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Author Topic: what makes me think it wasn't a natural event and a cover up  (Read 20654 times)

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January 04, 2023, 04:32:23 PM
Reply #30


Thanks for giving some thoughtful feedback to my post. Yes, I was aware of the idea they were damaged while skiing inline. Did this event happen before of after the tent was set up on 1079? If it happened before, then the hikers were in the wrong valley. If after, would not conspirators put up the camp in the woods? With regard to radiation, it is significant to me that they were tested for it in the first place! Normally, you don't test corpses for radiation in a standard autopsy. I can easily see how that test and the physical condition of some of the bodies would lead an investigator in our forum down that path. Where I have a problem is the degree and kind of radioactive decay. In the standard canon of the DPI, it is thought to be lab residue. Watches and lamp wick have also been suggested. Too, there was some comment about the color of some of the bodies, and of course the lead coffins for transport. What we do not hear about is any decontamination of any people involved with finding or handling the remains. I think a radiation producing blast that took out the hikers, either on the trail or in the tent is a red herring...except for the fact that it was detected. Why would they do that?

The event happened, in my theory, soon after Yudin left and before 1079. I do not believe the hikers set the tent up, I believe after their bodies were found, the tent was moved and set up where it could be easily seen.

Why did they test for radiation? IMO, it's because the doctors were being forced to do the cover up and they did everything they could to let as much of the truth out as possible. They could tell from the injuries that the official story didn't match up and they wanted closure maybe for the families. The vast majority of people involved were honest and didn't want to do it, they didn't have a choice so they did what they could to allow as much of the truth out.


January 04, 2023, 04:34:50 PM
Reply #31


I mostly agree with what you wrote... but a couple of points:
2. The tent
a) I think its impossible to carry a heavy wet canvas tent on a back pack.
Hmm, why would the tent be wet?

4. Camping on an open slope with no heat source when one was easily available

It is possible, that they in fact planned to set up the stove. It was on the floor unassembled. But if I plan to sleep in the tent without  a stove, I'd store it outside in the snow, not leave it inside. So in this scenario, they maybe sent some people to the forest to bring more firewood, and people are planning to assemble the stove in the tent, but something happens when they barely started.

The tent would be wet because 9 people were in it over night and we breath out moisture, which would condense on the cold side of the tent (outside) and once the fire was out, it would freeze up solid (the canvas)

Just spank the canvas.

I'm not sure what you mean, I think i do but could you clarify so I can talk to my dad about it and get his feedback?

January 04, 2023, 04:44:18 PM
Reply #32


I mostly agree with what you wrote... but a couple of points:
2. The tent
a) I think its impossible to carry a heavy wet canvas tent on a back pack.
Hmm, why would the tent be wet?

4. Camping on an open slope with no heat source when one was easily available

It is possible, that they in fact planned to set up the stove. It was on the floor unassembled. But if I plan to sleep in the tent without  a stove, I'd store it outside in the snow, not leave it inside. So in this scenario, they maybe sent some people to the forest to bring more firewood, and people are planning to assemble the stove in the tent, but something happens when they barely started.

The tent would be wet because 9 people were in it over night and we breath out moisture, which would condense on the cold side of the tent (outside) and once the fire was out, it would freeze up solid (the canvas)

Just spank the canvas.

I'm not sure what you mean, I think i do but could you clarify so I can talk to my dad about it and get his feedback?

Give the frozen layer a slap , use the stove in the morning with the one log. There's no denying they carried the tent. 

January 04, 2023, 04:49:37 PM
Reply #33


The event happened, in my theory, soon after Yudin left and before 1079. I do not believe the hikers set the tent up, I believe after their bodies were found, the tent was moved and set up where it could be easily seen.

Why did they test for radiation? IMO, it's because the doctors were being forced to do the cover up and they did everything they could to let as much of the truth out as possible. They could tell from the injuries that the official story didn't match up and they wanted closure maybe for the families. The vast majority of people involved were honest and didn't want to do it, they didn't have a choice so they did what they could to allow as much of the truth out.

What truth did the doctor's  get out? How does the official story not match up?

January 04, 2023, 04:59:43 PM
Reply #34


"They took the tent with them from the start? Railway station etc. I don't think they had a buggy with wheels. If it freezes I think you can just bash it. Military have used canvas tents as well as mountaineers and tourists."

