That writing on the wall reminds me of some unsolved murder of a girl in Joplin, MO, I think in 1970 or 71, can't really remember. I remember my parents and brothers and sisters were visiting my grandparents in Neosho, MO, and on the news, they said a head had been found in a girl scout camp toilet. Later the body was found. I guess someone wrote something to the effect that the blacks are the one who killed the girl on some wall at the girl scout camp. Needless to say, the camp stopped being used again and just sort of turned into a deserted park that people would go to once in a great while. One day, while in college in Joplin, a bunch of my friends and I all piled into cars and went to various places to goof around at, and one of the places brought up was the girl scout camp. So, we all headed up there. It was a really beautiful place, but, I don't think anyone ever went there a whole lot. There were swing sets, so we swung on them, and walked around, and it was really spooky because we were the only ones there, except for some man who was walking around which we saw later on and scared us, but not before we saw the writing that is still on the wall about who killed the girl. It was so unnerving and then seeing a man walking around after that scared us all and we all got in the cars and drove off. The murder is still unsolved, poor girl. When, I saw that writing on the wall, brought back memories of college and going to that spooky, deserted girl scout camp and how spooky it was. We all felt a little weird there and half of my friends didn't think about ghosts being real or not. Never went back, and don't know if they tore it down or if its still there.