Why all of you so complicate? What to consider that «there was something unusually bright at night which could get to cinema.» (c), it is necessary to have though what that basis for this purpose. It is possible to think up it is artificial anything you like, but the real bases are necessary. What facts result in it?
I'm thinking about the luminous spheres that were reported by another group, situated 30km East of the Dyatlov group and about the newspaper article signed by Lev Ivanov, published in Nov 1990, concerning the "Mystery of the fireballs". Both accounts suggest that luminous spheres were in the air during the fatal night. Therefore, Zolotaryov (and not only him) could have been attempting to photograph them. However, I am intrigued about what exact capabilities there were for making night pictures. It would be great to see night photos made in 1959 with the existent cameras...
About that , does anyone know from where did the 9 (or 10) negatives missing? Were they from the same film as the one known (the damaged one), or was it another film altogether?
Why you considers, what that that was gone and even know quantity of these gone "negatives"? You knows precisely, how many they were in a reality, or it is the next idea?
I am following the lines here:
https://dyatlovpass.com/controversy?flp=1#zolotaryovcamera "
The most glaring item to begin with, in the examination of Zolotarev’s film, was that nine frames were missing. There should have been a total of 36 frames but the two strips only had a total of 27 frames. So where were the missing nine frames?"