Why go all the way for one night, what am I hoping to accomplish.
I want to start with some background.
What is the most important thing today?
If we so much want to do something about the case, what are the directions in which to funnel our time and resources (time, money, time is money, but also emotions, you make friends and foes)?
After so many years sleuthing I do follow an internal compass, and here is what I know.
Nowadays there are three frontiers:
(1) new documents or photos from 1959 that might surface, Natalya Varsegova is doing a damn good job;
(2) the contemporaries to the events and what they can remember;
(3) the obsessives, this is us, some investigating from home like Igor Pavlov, and others going to the Pass summer and winter, every year, keep looking and experimenting.
Since Kuntsevich died on August 11, 2021, nothing's the same with the foundation. I know of 4 parties that call themselves foundations or societies + something about Dyatlov. Their founders are Koskin (friend of Kuntsevich) - Yekaterinburg, Bartolomey (friend of Igor Dyatlov) - Yekaterinburg, Arkhipov (author) - Tyumen, and Dmitrievskaya (sleuth) - Saint Petersburg. They all try to do something about the case without stepping on each other's toes. The annual conference on the date of the incident, February 2, is still observed by the two parties in Yekaterinburg. The second party in Yekaterinburg invited me to present at their conference.Basically at the date of the incident the (1) and (2) frontiers meet to discuss the progress of the case in Yekaterinburg, while frontier (3) goes to the Pass to relieve the night of the tragedy, and do experiments.
For me the winter was forbidden because going to the conference required travel to Russia, visa etc. Just to spend a night with the veterans. This is what my response was - can't afford it. And then a sponsor stepped forward and said he is paying for my travel. How can I not go??? When the time came for me to apply for a visa I asked him how many nights I would be staying in Yekaterinburg. His name is Dmitriy Kireev. So Kireev said - well, I don't know what else you want to do in Russia. I said I don't have money to do anything on my own in Russia. Kireev said, don't you want to go to the Pass? I said, how can I if I am not part of an expedition, and I have to be back for the conference. Dmitruy Kireev is one of the organizers of the conference, and he said, we can go before or after the conference, what would you prefer? I said - before. Hence my one night, so I can then tell at the conference about that night.
I still haven't gotten to my manifesto. I told you about the conception of this trip to Russia.
My manifesto is networking with everybody that is working on the case. I don't like the word "networking" but I can not use the word "be friends" because not all of them want to be friends with me, but I have some kind of relation, they know me. I don't mean obsessives either, I am referring to the searchers. Karelin likes me, Askinadzi loves me, Sogrin despises me. Why is this important? Because I can ask them questions, and not just questions, I can "talk" to them. They keep saying things, like for example Askindzi, who said he didn't actually see the notebook in Zolotaryov's hand, but in Ortyukov's hand and presumed he took it form Zolotaryov, but was Zolotaryov "holding it"? This was a very spontaneous revelation. I didn't have in mind to ask him what he actually saw. It just came up. The same thing with Karelin and
the bodies of the two Yuri's.
I am not Russian, I am not an American, I am what Josh Gates called me - the conduit between the two worlds (on the topic of the Dyatlov group case).
Foreigners come for the trill, or to write a book, shoot a movie, and they do not return after that. The only two people I know that have gone back to the Pass are Mike Libecki (adventurer) and Keith **** (author). Neither speaks Russian.But I keep showing up. I go back every year. When I asked Kireev why does he want to help me he said because of the enormous work I have done with
DYATLOVPASS.COMAccording to our contract with the Russian publisher we do not get money but 60 books. 30 will go to Igor Pavlov's widow, and the remaining 30 books I will sign and give away at the 2025 conference.
With my 13 days total in Russia I will meet with everyone from frontiers (1), (2) and (3). I am no expert in anything. But I want to be part of everything. I want to see what the Russians are up to, to bring Valery Anyamov the tools for leather that Tena Bellovich donated, to lean on the Boot Rock a memorial plaque that the Gates Nation sent me, and this is important in today's crumbling world. I want to see people face-to-face, this is the reason why I traveled to Crimea to meet with
Askinadzi in August 2024, a trip only possible 3 days by train in each direction via the Crimea bridge.
I am not strong, I can hardly carry my backpack, but I compensate with determination. Your CAN'T is mine too, but my WANT is stronger, so I hold on to it for my dear life.
Here are some photos of the preparation of the Russian Expedition Jan 27 - Feb 6, 2025.

Act of Criminalistic expertise (tent)"The tent is made of thick cotton fabric of protective color. The total length of the tent /by the top seam/ is 4m.33 cm, the length of the side is 1 m. 14 cm, the total width is about 2 m. The height of the tent depends on its installation."