Thank you Ziljoe for your extensive - and correct - reply.
As illustration for your answer and explanation on the footprints, I hint to the following photos made by first search party as available via: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. The photo was included in the case files vol.2 sheets 117, 119.
5-002: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. The photo was included in the case files vol.2 sheet 118.
5-003: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. Is this a footprint with a heel?
5-004: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. The photo was included in the case files vol.1 sheet 402.
5-005: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. The photo was included in the case files vol.2 sheet 114. It's possible that this could be a trace from a sled runner.
5-006: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. The photo was included in the case files vol.1 sheet 401.
These photos show raised footprints, sunken footprints and one footprint with a heel.
The footprint with heel may be made by Semyon, because the autopsy report states: '
Black quilted felt boots with leather soles with woolen brown socks in them'.
For those of us who are investigating the snow conditions, the next photos of the footprints show revealing details:
5-002: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. The photo was included in the case files vol.2 sheet 118.
5-003: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. Is this a footprint with a heel?
5-004: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. The photo was included in the case files vol.1 sheet 402.
5-005: Footprints. Photo from Feb 28. The photo was included in the case files vol.2 sheet 114. It's possible that this could be a trace from a sled runner.
On the four photos above,
grass and twigs are visible who appear to
grow through the snow layer!
Another details reveiling the snow conditions between the tent and the ravine may be:
- The last two photos of Zinaida - still fully frozen - in the mortuary.
Both photos show the
natural fibers fixed on the trousers of Zinaida in the mortuary where she had been lying on the ground.
These details as found by the first search party hint on favourable snow conditions - with a thin layer of snow - between the tent site and the cedar/ravine.
Extrapolating this conclusion derived from these details (photos of footprints and natural fiber on paint of Zinaida) to the tent site:
- it is unlikely that the first search party had found the tent standing on a very thick layer of snow.
Arguably the snow as seen around the tent had been drifted around the tent by the wind.
The photos of the tent site made by the first search party in combination with the conclusion for the snow conditions between the tent and cedar/ravine don't provide any support for an avalanche or snowslab theory at the tent site.
Until now I have not read (or seen on photos) any detail at all -
as found by the first search party - , that supports an 'avalanche or snow slab theory' that had caused the group to leave the tent site.
Only the last two loose photos might give rise to a snow slab theory, but too many skis visible without bindings give rise to suspicion of being a composition made in the dark room at least a month later.
Unfortunately it is impossible to provide a sound verdict/proof the authenticity of both photos showing 5/6 group members digging a hole in the snow.
Most of us assume - using as proof the Yuri Dor's ski pole visible in front of the last loose photo - that both photos show the group digging in the snow at the tent site.
Unfortunately the issue of authenticity of both last loose photos - in combination with photos and details as found by the first search party - does not give a sound ground for this assumption.