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October 27, 2020, 06:05:42 AM
Read 54960 times



Could Zolotaryov be a saboteur? special correspondents have studied the archival military documents of the front line soldier Semyon Zolotaryоv

All copyrights belong to Komsomolskaya Pravda. Authors Nikolay Varsegov и Natalya Varsegova

Text in Russain

Photo from the trek
Semyon Zolotaryov. Experienced hiker, instructor of the Kourovka tourbase. Front line soldier. His personality is controversial. His biography is not all clear.

In the winter of 1959, nine ski hikers went missing in the mountains of the Northern Urals. Leader of the group was Igor Dyatlov. A month later rescuers found their tent cut open. Within a mile were discovered five frozen bodies. The rest were found only in May. The hikers died in a strange barely clad state. Some had fatal injuries. It is still not clear why the group fled into the severe frost and to their death.

Among the dead is 37-year-old Semyon Zolotaryov. Experienced hiker, instructor of the Kourovka tour base. Front line soldier. According to some reports, he went to Otorten with the Dyatlov group to be eligible for the third category in sports tourism. According to other testimonies, this journey should have been a significant event for him. “The whole world will start talking about this expedition,” he said before leaving for the mountains to his students. The words were prophetic.

More than 60 years later, no one knows the truth about the mysterious death of the hikers. And the very personality of Semyon is very controversial. His biography is not all clear.

He asked to be call Aleksander, not Semyon. In the documents he sometimes wrote he was born on February 1, and at other times on February 2, 1921. According to the registry of Udobnoy, his native village, his birthday is March 1. In addition, there were discrepancies in the number of siblings he had. In one questionnaire he stated that he had only two sisters, in the other - a sister and a brother. Although, in fact, the family of paramedic Aleksey Zolotaryov had 5 children - Nikolay, Anna, Katerina, Maria and the youngest Semyon. And during admission to the party in 1949, he impudently lied about military awards, saying that he had the Order of the Red Star and the medal For Courage. But in his service record, in addition to the order, there were medals "For the Defense of Stalingrad", "For the capture of Konigsberg" and "For the victory over Germany". But "For Courage" is not on the list.

Photo from the trek
In the winter of 1959, nine ski hikers went missing in the mountains of the Northern Urals. Leader of the group was Igor Dyatlov.

There is an opinion that the military biography of Semyon has many holes. We decided to check that biography against the archival documents of the Ministry of Defense. here are the results.

Personal data

The beginning of the combat path of Semyon Alekseevich Zolotaryоv is described in the autobiography of his personal file in 1944 as a candidate for the CPSU (b), which we managed to find in the archives of the Ministry of Defense. According to the custodian of the fund, since 1944 we are the only ones who requested these documents.

Semyon wrote in neat calligraphic handwriting: “In 1941, on October 18, the Udobnenskiy military registration and enlistment office was mobilized into the Red Army. When I arrived at the unit, I was sent to study at the school for junior commanders. I studied at the school for two months. There I was awarded the rank of "junior sergeant" and sent to the unit as a squad leader. With this unit, I participated in strengthening the defense of Rostov from February to March 1942...".

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

March 1942 Make a note of this date.

Then Zolotaryov writes: “In May 1942 I participated in the battle near Kharkov. (In this battle, according to the recollections of junior sergeant Avetikyan, almost the entire battalion was killed. 20 people out of 450 survived. Zolotaryov, as you know, went through the whole war without injuries, - Author). From July to December 1942 he took part in the defense of Stalingrad. On July 2, 1943 he arrived at the 104th battalion."

In the registration party form for Semyon Zolotaryov we read the following information:

– From October 1941 to August 1942 he served as a squad commander on the Southwestern and Don fronts in the 1570 separate sapper battalion (hereinafter referred to as 1570 SSB).
– From December 1942 to July 1943 - 11th Mobile Floating Assault brigade(hereinafter referred to as 11 MFAB).
– From July 1943 to April 1945 - 104th Separate Pontoon Bridge battalion (hereinafter referred to as 104 SPBB).
– From April 1945 to May 1945 - 13th Pontoon Engineering Regiment.
– From May 1945 to April 1946 - a cadet of the Moscow Military Engineering School.
– From April 1946 to August 1946 he was a cadet at the Zhdanov Leningrad Military Engineering School.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Next, we will present extracts from documents on military units in which Zolotaryov fought, according to his testimony.

1570 SSB

The order for the formation of this battalion was given on November 3, 1941 by the commander of the 24th sapper brigade, Colonel Bazhenov:

"The sapper battalions of the brigade shall be assigned numbers 1562-1580 in accordance with the order of the North Caucasus Military District №00421 dated October 21, 1941."

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

On 5 November, interim battalion commanders are appointed. 1570 OSB is headed by political instructor V.A.Stateikin, and political instructor Y.M. Kurt becomes the military commissar. On December 2, by order of the brigade commander, Stateikin was replaced by captain M.V. Zaitsev.

On November 30, 1941, the staff of the 24th sapper brigade, according to the summary combat note, was 9122 people. Each battalion has approximately 450 soldiers.

The list of the battalions at that time was not preserved. There is only a list of the brigade headquarters. Therefore, it is impossible to reliably either assert or deny that Semyon served in 1570 OSB.

The training battalion did exist then. This is confirmed by an order dated December 1, 1941:

"On 30.11.41, cadet Semisenko was killed by cadet Zhurakovskiy by a rifle shot as a result of careless handling of weapons by the daytime training battalion, and cadet Nikolaev was seriously wounded. The cadets Oleynikov and Zhurakovskiy appointed to the outfit, instead of clearly fulfilling their duties at the post, allowed themselves, in their own words, to "play" with the rifle, doing various kinds of techniques and moving the safety platoon. The case should be transferred to the investigating authorities in order to bring the perpetrators to justice."

On January 22, 1942, another incident occurred in the 24th engineer brigade, which is shocking even now. Around 1 am a fire broke out in the barracks of the 1562 battalion. 134 people died. An excerpt from the order of the brigade commander: "This outrageous case was the result of criminal negligence on the part of the battalion command, which was absolutely ignorant of the fire safety issues. This is evidenced by the panic and confusion that took place during the fire. The preliminary investigation established that the battalion command, knew that the building was very hazardous in terms of fire, but did not take any fire-fighting measures. There were no barrels of water, buckets, boxes of sand in the room. The attendants on duty were not instructed on these issues."

The battalion command was sent to court.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

20 MЕB

From the combat log: "On January 1, 1942, the 1570 battalion was transferred as part of the 64th brigade to the area of the 56th Army near Rostov in the Sala region, where it began to set up battery areas and an anti-tank ditch. On March 25, the battalion, which has the best performance in its work, is assigned to a separate sapper battalion of the 28th Reserve Army and is deployed in Starobelsk (80 km or 50 miles north of Luhansk - Author)."

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Order dated March 26, 1942:

"From this date the 1570 sapper battalion will be entirely at the disposal of Colonel Savich in Starobelsk to carry out a special assignment. Reason: directive of the headquarters of the 8th sapper army №01003 of March 20."

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

On April 14, 1942, the battalion was excluded from the 24th sapper brigade.

From the political reports of the neighboring 12th Engineering Battalion, it is known that Colonel Savich is the deputy commander of the engineering troops of the 4th Panzer Army. And about the battalion's special mission is written in the battalion's combat log:

"On April 10, the battalion was building a bridge across the Burluk River (near Kharkov, - Author) for the tanks. From 12 to 25 April it was conducting training of personnel. April 26-28 it was building a bridge across the Severny Donets River near the village of Hotnya. From May 5 to June 10, it served 6 bridges on the Severny Donets River in the Pisarevka area. In addition, the battalion carried out its own engineering structures, the construction of barbed wire and mining of fields."

But on June 10, the Germans break through our defenses. The battalion command decides to block the enemy's path and hold the crossings until the rifle sub units approach. For more than a day, sappers held back the enemy's onslaught, losing 30 people killed. And at this moment and further, the battalion withdrew last, covering the retreat of the Soviet troops.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Often, instead of bread, fighters are given flour and dry rations, the cavalry вас not provided with fodder, which led to the depletion of the latter." In such difficult, to put it mildly, conditions, our fighters performed real feats.

