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Author Topic: Alexander Kolevatov  (Read 44245 times)

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January 30, 2018, 01:34:57 AM
Read 44245 times



Born on Nov. 16, 1934, Russian Federation

A student of nuclear physics, he was a 4th year student as a Physics Major at the UPI University. Prior to moving to Sverdlovsk he finished the Sverdlovsk Mining and Metallurgy College majoring in metallurgy of heavy nonferrous metals. He distinguished himself as a good student and moved to Moscow to work in the secret institute of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building that was called merely by its serial number of I 3394. Later he moved to the Research Institute of Inorganic Materials that was engaged in producing materials for the growing nuclear industry. In 1956 he moved back to Sverdlovsk and joined UPI. He was a cautious, studious person who enjoyed smoking antique pipes. His friends described him as diligent, pedantic, and methodical with clear leadership qualities.

He wasn’t like the simple people of Sverdlovsk; he’d lived and worked in Moscow for three years. ‘Sasha’ Kolevatov smoked a pipe with good tobacco and was always very tidy. He was the last cherished child of a couple with four daughters, who were eager to have a boy. Their dream came true in 1934 when his mother was already forty. Unfortunately his father died when Kolevatov was only ten.
Kolevatov proved to be very bright, and though he went to a very ordinary college in Sverdlovsk, he earned himself a prestigious, well-paid job in Moscow, with which he was able to support his elderly, now handicapped, mother. Russian people generally tend to relocate from a province to the capital, not the other way around, so it was a rather strange move to leave this interesting and lucrative job and return to Sverdlovsk.

Jan 30 had a special meaning for Kolevatov - he celebrated his birthday on that date. If a person chooses a different date for his birthday that is usually because of a strong affection or live changing event that happened on that date. If this cautious, studious, private and sensible man chose to celebrate on Jan 30, we will respect his wish as did his friends in the treacherous Ural mountain in 1959.

He was 24 years old when he died. Kolevatov is buried on May 12, 1959, in Mikhailovskoe Cemetery, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 06:34:36 AM by Teddy »

April 17, 2018, 08:09:25 PM
Reply #1


I find him so insanely attractive.

April 19, 2018, 05:33:22 AM
Reply #2


Born on Nov. 16, 1934, Russian Federation

A student of nuclear physics, he was a 4th year student as a Physics Major at the UPI University. Prior to moving to Sverdlovsk he finished the Sverdlovsk Mining and Metallurgy College majoring in metallurgy of heavy nonferrous metals. He distinguished himself as a good student and moved to Moscow to work in the secret institute of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building that was called merely by its serial number of I 3394. Later he moved to the Research Institute of Inorganic Materials that was engaged in producing materials for the growing nuclear industry. In 1956 he moved back to Sverdlovsk and joined UPI.
............, he earned himself a prestigious, well-paid job in Moscow, with which he was able to support his elderly, now handicapped, mother. Russian people generally tend to relocate from a province to the capital, not the other way around, so it was a rather strange move to leave this interesting and lucrative job and return to Sverdlovsk.

Jan 30 had a special meaning for Kolevatov - he celebrated his birthday on that date. If a person chooses a different date for his birthday that is usually because of a strong affection or live changing event that happened on that date. If this cautious, studious, private and sensible man chose to celebrate on Jan 30, we will respect his wish as did his friends in the treacherous Ural mountain in 1959.

I have 4 remarks under this text:
1.“ Еhe secret institute “, and “serial number of I 3394” it is the same firm. The name “Research Institute of Inorganic Materials” it is simply more later name of the same institute.
I ask excuse me if I have not correctly understood sense written by you.
2.Kolevatov has left to Sverdlovsk to relatives because he lived in Moscow one and it had complexities in his life. In addition he agreed that passes from remote training in Moscow to the valid training in UPI.
3.No serious prospects in Moscow he no existing. He worked on the lowest scientific post, and training at university UPI gave to his chance to make good career. Payment in Moscow according to its post was small. Therefore it so has easily left to Sverdlovsk.
4.January, 30th was not a special meaning for Kolevatov. It is an error of the one who wrote that unknown diary as badly knew all members of his group. On January, 29th there was a birthday Yury Doroshenko. Probably them have mixed among themselves.

