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Author Topic: combat leaflet "Evening Otorten"  (Read 4428 times)

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January 23, 2025, 09:25:37 AM
Read 4428 times


Translate this Russian article from last year. It also shows how Ivanov probably conducted the entire investigation.

Printed copy of the combat humorous leaflet “Evening Otorten” (Sheet 31 UD). Ivanov put his date on this printed copy - February 1, and tried to present the matter as if the Dyatlovites allegedly wrote this “combat leaflet” on the evening of February 1 in a tent on the slope, shortly before the mythical “accident”. In fact, the Dyatlovites wrote this “combat leaflet” on the evening of January 28, before their first overnight stay on Lozva.

Isn't that also the date when Dubinina stopped writing and when Yudin left the group? That would explain a lot.

January 23, 2025, 12:03:24 PM
Reply #1


Sticks and stones broke skin and bones, but the words never harmed them.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 23, 2025, 01:45:56 PM
Reply #2


The January 28 option is not suitable, because on that day Sasha Kolevatov was on duty - and he had to assemble the stove.
We must search an another suitable day....
Yes, the 21st congress began on January 28, but this does not mean that it should coincide with its beginning (day in day)

January 23, 2025, 01:54:27 PM
Reply #3


Perhaps it is the evening of January 29. (ZIna writes: "We are sawing wood with Yurka. We talked about the past".)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 02:20:22 PM by Axelrod »

January 23, 2025, 02:21:14 PM
Reply #4


Zina wrote about Doroshenko on January 29. (Yurka)
But something must have happened there on that January 28th when Dubinina stopped writing in her diary and Yudin left the group.

January 23, 2025, 02:39:05 PM
Reply #5


I'm wondering why there's a photo of the combat letter in English that has the same folds and red Number 31 in the top right hand corner?

It may be an English author that made some copy for ease for reading but why and who did it? It surely can't be an original document?

January 23, 2025, 03:06:04 PM
Reply #6


But something must have happened there on that January 28th when Dubinina stopped writing in her diary and Yudin left the group.
It seems to me that they learned some crucial information and that's why Judin preferred to back out of the whole expedition and Dubinina stopped writing and later didn't even want to sew the tent because she no longer saw the point in it.

January 23, 2025, 04:13:42 PM
Reply #7


But something must have happened there on that January 28th when Dubinina stopped writing in her diary and Yudin left the group.
It seems to me that they learned some crucial information and that's why Judin preferred to back out of the whole expedition and Dubinina stopped writing and later didn't even want to sew the tent because she no longer saw the point in it.

What could have happened and what crucial information?. Yudin reports that he has Sciatica, he is aware he is a liability to the hike , that means carrying his own back pack and possibly compromising the hike. He is being a good comrade , he uses the advantage of the horse and sledge and taking back samples for his studies or for the university, yudin is being efficient and practical by all accounts .

The sewing of the tent would be a frustration in the cold and just as annoying in warm weather. It was perhaps an exercise in discipline and some take offence or feel picked on for the not so fun tasks? 

January 24, 2025, 12:38:11 AM
Reply #8


It all has to do with the combat leaflet - the plan. I think not even all tourists knew about him and there was more to it than is presented to us. Sciatica is a nice fairy tale by Judin.

January 24, 2025, 01:53:56 AM
Reply #9


Russian ladies-dyatloresearchers believe that the reason for Dubinina’s bad mood was the onset of her so-called. "critical days".
“Evening Otorten” could most likely have been written not in a tent by the light of flashlights (the energy resources of which are too small to be used for such idle purposes) but on February 1, in the In the morning, by the fire while preparing lunch. Common sense and experience of life in field (hiking) conditions should prompt this to everyone who has at least one of the above

Quote from: Ziljoe
I'm wondering why there's a photo of the combat letter in English that has the same folds and red Number 31 in the top right hand
This is photoshop. There are also several photos floating around on the RuNet that someone has worked with in Photoshop. For the love of art, I guess.

January 24, 2025, 03:19:30 AM
Reply #10


Of course, the "Evening Otorten" was written earlier. And it is also no coincidence that the original was kept secret from us.

