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Author Topic: My version with Fantômas  (Read 3201 times)

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February 27, 2024, 09:18:55 AM
Read 3201 times


From Yudin's diary: // lottery newspaper // 26.1.59. The forest plot is about 200-150 km from such a northern town as Ivdel. There is no radio, no newspapers (they still cannot check the lottery, I promised them to send this newspaper immediately from Sverdlovsk). They live in a hostel. No order, but people are people everywhere. Read what is at hand.

Now: /*Sheet 349*/ The act of studying the corpse of Zolotaryov: «In the back pocket of the overalls is a 'folded newspaper'. Under the overalls are ripped flannelette blue button-down ski trousers, three buttons on the belt are not fastened, buttons are fastened at the bottom of the cuffs. The inner pockets of the trousers are empty, under them the second trousers are the same, but with elastic bands. In the pocket of these trousers there are «pieces of newspaper» and five coins: two 15 kopecks each, two 2 kopecks each. and 10 kopecks. I immediately remembered such a film-series based on French books. By Pierre Souvestre, Marcel Allen: «Fantômas: The Magical Scaffold» (1980) / fr. L'echafaud magique (based on the first novel «Fantômas»). Plot: on the train, a marquise who won 100,000 French francs in the lottery was killed, and her «lottery ticket» was stolen from her. Commissioner Juve begins an investigation into this murder.
Here my version is: Fantômas arrived at the beginning of 1959 in Sverdlovsk for an international speed skating festival. Somehow, Zolotaryov bought a lottery ticket for a large amount or correctly filled out a sports lotto printed in a newspaper on the way, and Fantômas was now hunting him. In May, Fantômas' visa expired, and he spat on this matter and did not get to Zolotaryov (or inversely - gutted his pockets). As we remember, Zolotaryov still had some kind of bonds, they could be winning!

I want to develop this version. please help me!

« Last Edit: February 27, 2024, 09:24:35 AM by Axelrod »

February 28, 2024, 03:25:13 AM
Reply #1


Now I quote from the book, and we see directly the "handwriting" of Fantômas:
(translation is from Russian book so it may differ from origanal translation)

From chapter 6 («Fantômas is death!»): … A wound of such depth and width cannot be inflicted with one blow, obviously, the killer went into a rage and overdid it… in a mentally ill person, under certain circumstances, the strength can increase tenfold… Dr. Bertillon recently invented a wonderful dynamometer that allows you to accurately determine the strength of a person…

«What did he steal?» Juve asked. «After all, all her rings, a diamond brooch and a purse were found on the Marquise’s night table right in plain sight… Needless to say, I carefully examined the contents of all the cracked boxes and found other valuables, as well as gold and silver coinsin the amount of five hundred and twenty francs, three banknotes for fifty francs… A thief is good if he does not notice the money and jewels that themselves climb into his hands!»

– Yes, it’s really strange,» the investigator admitted.

– It's over, weird! Maybe he was aiming for something more?

Привожу цитаты из книги, и мы видим напрямую почерк Фантомаса:

Из главы 6 («Фантомас – это смерть!»): …Рану такой глубины и ширины невозможно нанести одним ударом, очевидно, убийца вошёл в раж и перестарался… у психически больного человека при определённых обстоятельствах силы могут удесятеряться. Доктор Бертильон недавно изобрёл замечательный динамометр, позволяющий точно определить силу человека…

– А что он украл? – спросил Жюв. – Ведь на ночном столике маркизы прямо на виду были найдены все её перстни, бриллиантовая брошь и кошелёк… Само собой разумеется, я тщательно исследовал содержимое всех взломанных ящиков и обнаружил и другие драгоценности, а также золотые и серебряные монеты на сумму 520 франков, 3 банковских билета на 50 франков. Хорош вор, если он не замечает деньги и драгоценности, которые сами лезут к нему в руки!

– Да, это и в самом деле странно, – признал следователь.

– Кончено, странно! Может, он метил на что-то большее?