Alexander's birthday is on November, 16th, 1934
You have written it in the very first line
Here is fragment of its biography written by him at receipt to university UPI:

In translation it is means:
I, Kolevatov Alesandr Sergeevich {in Russian it Sergeevich is designates name of his father – Sergey.  It is added to children`s second name addition transcription “- евич (in Russian)” - for men, or “- евна(in Russian)” - for women. And do cleaning letter of “й(in Russian)”” [at it there are no analogues letter in Latin or English] - it is my specification} was born November, 16th, 1934 at Sverdlovsk- city in clerk`s family ….” (c)

You have written it in the very first line . It is correct.

May 29, 2018, 09:27:01 PM
Reply #3


Alexandr Kolevtov. This talking more about "feeling", not documents. My main problem - I don't feel him, I can not create an image of him and predict where we can find additional information and documents.

He was born 1934 in Saverdlovsk. The 5th  or 6th child (one girl died in childhood) and only one boy in the family, the last one.  Sasha was a poor health kid at that time, All his sisters loved him  a lot. They live in the privet hous in the center of Sverdlovsk, his father had a very good position - financial director (главный бухгалтер) of some factories. The people like his father will have been killed first in 1937. But his father not, in 1938 he moved to Gulag as a financial director of one of the factories in Tavda. Family moved to this place too.
May be it was a good disigion to save а life. In Gulag, but not prisoner. Of cause he was a member of elite group there, but surroundings of his family changed a lot. Guardians are different from prisoners only because the can kill. Prisoners can be killed.
Sasha didn't go to school, his elder sister Rimma took care about him. She will has became  a  famous teacher in future,  developing a special education  programs for kids with behavior problems.
  1941 - war started. This camp in Gulag where Kolevatov's stay, became on of the first gulag camp for German too and one of the most horrible camps. But it still "ok" for Kolevatov's family if it possible to say "ok" in this situation. At least they had food enough for surviving.
 But suddenly everything crushed. His father was found dead on the railway line killed by a train. No investigation of his death has been done.
What did it mean for family? They lost everything. 3  elder sister left Tavda already but Sasha, Rimma and mother were there. They lost social position immediately, but more important- food. The mather  was sick and couldn't  work. All of them were from the group of "dependent", due to "food card" system they got 200g per day per person, 1,2 kg of fish or meat per month per person, 1-2 kg of grain per month which can be change for potato during winter season. They went to a hell. Sasha was almost 10 years old. How did he accept this situation?
   After the war ended only they come back to Sverdlovsk. Rimma has been admitted to the Institute and start to work as a taecher in primary school, Sasha  went to a school. All of them shared one small room in the institute campus which Rimma got as a student. They were very poor. Sasha studied not well. He had high score in German language only. Why did he know German English well? No idea. May be he communicated with a German prsionrs in Gulag. He graduated secondary school (grade 7) and went to the College. College provided not only professional skills, but uniform and additional food card. He didn't study well 1st and 2nd years.
And he changed his mind suddenly - joined to Komsomol and improved all his scores.
(Let me continue a bit later)

May 30, 2018, 05:31:13 AM
Reply #4


he went to a very ordinary college in Sverdlovsk
its true. It was very ordinary College
he earned himself a prestigious, well-paid job in Moscow
This is not true. Not  " earned himself".
Education in the USSR was free of charge, but each graduate was required to work for 3 years after graduation in nominated place. Someone decided to send him o Moscow to work in the secret institute of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building. This decision was made almost a year before the graduation of College.
We know that six months before the graduation, he had already passed a securtyl check in Moscow and was approved.

Ordinary boy from ordinary College with ordinary  performance. Someone recomended and protected him and gave advices,  one of which was to immediately join the Komosol - Young Communist League. t was the final stage of three youth organizations with members up to age 28, graduated at  age 14 from the Young Pioneers.
You couldnt join Kommunist Perty without passing all the stages. You couldnt  make a career without being a communist.
age 14
All members of Dyatlov's group joined Komsomol at age 14, as soon as it was allowed. Sasha at age 18, during passing a security check   "in the secret institute'.