Yes they did take the tent with them but it wasn't a problem until the sled didn't work to pull it and it had to be carried on their back

as for the diaries, writing the date is a consist thing normally,. I have never seen a diary (not that I have seen a lot admittedly) that didn't write the date consistently and the purpose of a diary is to record events. why would the exact same events be described totally differently? did you read that passage?

they also had pocket knives.
if they had knives to cut their way out, where are those knives? All I can find is a report that one was located at the den unofficially but nothing was returned officially. I could easily have missed it so if you could point that out I would appreciate it

Why did they have to replace Slavik Bienko? Why couldn't the hike just gone on without him? why insert  Semyon Zolotaryo into the group. he wasn't needed for it to be successful

random photos: photos that can't be used to prove the trip happened because there are no distinguishing features or people. Film was expensive to buy and why waste it?

so you believe they knew a cedar was there and walked directly to it? there were no other cedar trees anywhere in the forest?

to light a fire with a match takes finger dexterity. I do not believe in those temperatures without gloves etc they could keep their hands out of their pockets or arm pits long enough to keep the fingers flexible. And they walked and were quite cold even if their hands were in their pockets is my admitted assumption

Sorry if I missed anything, please ask if you need more clarification


January 04, 2023, 05:06:47 PM
Reply #35


The event happened, in my theory, soon after Yudin left and before 1079. I do not believe the hikers set the tent up, I believe after their bodies were found, the tent was moved and set up where it could be easily seen.

Why did they test for radiation? IMO, it's because the doctors were being forced to do the cover up and they did everything they could to let as much of the truth out as possible. They could tell from the injuries that the official story didn't match up and they wanted closure maybe for the families. The vast majority of people involved were honest and didn't want to do it, they didn't have a choice so they did what they could to allow as much of the truth out.

What truth did the doctor's  get out? How does the official story not match up?

The question I was responding to was why did they test for radiation in the first place

January 04, 2023, 05:10:53 PM
Reply #36


There's no denying they carried the tent.

there is no proof they used it other than one photo of it set up and a very non intelligently packed back pack with a large and light looking load(from the angle of the body as it's skiing) no one carries a large object across their shoulders when skiing in the forest. its like driving a car down the road with a pole sticking out both sides of the window. not going to work well

January 04, 2023, 05:46:47 PM
Reply #37


"They took the tent with them from the start? Railway station etc. I don't think they had a buggy with wheels. If it freezes I think you can just bash it. Military have used canvas tents as well as mountaineers and tourists."

Yes they did take the tent with them but it wasn't a problem until the sled didn't work to pull it and it had to be carried on their back

When does it say it became a problem carrying the tent? How did other tourists carry their tents? . They knew they would have to carry the tent. Zolotaryov device was an experiment. Also to go up the slope they had left 55kg of items at the labaz.

as for the diaries, writing the date is a consist thing normally,. I have never seen a diary (not that I have seen a lot admittedly) that didn't write the date consistently and the purpose of a diary is to record events. why would the exact same events be described totally differently? did you read that passage?
Which passage? If you could link it? Why would stagers make a fake diary and change dates?

they also had pocket knives.
if they had knives to cut their way out, where are those knives? All I can find is a report that one was located at the den unofficially but nothing was returned officially. I could easily have missed it so if you could point that out I would appreciate it

The body is clothed as follows: a black cotton sweater. Under this is a checkered shirt with black and red squares buttoned with three buttons and the cuffs each buttoned with two buttons. The checkered shirt has a left pocket fastened with a safety pin. In the pocket is a passport with the name SLOBODIN Rustem Vladimirovich, 310 rubles (one 100 note, four 50 notes and 10 rubles) and a fountain pen with ink. In between the checkered shirt and the sweater are two insoles from boots. Under the checkered shirt is a warm undershirt and a fleece sweatshirt fastened with two buttons. Under this is a blue knitted shirt with long sleeves. Insolated ski pants fasted with a button and a belt. In the pockets are a pack of matches with 48 match sticks, a pocket knife on a long string, a comb in a case, two pieces of string, a pencil.

Why did they have to replace Slavik Bienko? Why couldn't the hike just gone on without him? why insert  Semyon Zolotaryo into the group. he wasn't needed for it to be successful

Zolotaryov needed the title Master of Sports which would have reflected his pay and this trek could have given him the qualification. Sogrin describes him as a very open, outgoing, polite, with good communication skills which is expected for a guide.

Vladislav Bienko now lives in Minsk. At the time of this interview (June 26, 2013), he is 77 years old - the same age as Igor Dyatlov. Vladislav Nikolaevich perfectly remembers the winter of 1959 and the members of the Dyatlov group, with whom he was supposed to go ob a trip to Mount Otorten. When the last preparations were completed and there were three days before leaving, Bienko as a student was summoned to the Komsomol committee, where he was questioned what he had done during the last summer and winter holidays, when his comrades and fellow students helped the national economy on labor fronts - on state farms, timber industry enterprises and at construction sites in the country. It turned out that Vladislav had spent all his holidays on mountain hikes! Well, if so, then the Komsomol member Bienko was immediately awarded a ticket to the "Udarnik" timber industry enterprise, and no higher school administration could help him escape this fate

It turns out that Semyon Zolotaryov took your place in the group?

– Yes, because my place vacated.