In Semyon's party application form, we recall that from August 1942 to December 1942 he served in the 20th motor-engineering battalion. In fact, the 20th МЕB was formed on September 1, 1942. Perhaps the discrepancy in one month is not important, given that it was wartime, but there is a more serious disparity.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents


Zolotaryov wrote that he served in the 20th battalion until December 1942. However, the combat log contains an order to disband this battalion as early as October 1, 1942:

"By order 0052 dated October 1, 1942, the 12th separate engineer battalion, the 1414th separate engineer battalion, and the 20th motorcycle-engineering battalion (20 MEB) were disbanded. Form 323 separate army engineering battalions from the disbanded battalions.” The commander of the new battalion was appointed Major Spinul, the commander of the 20 MEB, and the military commissar - the battalion commissar Golubev, who was also the military commissar of the 20 MEB.

Even if Semyon forgot the date of the disbandment of his battalion, it should be indicated in his army book. But the most curious thing is that Major Spinul on October 8 issues a 15-page order on the staff list of the new battalion. And the squad leader Semyon Alekseevich Zolotaryov is not in it.

In his personal file to become member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Semyon skips the 20th battalion altogether, indicating that since September 1942 he has been serving as a squad leader in the 11 easy-crossing park.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

On November 10, 1942, the 11th Mobile Floating Assault brigade is part of the engineering forces of the Don Front.

And on November 20, it is subordinate to the 24th army.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

We couldn't find in the archives a single document related to the 11th MFAB, nor in the inventory of the engineering troops of the Don Front, nor in the 24th army, to which the "ghost" of the 11th MFAB was later transferred.

The sapper Semyon Zolotarъоv is assigned to this pontoon battalion from the 11th brigade on July 3, 1943. Тhis coincides with the data from the party application.

Moreover, the 104th battalion is formed from the best fighters of other units. For example, here is an order to the commander of the 50th pontoon-bridge battalion:

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Of the 11 MFAB, the 104th battalion takes the 6 best junior commanders and 33 best Red Army men. Among them (finally!) Is junior sergeant Zolotaryov Semyon Alekseevich.

So, since the beginning of the war, his name was first mentioned in military documents only on July 3, 1943. Around that time, in Kuban liberated from the Nazis, the tribunal tried his older brother, Nikolay, accused of collaborating with the German invaders. And on July 8, 1943, Nikolay was sentenced to death.

Such a strange coincidence.

On August 1, the battalion commander, Major Amelchenkov, asks to approve the list of servicemen who arrived from other units to issue medals "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Major writes to the Chief of Engineering Troops of the Central Front:

"Presenting at the same time a personal list for the replenishment of privates, sergeants and officers who arrived in the battalion from other units, I report that the servicemen named in the list stated that they were participants in the defense of the city of Stalingrad, but they do not have certificates on hand and other documents confirming their participation in the defense of the specified city."

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Among the other fighters in the alphabetical list is the pontooner Zolotaryov Semyon Alekseevich, who for some reason, becomes an anti-aircraft gunner and serves in an anti-aircraft machine gun platoon. Chief Lieutenant Colonel Dudanov does not approve the list, demanding from Major Amelchenkov to issue it as expected - with signatures and seals. The major duplicates the document, but this time Zolotaryov is at the very bottom of the list. As if the clerk made a mistake and accidentally missed the fighter's surname, and then caught himself and wrote in. The same situation is in the order of December 31, 1944 on awarding Zolotaryov the rank of senior sergeant. Again, our hero is at the end of the list, and even in a different font. Why is that?

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Candidate of All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks

In September 1944, Komsomol member Zolotaryov became a candidate for the party. A delicate matter of seven sheets is wrapped in the newspaper "Word of the Fighter". In it Semyon says: "I want to defeat the fascist gang as a communist."

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Characteristics of fellow servicemen: "I have known Zolotaryov since July 1943 because we were serving together in the 104th battalion. A disciplined commander, morally stable, demanding of himself and his subordinates." And an autobiography, in which Semyon writes that he was born on February 1, 1921. He has a brother and two sisters. His brother was mobilized into the Red Army, and no one in the family was ever convicted. Of course, in 1944, Zolotaryov might not have known anything about his brother's fate. But how did he managed to forget about the third sister he had is not clear.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

On March 9, 1945, Semyon again becomes a pontooner. He was transferred to the 1st pontoon company of the 104th battalion as a squad leader.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

13 engineering pontoon regiment

In April 1945, the 104th battalion was transferred to the regiment. This also coincides with the data of Semyon's party application. In the same month he accomplishes the feat.

"Senior sergeant Zolotaryov, under enemy artillery and mortar fire, transported 9 people on the night of April 21-22, 1945, pontoons with a topside on one 50-ton ferry. Arriving at the place where the ferry was being assembled, Comrade Zolotaryov quickly and skillfully began to assemble the ferry. The enemy began shelling this place with guns, mortars and machine guns. One soldier was wounded, but senior sergeant Zolotaryov did not stop work, but he took the place of the wounded soldier and, with his example of fearlessness, inspired the soldiers to complete the task as soon as possible. The same shell broke two girders and the flooring. In about 300 meters in the swamp lay the platform from the broken ferry, then Zolotaryov got it up to his waist in water. The Red Army soldier Korneev, without orders, went behind senior sergeant Zolotaryov and together drove the girders to the ferry being assembled. The task was completed on time and the ferry was brought into the line of the bridge. For the skillful command of the squad, for the courage and heroism shown, he deserves a government award."

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

By order of May 15, 1945, senior sergeant Zolotaryov was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

Semyon Zolotaryov documents


Semyon wrote that since May 1945 he has been a cadet at the Moscow Military Engineering School. But according to the data of the school itself, he arrives there on July 6, 1945. Again, it is not clear why Semyon was wrong about the dates.

From the staff files of the 13th engineering pontoon regiment we see that he was sent to study in Moscow only on June 29.

Semyon Zolotaryov documents

In April 1946, cadet Zolotaryov was transferred to the Leningrad Military Engineering School, from where he was demobilized in August of the same year, having received a pass certificate to the Kuban to the village of Udobnoy. According to the laws of that post-war period, he had to register at the military registration and enlistment office and get a passport in order to live peacefully in civilian life. However, Semyon unexpectedly goes to Minsk and enters the first year of the Institute of Physical Education. However, this is a completely different story.

From the authors

The first thing that catches your eye when analyzing archival documents is the scope of Semyon Zolotaryov's specialties. In the rank of squad leader, he serves as a sapper, pontooner, anti-aircraft gunner, and again as a pontooner. This is a strange career, considering that all the years he was a squad leader and could "keep" a specialization.

Second, Semyon's military autobiography does not coincide with the archival data of a number of units. And this does not exclude the fact that Semyon might not have been there, as if he was absent for a while.

The third is the lists in which Semyon's name does not appear alphabetically. As if they were creating some kind of coverup for him. But why?

There is a theory that in the first years of the war, the 1570 battalion was part of the 8 engineer army, from where the famous scout-saboteur Ilya Starinov recruited fighters. He is also the organizer of the partisan movement. For reference, Ilya Starinov is the deputy chief of staff of the engineering troops of the Red Army. At the end of 1941, he was the head of the operational engineering group on the Southern Front. In the spring of 1942 he was the commander of the 5th separate engineering brigade for special purposes. A little later - the head of the High Operational School of Special Purpose of the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement, where scouts-saboteurs were trained.

And here, attention, in the affairs of the 8th engineer army we find an order: "On March 20, 1942, the chief of staff ordered:

23 and 25 Sapper brigades to allocate three vehicles and one soldier for each vehicle at the disposal of Colonel Comrade Starinov. Submit the allocated cars to Rostov-on-Don at the corner of Budennovsky and St. Maxim Gorky by 9 o'clock on March 21, 1942. Cars vehicles must be equipped for the transportation of mines."