(to be continued)

The following users thanked this post: feijao89

May 31, 2018, 09:16:06 PM
Reply #5


All members of Dyatlov's group joined Komsomol at age 14, as soon as it was allowed. Sasha at age 18, during passing a security check   "in the secret institute'.
Some duality presents in this situation. Was it ideological decision or just necessary requirement?

he lived in Moscow one and it had complexities in his life
What do we know about his life in Moscow?
Payment in Moscow according to its post was small
  - His salary was about 900-1000 rubles per month, while the average wage in the USSR was 600-700 rubles, the scholarship - 250-350 rubles per month.
  - He got free housing in a new building which well-known scientists also lived.  Moscow was a closed city and no one could come to live there.
  ( Now this is one of the most prestigious areas of Moscow with very expensive apartments )

 - he worked very well, but  he was also very active in the social life of the institute. He became a member of Institute Komsomol committee, leaded shooting sport section. Began to engage in tourism, made new friends.

He worked on the lowest scientific post
Duality and   different assessment of his job position. "The lowest scienific post" - compared to what?
Of course he has not been a "leading scientist", but for the 19 year old boy who just graduated ordinary college he had a very good position and he was involved to some scientific research.
But WAB talking about his "Lowest position" has in mind a bit different moment.
Did he has a access to classified information? Was he a "secret keeper" working in Secret Instittute?
Im pretty sure he was.



June 01, 2018, 11:12:03 PM
Reply #6


-made new friends
- secret keeper?
Sasha  hiked  the mount Sabliya (Sabre, Cабля),  Pre-Polar Ural, as a member of some Moscow's group. This is a difficult trek. 

 I was just interested in finding information about this hike. Everything was structured in USSR and I was trying to find the club that could organize this trek. I coudn't. Then I thought - there is no information about ordinary groups, maybe it was not an ordinary one? May be it was a group of "secret keepers" who had  restrictions on contacts and did not belong to any ordinary sports organization? I began to look for memories of the tourism of people who belonged to this category. Bingo! I was right! I found the memories of a scientist about how they wanted to be engaged in tourism and then the director of a secret organisation helped them organize a tourist section which has been out of ordinary turists clubs.
 The director who support the tourism was Dmitriy Ivanovich Blohincev,_%D0%94%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
Even now i can not find information about him in English))

I changed direction of searching a finally found the leader of that group. All members of the group worked in secret nuclear Institutes. Two of them ( including the
leader) were children  to their fathers)))
 The father of leader is... Blohincev Dmitiy Ivanovich
 The father of second one - Anatoly Alexandrov
It was a TOP of the very closed scientific secret elite, and Sasha was accepted.
 Duality. Why did he leave Moscow

The following users thanked this post: feijao89

June 01, 2018, 11:35:00 PM
Reply #7


So do you think he had another handle by which he went? Are you suggesting that in Sverdlosk he was Kolevatov and in Moscow he was somebody else?

What was his degree in, I forget...but he was a scientist no less right?

How many years do you have in your research on all members and the DPI Galina?

June 01, 2018, 11:53:53 PM
Reply #8


When I read information like this is like colorizing a black and white photo. Things become more... I would use the word clear for any part on this case, but I can safely say more alive. A case that is suppose to be cold... yet so much information can still be added to the characters involved. This is all forming the texture of the circumstances.

June 02, 2018, 11:08:02 AM
Reply #9


So do you think he had another handle by which he went? Are you suggesting that in Sverdlosk he was Kolevatov and in Moscow he was somebody else?

What was his degree in, I forget...but he was a scientist no less right?

How many years do you have in your research on all members and the DPI Galina?
1) duality. All the time I m feeling some duality about him.
2) about degree. It's very difficult to compare European and ussr education systems. Very simple answer for understanding: college - bachelor degree. Institute - master degree. It's mean he had a bachelor degree in metal production. He was going to get a master degree in radioactive metal production.
3) 5 years. Not ALL members))) only Kolevatov a little bit and Zolotarev.
The following users thanked this post: feijao89

June 02, 2018, 11:27:18 AM
Reply #10


I think that this character was quite ambiguous, in some way, but I don't want to think his position could have caused somehow the tragedy - he was a victim too.

4.January, 30th was not a special meaning for Kolevatov. It is an error of the one who wrote that unknown diary as badly knew all members of his group. On January, 29th there was a birthday Yury Doroshenko. Probably them have mixed among themselves.