– Maybe the Komsomol specifically sent you to the timber industry camp in order to make room for Zolotaryov?

– No I do not think so. In those days, everything was much more honest.


– They say that Zolotaryov was a stranger to the Dyatlov group?

– Not true. Everyone immediately fell in love with Zolotaryov. He was a sociable and cheerful guy. Easily connected with anyone. He knew a lot of hiking and camp songs. He easily fit into the Dyatlov group. He especially made friends with Nikolay Thibault. They were inseparable. So, if it were not for that Komsomol obligation, then I would have gone with the guys to Otorten...

random photos: photos that can't be used to prove the trip happened because there are no distinguishing features or people. Film was expensive to buy and why waste it?

Which photos? They have lots photos of fun things. So do the search photo's.

so you believe they knew a cedar was there and walked directly to it? there were no other cedar trees anywhere in the forest?

It is a standout tree. That would be the best source of good wood. The forest was not thick enough at the fringes for survival. If want wood to burn and snow shelters you need to find them. The ceder is the survival tool.

to light a fire with a match takes finger dexterity. I do not believe in those temperatures without gloves etc they could keep their hands out of their pockets or arm pits long enough to keep the fingers flexible. And they walked and were quite cold even if their hands were in their pockets is my admitted assumption

Depends, people's hands react differently. I believe experiments have been done walking the slope and in socks. There is the chance that they managed to do so. To look at it another way, why would stagers break branches up the tree and then start a fire?

Sorry if I missed anything, please ask if you need more clarification

January 04, 2023, 05:55:04 PM
Reply #38


There's no denying they carried the tent.

there is no proof they used it other than one photo of it set up and a very non intelligently packed back pack with a large and light looking load(from the angle of the body as it's skiing) no one carries a large object across their shoulders when skiing in the forest. its like driving a car down the road with a pole sticking out both sides of the window. not going to work well

I think a sled would cause some issues too. It's not sking as down hill, it's cross country. Very slow. They were following paths and were meant to follow the river but it was not completely frozen.

January 04, 2023, 09:34:58 PM
Reply #39


If you are going to try to insult me, which BTW doesn't work because I have zero interest in what a total stranger who is obviously off their meds has to say about me, but to correct that statement, my grandfather was NOT a hereditary trapper, as I have posted, he was first generation over from Scotland. Please try to pretend that you are sane and post the facts.

Normally I just ignore your insane ramblings but if you insist on posting about me, post the truth

Какие Вы факты ждете? Ссылку на библиотеку туристических отчетов тех лет? Вы не читаете по русски. Мало того, Вы - не воспринимаете даже прочитанное.
Библиотека содержит тысячи отчетов, где рассказывается об опыте хождения в зимние лыжные походы. Как разжигается костер в условиях форсмажора, как и где приходилось ставить палатку если погодные условия резко ухудшились.
Это не Ваши трепыхания со спичками и с носками по снегу. Это опыт в естественно сложившихся обстоятельствах.
У Вас вызывает вопрос то, зачем проверяли на радиоактивность? Так половина Уголовного Дела наполнена свидетельствами об огненных шарах. Прямо на поисках их наблюдали. Поисковики. Следствие должно было это проверять.

Вы изображаете из себя зверолова, который охотится в вакууме. Вакууме Ваших знаний.

What facts are you waiting for? A link to a library of travel reports from those years? You don't read Russian. Moreover, you do not even perceive what you read.
The library contains thousands of reports about winter skiing experiences. How a fire is kindled in a force majeure, how and where it was necessary to put up a tent if the weather conditions deteriorated sharply.
This is not your fluttering with matches and socks in the snow. It is an experience in natural circumstances.
You are wondering why they checked for radioactivity? So half of the Criminal Case is filled with evidence of fireballs. Right on the search they were observed. Search engines. The investigation should have checked this.

You pretend to be a trapper who hunts in a vacuum. The vacuum of your knowledge.


Про спички. Вы видимо ограничены периметром знаний по физике и химии, а не только в математике. Замечательным средством для розжига является фотопленка и кинопленка. Если Вы изучите материалы Уголовного Дела - Вы найдете их в упоминании. Замечательно горит вся пластмасса. Расчески, зубные щетки. Это если решить - что деревьев нет в лесу.
Пояснить Вам - почему это горит хорошо? Вы знаете что такое нефть? Туристы группы Дятлова умели даже ракетницы (патроны) запускать без специального пистолета. Летом 1959 года Аксельрод и Согрин как раз это опять повторяли. Только спички и патрон для ракетницы.

About matches. You are apparently limited by the perimeter of knowledge in physics and chemistry, and not just in mathematics. Photographic film and film are a wonderful medium for ignition. If you study the materials of the Criminal Case - you will find them in the mention. All plastic burns wonderfully. Combs, toothbrushes. This is if you decide that there are no trees in the forest.
Explain to you - why it burns well? Do you know what oil is? Tourists of the Dyatlov group even knew how to launch rocket launchers (cartridges) without a special pistol. In the summer of 1959, Axelrod and Sogrin just repeated this again. Only matches and a cartridge for a rocket launcher.