January 24, 2025, 12:40:47 PM
Reply #11


There id also its copy (by Maslennikov) in Maslennikov notebook $2, page 75.
What information is hidden -  I don't understand

January 31, 2025, 09:15:32 PM
Reply #12


There is something about the Evening Ortoten that makes me wonder. When I read the translation, I ask, " How was this to be used?" The document is sparce and not at all what I would believe to be interesting, humorous or thought provoking. There is mention of the sled, which was being used. There was the setting up of the stove. But really, that is it! Would they not comment on food, Symphony in Gold, their wish for a radio, good weather, their quest for Ortoten or anything else? They comment on birthrate among hikers, but none of the women were sexually active on the hike. They write about Yeti, why not Mansi? I'd think they could have joked about swimming in the lake they were supposed to camp at on Feb 2, but nothing!

Help me out here, was the idea someone was to read this as a springboard to group merriment? Was it supposed to be posted and nothing more? To me, it seems weak in either regard and not of much excitement at all. They needed to post a document on Ortoten, but instead they did this? And a combat leaflet? Is that funny?

Where did the original document go? The case files show that an effort was made to do things right, yet this single sheet and Zolo's notebook can't be produced.

We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 31, 2025, 11:29:16 PM
Reply #13


Yes, this leaflet is strange. I already hinted at something in another thread. This combat leaflet is not about increasing the birthrate of tourists, but quite the opposite. It is also possible to determine who wrote it.

February 01, 2025, 01:37:06 AM
Reply #14


Leaflet + scene.
We have to look at the leaflet in the context of the whole event, when the tourists ended up dead. Everything in the leaflet has its meaning. Even the last numbers at the end of the leaflet are not random.

1 hour 02 min. 27,4 sec.

From these numbers, it can be seen that on 1.02. = 1 February, out of 2+7(9) tourists, only 4 were supposed to remain. And who they were is shown in leaflet + scene.

February 01, 2025, 01:59:19 AM
Reply #15


Word YETI is a new word untypical in Russian and can be misunderstood. In original, it sounds as "snow man", that exactly denotes yeti.

February 01, 2025, 02:48:06 AM
Reply #16


This may be of note.

When I use different translation of the Russian text of the combat leaflet, I get at least two different translations. If I press the Russian version on the main Dyatlov website , then Google translates the page , I get this.


The second is by scanning the photo of the Russian writing , I get this below.


The role of the Soviet Union was not to control other countries, but to serve as a model for other socialist countries by being the first country to blaze the path of socialism. The socialist countries were united by the common goal of liberation, hard work and universal peace.

There was also Khrushchev Thaw. ( Fascinating).
The Khrushchev Thaw (Russian: хрущёвская о́ттепель, romanized: khrushchovskaya ottepel, IPA: [xrʊˈɕːɵfskəjə ˈotʲːɪpʲɪlʲ] or simply ottepel)[1] is the period from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s when repression and censorship in the Soviet Union were relaxed due to Nikita Khrushchev's policies of de-Stalinization[2] and peaceful coexistence with other nations. The term was coined after Ilya Ehrenburg's 1954 novel The Thaw ("Оттепель"),[3] sensational for its time.

The 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union took place in Moscow, USSR 27 January - 5 February 1959.[1] It was a mid-term or "Extraordinary" Congress, timed so that Khrushchev could try to consolidate his power over rivals after the attempted coup of the Anti-Party Group in 1957. The Seven-Year Plan of economic development was adopted.

A lot of this seems to revolve around students

The festival has been held occasionally since 1947, mainly in communist states, as an event of global youth solidarity for democracy and against war and imperialism. The largest festival was the 6th, held in 1957 in Moscow, when 34,000 young people from 131 countries attended the event. This festival also marked the international debut of the song "Moscow Nights", which subsequently went on to become a widely recognized Russian song. There were no festivals between 1962 and 1968, as events proposed in Algeria and then Ghana were cancelled due to coups and political turmoil in both countries.[1] Until the 19th festival in Sochi, Russia in 2017 (with 185 countries participating)

Are the DP9 just being enthusiastic and having dreams of a happy future for the idealism and meaning that more students will come together across the world and that is the increase in students growth/birthrate/ tourist industry? 

This opens a can of worms and a lot of the people involved are connected to the arts and human rights movements. The connections to many people involved are quite incredible all across the globe.