We will remind you that Semyon wrote that he was helping the defense of Rostov from February to March. But what if in March 1942 Semyon Zolotaryov ends up with Colonel Starinov and goes through a sabotage school? Hero behind enemy lines until mid-1943? Then for some reason he returns to the pontoon boats. But acquaintance with Starinov ties Zolotaryov to the special services.

This could explain why he never talked about the war, how and where he learned to skillfully throw knives. Indeed, for a pontooner and an anti-aircraft gunner, this is not the most required skill. He is not opressed because of the betrayal of his brother, he is allowed to join the party. They turn a blind eye to all his mischiefs, and when it comes to giving a bribe in the city of Lermontov, he was mildly reproached that if he does not change his ways he might also answer for his brother.

We, as always, are waiting for the reader's thoughts on the forum on this topic.

Expert opinion

Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Military History Vladimir Fesenko:

"I got interested in the Dyatlov Pass at some point of time. Semyon Zolotaryov surprised me with his participation in this expedition. He did not belong by interests, or by age, or by experience with these young hikers. But as far as the documents from archives and personal stories about the Great Patriotic War, there were not such inconsistencies in the biographies of the fighters. The reason for this is the low level of office work. Plus our carelessness.

Therefore, I would not pay much attention to timing mismatches. In the early years of the war, it often happened that battalions were disbanded, and documents about this came from headquarters retroactively.

Zolotaryov's various specialization does not look out of the ordinary for me. He was just the squad leader where he was sent, and served there. Now, if he was an officer, then there would be a reason for discussion.

But the discrepancies in the questionnaires and autobiographies raise questions. On the one hand, he could deviate from his real life in order to embellish himself or make the document convenient for certain purposes. Joining a party, for example. On the other hand, how can you not remember how many brothers and sisters there are in the family? It is also pointless to lie about it.

As for the brother, I agree that he might not have known about his fate. But in 1944, such things were monitored and it was clearly brought to the attention of SMERSH battalion or special department. And then he is calmly accepted as a candidate of the CPSU(b). It's also strange.

But most of all in this story I am confused by the moment with the addition of his last name. It can be seen from the document that it is added later with the same typewriter. And his name stands out clearly. And it is not in just one instance.

For a discussion of the historical background of those years, the material is very interesting. But I would not begin to bring the whole base under the possible participation of Semyon in the sabotage operations of Ilya Starinov. This version, of course, has the right to exist, but with a stretch."

« Last Edit: October 27, 2020, 06:25:45 AM by Teddy »

October 28, 2020, 01:43:09 AM
Reply #1

Per Inge Oestmoen

There is no reason whatsoever to believe that Zolotaryov played any sinister role in what happened during the fateful night in February 1959.

Zolotaryov, like the others, would be a potential threat to the state security if he observed something in the Urals which he was not supposed to know about. At some point forward in time, anyone of the nine who were murdered might act carelessly and tell a friend, lover or spouse or future children what they had observed.

Death solved that problem.

November 04, 2020, 01:35:09 PM
Reply #2

Jean Daniel Reuss

Reply #1
There is no reason whatsoever to believe that Zolotaryov played any sinister role in what happened during the fateful night in February 1959.

Yes  ! I do not believe that Zolotaryov played any destructive role in the DPI.

See also : Semyon's explanatory note

I add my few impressions that have therefore not of importance to explain the DPI.

Semyon was a bright and sympathetic personality with multiple talents and skills in many areas.
      (Which explains his relatively high salary)
He had an independent temperament and did not automatically conform to the rigid norms and habits of the Soviet society of his time.
      (This explains why he was stigmatized for his " unruly character" ).

Which reminds me of the chorus of a song by a very famous  French singer - Georges Brassens (1921-1981).

            "But the good people do not like those who follow other roads than them.
               ( Mais les braves gens n'aiment pas que l'on suive d'autres routes qu'eux. )

Despite Semyon's older age and a different youth experience than the other 8 hikers, Dyatlov's group was remarkably unified and homogeneous in terms of mentality and physical capabilities.

Diary of Dubinina on January 23rd :
"At first nobody wanted this Zolotaryov, for he is a stranger, but then we all agreed, because you can't refuse."

However, Zolotaryov seems to have been welcomed into the group of hikers without any difficulties.


Bienko Everyone immediately fell in love with Zolotaryov. He was a sociable and cheerful guy. Easily connected with anyone. He knew a lot of hiking and camp songs. He easily fit into the Dyatlov group.

                           In incidental remarks: Personally, I do not fully understand the statement made by the psychologist mk:
mk: Tried for bribery and traitor brother => October 21, 2020, 07:51:25 AM, Reply #6

I think this description is so revealing.  Sociable; cheerful; camp songs: These are polite behaviors that anyone could assume who wanted to be accepted by a new group of people.  And, according to Bienko, it was based on these externalities  ( ??) that the whole group "fell in love with" Zolotaryov.

Two useful deductions

   1) - Semyon Zolotaryov seems, after the war, to have been badly esteemed or considered by the various Soviet authorities. This reduces the likelihood that Semyon may have been closely connected with the KGB, or that he may have played a covert role in some kind of espionage activity.

   2) -  In a video, Vladimir Sungorkin, Chief Editor of Komsomolskaya Pravda, he also claims to be intrigued by this famous statement that Semyon Zolotaryov allegedly made before the departure of this fatal hiking:

"The whole world will start talking about this expedition,”

Presumably this statement was simply a joking matter.

Indeed Semyon Zolotaryov had a rather relaxed and cheerful character and he did not show any great rigor in the veracity or accuracy of his statements.


............From the authors

The first thing that catches your eye when analyzing archival documents........
Second {thing}, Semyon's military autobiography.....................
The third is the lists in which Semyon's name.......................

The three things indicated by Nikolay Varsegov and Natalya Varsegova seem to me to be suspicious remarks that reveal a curious and surprising ignorance of the real conditions that prevailed on the Eastern Front  - which was to the west for the Soviets who counter-attacked during the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945).

"Semyon Zolotaryov serves as a sapper, pontooner, anti-aircraft gunner, and again as a pontooner"
   • A pontooner must know how to build bridges, destroy (by explosives) the same bridge the next day, then rebuild the same bridge several times in a row when the tactics of a succession of attacks, then counter-attacks, require it.
   • The air attacks were sudden and unpredictable. Any fighter who was a good shot and so capable of effectively replacing a missing or killed anti-aircraft gunner was useful.

"acquaintance with Starinov ties Zolotaryov to the special services"
   • This relationship probably does not tie him to the special service of saboteurs. In order to explode bridges, you have to know how to manipulate explosives perfectly (because the slightest mistake is fatal).
   • In this case, Starinov was occasionally used as a prominent instructor in the always difficult and dangerous work of installing explosives.
See :
                               Much more complete but in French:

"he learned to skillfully throw knives"
   • Very appreciable qualification and skill for hand-to-hand combat against an infiltrated German commando capable of attacking at any time by surprise

"This is a strange career"
   • Not at all, many Soviet soldiers were generally resolute and effective fighters in all circumstances. Zolotaryov was simply lucky enough to survive without injury.

"Semyon's military autobiography does not coincide with the archival data of a number of units.
   • The Eastern Front was not a large and wisely ordered military wargame. On the German side as well as on the Soviet side chaos was frequent;

"the lists in which Semyon's name does not appear alphabetically"

   • During this murderous conflict there were other concerns and priorities than the thought of filling up the archives in a scupulous way.
                                   (So much the worse for all future historians).

Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

November 07, 2020, 06:50:28 AM
Reply #3


Semyon was a bright and sympathetic personality with multiple talents and skills in many areas.
      (Which explains his relatively high salary)
He had an independent temperament and did not automatically conform to the rigid norms and habits of the Soviet society of his time.
      (This explains why he was stigmatized for his " unruly character" ).

Diary of Dubinina on January 23rd :
"At first nobody wanted this Zolotaryov, for he is a stranger, but then we all agreed, because you can't refuse."