Мадемуазель tenne, Вы настолько безграмотная и настолько необучаемая, что Вас никак нельзя иначе назвать чем мадемуазель Варфоломеевская ночь. Тьма безграмотности и нежелания получить знания.
Mademoiselle tenne, you are so illiterate and so unlearned that you cannot be called anything else Mademoiselle massacre (night) of St. Bartholomew. The darkness of illiteracy and unwillingness to gain knowledge.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2023, 09:56:16 PM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 04, 2023, 09:46:13 PM
Reply #40


Here's how you can cut down a small spruce with a tiny pen/pocket knife.

It can be done and I am more than confident that the Dyatlov group were well trained in outdoor survival.

January 04, 2023, 10:07:30 PM
Reply #41


Here's how you can cut down a small spruce with a tiny pen/pocket knife.

It can be done and I am more than confident that the Dyatlov group were well trained in outdoor survival.

I don't recall any knives being found other than one unofficial report of one at the den that was never in the official reports

January 04, 2023, 11:16:11 PM
Reply #42


It's in the reply I gave you. Pocket knife is in the pocket. Another was found in the ravine years later.
. In the photos of them on the campaign you can see them with strings cleaning their ski's and the larger knifes on the hips/belts.

January 04, 2023, 11:18:25 PM
Reply #43


Here's how you can cut down a small spruce with a tiny pen/pocket knife.

It can be done and I am more than confident that the Dyatlov group were well trained in outdoor survival.

I don't recall any knives being found other than one unofficial report of one at the den that was never in the official reports

Under this is a blue knitted shirt with long sleeves. Insolated ski pants fasted with a button and a belt. In the pockets are a pack of matches with 48 match sticks, a pocket knife on a long string, a comb in a case, two pieces of string, a pencil...

Another was found at a later search.

January 05, 2023, 09:44:29 AM
Reply #44


"Which passage? If you could link it? Why would stagers make a fake diary and change dates?"

I will just post them, linking isn't working well for some reason other than my computer hates me  grin1

Zina's diary
25.1.59 (note: the figure of the month is fixed, visible simultaneously, one on top of the other in an unknown sequence, the numbers "1" and "2") arrived in Ivdel at midnight, spent the night at the train station pitching a tent on the floor. Yes, we have already been spotted 2 times by the police. Once Yuri Kriv was taken to the police station. He wanted to raise money for candy. It was funny. Then on the train Serov-Ivdel reached Ivdel, spent the night at the station, in the morning got on a bus, drove to a hotel in Ivdel. Then we took the bus and drove off. We are 20 people, backpacks and skis. Had to pile up on 3 levels, but we sang songs all the way. Arrived in Vizhay. First we stopped at the same club where we were 2 years ago. Then we were taken to the hotel. The whole evening there was a discussion about love about friendship, about dances and other things, etc. I talked a lot about things which are completely unfamiliar to me and I scarcely do, but I tried, sincerely. But this is all nonsense. But again the words of Volt come to mind. How well did he say it. We went to see "Symphonie in Gold" so powerful! So great!

Lyuda diary
25 january We woke up, without really to have slept much. I told Rustic that I won't wash up due to lack of conditions. He agreed. The bus came right away, we climbed quickly. Had to travel on 3 levels. Kolka Tibo (Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle) had to push his body to the ceiling, Olva first stood in (illegible word) position, but soon she couldn't stand it anymore and got down on her knees.
We sang again, of course. I totally lost my voice. Zhenka was bickering again. He goes on and on. Things stated to make sence, it wasn't really a knew, but it is now clearer and better. But despite this, Yurka is still a good-natured person, at least, judging by his behavior. I'm still true to myself.
Zhenka and Zina sang "If you eyes hadn't been blue..." ("Если б были глаза твои не такие синие...")
When we arrived at а turn the bus went to a village and had to return for us in an hour.
We continue on foot. It was so nice to walk along the road in such good weather. We went a little nuts and roll in the snow.
During our walk there was an incident - a car coming from the forest got stuck in the opposite direction. Our guys rushed to the rescue. Finally they pulled it out in half. Then our bus came up and we hopped on it. The discussion now was about happiness. Basically our guys were the most active. They tried to give a definition of happiness, but everyone had it its own way.
Arrived in Vizhay at four two. Blinov group is going further to settlement 41, and we stay to spend the night. We had a tearful goodbye with Blinov group. The mood sank. At parting, we sang with Zina and Zhenya: "If you eyes hadn't ..." In general I am very very sad.
We are extremely lucky! The Symphonie in Gold was showing. We left all our things and packs at the hotel and went to the club. The image was a bit fuzzy, but it didn’t overshadow the pleasure at all. Yurka Krivo, sitting next to me, was smacking his lips and oohing with delight. This is real happiness, so difficult to describe with words. The music is just fabulous! The mood after the movie greatly improved. Igor Dyatlov was unrecognizable. He tried to dance, and even started singing: "O Jackie Joe"
We are on duty with Yuri today. We decided to cook noodles on the stove. But it was very difficult to heat the stove with such raw firewood, so it took a lot of time. Finally we began to eat. During the meal, a discussion arose about the rights of boys and girls to freedom, etc. In my opinion, such discussions lead nowhere. But we are doing it anyway, to vent the soul. We went to bed late. Had to lay down in beds by two, only Yurka Krivo and Sasha slept on the floor between the beds.

