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Author Topic: Streptocid  (Read 15701 times)

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April 30, 2018, 06:51:05 AM
Read 15701 times


As some of you might have already noticed, in the postmortem reports, it was noted that Igor Dyatlov had four tablets of streptocid in his pocket when he died. I haven't really heard any discussion about this yet, but do any of you believe it's possible that one of his friends may have gotten injured and that he succeeded in returning to the tent to retrieve it and then came back to the cedar? The only issue with this theory though is that why would he ever just return for medication without bringing in warmer clothes?

April 30, 2018, 06:50:18 PM
Reply #1


To go along with your topic of streptocid...

I remember reading in the diaries or somewhere that Igor was complaining about not getting an antibiotic or something.

He was also extremely aware of hygiene, requiring all hikers to wash their feet thoroughly every night.

Sounds to me like the makings of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

I can think of absolutely no logical reason any of the members would randomly carry 4 streptocid tablets in their pockets.  dunno1

May 01, 2018, 01:00:12 AM
Reply #2


I think I might know what you’re talking about. There was a trip (in the Sayan mountains? The Caucasus?) before the incident that he had made with Dubinina and Kolmogorova where he had cussed out Dubinina and wouldn’t let her have a break because she forgot the Iodine tincture. Kolmogorova tries to calm him down by telling him that they had other forms of anti-septic, but he staying angry against Dubinina. Kolmogorova laughs it off and blame altitude sickness and wishes she had something stronger to knock him out right there. I guess he was more than likely a control freak.

I just don’t understand why he would just grab Streptocid (a tablet) rather than run for an anti-septic and/or rubbing alcohol, if one of the members were injured. Maybe it could be a sign that either he or one of the other members were already injured?

May 01, 2018, 04:22:39 PM
Reply #3


Heck, I dunno how many times a week they were washing/changing britches, but those could have been in his pocket for days.  shock1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 01, 2018, 04:45:28 PM
Reply #4


I think I might know what you’re talking about. There was a trip (in the Sayan mountains? The Caucasus?) before the incident that he had made with Dubinina and Kolmogorova where he had cussed out Dubinina and wouldn’t let her have a break because she forgot the Iodine tincture. Kolmogorova tries to calm him down by telling him that they had other forms of anti-septic, but he staying angry against Dubinina. Kolmogorova laughs it off and blame altitude sickness and wishes she had something stronger to knock him out right there. I guess he was more than likely a control freak.

I just don’t understand why he would just grab Streptocid (a tablet) rather than run for an anti-septic and/or rubbing alcohol, if one of the members were injured. Maybe it could be a sign that either he or one of the other members were already injured?

That's exactly the entries I was talking about! I believe it was from Dubinina's diaries. *lol* He always had a reason to ride poor Lyuda harder than others. There was not a good relationship there and it really comes through in the evidence.

May 02, 2018, 07:58:04 AM
Reply #5


I can think of absolutely no logical reason any of the members would randomly carry 4 streptocid tablets in their pockets.  dunno1

Would Streptocid have helped them at all while they were out of the tent? Google isn't helping me much here; all I'm getting at are that the same ingredients are used to treat vaginal yeast infections, so I don't think I've found the right thing...  dunno1