If you detail your arguement, the forum may give you a review. Be advised that theories are defeated in two ways. First, the theory does not include all the established facts. Second, the researcher makes a speculation by logic or intuition . Many investigators use induction. ( this swan is white, so all swans are white) as opposed to deduction ( all swans I've seen are white, the next one will also be white). Put differntly, induction argues if you've seen one you have seen them all. Deduction is from many clues,, one conclusion. Both methods are entirely logical, but may be wrong in fact as you can tell. Further, if you are being scientific about this matter, science deals in greater or lesser probability versus absolute certainty. Science has very, very few immutable laws ( everything hotter gets colder etc.) but instead has many theories ( which means the best explanation until something better comes along ( theory of evolution as an example)). Good luck.