Alexander's birthday is on November, 16th, 1934

This sounds strange, however. After some days, they should have learned each other names at least. Especially when you have to write it down, you focus on the right name. Also, as you said, Doroshenko's birthday was on the day before. I believe that January 30th did mean something to him. 

I find him so insanely attractive.

Me too. He definitely was.

June 02, 2018, 02:37:24 PM
Reply #11


I wanna have like 10,000 of his babies.       declare1

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

June 03, 2018, 09:31:27 AM
Reply #12


Thank you Galina, for your detailed answer, it's yet another amazing contribution to the forum! I agree with Teddy in that this does clear some things up but still there's something very off about Kolevatov that I just don't understand, a bunch of unanswered questions. I don't think he meant to be responsible for the group's death, but if we consider his background, it certainly gives another motive behind the death of the students.

June 03, 2018, 05:56:10 PM
Reply #13


I do not assume that one of them has been responsible for the group's death. But knowledges of skills, experience and characters can help to understand what did they do during the last night.
The following users thanked this post: feijao89

June 15, 2018, 12:29:50 PM
Reply #14


Galina, let's decide that you want: or to details to study the invoice, or to think out myths, then in them definitively to trust, and still further to broadcast it to people who in you trust? Especially in the countries where many do not understand thin details of history and occurred …
I understand that it is much easier to me to compare because I have practically lived this epoch in real time. I already well remember all that was after Stalin's death and fragments I remember that was a little before it. Therefore on the general questions to me to object very difficultly. I as equals communicate with contemporaries of Dyatlov. Was very well and it is mutually familiar with Yury Yudin. Yudin even specified many questions at me. Especially it was appreciable, when we together with it and Eicher helped it to write the book for Donni. That there it has turned out is as at us speak - a question of the second (number two). Therefore give: or to result documents directly on the concrete person in the concrete organisation and in a concrete case, or we will not think out myths, and we will perceive words of the live witness of that epoch.
So, let's understand with merits of case …

All members of Dyatlov's group joined Komsomol at age 14, as soon as it was allowed. Sasha at age 18, during passing a security check   "in the secret institute'.
Some duality presents in this situation. Was it ideological decision or just necessary requirement?

«Safety check» this necessary action for any "regime" enterprise, is not dependent on where it is, in Russia, in the USA, in China, or in Northern Korea. It is spent always, and no any relation to the introduction into Komsomol has. The result of check would be identical to Kolevatova is not dependent on that, there was it in Komsomol or not. The Komsomol is separate independent a political direction in life of youth of that time in the USSR. In such firms in the fifties accepted irrespective of Komsomol if the person had a corresponding formation and recommendations. «Check safety» was obligatory for all those who applied for work in these firms. I know it on myself and many my acquaintances. Practically. At the time of a little later, but not much more.

he lived in Moscow one and it had complexities in his life
What do we know about his life in Moscow?

It is a little. But it is enough what to have almost full idea about his life far from the native.

Payment in Moscow according to its post was small
  - His salary was about 900-1000 rubles per month, while the average wage in the USSR was 600-700 rubles, the scholarship - 250-350 rubles per month.

It is not necessary so all to deform. You do not know about its salary. You have a sheet of its salary вто it is a high time? No. Therefore it is necessary to compare not god knows with what, and with a reality. At that time the father worked for me as the engineer (on mine then already senior) at rather uneasy defensive factory. Its salary was that that 1000 or 1100 roubles. The laboratorian (a post on 4 steps more low!) did not receive 1000 roubles, its salary was about those 600 … 700 roubles even taking into account that at "institut Bochvar" for certain paid and «for harm», that is for made radioactive materials. But Kolevatov with such materials, or not, it still the big question because this enterprise worked with the big nomenclature of materials of type «Heavy metals» - lead, tungsten, molybdenum, mercury, silver, copper, zinc, bismuth, and others.

  - He got free housing in a new building which well-known scientists also lived.  Moscow was a closed city and no one could come to live there.

