знания - это то что Вы усилиями добыли сами. Это не высокомерие - это попытка заставить собственноручно трудиться.
Вот ссылка на библиотеку туристических отчетов. Это база. В полях выбирается тип похода, район похода и год похода. Этого достаточно.

I read your posts and basically understand what is brewing in your heads. Without knowledge of English. Because I want to understand.
If I need, I look for the named source and translate it myself. Google is the same for everyone. I've listed the keywords above. Border guards and Simushir. You for interest - googled?

Knowledge is not something that someone chewed on you. Knowledge is what you have earned by your own efforts. This is not arrogance - this is an attempt to force them to work with their own hands.
Here is a link to the travel reports library. This is the base. In the fields, select the type of trip, the area of ​​the trip and the year of the trip. It's enough.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2023, 10:09:54 PM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...