Bienko Everyone immediately fell in love with Zolotaryov. He was a sociable and cheerful guy. Easily connected with anyone. He knew a lot of hiking and camp songs. He easily fit into the Dyatlov group.

                           In incidental remarks: Personally, I do not fully understand the statement made by the psychologist mk:
mk: Tried for bribery and traitor brother => October 21, 2020, 07:51:25 AM, Reply #6

I think this description is so revealing.  Sociable; cheerful; camp songs: These are polite behaviors that anyone could assume who wanted to be accepted by a new group of people.  And, according to Bienko, it was based on these externalities  ( ??) that the whole group "fell in love with" Zolotaryov.

Hi, Mr. Reuss-- Just for clarification, I am not a phychologist.  Merely a counselor/therapist.  I have a master's degree, not a doctorate.  And I don't believe that gives me any special insight when it comes to understanding their behavior on the night of DPI--only that, within the information we have, there isn't any real evidence for mental illness in the group.

In the comment you quoted, I was trying to point out that deep friendships are forged based on elements more meaningful than polite behavior and camp songs, and Bienko doesn't mention any of these things.  If Zolotaryov was loyal, self-sacrificing, brave, strong, humble, gentle, or any other combination of admirable personality traits, seems like Bienko would have mentioned those things first.  Rather, Bienko says Zolotaryov was basically polite and knew fun songs.  When you look at what the Dyatlov group was doing, and what would be required of them on the hike, being cheerful and knowing fun songs is a rather weak reason for "falling in love with" Zolotaryov.

I don't see Zolotaryov as the perpetrator of the chaos and destruction that happened that night, but I don't think he was a moral, honorable man of integrity and self-discipline. Or, to put it another way, he wasn't a bad man, but he wasn't very good at being a good man.  I think self-preservation was a pretty high priority with him, and other virtues would come afterward, depending on how well they supported this primary goal.

It's interesting to look at the photos you chose to demonstrate his fitting in with the group, especially the one with the two girls. To me, the photos of that moment show him *trying* to fit into the group and the others merely tolerating it. Although they're smiling, both girls are leaning away from him and he seems to be trying to pull them closer.  The girls keep their hands firmly in their pockets rather than putting an arm around his shoulders for a group photo.  Of course I'm only speculating, but I have been in similar situations myself and pasting on a big smile while keeping my hands to myself and leaning slightly in the other direction is exactly the response most women have to keep their distance without offending.

November 16, 2020, 03:22:08 PM
Reply #4

Jean Daniel Reuss

                        November 07, 2020, 06:50:28 AM      Reply #3
I don't see Zolotaryov as the perpetrator of the chaos and destruction that happened that night,............

 Thanks  mk for your wise and useful insights into the psychology of the hikers.

deep friendships are forged based on elements more meaningful than polite behavior and camp songs
A very fair statement. I agree with you.
being cheerful and knowing fun songs is a rather weak reason for "falling in love with" Zolotaryov.
The sentence: "falling in love" perhaps reflects a familiar feature of the Russian temperament which, it is said, consists in expressing one's feelings in an exaggerated and excessive way - I do not know.

I think self-preservation was a pretty high priority with him, and other virtues would come afterward, depending on how well they supported this primary goal.
According to the investigations of . Nikolay Varsegov. and   Natalya Varsegova., Semyon Zolotaryov went to war at the age of 20 and fought for 4 years on the Eastern Front in the Great Patriotic War.

Obviously it follows that self-preservation was a pretty high priority for him because for the defense of the Motherland a living and unharmed soldier is more preferable to a dead or wounded soldier.

  The girls keep their hands firmly in their pockets rather than putting an arm around his shoulders for a group photo.
To support your intuition, I also notice that the two girls tilt their heads clearly to the opposite side of Zolotaryov although they could have held their heads vertically.


  Psychological deficiencies in the present formulation of my hypothesis N°3.

I have made some progress in the development of my own scenario, called my hypothesis N°3. First of all, I simply extended the arguments of Per Inge Oestmoen, Eduard Tumanov, Aleks Kandr........... and a few others.

As I suppose it is useless to rewrite in duplicate my assumptions about the  "altercation on the pass"  (a surprise attack by a trinome of killers armed with blunt objects).
If you want to have an idea of what I suppose, you can look at my recent posts here:   August 04, 2020   Reply #6   August 08, 2020   Reply #5   August 09, 2020   Reply #18   August 11, 2020   Reply #17   August 20, 2020   Reply #509   August 21, 2020   Reply #55   August 27, 2020   Reply #89   September 02,     Reply #13   September 11,     Reply #5   September 11,     Reply #17   September 12,     Reply #19   September 15,     Reply #55   September 19,     Reply #1   September 22,     Reply #1   October 18,       Reply #95   October 28,       Reply #26   October 28,       Reply #99   November 02,      Reply #102

  • My hypothesis N°3 has the advantage of being able to give, in broad outline, probable and likely answers to the three material questions:
                HOW ? -  WHY ?  -  WHO ?

However, I remain in the fog and in the uncertainty because I am unable to reconstitute the psychological datas which are certainly very important.

For example, here are 3 enigmas whose answers could completely transform or annihilate my assumptions.


1  Dubinina's Mood Shift Enigma.

 After January 26th, Dubinina seems to have been in an anxious mental state, a kind of unresolvable inner conflict ?

January 26th  --->     "Mood is bad and probably will be for two more days. Evil as hell".

Was Dubinina expecting a new fact that should have been revealed on January 28th, i.e. to North-2 ?

Did Dubinina meet a mysterious group of unscrupulous people in Vizhay who, taking advantage of her political immaturity, wanted her to play a certain role in an illegal operation ?

Was Dyatlov's group in conflict with gold diggers and miners in northern Vizhay ? - It is a thesis from Vietnamka.


2  The enigma of the separation of the hikers in several groups (cedar, Den,... ).

As a matter of fact, why did the 9 hikers not remain closely grouped to resist the offensives of the few and poorly armed attackers ?

Shortly after leaving the tent ( ruse or tear gas) Kolmogorova and Slobodin are already out of combat and they fall forever on the slope of the Kholat Syakhl.
Exactly where they were knocked out and seriously injured.

  In complete darkness, the hikers regrouped at the foot of the cedar tree and realized that they were only 7.

It is there at the foot of the cedar that a discussion begins and the separation of the remaining 7 hikers occurs.

  • Zolotaryov (the oldest ...), Kolevatov (stay at Moscow ...), Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle (repression of his father Vladimir Iosifovich ...) are the most aware of the internal political situation of the USSR and think that the mysterious attackers are determined and dangerous.
 Zolotaryov, Kolevatov and Thibeaux-Brignolle therefore decide to go into hiding as best they can a little further away by building the Den and also persuade Dubinina to accompany them (for a raion which remains to be clarified).
  • On the contrary, Dyatlov, Doroshenko and Krivonishenko think that the most important thing is not to freeze to death and choose in priority to light a fire.

But when the attackers resumed the offensive around midnight at the foot of the cedar and when Krivonishenko was tortured, the four of the den did not move (even though they heard, very likely, the screams of Krivonishenko at 50 meters).

This is the moment when mk's intuition about Zolotaryov takes all its meaning:

    self-preservation was a pretty high priority for him...

Thus, in the Den, Zolotaryov said or thought:

   "Too bad for them, they made the mistake of lighting a fire, they were spotted by the attackers, they are lost.
We remain hidden in the Den and thus perhaps we can survive."

Additional Note: Several years later, Jacques Rossi, a Polish-French zek told how escapees from the Gulag camps did not light fires in the winter, in order to escape from the killer guards chasing them.
Jacques Rossi, The Gulag handbook: an encyclopedia dictionary of Soviet penitentiary institutions and terms related to the forced labor camps.


3  The enigma of the reasons for eye and tongue extirpation  (or gouging out).

Aleks Kandr shows that the explanation by the action of rodents, (an explanation which is supported by Eduard Tumanov) is unlikely.
Aleks Kandr is particularly convincing when he sets out the arguments that prove that the disappearance of the 4 eyeballs and the missing tongue
are the result of deliberate exeresis by the attackers.