Anyway, this has lead me down a path only to dump itself on my own doorstep . Following the people that were at the 1957 21st congress includes some Americans that were followed by the CIA /mi5 . They were chased out by their government and one moved to the UK and others to China and USSR . One,a song writer and performer who then married a British man who was born to Scottish parents and he wrote two massive songs, also his daughter. His daughter was married to another who produced numerous Scottish and Irish songs. Another person is married to the writer of the" elephant man". 

There was even" festival children " this is afro students born after coming to the Soviet Union to learn. There seemed to be a massive underground movement in a positive way that some people didn't want. Left wing movements , the "national guardian" newspaper in the usa, civil rights etc etc. You name it and it's all connected to 3 westerners that went to the 1957 student festival in Moscow and their family connections .

There's double agents , spy's and the CIA!

It will take an age to put this in a better context , even Alexander Pushkin has links to all of this.


February 01, 2025, 03:13:21 AM
Reply #17


It's not an attraction or tourism. The word means birthrate (рождаемость). The Russian copy also says – in scientific circles. This is missing in the English version.

In scientific circles = those who participated in writing the leaflet

Snow man = future cause of the 4 survivors event. They say another note with this phrase was found in the tent.

And so on and so on... I think that even setting up the tent on the slope was not accidental.

February 01, 2025, 03:16:57 AM
Reply #18


The phrase "We now know that there are snowmen" is a satirical element that came to the fore as a result of a funny behavior during a daily walk or break. For example, Tibo, who went down to a stream to meet his personal needs; came out from behind the trees roaring and walked towards his friends, then lost his foot and was buried in the snow. This situation was laughed out loud and even photographed. Diaries are private. However, newspapers appeal to the masses. Maybe the Akşam newspaper would be left in the restaurant or hung on the wall of the tourism club as a souvenir. An anecdote may have been written during each break. Korotoev; 75 days had passed until the day Lev Ivanova said, "Sir, can you come here urgently?" Everyone thought that the young people died due to hypothermia. In the end, a lot was lost because the incident did not evolve into a full criminal case. I don't see any benefit that Akşam newspaper can add to this case. However, I also find it interesting to read the things that are produced.
A real jolt is better than a wrong balance.

February 01, 2025, 03:19:21 AM
Reply #19


 I agree with Osi on the observation about the snow man. It fits well with the sequence of photos of Tibo , those photos were deliberate and in humour to record the joke!. No one would know what was on the film in the camera at the time of finding the combat leaflet.

The group knew about the failed sled and is the perfect joke . It is only the hikers that would know the full story of the sled as the diary is ambiguous about the details . No one else would know.

I have heard that tourists left note/paper with details of their hikes in the rocks of their end destination . They would leave it as evidence that they got there , they would also take the notes from the previous group back to the UPi , this also confirms the previous hiking groups completion of the hike and so it continues.

The first searchers to Otorten went to look for this paper work to see if the Dyatlov group had reached Otorten, they only found the combat leaflet of a previous hike by tourist's and not the Dyatlov group, thus,they concluded that they needed to search backwards from Otorten to find the Dyatlovs ( all fits logically)


February 01, 2025, 03:47:28 AM
Reply #20


It could be considered a satirical leaflet if no one died. And if this has already happened, connecting the leaflet with the scene is essential. And when I take it in this context, I see events quite differently.

February 01, 2025, 05:51:22 AM
Reply #21


Otherwise, I don't dispute that those who wrote it had fun with it.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 05:59:24 AM by SURI »

February 01, 2025, 10:40:44 AM
Reply #22


I believe far too much is being read into the interpretation of the leaflet if for not any other reason than when discovered it is incriminating evidence of a conspiracy. The whole point of this alleged massacre is to do it and get away with murder! There was no conspiracy, nor murder based on the facts at hand. I still think the leaflet is a weak document, probably incomplete.

Satire, I can understand. They would use the leaflet as kindling the following night at the lake, I suppose. For me, if there is anything to get out of this sheet of paper its that none of it suggests a verbal attack on an institution, nor an individual. It appears hurriedly done and done in fun. If anything, it is a nod to the post Stalinist relaxation of restrictions in the Khrushchev  era.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

February 08, 2025, 02:36:32 AM
Reply #23


The longer I look at this leaflet, the more I realize that it actually has everything


The leaflet is also divided into a left part (BEFORE) and a right part (AFTER).

It's a shame it's not complete. According to witnesses, there were also tasks written there for the next day. I'd really be interested in those.