The facial mutilation of Lyuda and Semyon
Unless of course there was no such thing because they were in running water decomposing for months.

It's extremely unlikely that Rustem fell and hit both sides of his head
^^^^ Want to hear another personal story?

For some reason, a lot of emphasis is applied to the severity of some injuries implying that no human can cause them etc. I wonder, is it possible to pick up a log the size of say, I dunno...... a baseball bat? How much damage can you do with that? Would it look anything like the "baton" mark on Zina? How about a rock.... can you smash in a skull with a football sized rock? Would it look anything like Nikolay? Why must he have 'fallen twice' in order to have received his injuries?? Looks to me like he was punched on one side, and fell on the other.

The flash light found 400 metres from the tent.
The one that we have no idea which way it was facing or how/why it was dropped...... literally know zilch about this flashlight, but MANY assumptions are made about it.
Another flashlight found on the tent
Just like above we know nothing about what direction it was pointing... we do know however it was in the TURNED OFF position which is plenty of evidence proving it was NOT used as beacon or aid to find/return to the tent ect. You mean that flashlight?
When you start looking at it as series of unfortunate events, the odds keep stacking up and up against it.
Not to me they dont..... not at all.