Indeed, in the event of war, mutilations of enemy corpses are not exceptional.
In the case of DPI is it :
   •   a victory trophy ?
   •   gratuitous acts denoting a psychopathic mentality ?
   •   evidence brought by the attackers to the commander to prove that the mission had been successful ?
   •   ..............
 My suspicions are directed towards the personnel in charge of guarding the Gulag camps, who therefore belonged to the NKVD..................

To be continued at :
Theories Discussion > Altercation on the pass > Altercation on the pass
Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

April 26, 2021, 06:50:20 PM
Reply #5


Zolotaryov was not a saboteur, but a baby-sitter for a VIP whom someone did not want to fall into the wrong hands.  Zolotaryov was a sapper, and his skill with knife-throwing suggests that he was trained by GRU.  The fact that SMERSH was waved off during the war from investigating Semyon shows the GRU's hand.  After all, SMERSH was aggressively investigating the Red Army throughout 1944 - it would take a great hand to drag them off and tell them to leave a soldier along.
Zolotaryov, Red Army standard or Main Intelligence Directorate soldier, was trained as a sapper, which means explosives.  If GRU, he would know all range of explosives, and one must turn attention to small explosive devices.
Autopsy Dubnina shows that explosive went off near her heart, touching body; blast lung damage on three corpses on autopsy; skull impacted for fourth corpse. Explosion.  While they were hiding in a snow-hut built quickly by a very experienced expert.  Zolotaryov.
A question I have never heard asked - did Zolotaryov fulfill his "babysitting mission" of Kolevatov when at the knife's edge, nearing capture, as the enemy neared to his snow hut, he chose to silence his VIP with a small explosive charge?  Or was it the enemy, throwing a less-lethal device into the snow cave, that accidentally killed their prey?  Surely such a horrible mistake would be silenced utterly by the higher-up.  Especially if Zolotaryov was baby-sitting at the command of the Central Committee.
Look to Kolevatov.  Look to the S-100 base, so secret that the Americans discovered it when their flying boy Powers fell from the sky, a year later.

September 11, 2021, 03:05:12 PM
Reply #6

Jean Daniel Reuss

              @ Jacques-Emile   - Reply #5

According to the two studies of Nikolay Varsegov and Natalya Varsegova, it is difficult to doubt that Zolotaryov was really an excellent and valiant warrior on the Eastern Front. It does not matter whether he was a pontooner, a sapper, a saboteur or with the GRU or the Smersh...

 ••• I do not understand correctly what your theory is about. I think we need more detailed explanations.

Are there any differences between your theory and the one of Rakitin which seems to be similar to yours ?

What could be the relationship between Dubinina's extracted eyes and cut tongue and a mysterious small explosive device inserted near her heart ?

What is this secret S-100 base ?

Why are you referring to Gary Powers ?

(Francis Gary Powers (1929 -1977) is known as an American pilot whose Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Lockheed U-2 spy plane was shot down, on May 1, 1960, while flying a reconnaissance mission above the Serdlovsk region).

 ••• Nowadays, I myself have become a member in this forum, so to say, as a self-proclaimed spokesman for the TOK theory .

TOK theory = Eduard Tumanov + Per Inge Oestmoen + Aleks Kandr = surprise attack in order to kill or relentless "Altercation on the pass"

Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

September 11, 2021, 10:50:19 PM
Reply #7

Игорь Б.

Семён Золотарёв был просто плохим школьным учителем физкультуры и был уволен из школы со скандалом.
Если бы не это увольнение он не смог бы пойти в поход с группой Дятлова в учебное время.
An example of the impact of chemical weapons of a skunk (wolverine) in a tent:

September 12, 2021, 02:48:56 PM
Reply #8

Jean Daniel Reuss

Семён Золотарёв был просто плохим школьным учителем физкультуры и был уволен из школы со скандалом.
Если бы не это увольнение он не смог бы пойти в поход с группой Дятлова в учебное время....

Reply #7  -  Igor B
Semyon Zolotarev was just a bad school gym teacher and was dismissed from school with a scandal.
Had it not been for this dismissal he would not have been able to go camping with Dyatlov's group during school hours.


Zolotaryov was incorporated into the Soviet army in 1941, at the age of 20, and fought effectively for four years on the Eastern Front.
This demonstrates that he could not be seized by panic and that in the face of any danger he reacted rationally and, as is said, "without undue haste".

Afterwards, he seems to have had some difficulty in readjusting into civilian life, but his personal history is rather complicated and not well known.

It is difficult to deduce anything definite about possible defects in his personal character.

I am recopying two comments with which I agree :

      1) • message 3.8.2021, 8:28 am - Message #2168   
Permanent member  Group: Users
Messages: 3 721
Registration: 11/11/2009  -User #: 4 382

« There is another option, how Semyon Zolotarev ended up in the Urals, and this option is even more likely than the previous one.

He simply was fed up with everything.
Uninteresting school work, hostile relations with the headmaster, living in the same room with his elderly mother, his common-law wife with an as-yet-unknown child, for whom she was probably pulling money from Semyon.

And when Zolotarev was dismissed with scandal and humiliation he gave up everything and left for free floating.
From camp to camp, new places, new people. No obligations, no freedom.
No one to answer to, no one to support. He went camping with the Dyatlovs for free, at his own expense. He could afford it. So he took one last walk. ...»

      2) • message 3.8.2021, 14:30 - Message #2169   

« In the end it does not matter for what reason Semyon Zolotarev left his city - whether he fled from possible prosecution or simply tired of everything. It will hardly be possible to establish the reason precisely and provably.

But one thing is clear - the compulsory dismissal of Zolotarev according to the article puts an end to all conspiracy theories about him being a member of some secret services  [/- Rakitin -/] and his appearance in the Dyatlov's group not by accident.

If he had not been fired from the school there would not have been his campaign with Dyatlov's group at school time....»

Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

September 12, 2021, 11:10:30 PM
Reply #9

Игорь Б.

This demonstrates that he could not be seized by panic and that in the face of any danger he reacted rationally and, as is said, "without undue haste".
Жаль, что во Франции нет скунсов. Хорошо бы завесть.
An example of the impact of chemical weapons of a skunk (wolverine) in a tent:

September 13, 2021, 03:49:33 PM
Reply #10

Jean Daniel Reuss

               Reply #9
This demonstrates that he could not be seized by panic and that in the face of any danger he reacted rationally and, as is said, "without undue haste".
Жаль, что во Франции нет скунсов. Хорошо бы завесть.
I wish there were skunks in France. It would be nice to have one.

In the section "Could Zolotaryov be a saboteur?" topic 734.0, I commented, in response to Jacques-Emile, on what is known about Zolotaryov's military life during the Great Patriotic War and the subsequent effects this might have had on his personality and his behaviour in civilian life.

To discuss the theory that " a wolverine might have stunk up the tent and the hikers would have gone down to wait for the tent to air out", I would suggest that we go to the section that is set up for that purpose, i.e. "Theories Discussion > Wolverine > Wolverine", topic=390.0.

I agree with your explanation that a wolverine suddenly made the air inside the tent unbreathable and forced all the hikers to rush out of the tent.

The wolverine is a bold and aggressive animal, which is not afraid of anything. A wolverine could smell the food of the hikers from a distance and was able to get inside the tent.

I did not fully read on " " (thanks to the automatic translator DeepL) your explanations with the hard snow cave and its collapse which would have crushed the 4 of the Den: Zolotaryov, Dubinina, Tibo, Kolevatov.

I also agree that a good explanatory theory of DPI must be able to reconstruct in a plausible way almost everything that is known about it.

So how do you explain Dubinina's change of attitude after the Vizhay passage, Slobodin's skull fracture, Kivonishenko's leg burns, the state of Kolgomorova's fists....etc?

В разделе "Мог ли Золотарев быть диверсантом?" темы 734.0 я, отвечая Жаку-Эмилю, прокомментировал то, что известно о военной жизни Золотарева во время Великой Отечественной войны и о том, какое влияние это могло оказать на его личность и поведение в гражданской жизни.