group diary
25 january 1959.
We got up at half past five, quickly gathered and left for the city of Ivdel with the first bus. After an hour of waiting, we managed to grab a bus (such as GAZ-51). The twenty-five-seater bus was forced to accommodate a full twenty-five plus twenty backpacks packed to capacity and as many pairs of skis. We were full up to the ceiling. First layer passengers sat on the seats, on a pile of skis, on backpacks. Second layer passengers sat on the backs of the seats, finding a place for legs on the shoulders of comrades. It was not so tight, however, as not to sing, so we did it almost all the way to Vizhay.
The trip was not uneventful. The bus made a small detour away from the highway, in the village of Shipichnoe, and we were given the chance to step out, which we did with pleasure. Four of the most agile went far ahead to the settlement of Talitsa to see the power station. Suddenly the heard: "The bus." We rush out the door, but, alas, it was too late. The bus passed by and we were forced to chance after it as fast as we can, hoping fate would be merciful and, perhaps, we would catch up with it (I am part of the "agile" four). However, the first hundred meters clearly demonstrated the advantages of a fifty horse power engine. Our heels flashed far behind the bus, and the gap widened. The prospect to walk about thirty kilometers on the highway with no breakfast and lunch already seemed quite real, when suddenly ... I mentioned that fate is merciful. The mercy came in the form of a girl going to Vizhay that hailed the bus and stopped the object of our persecution. A minute later we were already safely sitting on the second floor of the seats and traveling to Vizhay. We arrived in Vizhay about two pm. It turned out that we can continue our automobile journey in the next morning.
Warmly said goodbye to Blinov's group, who went further (to the west of Vizhay in the deep forest area). After dinner, which was held in a warm "friendly atmosphere," we moved to the "hotel", which was the usual hut with three windows. We went to the cinema, leaving "home" Doroshenko and Kolevatov. We watched the "Symphonie in Gold", came back in "musical mood". Now we are busy getting ready the equipment. Tonight, according to the local commandant, we will leave on.

end quotes

just seems to me that the details of the bus ride and walk would match better

January 05, 2023, 09:48:31 AM
Reply #45


It's in the reply I gave you. Pocket knife is in the pocket. Another was found in the ravine years later.
. In the photos of them on the campaign you can see them with strings cleaning their ski's and the larger knifes on the hips/belts.

"When in May the snow started melting a Mansi native Kurikov with his dog noticed some cut branches that were forming sort of trail which they followed. According to case files 341-343 the den was made from 14 fir tree and 1 birch tops. Yuri Yudin later noticed the discrepancy that there were only spruce trees that were cut near the den. Another strange fact is that there is no mentioning of a knife found at the scene, only a bakelite sheath, but the tree tops were cut. In Lev Ivanov's resolution to close the case it says "Near the bodies, Krivonischenko's knife was found, which cut off the young firs near the fire." Finding a knife is not documented anywhere and is not reflected in any of the memories of search participants. The same Krivonischenko's knife was not presented to relatives and was not returned to them. Unlike all other knives of the group."

is this the knife you are referring to that was found?

I can't find any official records of knives being found on the bodies or the scenes, just the tent and they were known, I guess I'm missing something

January 05, 2023, 09:54:13 AM
Reply #46


It's in the reply I gave you. Pocket knife is in the pocket. Another was found in the ravine years later.
. In the photos of them on the campaign you can see them with strings cleaning their ski's and the larger knifes on the hips/belts.

"When in May the snow started melting a Mansi native Kurikov with his dog noticed some cut branches that were forming sort of trail which they followed. According to case files 341-343 the den was made from 14 fir tree and 1 birch tops. Yuri Yudin later noticed the discrepancy that there were only spruce trees that were cut near the den. Another strange fact is that there is no mentioning of a knife found at the scene, only a bakelite sheath, but the tree tops were cut. In Lev Ivanov's resolution to close the case it says "Near the bodies, Krivonischenko's knife was found, which cut off the young firs near the fire." Finding a knife is not documented anywhere and is not reflected in any of the memories of search participants. The same Krivonischenko's knife was not presented to relatives and was not returned to them. Unlike all other knives of the group."

is this the knife you are referring to that was found?