It too is lie. If under the name «has received free habitation» it is meaningful - «to receive a place in a hostel» it was. Because the enterprise should is obliged to provide all «young experts» (such term was in the USSR and it mattered about those who has ended the higher or average special educational institution and has been appointed to work in the given enterprise) with a place where they should live. And it did not depend on in what house it was. In new or in the old. But Kolevatov could or live at relatives or rent apartment (at us speak - to rent a room). As far as I know, relatives at it in Moscow was not.
Moscow was not the closed city. Any there could arrive. It is Vladivoskok, Sverdlovsk, Sevastopol, Murmansk (is more exact - Severomorsk) were closed. There to arrive simply so it was impossible. There were restrictions for visiting by foreigners. The admission was required. Moscow the closed city was not. In Moscow there was no possibility to arrive and will get a job. Then would not accept. And to arrive and live informally, without registration it was possible. But for those experts who were required to the important enterprises and large factories, there were exceptions. Them typed specially or distributed from educational institutions. For example, same Kolevatov. It has ended technical school (about that that this such - will be written more low) and was necessary to "institute Bochvara". It there have distributed. Technical schools with such profile as at Kolevatov was a little. It could be in general one to all USSR. Therefore anything surprising in such distribution is not present. It not the privilege, and necessity for the necessary expert. On its place there could be everybody another from this technical school.

  ( Now this is one of the most prestigious areas of Moscow with very expensive apartments )

It now when there all is built up also it already far and not suburb (and partially, at that time still was and not Moscow)
Here is Moscow map 1952 on this area:

Learn? Bilding it are that is painted over red (stone), orange (wooden) and cherry (buildings of factories and institutes)

And here area borders of Moscow for 1957. They have been established in 1954, and this scheme was made for certain to Festival of youth and students in Moscow in 1957. There inscriptions in English.

As you can see, there still there are no many areas of building around the October field, and there are only sites of "institute Kurchatov" and "institute Bochvar" (are noted red)

And here modern Yandex-scheme on this area:

Here is a building map for 1968:

And for descriptive reasons the companion that would be visible as it is now built up:

On schemes it is designated:
1."Institute Kurchatov".
2."Institute Bochvar"
3.Street by name Oktjarbsky pole (now Marshal Birjuzov)
4.The Bridge between street Alabjana and street of the Narodnogo opolchenia
5.Crossing of street of the Narodnogo opolchenia and street  Marshal Birjuzov
6.The House which you have shown in a picture

As they say - feel a difference. I will remind that with 1958 on 1965 in Moscow it has been constructed knowledge in 3 times more than was in 1953. And the area of Moscow as cities has increased almost in 4,5 times.

And that you show in this picture, already building has begun it also the end of 60th years. All to a pain familiar, but in any way I can not remember. Especially this pub …?
Sheeeet! Yes it round the corner from the underground where I sit down into «т19» bus …
Here and the true moment. This building have constructed in the late sixties, therefore Kolevatov there in any way could not live. He has not had time to invent a time machine yet. J
Also look at a card of 1952 … And tell, where there were such houses?
Yes, it not the cheapest area of Moscow, but it not is "Arbat", not is "Peshkov-strit" grin1 and not is «Molochny pereulok» … On a rating it somewhere at once behind first ten …
And when there lived Kolevatov, there even projects from such houses were not.

- he worked very well, but  he was also very active in the social life of the institute. He became a member of Institute Komsomol committee, leaded shooting sport section. Began to engage in tourism, made new friends.

It is all truly, but this typical behaviour for active youth of that time.

He worked on the lowest scientific post
Duality and   different assessment of his job position. "The lowest scienific post" - compared to what?

And I have written, in comparison with a position of the engineer about the same enterprises for value.
Typical the table of ranks for the engineering level:
The laboratorian - the technician - the item the technician - the engineer - the item engineer - the leading engineer - it is not so important further.

And scientific level.
The laboratorian - the item the laboratorian - the younger research assistant - the senior research assistant - the assistant (assistant – professors, is I say for English-speaking readers) - the senior lecturer - the professor - corresponding member АS - academician АS.
These levels do not correspond each other. They are independent. But, as Kolevatov was on a post of the laboratorian, I and say that «It worked over the lowest scientific post» (c)
And I am not assured that they had «a scientific level». It was faster "engineering".

Of course he has not been a "leading scientist", but for the 19 year old boy who just graduated ordinary college he had a very good position and he was involved to some scientific research.