Для обсуждения теории о том, что "росомаха могла провонять палатку, и туристы спустились бы вниз, чтобы подождать, пока палатка проветрится", я бы предложил перейти в раздел, созданный для этой цели, т.е. "Обсуждение теорий > Росомаха > Росомаха", topic=390.0.

Я согласен с вашим объяснением, что росомаха внезапно сделала воздух внутри палатки не пригодным для дыхания и заставила всех участников похода поспешно покинуть палатку.

Росомаха - смелое и агрессивное животное, которое ничего не боится. Росомаха издалека учуяла запах пищи походников и смогла проникнуть внутрь палатки.

Я не до конца прочитал на сайте " " (спасибо автоматическому переводчику DeepL) ваши объяснения с пещерой из твердого снега и ее обвалом, который бы раздавил 4-х из Дена: Золотарева, Дубинина, Тибо, Колеватова.

Я также согласен с тем, что хорошая объяснительная теория ДПИ должна быть способна правдоподобно реконструировать почти все, что о ней известно.

Как же вы объясните изменение отношения Дубининой после Вижайского перехода, перелом черепа Слободина, ожоги ног Кивонишенко, состояние кулаков Колгоморовой?

Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

September 13, 2021, 09:10:03 PM
Reply #11

Игорь Б.

So how do you explain Slobodin's skull fracture, Krivonishenko's leg burns, the state of Kolgomorova's fists....etc?
Ответы на эти вопросы есть в "Ответах на все вопросы...":

Трещина черепа Слободина посмертная:

Ожог ноги Кривонищенко получил у костра, когда лежал на животе:

Ссадины на руках при замерзании - обычное дело:
« Last Edit: September 13, 2021, 09:16:23 PM by Игорь Б. »
An example of the impact of chemical weapons of a skunk (wolverine) in a tent:

September 22, 2021, 06:24:18 AM
Reply #12


You can find it.  Be an on line detective.  The SAM base was northeast of Sverdlovsk.  The train to IVDEL ran through it.  The Powers incident was the first time that the Soviet Union stopped the overflight espionage of U2 plane.  Always in murder, first question - WHY?  If it is worth risking thermonuclear obliteration, isn't it then a sufficient reason for murder?

Why, murder?  Wild Menk, drunk Manzi, rogue MGB?  Really?  To kill little Princes of Technology of new SSSR?  To kill graduates of the premier technical college during a nuclear Cold War?  Who dares?  But if it is related to espionage on S300 SAM - yes, their lives are not worth that.


I still am silent about the Nine out of respect.  They deserve the respect they have not been granted.

September 22, 2021, 01:58:49 PM
Reply #13


You can find it.  Be an on line detective.  The SAM base was northeast of Sverdlovsk.  The train to IVDEL ran through it.  The Powers incident was the first time that the Soviet Union stopped the overflight espionage of U2 plane.  Always in murder, first question - WHY?  If it is worth risking thermonuclear obliteration, isn't it then a sufficient reason for murder?

Why, murder?  Wild Menk, drunk Manzi, rogue MGB?  Really?  To kill little Princes of Technology of new SSSR?  To kill graduates of the premier technical college during a nuclear Cold War?  Who dares?  But if it is related to espionage on S300 SAM - yes, their lives are not worth that.


I still am silent about the Nine out of respect.  They deserve the respect they have not been granted.

Hi Jacques-Emile

Are saying they were murdered because of the SAM base?

September 26, 2021, 03:51:26 PM
Reply #14

Jean Daniel Reuss

                Reply #12
You can find it.  Be an on line detective.  The SAM base was northeast of Sverdlovsk.  The train to IVDEL ran through it.  The Powers incident was the first time that the Soviet Union stopped the overflight espionage of U2 plane.  Always in murder, first question - WHY?  If it is worth risking thermonuclear obliteration, isn't it then a sufficient reason for murder?
Why, murder?  Wild Menk, drunk Manzi, rogue MGB?  Really?  To kill little Princes of Technology of new SSSR?  To kill graduates of the premier technical college during a nuclear Cold War?  Who dares?  But if it is related to espionage on S300 SAM - yes, their lives are not worth that.
I still am silent about the Nine out of respect.  They deserve the respect they have not been granted.

   •••  --->   [ the overflight espionage of U2 plane.]

I do not believe in an espionage case in the genre that Rakitin. Scientific and academic circles obviously had certain relations with the Soviet army.
But to each his own job.
The 9 hikers had no responsibilities, nor any specific information about the operation and guarding of military air defense installations.

   •••  --->   [Why, murder?]

In the case of nine suspicious and difficult to explain deaths, the first question is absolutely not WHY but: is the cause of death of criminal or natural origin?

In the case of Kolgomorova, Slobodin, Dyatlov and Doroshenko, one does not need to be very knowledgeable to understand that they were first stunned by violent blows and then then abandoned thus immobilized in the cold to deliberately provoke certain death (more or less rapid). It is an easy and economical killing process that has been widely used around Gulag camps since 1929.

Krivonischenko was tortured by fire and while he was screaming in pain the torturers had fun pushing his hand down in his throat.

Just read calmly and without prejudice and the obvious should appear to you:

This is what Eduard Tumanov says - or suggests - to whom you cannot deny a certain competence on this subject.

Thus you begin to understand  that the DPI is a serious failure for the KGB, which has proved to be incompetent and incapable of protecting the lives of the 9 "little Princes of Technology of the new SSSR" i.e. the "graduates of the premier technical college during a nuclear Cold War" .

   •••  --->   [Who dares?]

It was some of the mighty chiefs of the NKVD in charge of certain camps of the Gulag linked probably to the Ivdellag.                       ;

Indeed the secret report of Khrushchev, of February 24, 1956, (which is very long and repetitive, but almost amusing to read), clearly implied the destruction of the NKVD (and therefore the liquidation of some officers guilty of atrocities) thanks to the efforts of the agents of the KGB (13 March 1954-6 November 1991), which was partly achieved until October 14, 1964 : "when the Presidium and the Central Committee each voted to accept Khrushchev's "voluntary" request to retire from his office...."

These officers (or already ex-officers) of the NKVD feared, with good reason (because like Josef Stalin, they had become typical psychopaths) of being judged and justly condemned to death as had been their most famous and excellent colleagues sentenced to death during the the Khrushchev Thaw period (1953-1964), for instance:
                    Bogdan Koboulov (1904-1953)
                    Lavrenti Beria(1899-1953)
                    Mikhaïl Ryoumine(1913-1954)
                    Viktor Abakoumov(1908-1954)
                    Vsevolod Merkoulov(1895-1954)
                    Amaïak Koboulov (1906-1955)
                    Boris Rodos(1905-1956)
« Rodos was sentenced to death on February 26, one day after the Secret Speech. »

To understand the progressive depravity of some guards like their master Stalin, (which was therefore understood by Khrushchev in 1956)
see also : Drawings from the Gulag,  by Danzig Baldaev(1925-2005), in English :,_%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B3_%D0%A1%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87

   •••  --->   [ I still am silent about the Nine out of respect]

My conception of respect is different.
Reading and careful studies focusing on Eduard Tumanov, Per Inge Oestmoen and Aleks Kandr have led me to conclude that the most likely explanation for DPI is that this "compelling unknown force" or "overwhelming force" is none other than the surprise attack of 3 mercenary killers, (certainly former Stalinist guards specializing in the pursuit and liquidation of the rare escapees from the camps) which the 9 hikers, despite a courageous but inevitably vain defense, were unable to resist .

                Reply #13
Hi Jacques-Emile
Are [you ?] saying they were murdered because of the SAM base?

Indeed Jacques-Emile probably wanted to facilitate the reading of his post by being rather brief.

But as I am slow of the brain and not very intelligent the brevity of his comment did not allow me to understand what he wanted to explain.

Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

October 05, 2021, 11:35:00 AM
Reply #15


Thus you begin to understand  that the DPI is a serious failure for the KGB, which has proved to be incompetent and incapable of protecting the lives of the 9 "little Princes of Technology of the new SSSR" i.e. the "graduates of the premier technical college during a nuclear Cold War" .