I can't find any official records of knives being found on the bodies or the scenes, just the tent and they were known, I guess I'm missing something

Slobidin had one in his pocket( autopsy) , then in recent years another pen knife was found in the ravine.

January 05, 2023, 11:20:21 AM
Reply #47


It's in the reply I gave you. Pocket knife is in the pocket. Another was found in the ravine years later.
. In the photos of them on the campaign you can see them with strings cleaning their ski's and the larger knifes on the hips/belts.

"When in May the snow started melting a Mansi native Kurikov with his dog noticed some cut branches that were forming sort of trail which they followed. According to case files 341-343 the den was made from 14 fir tree and 1 birch tops. Yuri Yudin later noticed the discrepancy that there were only spruce trees that were cut near the den. Another strange fact is that there is no mentioning of a knife found at the scene, only a bakelite sheath, but the tree tops were cut. In Lev Ivanov's resolution to close the case it says "Near the bodies, Krivonischenko's knife was found, which cut off the young firs near the fire." Finding a knife is not documented anywhere and is not reflected in any of the memories of search participants. The same Krivonischenko's knife was not presented to relatives and was not returned to them. Unlike all other knives of the group."

is this the knife you are referring to that was found?

I can't find any official records of knives being found on the bodies or the scenes, just the tent and they were known, I guess I'm missing something

Slobidin had one in his pocket( autopsy) , then in recent years another pen knife was found in the ravine.
The group's 3-4 cameras are missing. Again, 4-5 diaries are missing... The knives are missing.... In short, there are many things that are not there(?)!!!So the investigation was not professional. Or the Russian state deliberately hid many things. I wonder why??? Why isn't everything explained??? We don't know... What else has been hidden? We also don't know (?)

January 05, 2023, 11:59:30 AM
Reply #48


I missed the pen knife in the autopsy, thank you

January 05, 2023, 12:38:50 PM
Reply #49


This whole knife discussion  suggests to me how unlikely it was for the DP9 to have been under attack. Knives are weapons. Knives make spears, knives blaze trails and on and on. Further, the whole re evaluation of the diaries exemplifies the casual nature of the hike. These students had science training. They could have written analytical journals. The whole trip was a respite from that.  It was fun, emotional , it was experimenting with frank discussions of youthful topics. In short it was a,vacation! Trying to read sinister things into it is just forum drama! It is clear that Zolo was no troll. It is clear that the tragedy resulted from being caught out in inclement weather and nothing more. All the conspiracy theories are smoke and mirrors.

And, Charles is still lurking, I think.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 05, 2023, 01:01:38 PM
Reply #50


It was fun, emotional , it was experimenting with frank discussions of youthful topics. In short it was a,vacation! Trying to read sinister things into it is just forum drama! It is clear that Zolo was no troll. It is clear that the tragedy resulted from being caught out in inclement weather and nothing more. All the conspiracy theories are smoke and mirrors.

And, Charles is still lurking, I think.

Ну давайте вернемся к мадам логике. Выше я перечислила все предметы, которые могут помочь с быстрым и эффективным розжигом костра. Это - изделия из пластмассы. На 1959 год - использование таких изделий в критических случаях: обеспечивало быстрый костер. Изделия из пластмассы - это расчески, зубные щетки, перьевые ручки и прочая мелочь. По логике - все эти вещи должны быть собраны  у кедра. Группа должна была  вывернуть все свои карманы и произвести инвентаризацию ресурсов.
Что у нас по карманам Дятлова, Колмогровой и Слободина? Все как и было с того момента, как они вышли с предпоследней стоянки.
Так кто у нас был - у костра? Кто доходил до кедра?

Сэр Ziljoe очень верно напоминает про ножи. Поскольку ножи нужны именно опять у кедра. Резать и готовить топливо. По логике - все ножи должны быть тоже в районе кедра. Группа и в части ножей: должна подсчитать свои ресурсы и использовать их именно там.
При возвращении в разорванную вдрызг палатку - она не нужны. Если они спрятаны далеко - значит и угрозы не было у палатки.
Так где ножи Дятлова, Слободина и Колмогоровой? С ними. Согласно Актов Судебно-медицинского исследования.
Опять приходим к тому, что эти трое -  не доходили в район кедра.

Ну и какие неутешительные выводы? В группе случилось разделение - еще при выходе из палатки. Произошел конфликт. С Зиною остались/оказались именно её друзья. Слободин и Дятлов как руководитель.