It «very good position» (c) was absolutely typical for any, possessing the same skills and formation. It is necessary to note still, what even formation at level "technical school" has been not so extended. Many who has ended technical school, at that time were on engineering posts. After war, quantity and preparation level has a little fallen. And demographic position was heavy. Very many who had education even before war have been killed in the war.
For example, even in first group of astronauts USSR where there was Yury Gagarin, there was only one pilot with higher education - Vladimir Komarov, and just some persons with formation in technical school volume. From 20 persons, it was 1 + 5 (?) … the others had education only in volume of a military college of pilots. It is «almost technical school», but with smaller level common-technical formations.

But WAB talking about his "Lowest position" has in mind a bit different moment.
Did he has a access to classified information? Was he a "secret keeper" working in Secret Instittute?

Some words about "the confidential keeper" (c). To the expert of level "laboratorian" of any especial secrets it was not informed. Privacy level has been caused by what not was the subjects and a direction of works in those enterprises which had confidential workings out is known. It is the second level of protection as there is an external cover, and all the most valuable is in the internal.
It was not familiar even with the general questions over which worked at "institute Bochvar". It was not necessary For its direct work, therefore to it it and did not inform.
It was not neither Opengamer, nor Teller, Fermi. And if to use analogue with Mahattan project further, it was the usual laboratorian in this project which at all did not know that they should receive in the end of work.
Therefore it is not necessary to exaggerate its values and the relation to privacy.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2018, 12:26:33 AM by WAB »
The following users thanked this post: feijao89

June 15, 2018, 12:48:26 PM
Reply #15


-made new friends
- secret keeper?
Sasha  hiked  the mount Sabliya (Sabre, Cабля),  Pre-Polar Ural, as a member of some Moscow's group. This is a difficult trek. 

Galina, here even here you do not show precisely that it would be. On their travel in Subpolar Ural Mountains their primary goal was not «to get on mountain the Sabre», and an alloy on a raft on the river Synja. But on foot there it is necessary to reach for some honeycombs of km. Here as a point - a reference point Mountain the Sabre also has been entered in the route book.
Travel was not so much difficult (difficult it was), how many the unknown person in details. Here in it also there was a basic complexity of a route.

I was just interested in finding information about this hike. Everything was structured in USSR and I was trying to find the club that could organize this trek.

I explain: this campaign has been organised on the basis of the several organisations under a platitude of gathering of people which the club of Travellers of the Leningrad area of Moscow was at that time. In which territory was both "institute Bochvara" and "institute Kurchatova", factory №30 («a Znamja Truda»), P.O.Suhoy's KB, S. V.Ilyushin's KB, well and ours МАI, including. 10 … 15 years ago I was there the chairman of the Routing commission of this club.
In group where Kolevatov travelled there were people from "institute Bochvar" and "institute Kurchatov". But it is two absolutely different organisations. They from the different ministries. At them even sport clubs different - "institute Bochvar", it VSO "Trud", and "institute Kurchatov", it VSO "Dynamo".
Documents of 1950th years has not remained. Since then the club 3 times was reformed. So even by 1968 when I there was the chairman of the Routing commission, they any more were not. They could remain only at whom that of participants of this travel. Or to their children and grandsons.

I coudn't. Then I thought - there is no information about ordinary groups, maybe it was not an ordinary one? May be it was a group of "secret keepers" who had  restrictions on contacts and did not belong to any ordinary sports organization? I began to look for memories of the tourism of people who belonged to this category. Bingo! I was right! I found the memories of a scientist about how they wanted to be engaged in tourism and then the director of a secret organisation helped them organize a tourist section which has been out of ordinary turists clubs.
 The director who support the tourism was Dmitriy Ivanovich Blohincev

Yes, there was such person who very much supported travellers. But since 1956 it worked in Dubna of UINR, and before in Obninsk and the Moscow State Lomonosov University. Besides, at it the son was the inveterate traveller. But it had no relation to Kolevatov. Therefore it is not necessary to create unreal myths. In the rank of academician АН the USSR and the laboratorian of branch institute I have described a difference.,_%D0%94%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
Even now i can not find information about him in English))

It does not mean that it confidential, it means that it simply is not present in English.
D.I.Blohintsev is the physicist-theorist. It not those «confidential physicists» who make nuclear bombs.

