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Author Topic: More difficult winter hikes where no one died  (Read 8266 times)

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January 08, 2023, 11:21:11 AM
Read 8266 times

Олег Таймень

The hike of a group of young tourists, which was ten times more difficult both in terms of conditions and load. The group traveled 900 kilometers and 34 passes in 39 days. Climbed 5 peaks
Поход группы молодых туристов, который был в десятки раз сложнее и по условиям и по нагрузке. Группа за 39 дней прошла 900 километров и 34 перевала. Взошли на 5 вершин
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.
The following users thanked this post: marieuk

January 08, 2023, 12:06:13 PM
Reply #1

Олег Таймень

Ski trip along the Yuzhno-Chuysky ridge in February 2018. The group had a tent torn at a high altitude and there was no way to reach the forest zone, since the forest is very far away. The group dug out a cave, which collapsed on them in the morning. A meter-thick ceiling of dense snow fell on tourists and no one was hurt.
No one froze, no one died. Everything was accompanied by jokes and a cheerful mood.
Here's the trip report:
Лыжный поход по Южно-Чуйскому хребту в феврале 2018. У группы на большой высоте порвало палатку и не было никакой возможности дойти до зоны леса, так как лес очень далеко. Группа выкопала пещеру, которая утром на них обрушилась. Потолок плотного снега толщиной в метр упал на туристов и никто не пострадал.
Никто не замёрз, не погиб. Всё сопровождалось шуточками и весёлым настроением.
Вот отчет этого похода:
Here is a video of the tent breaking and the collapse of the cave:
Вот видео разрыва палатки и обрушения пещеры:

Фото толщины потолка пещеры, которая обрушилась:
Photo of the thickness of the cave ceiling that collapsed:

If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.
The following users thanked this post: Ziljoe

January 08, 2023, 12:16:28 PM
Reply #2

Олег Таймень

A single tourist trip with two overnight stays in -44 frost. Tent without stove. Between overnight stays, the tourist did not warm himself by the fire, but went skiing in the cold.
Одиночный поход туриста с двумя ночёвками в мороз -44. Палатка без печки. Турист между ночёвками не грелся у костра, а катался на лыжах по морозу.
If a mountain comes towards you, and you are not Mohammed, then it is a rockfall.

January 08, 2023, 02:45:01 PM
Reply #3


Ski trip along the Yuzhno-Chuysky ridge in February 2018. The group had a tent torn at a high altitude and there was no way to reach the forest zone, since the forest is very far away. The group dug out a cave, which collapsed on them in the morning. A meter-thick ceiling of dense snow fell on tourists and no one was hurt.
No one froze, no one died. Everything was accompanied by jokes and a cheerful mood.
Here's the trip report:

Thank you so much for this Олег Таймень.

I recommend other members to look at this . Stunning photos and landscapes . It fuels my love for the outdoors. A great link to the wonders of our world and what humans can endure.

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