Well, let's get back to Madame Logic. Above, I have listed all the items that can help with the quick and efficient lighting of a fire. These are plastic products. For 1959 - the use of such products in critical cases: provided a quick fire. Plastic products are combs, toothbrushes, fountain pens and other trifles. Logically, all these things should be collected from the cedar. The group had to empty all their pockets and take inventory of resources.
What do we have in the pockets of Dyatlov, Kolmogrova and Slobodin? Everything is as it was from the moment they left the penultimate parking lot.
So who was with us - by the fire? Who reached the cedar?

Sir Ziljoe is very right about knives. Since knives are needed again at the cedar. Cutting and cooking fuel. Logically, all knives should also be in the cedar area. The group and in terms of knives: must calculate their resources and use them there.
When returning to a torn to pieces tent - they are not needed. If they are hidden far away, then there was no threat at the tent.
So where are the knives of Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova? With them. According to the Acts of the Forensic Medical Research.
Again we come to the conclusion that these three did not reach the cedar area.

Well, what are the disappointing conclusions? There was a division in the group - even when leaving the tent. There was a conflict. It was her friends who stayed with Zina. Slobodin and Dyatlov as a leader.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2023, 01:14:59 PM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 05, 2023, 03:28:34 PM
Reply #51


"Which passage? If you could link it? Why would stagers make a fake diary and change dates?"

I will just post them, linking isn't working well for some reason other than my computer hates me  grin1

Zina's diary
25.1.59 (note: the figure of the month is fixed, visible simultaneously, one on top of the other in an unknown sequence, the numbers "1" and "2") arrived in Ivdel at midnight, spent the night at the train station pitching a tent on the floor. Yes, we have already been spotted 2 times by the police. Once Yuri Kriv was taken to the police station. He wanted to raise money for candy. It was funny. Then on the train Serov-Ivdel reached Ivdel, spent the night at the station, in the morning got on a bus, drove to a hotel in Ivdel. Then we took the bus and drove off. We are 20 people, backpacks and skis. Had to pile up on 3 levels, but we sang songs all the way. Arrived in Vizhay. First we stopped at the same club where we were 2 years ago. Then we were taken to the hotel. The whole evening there was a discussion about love about friendship, about dances and other things, etc. I talked a lot about things which are completely unfamiliar to me and I scarcely do, but I tried, sincerely. But this is all nonsense. But again the words of Volt come to mind. How well did he say it. We went to see "Symphonie in Gold" so powerful! So great!

Lyuda diary
25 january We woke up, without really to have slept much. I told Rustic that I won't wash up due to lack of conditions. He agreed. The bus came right away, we climbed quickly. Had to travel on 3 levels. Kolka Tibo (Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle) had to push his body to the ceiling, Olva first stood in (illegible word) position, but soon she couldn't stand it anymore and got down on her knees.
We sang again, of course. I totally lost my voice. Zhenka was bickering again. He goes on and on. Things stated to make sence, it wasn't really a knew, but it is now clearer and better. But despite this, Yurka is still a good-natured person, at least, judging by his behavior. I'm still true to myself.
Zhenka and Zina sang "If you eyes hadn't been blue..." ("Если б были глаза твои не такие синие...")
When we arrived at а turn the bus went to a village and had to return for us in an hour.
We continue on foot. It was so nice to walk along the road in such good weather. We went a little nuts and roll in the snow.
During our walk there was an incident - a car coming from the forest got stuck in the opposite direction. Our guys rushed to the rescue. Finally they pulled it out in half. Then our bus came up and we hopped on it. The discussion now was about happiness. Basically our guys were the most active. They tried to give a definition of happiness, but everyone had it its own way.
Arrived in Vizhay at four two. Blinov group is going further to settlement 41, and we stay to spend the night. We had a tearful goodbye with Blinov group. The mood sank. At parting, we sang with Zina and Zhenya: "If you eyes hadn't ..." In general I am very very sad.
We are extremely lucky! The Symphonie in Gold was showing. We left all our things and packs at the hotel and went to the club. The image was a bit fuzzy, but it didn’t overshadow the pleasure at all. Yurka Krivo, sitting next to me, was smacking his lips and oohing with delight. This is real happiness, so difficult to describe with words. The music is just fabulous! The mood after the movie greatly improved. Igor Dyatlov was unrecognizable. He tried to dance, and even started singing: "O Jackie Joe"
We are on duty with Yuri today. We decided to cook noodles on the stove. But it was very difficult to heat the stove with such raw firewood, so it took a lot of time. Finally we began to eat. During the meal, a discussion arose about the rights of boys and girls to freedom, etc. In my opinion, such discussions lead nowhere. But we are doing it anyway, to vent the soul. We went to bed late. Had to lay down in beds by two, only Yurka Krivo and Sasha slept on the floor between the beds.