I changed direction of searching a finally found the leader of that group. All members of the group worked in secret nuclear Institutes. Two of them ( including the
leader) were children  to their fathers)))
 The father of leader is... Blohincev Dmitiy Ivanovich
 The father of second one - Anatoly Alexandrov

It especial does not mean anything too. Many leading scientists were inveterate travellers or climbers. For example Rem Khohklov - the climber and the rector of the Moscow State Lomonosov University , Even the prime minister of the USSR at Khruschev and Brezhnev by name Alecksey N Kosygin liked to float  kayaking float during holiday.
Both man - Leonid Dmitrievich Blohintsev and Yury Anatolevich Aleksandrov - worked at "institute Kurchatov" where Yury's father was at that time depty I. V. Kurchatov. It positively concerned hobby of the son, but any patron was not. It in general in clubs of travellers had no place. Another matter that both sons of academicians had good maintenance with money and other.

It was a TOP of the very closed scientific secret elite, and Sasha was accepted.

Once again I ask, it is not necessary to create « pudgy myths». D.I.Blohintsev and A. P.Aleksandrov with Kolevatov «for a hand did not greet» (they did not have close and friendly relations). Kolevatov there was the usual laboratorian which in Moscow at that time were ten thousand, and academicians АS USSR, were academicians. It is not necessary is artificial to create between them communications which did not exist.

Duality. Why did he leave Moscow

I already wrote, it has left Moscow to native to Sverdlovsk because it was more comfortable to live together with a family. It is very considerable factor. In Moscow Kolevatov had no special blessings. And the big prospect at Moscow his was not.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2018, 12:33:20 AM by WAB »
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June 15, 2018, 12:54:06 PM
Reply #16


So do you think he had another handle by which he went? Are you suggesting that in Sverdlosk he was Kolevatov and in Moscow he was somebody else?

What was his degree in, I forget...but he was a scientist no less right?

How many years do you have in your research on all members and the DPI Galina?
1) duality. All the time I m feeling some duality about him.
2) about degree. It's very difficult to compare European and ussr education systems. Very simple answer for understanding: college - bachelor degree. Institute - master degree. It's mean he had a bachelor degree in metal production. He was going to get a master degree in radioactive metal production.

1. If to compare the importance level of the graduate of technical school to level of the bachelor in Europe and the USA it is not absolutely correct. The bachelor it is a bit more than the graduate of technical school, both on level of knowledge, and by position in a society (everyone - in the). The engineer Soviet graduated from the institute (university) it a little above the master "in the west", but only on width of coverage of knowledge and ability to be retrained. "In the west", narrower, but deep specialisation on a certain direction. I have faced that there is few training in adjacent areas. For example, I am by training the mechanical engineer, but to the course of requirements of my business  have easily mastered electronics and applied to medicine technical areas (biomechanic). Mathematical preparation was additional, necessarily to be engaged mathematical modelling and was carried out on the basis of the Moscow State Lomonosov University.
2. Kolevatov was trained on physicotechnical branch UPI and there preparation was not only in the field of radioactive materials. For example, V.G.Karelin too has ended physicotechnical branch UPI and all life is engaged in physics and chemistry of reception of tungsten. It is completely not radioactive material. And as Kolevatov was only on 4 course, I am not assured that he has already chosen a direction in which it should specialise.
3. By the way, it is necessary to specify that scientists happen two different specialisations. The first are engaged in the fundamental science, the second - applied researches. Physicotechnical branch UPI prepared scientists only for applied specialisation.

June 15, 2018, 12:57:11 PM
Reply #17


I do not assume that one of them has been responsible for the group's death. But knowledges of skills, experience and characters can help to understand what did they do during the last night.

Galina, infinite digging in private life of participants of travel Dyatlov travel, it is a deadlock way to definition of the reason of their  destruction. Whom they would not be, it on what does not influence. The nature much more important and powerful factor what to lead them to death. All conspirology theories arise because their authors not a condition neither to imagine, nor to estimate a role at native factors. About it still Ch. Darvin said that: «Ignorance gives rise to confidence rather than knowledge is more often»©.
Without knowing features and details of ski tourism, without knowing features of a place in the winter, without knowing what errors and troubles searchers, and, especially, lawyers could admit when examined and described event, without knowing in general any details, say, weather and other to what you can come? Imaginations on this theme and so already more than enough. Can be better to pass to selection of the facts which already are up to the end clear and only on them to build assumptions? Though that you to what want to compare, if experts any are not present, and there are only rather muddy representations?
It is sad all.