February 28, 2024, 06:09:19 AM
Reply #2


Global Moderator

This forum welcomes creative thought, thinking outside the box, and even humor, but it has a serious underlying theme: exploring, analyzing, and discussing theories that are in some way rooted in the facts of the DPI situation.

Are the above 2 posts related to any theory of yours based on the facts, or are they rather a creative project you are embarking on, with no relation to the DPI facts? This is not clear. Please respond.


February 28, 2024, 07:45:29 AM
Reply #3


If you look at other forum topics, all other topics are “creative projects”.

Do you want to delete or prohibit all this forum?

The fact that the authors consider them serious projects is a consequence of their illiteracy and a problem of their consciousness. Of course, I now run the risk of receiving a lot of angry responses. For example, a bear attack. Bears sleep in winter...

Other forum participants claim in all seriousness that an avalanche could have rolled onto the tent. It has already been scientifically proven that an avalanche does not happen in this place. So, this version should be discarded. But the participants like GlenMM are completely serious.

Fantômas is a literary character, but he is based on some real events, so to speak, a social image from real events, I think.
These cases are real, that someone killed someone, unlike an avalanche in this palce... Infrasound - possibility similar to Fantômas, i.e. very strange.

Fantômas is more siutable for this situation than Mansi. Where are Mansi and where is Fantômas?! (this Russian kocution may be ununderstandable in English, so I add: Where are calm Mansi and where is agressive Fantômas?!)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 07:53:31 AM by Axelrod »

March 04, 2024, 03:32:18 AM
Reply #4


From chapter 7:

Azhan set about locking the second suitcase, meanwhile Juve went into the kitchen and returned from there in a moment, holding a «heavy copper mallet (!)» in his hands, impaled on an iron handle.

This mallet obviously aroused his interest, he even weighed it on his hand, when suddenly azhan screamed loudly in horror. Juve glanced at Azhan, then at the open suitcase, and although his work had taught him everything, he shuddered involuntarily. A terrible sight opened up to his eyes: there was a corpse in the suitcase!

(Further on the description is similar to Kolevatov!)

The unfortunate man was lying in a suitcase all huddled, his knees were bent, his chin was pressed into his chest… There were no signs of violence… Juve showed his subordinate a small yellow spot near the Adam's apple, which in the deceased visibly protruded from the unbuttoned collar… Juve carefully lifted the corpse under the armpits. On the neck, right at the last vertebra, he found a caked blood stain the size of a five-franc coin.

«Here's your explanation,» Juve muttered and continued to examine…

One of the inside pockets was stuffed with money.


Из главы 7: Ажан принялся за замок второго чемодана, Жюв тем временем прошёл в кухню и через мгновение вернулся оттуда, держа в руках ‹тяжёлую медную колотушку(!)›, насаженную на железную ручку.

Эта колотушка явно вызвала его интерес, он даже взвесил её на руке, как вдруг ажан громко вскрикнул от ужаса. Жюв взглянул на ажана, потом на раскрытый чемодан и, хотя работа приучила его ко всему, невольно вздрогнул. Взгляду его открылась страшная: в чемодане лежал труп!

(далее по описанию похоже на Колеватова!)

Несчастный лежал в чемодане весь съёжившись, колени его были согнуты, подбородок вдавлен в грудь… Следов насилия заметно не было… Жюв показал своему подчинённому на маленькое жёлтое пятнышко у самого кадыка, который у покойного заметно выпирал из расстёгнутого воротника… Жюв осторожно приподнял труп под мышки. На шее прямо у последнего позвонка он обнаружил запёкшееся пятно крови величиной с пятифранковую монету.

 – Вот вам и объяснение, – пробормотал Жюв и продолжал осмотр…

Один из внутренних карманов был набит деньгами.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2024, 03:46:36 AM by Axelrod »

March 04, 2024, 03:44:01 AM
Reply #5


Fantômas with cedar mallet in Siberia (instead of copper mallet in France):

Staging by Dmitry Kireev.