You are misrepresenting the original information. Prodanov could not have given any orders to military pilots. That is a different department. Even a general of another branch of the military could not give orders to pilots. I had a case in practice where an infantry general ordered to load equipment and fly. The crew commander replied, "I can load, but I won't take off because it's against flight rules." There it was a matter of overloading the plane and improper alignment of the cargo, and the general wanted to send it off faster. But there was nothing he could do.
In the same way, Potyazhenko would not take the bodies because they were packed in violation of the instructions for transporting such cargo.
That is why your phrase: "Potyazhenko's correct answer would be: "we refused to take the bodies to Sverdlovsk, but we were following Prodanov's order" (c) is false.
Посмотрела сообщения ВАБ, которого я не знала и с которым никогда не общалась, но который позволил себе оскорбить меня и мою версию в разделе "конференция 64"
Я со всей ответственностью заявляю, что ВАБ вводит блоггеров данного форума в заблуждение своими не компетентными высказываниями. В данном конкретном случае:
Проданов как глава Ивдельского райкома партии мог отдавать приказы в своей вотчине кому угодно, даже военным и даже прокурорам, а уж каким-то вертолетчикам - тем более. В качестве доказательства смотри 6 статья Конституции СССР того времени с руководящей ролью КПСС, которой подчинялись все структуры.
I looked at the messages of VAB, whom I did not know and with whom I had never communicated, but who allowed himself to insult me and my version in the "conference 64" section
I declare with all responsibility that In AB to mislead bloggers with their incompetent statements. In this particular case:
Prodanov, as the head of the Ivdelsky district party committee, could give orders in his patrimony to anyone, even military and even prosecutors, and even some helicopter pilots - even more so. As proof, see Article 6 of the USSR Constitution of that time with the leading role of the CPSU, to which all structures were subordinate.