If not the type; When it snows, a warm air is formed. People take to the streets to have a snowball fight or to create a snowman. There were such meteorological conditions while climbing to 1079. Weather -8/10. Around 5 pm, the tent was to be set up on the hillside, as had been agreed before. While the tent was being set up, the snow continued. that night 40 cm of soft snow fell on the ground hardened by the winds. Then the snow stopped and the weather got rough. We have an average distance of 200 meters from the tent to the summit. Around 21 or 22 o'clock; The snow layer (tonight's snow) 150 meters long, 20/30 meters wide and 40 cm thick began to slide from where the tent was cut. It should be at 40 km/h. It took 13-15 seconds to pass over the tent (I did the calculation) This pass, which took 15 seconds, was the main cause of the panic in the tent. It was actually a harmless pass. He had only broken a ski pole, collapsed the tent, but failed to damage the reinforced pole on the other side, or dislodge the tent dug into the hardened old snow pit. You know, if an egg was thrown on a stretched canvas, the people inside would hear a terrible noise. As a result, the snowflakes passing over them terrified them. And they started walking down with the avalanche from the tail of the avalanche that was over. They made the footprints from the back of the avalanche. so the traces were preserved. and they did not dare to turn again and take life material from the tent. Although experts claim that there will not be an avalanche here, as far as I have seen from the videos taken at the gate, it is a place with a very steep slope. Yes, it wasn't a devastating avalanche. Just a triggered layer of snow.