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Author Topic: Georgiy Almanki, Evgeniy Masllennikov.  (Read 5474 times)

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February 12, 2020, 04:24:58 AM
Read 5474 times


Almanki writes "The Dyatlov group DUG AND STACKED SNOW ALL AROUND"  Clear evidence of a protective wall being assembled. Evgeniy Maslennikov states, "One person was in boots" giving my theory that the last one in the tent for the evening accidently dislodged the wall and themselves right onto the tent and occupants inside.


February 13, 2020, 11:58:37 AM
Reply #1


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Almanki writes "The Dyatlov group DUG AND STACKED SNOW ALL AROUND"  Clear evidence of a protective wall being assembled. Evgeniy Maslennikov states, "One person was in boots" giving my theory that the last one in the tent for the evening accidently dislodged the wall and themselves right onto the tent and occupants inside.

Its not really clear evidence  !  ? No exact figures are given.

February 13, 2020, 01:51:11 PM
Reply #2



February 13, 2020, 02:07:03 PM
Reply #3


Would you like to propose a theory?

February 14, 2020, 11:42:30 AM
Reply #4


Thank you for your input,  Yes I do have a theory but mine has been shaped over the friendly exchange of ideas,thoughts and intuitions from others. I will share that with you soon. Tim
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 01:20:16 PM by Tim »

February 14, 2020, 01:24:15 PM
Reply #5


That would fit in with the two hikers located near the cedar tree, who perhaps climbed the tree and called out to signal to those decending still, to their location.

February 14, 2020, 03:14:38 PM
Reply #6


Precisely, even better the fire would be enough for them to see. They no doubt had more concerns for the women more than themselves.

February 14, 2020, 04:02:50 PM
Reply #7


Russian winters start Dec 22nd. It has been snowing for at least three weeks before the group begins their journey. Fast forward to the last days. They are leaving late in the day from the labaz and Igor may have been met with opposition about this decision to venture out so late in these conditions over a mountain. Because they have been trekking in white out conditions ever sinse  the left the labaz,They do not know where they are or they would of made it to the trees. The night  is closing in on them  and forces them to stop.They find a ridge that has snow already  piled on top which makes for better protection. Some are digging out the snow while the others are busy building up the snow already on the ridge. Satisfied with their efforts  one of the  hikers stays behind and goes to the bathroom. On the way back in he accidentally steps and dislodges the snow wall sending he and the wall smashing into the group.  Inside they are getting ready for the evening and are  are blind sided and injured from the snow wall and the tourist himself. Evening though an avalanche is unlikely but they do not know this and instantly cut themselves out because they naturally think it is an avalanche. THEY ARE NOW EXPOSED TO A SUB-ZERO WIND BLAST. Because their hands are now freezing trying to remove the snow,  the decision was made instantly to send the two Yuri's sprinting ahead to start a fire while the others help the injured down as they follow the foot prints until they see the fire. There has been friction about the decision to leave so late up a mountain, fists are thrown and the girls scream and it finally comes to an end. They are not thinking clearly ,running on adrenaline and the effects of hypothermia they make the fatal decision to separate into three groups.  Zina, Igor and Rustem actually thought the could go back up hill to the tent.  Zinas thumb is tucked away under her first finder and index finger a very unnatural position...P.S: The Dyatlov camp clearly show more snow than the rescuers photos.  This obvious evidence is somehow ignored. The equivalent to that would be: If a waiter was bringing you your soup and you see his thumb in it you say "I don't want the soup because you have had your thumb in it. And the waiters reply is, that is not my thumb, it is your thumb that is in the soup, You've always have your thumb in the soup. If you cannot see the difference of snow in the photos, I have a bowl of soup for you. lol Kidding. Thanks for reading. Tim
« Last Edit: February 15, 2020, 04:39:06 PM by Tim »