I've once again delved into this Dyatlov Pass incident puzzle after watching a few videos on YouTube about it.
There are a few points I raised in the comments of one video.
First, the Dyatlov group had some ticket collectors in its ranks. Some members of the group hadn't paid for their train tickets and had hidden under the seats.
What came to mind when I heard this was a French UFO case involving a train and a UFO that landed on the tracks. It would then be necessary to consider that our extraterrestrial visitors have a strong taste for justice in order to justify their intervention against the Dyatlov group following their misdeeds against a Russian railway company.
There is another point I'll discuss later, as I haven't yet finished my investigation...the engraved symbols.
But let's get back to the topic at hand: radioactivity. I left all the far-fetched theories about nuclear testing in the area aside, believing that besides radioactivity, there are other effects of an atomic explosion that no one has considered. I'm thinking, among other things, of the blast effect that would have literally bombarded nearby trees with rocks and various debris.
So, I searched the internet for the connection between nuclear power and the Urals and came across this:
"On September 29, 1957, one of the greatest nuclear disasters in history, but also one of the least known, occurred. An explosion of one of the containers at the Mayak nuclear complex in the Urals exposed 470,000 Soviets to radiation over an area of 20,000 square kilometers." Source:
https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/affaires-sensibles/29-septembre-1957-l-accident-nucleaire-de-maiak-ou-le-silence-atomique-sovietique-1445546Following this information, I rushed to Google Maps to see where Mayak was located in relation to the closest point to the Dyatlov group's route, and this is none other than the train departure point at Sverdlovk, the former name of Yekatarinburg: the distance as the crow flies from Mayak to Sverdlovk is approximately 127 km.
127 km is therefore the radius of a circle centered at Mayak, giving us an area of approximately 127*127*3.14 = 50,645.06 square kilometers. This is more than double the 20,000 square kilometers of the area exposed to radiation.
The limit of this area is located approximately 80 kilometers from Mayak, near Syssert.
This explains why the Dyatlov group had radioactivity on their clothing, with the assumption that the members of this group may have been traveling in the radiation zone between Syssert and Mayak before their departure. It should also be noted that no one mentioned radioactivity on the tent or the belongings left inside.
mja Mahé