I don't understand this, we are talking about a group of young adults who went on a ski trip. Why would it be the KGB's responsibility to protect them, and from whom would they even need to be protected?   

And the NKVD was disbanded in 1946, thirteen years before the Dyatlov incident.


October 13, 2021, 01:18:33 AM
Reply #16


Why would it be the KGB's responsibility to protect them, and from whom would they even need to be protected?   

Based on info from Mr. Kuntsevich (head of the Dyatlov foundation, died few weeks ago), Krivo and Zolotaryov could have been KGB members. Krivo was working in the Mayak nuclear facility, and definitely had some information about the Soviet nuclear program. Also, his father was quite a prominent person.

Krivo on a ski trip far away from civilization could have been a good opportunity.. but of course it is just a speculation:). I would like to point out that pathologist Eduard Tumanov claimed that Krivo was probably tortured with fire before his death (charred toe, his left trousers burned on his leg, was burned up to the middle of his thigh).

October 14, 2021, 04:54:27 AM
Reply #17


The KGB was an intelligence and security agency. Unless these were fronts, intelligence agents don't work as teachers, tour guides, or as engineers in nuclear plants.

The equivalent would be the CIA and the NSA in the US.

Maybe Zolotaryov was a retired KGB agent. Even if Krivo was an agent, he must have been in a junior rank and that means little access to sensitive information. But maybe he wasn't an agent but an engineer at a nuclear plant and had some inside information...

Someone wanted that information so bad that they mounted an operation to infiltrate Russia, track down the hikers who didn't even share the route plan with the university, torture Krivo to extract that information and then murder everyone, all the while leaving no trace.

This must have been a foreign intelligence agency, most likely from the US.But the thing is, if this was a CIA operation to gain information about the Mayak plant, or even if there was a slight suggestion that was the case, the Soviet Union wouldn't need to cover anything up and would openly blame the US.

It would be in their own domestic and also international diplomatic interests to investigate and reveal the full truth about this evil foreign power murdering 7 or 8 civilians only to get information from a KGB agent.

But if it was a CIA operation, all of this would be unnecessary. They could monitor the group with night vision goggles at night for example, wait for Krivo to emerge alone to relieve himself, and capture him without harming the others. And detain him long term either taking him abroad or in some secreted undetected CIA facility within Russia to get the most amount of information out of him because usually people take time to start talking...

Because of all of this, I think this is very unlikely. If Krivo was tortured, it wasn't because he was a KGB agent or had information about Mayak.

And that is IF he was tortured. I would like to remind about light hearted photos of Rustem posing in Krivo's burnt quilted jacket which seem to be from the day before the incident:

So it's possible he  burning himself is completely unrelated to and predated the incident.


October 15, 2021, 07:06:23 AM
Reply #18


intelligence agents don't work as teachers, tour guides, or as engineers in nuclear plants.

I grew up in so called Communism of soviet type (former Czechoslovakia). Your statement is incorrect. There were multiple levels of organization in secret services, all companies and all levels of society were infiltrated. How do I know? After 1989, the lists of agents, collaborators etc. were gradually made public, so we could check the names to find out that some of our teachers, relatives etc. were collaborators. Soviet union in 1959 was probably even much worse.

So if Krivo was a KGB recruit, this may have played a role in why the group was killed. But as I wrote above, it is just a speculation and we will probably never know.

As for his burns - his toe was charred. Charring occurs after long and intense exposure to fire. You don't get charred toe just from burning clothes (which you can take off) of from touching a hot stove. If you check Krivo's morgue photo, you can see that his left foot is covered with a sock, as if to hide the severe burns. Also, his left trouser is burned/charred to the level of his knee (autopsy report), even above, based on the photos. The trousers burned on his leg, from below.

Further reading from autopsy report: "The left shin and foot are swollen. There is a burn across the entire surface of the left shin with a size of 31 x 10 cm with parchment density. In the lower third of the left shin is of a brown-black color with charred tissue and and bursting skin, then in the middle third and upper third the burn surface is bright red and light brown." "The rear of the left foot is dark brown in color with subcutaneous defects of the epidermis with a size of 10 x 4 cm. The back of the second toe is charred and the skin is dark brown in color and tight when palpated."

So his leg was severely burned from below (burning from all sides, so hot stove as a cause can be excluded), his toe also burned from below. He bit off his skin from the fingers in pain, neither swallowing it nor spitting out. In addition to that, he had injuries on his both temples, left and right, and also on the back of his head. And many other smaller injuries (swollen back of his hand, cutaneous wounds etc.). This all points to a violent death, bodies don't lie.

October 15, 2021, 08:46:59 AM
Reply #19

Игорь Б.

He bit off his skin from the fingers in pain, neither swallowing it nor spitting out.
В отдельных случаях пострадавший, согревая дыханием пальцы рук, наносит самоповреждения зубами, причем степень травмы различна — от поверхностных ссадин и укушенных ран ногтевых фаланг - до отделения ногтевых пластинок и частей фаланг (Г.Е. Рубан, В.В. Кругляков, 1984).
Откушенные кусочки кожи и подкожной клетчатки выявляются на одежде трупа, губах, преддверии и полости рта, между зубами, в пищеводе и желудке.

Только я думаю, что такие кусания собственных рук происходят не при согревании их дыханием, а из-за потери ими чувствительности. Замерзающего это пугает и в отчаянии он хочет заставить руки чувствовать во что бы то ни стало. Вплоть до таких травматических укусов.

Об ожогах Кривонищенко:
An example of the impact of chemical weapons of a skunk (wolverine) in a tent:

October 29, 2021, 02:22:31 PM
Reply #20

Jean Daniel Reuss

                Reply #15
 • ... we are talking about a group of young adults who went on a ski trip.
 • Why would it be the KGB's responsibility to protect them,
 • and from whom would they even need to be protected?   
 • And the NKVD was disbanded in 1946, thirteen years before the Dyatlov incident.

Thank you for these wise questions which stimulate the examination of the various aspects of the  DPI.

•••  --->  the NKVD was disbanded in 1946, thirteen years before the Dyatlov incident.

This is perfectly correct, the NKVD was abolished in 1946 (as well as the SMERSH), but it was replaced by other institutions or state administrations roughly equivalent: NKVD-NKGB, NKGB-MGB, MGB(Ministry of State Security), MVD(Ministry of Internal Affairs)...etc.... It is complicated and I do not know the details of all these changes. (NKGB)

After the elimination of Beria in 1953, the KGB (Committee for State Security) was officially created on March 13, 1954 by Khrushchev.

Secret police (or political police)[1] are intelligence, security or police agencies that engage in covert operations against a government's political opponents and dissidents. Secret police organizations are characteristic of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. They protect the political power of a dictator or regime, and often operate outside the law to repress dissidents and weaken political opposition, frequently using violence.

During the Soviet period after Stalin, the KGB (1954-1991) was particularly prominent and active.
It was "inclined" to execute those whom it- or rather the powerful Communist Party (CPSU) - percieved as being enemies of the state.
the KGB favoured active measures (e.g. disinformation), in discrediting the USSR's enemies.
For war-time, KGB had ready sabotage operations arms caches in target countries.

•••  --->   Why would it be the KGB's responsibility to protect them ?

1) - The organization of the Soviet security and intelligence organs, which frequently changed, is complicated and I know it poorly.

At that time there were mainly, unless I am mistaken :

   a/ The military intelligence, GRU, dependent on the General Staff of the Armed Forces

   b/The police depending on the MVD, depending on the Ministry of Interior,

   c/The missions of the KGB were particularly prominent, numerous and varied.
The primary task of the KGB was to protect the regime. Its activities included tracking down spies and dissidents and supervising the media, sports and even the church. It conducted operations both inside and outside the country, but in both spheres its main task was always to protect the interests of the Kremlin leadership.
 This included the protection of personalities and also of good Soviet citizens

In practice, all these three administrations (GRU, MVD, KGB) could carry out internal security missions.
Compared to KGB officers, GRU officers, were "more direct and less politicized but also more brutal." Anecdotally, the special forces: Spetsnaz seem to be attached to the GRU and sometimes to the MVD?