group diary
25 january 1959.
We got up at half past five, quickly gathered and left for the city of Ivdel with the first bus. After an hour of waiting, we managed to grab a bus (such as GAZ-51). The twenty-five-seater bus was forced to accommodate a full twenty-five plus twenty backpacks packed to capacity and as many pairs of skis. We were full up to the ceiling. First layer passengers sat on the seats, on a pile of skis, on backpacks. Second layer passengers sat on the backs of the seats, finding a place for legs on the shoulders of comrades. It was not so tight, however, as not to sing, so we did it almost all the way to Vizhay.
The trip was not uneventful. The bus made a small detour away from the highway, in the village of Shipichnoe, and we were given the chance to step out, which we did with pleasure. Four of the most agile went far ahead to the settlement of Talitsa to see the power station. Suddenly the heard: "The bus." We rush out the door, but, alas, it was too late. The bus passed by and we were forced to chance after it as fast as we can, hoping fate would be merciful and, perhaps, we would catch up with it (I am part of the "agile" four). However, the first hundred meters clearly demonstrated the advantages of a fifty horse power engine. Our heels flashed far behind the bus, and the gap widened. The prospect to walk about thirty kilometers on the highway with no breakfast and lunch already seemed quite real, when suddenly ... I mentioned that fate is merciful. The mercy came in the form of a girl going to Vizhay that hailed the bus and stopped the object of our persecution. A minute later we were already safely sitting on the second floor of the seats and traveling to Vizhay. We arrived in Vizhay about two pm. It turned out that we can continue our automobile journey in the next morning.
Warmly said goodbye to Blinov's group, who went further (to the west of Vizhay in the deep forest area). After dinner, which was held in a warm "friendly atmosphere," we moved to the "hotel", which was the usual hut with three windows. We went to the cinema, leaving "home" Doroshenko and Kolevatov. We watched the "Symphonie in Gold", came back in "musical mood". Now we are busy getting ready the equipment. Tonight, according to the local commandant, we will leave on.

end quotes

just seems to me that the details of the bus ride and walk would match better

I can't see anything that strikes me as odd. There are a number of different translations to the diaries and where they were recorded from. I have read that some of the diaries were the hand written copies by investigators / student friends of the group and perhaps done from memory. Also , everyone will write a different version of events due to their own observations / emotions and perspective. Everyone has different writing skills , some factual, some emotive etc.  If they were faked in anyway , then surely all would be exactly the same. The fact that they differ in events leans me to believe in  their authenticity....

In fact , the amount of contradictions  in statements and testimonies , particularly from the earliest recorded data would imply that nothing was faked. It actually seems transparent to me that they( all involved) just didn't know.

For example , you will know about the other 482 cases of cover ups that the KGB did in 1959 involving tourists ?.

January 05, 2023, 06:04:48 PM
Reply #52


I think it ridiculous to believe the group is going to split up in some sort of hissy fit, run off and freeze themselves to death. I would more easily accept the three returning to the tent as a heroic effort. I would accept the three never reaching the cedar at all, but a temper tantrum there,,then? No way.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.
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January 06, 2023, 03:13:59 AM
Reply #53


So where are the knives of Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova? With them. According to the Acts of the Forensic Medical Research.
Again we come to the conclusion that these three did not reach the cedar area.

Well, what are the disappointing conclusions? There was a division in the group - even when leaving the tent. There was a conflict. It was her friends who stayed with Zina. Slobodin and Dyatlov as a leader.
I also tend to think they didn't reach the cedar, but because they were too cold or weak. But it's interesting, maybe they stayed in the tent longer. I don't even think division in the group needs to involve disagreement. Someone had to go for firewood. And maybe some others to the bathroom.


January 06, 2023, 08:43:51 AM
Reply #54


"For example , you will know about the other 482 cases of cover ups that the KGB did in 1959 involving tourists ?."

I have a lot of respect for the intelligence of all 'spy masters' from every country. I don't think chess masters have anything on them. Not hearing about things does not mean they didn't happen, just means that someone did their job very well. For a much more modern example, just because no one has found anything military at area 51 does that mean there is nothing there? or is the military has done a great job hiding it?

I believe that many of the people forced into this cover up wanted the truth out and that is why there are inconsistencies.

in diaries, there will be different versions of the same event, these are not that but that's my interpretation of it, I know the unibomber was caught by analyzing his style of writing so words and how they are written do matter but I'm perfectly fine with other people not agreeing with it.

like I've said, this is really nothing more than an intellectual exercise until we get proof

January 06, 2023, 11:03:52 AM
Reply #55


For a much more modern example, just because no one has found anything military at area 51 does that mean there is nothing there? or is the military has done a great job hiding it?
Wait, there's definitely a military airfield or two at Area 51, used for test flights of prototypes etc. There's a mountain which has a view to the runway I believe. It's called Tikaboo Peak. And there are people who eavesdrop on radio communications and post them online. This is not my former hobby (I swear!), but I know a whole community exists around this.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2023, 11:10:28 AM by Manti »


January 06, 2023, 11:06:43 AM
Reply #56