Nothing prohibits the KGB from investigating, which is also one of its roles, in cases of organized crime, terrorism, thus doubling the MVD.

2) - In 1959, the maintenance of internal security was a particularly important problem because of the massive and uncontrolled release of zeks from the Gulag camps. These releases were part of Khrushchev's Thaw policy and encountered opposition from the Stalinists, supporters and followers of the hard line of the "Vojd".

The majority of those released were harmless and innocent. But the disorganization of the liberation procedures had put back into circulation genuine bandits or criminals.

3) - The hikers were certainly not notables but they represented in some ways the elite of the Soviet youth and the future of the USSR because they were called to occupy engineering functions with responsibilities that were to participate in the influence and strengthening of the country.

4) - UPI was a great engineering school which was comparable to other higher technical education institutes in Moscow or Leningrad.
In 1959, the UPI even had the advantage of being located near the research and production centers of the Urals working in innovative nuclear (and electronic?) technologies, which were particularly supported by Khrushchev himself.

•••  --->   from whom would they even need to be protected ?

1) - Indeed, a good principle of security is to always remember that the greatest danger is the one that we did not, or could not, foresee.
See also :

2) - Khrushchev while remaining fidelity to the foundations of the communism wanted to struggle against the arbitrary and criminal orders of Stalin which led to a climate of terror among all the classes of the Soviet populations.

By denouncing the crimes committed under Stalin Khrushchev had clearly specified his will to destroy Stalinism during his very long Secret Report of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, February 24, 1956, from which I extract below some significant lines.

«...the cult of the person of Stalin never ceased to grow, how this cult became, at a precise moment, the source of a whole series of serious and ever more serious perversions of the principles of the Party, of the democracy of the Party, of revolutionary legality...

Anyone who opposed his conception or tried to explain his point of view and the correctness of his position was destined to be cut off from the ruling community and subsequently doomed to moral and physical annihilation.

Essentially and in fact the only evidence of guilt used, against all standards of present-day legal science, was the "confession" of the accused himself; and as subsequent investigations proved, "confessions" were obtained through physical pressure against the accused.

Stalin demonstrated his intolerance, his brutal behavior and abused his powers. Instead of proving the correctness of his policies and mobilizing the masses, he frequently chooses the path of repression and physical annihilation, not only against his real enemies, but also against individuals who had committed no crime against them. the Party and the Soviet government

Stalin allowed the Party and the NKVD to use mass terror when the exploiting classes had been liquidated in our country and there was no longer any serious reason to employ exceptional measures of mass terror. »


The de-Stalinization led to the strong discontent of the many people who support the Stalinist methods (there are still some in Putin's Russia today)
and particularly of many Stalinist officers, former members of the NKVD, in charge of the guarding of the Gulag camps, and thus of the Ivdellag near Vizhay.

(In France, Krushchev leaves the reputation of a valorous man, who did what he could, but whose confused action was slowed down, then stopped by the Stalinists of the Politbureau who conspired to make him dismiss, on October 14, 1964, failing to be able to eliminate him physically).

3) - On several occasions the Dyatlov group had exhibited and used in an effective way the voucher.
The hikers, who benefited from a quality education, could thus appear, in the eyes of the rough Stalinists of Ivdellag, as being propagandists charged to promote the 21st congress of the CPSU (27 January - 5 February 1959).
Moreover, with the occurrence of the 21st Congress, these hardened Stalinist dignitaries feared a strengthening of the de-Stalinization, (which in fact did not happen).

In the section "Project plan for the expedition of Dyatlov group - Goals and objectives" established by the Route Commission: (sheet 200)
Propaganda for Krushchev's Thaw is indeed suggested:

  • Getting to know the nature and economy of the Northern Urals.
  • Holding lectures and carrying out conversations among the public.
  • Improving the athletic skills of hikers.
  • Study of the depth of soil freezing according to surveys and observations of residents of the Northern Urals.

4) - It was thus conceivable, or even probable, that the Stalinist opposition, (which was particularly strong in Vizhay because of the proximity of Ivdellag), in the face of the provocation constituted by the arrival of this group which benefited from an official viaticum, manifested itself by a terrorist attack aiming at impressing the central power in Moscow.

On the one hand: In all the countries the governmental propaganda (or more simply the inflection of the information) generally tries to minimize the inland difficulties and the internal insecurity

On the other hand: In the absence of any indication of what insights the hikers might have had into the internal dissensions of the USSR during the Khushchev Thaw, it is safe to assume that the hikers appear to have been totally unaware of the small political role they played against their will.

This is what anganontaolo: so elegantly refers to in one of his replies to "Why they abandon tent, clothes and object  August 07, 2021, 04:37:35 PM    Reply #3"

The risk was very great on this mountain and essential items should be ready if ever a problem arises: clothes, flashlight, ax, knife, etc ...
Have they ever thought of attacks and getting ready to defend themselves against it? or else they believed that indeed there is no crime in paradise (socialist paradise) as Stalin said.
   ---> and Krushchev also said that.

Neither the « Route Commission », nor anyone else, had told the hikers that they might encounter some hostility in these remote provincial territories.
The hikers (except perhaps Zolotaryov), constantly immersed in the safe and secure atmosphere of the Sverdlovk engineers, lived under the illusion that perfect security prevailed everywhere in the country.

The surprise of the of the 1 February attack was therefore total.

Indeed IF the hikers had been warned that the area was not perfectly secure, the hikers would have been on their guard and would have remained on the alert. So the outcome of the deadly altercation that took place on the slope of Kholat Syakhl and near the cedar might have been different, for the hikers, more numerous and younger than the attackers, were not without any advantage in hand-to-hand combat without firearms.

Based on their previous life experiences, Zolotaryov, Thibo and Kolevatov may have been more aware than the other 6 hikers of the country's internal political difficulties. This remark could explain the possible separation (Den versus fire under the cedar) that seems to have taken place at the cedar during the attack.

•••  --->    we are talking about a group of young adults who went on a ski trip.

1) - In complement to its sporting interest, the institution of category 3 for hikes was intended to show to all public opinions and to families the moral qualities of Soviet youth and indirectly the moral superiority of the communist ideology and of the Russian soul.

According to what we know about the DPI, the 9 hikers of Dyatlov's group were trained for self-supporting (autonomous) hikes, relatively acclimatized to the cold and
in full possession of their physical and mental capacities.

However, their equipment (warm clothes, sleeping bag, tent, skis and also food adapted to the cold...) was poor according to the modern criteria of 2021.

2) - By volunteering to take part in a category 3 winter hike, the young Russian sportsmen could demonstrate (Russian) particular qualities: a fondness for prolonged effort, a disregard for comfort, a team spirit, the ability to adapt to unforeseen difficulties, the mental stamina to enjoy long journeys in a hostile and austere environment......

3) - On the other hand, the society of the time encouraged this kind of initiative, since the hikes approved by the UPI Route Commission received a small financial contribution.

•••  --->  The matter of  Zolotaryov is maybe more confused.

It may seem a strange thing that the tattoos on his arms found at the autopsy had not been noticed before.
There is perhaps one remaining question:
Is the person who was part of Dyatlov's group and who appears in the photos the same person as the Soviet army soldier who fought on the Eastern Front ?

« Some researchers of the tragedy of the Dyatlov group believe that Zolotarev could have been an unofficial employee of the security agencies. And even that he went with a secret mission on that fateful expedition. » ( Varsegova )

On the contrary we can think that his career, that of an independent temperament and also of an irreproachable warrior on the Eastern front, then a little bit de-socialized afterwards, does not look out of the ordinary
Personally, and according to the TOK theory, I think it is irrelevant whether Zolotaryov was or was not a KGB agent.

On the other hand, it is likely that he would have been happy, like any good patriotic citizen, to help the authorities and therefore the KGB if some opportunity arose.
Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.