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Author Topic: Mansi confessed they did it. It explains everything  (Read 13979 times)

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March 26, 2021, 10:23:41 AM
Read 13979 times


 So one (drunk?) Mansi confessed to a man that they killed the hikers yeras ago. This story is on these pages to be found. Why do we not believe him? Why are we even discussing any other theories? No other theory answers every guestion, like the Mansi theory.
The Mansi even boasted about it. Hikers had gone and messed before the Mansi's holy place, where mansis had hidden their gold and furs, that were expensive to them. They probebly thought mistakenly thet the hikers had stolen them. Also they may have feared the hikers were about to go to their holy mountain and cause trouble and bad hunting luck to them. It doesn't even mean that the mountain they had put the tent was that holy mountain, but that mansis may have feared they were going to there later.
The hikers had one photo taken from the mansi holy hiding place. They had gone to look it closer. Big mistake.
The mansi said that their hunters hunted the hikers and gave them to their holy men who killed them.He said that they dropped a dope in to their tent.
Well, I believe the story may have been exaggerated a little bit like usually happens. I think the mansi hunters found the hikers, dropped the dope (that had some nerveagent) in to the tent, that forced the hikers out quickly, by cutting the tent. Then they were surrended by mansi hunters who forced them to leave the area immediately. They may have stayed by the tent to guard that the hikers aren't coming back. Then when they were killed by cold, they left, and made their ski marks disappear with branches etc. It is not difficult to do.
This theory is the best, we have confession, it explaines everything. Russian officials said mansis couldn't keep a secret, but I think they got really scared when russian officials made a big deal about it, and decided to shut up about it. Until one drunk man decided to boast about it.

March 26, 2021, 10:28:41 AM
Reply #1


The evidence is entirely incosistent with homicide and drunk people are known to try and make themselves seem "bad" in front of friends at the local dive bars, but you can believe whatever you like, of course.

March 26, 2021, 10:34:41 AM
Reply #2


So one (drunk?) Mansi confessed to a man that they killed the hikers yeras ago. This story is on these pages to be found. Why do we not believe him? Why are we even discussing any other theories? No other theory answers every guestion, like the Mansi theory.
The Mansi even boasted about it. Hikers had gone and messed before the Mansi's holy place, where mansis had hidden their gold and furs, that were expensive to them. They probebly thought mistakenly thet the hikers had stolen them. Also they may have feared the hikers were about to go to their holy mountain and cause trouble and bad hunting luck to them. It doesn't even mean that the mountain they had put the tent was that holy mountain, but that mansis may have feared they were going to there later.
The hikers had one photo taken from the mansi holy hiding place. They had gone to look it closer. Big mistake.
The mansi said that their hunters hunted the hikers and gave them to their holy men who killed them.He said that they dropped a dope in to their tent.
Well, I believe the story may have been exaggerated a little bit like usually happens. I think the mansi hunters found the hikers, dropped the dope (that had some nerveagent) in to the tent, that forced the hikers out quickly, by cutting the tent. Then they were surrended by mansi hunters who forced them to leave the area immediately. They may have stayed by the tent to guard that the hikers aren't coming back. Then when they were killed by cold, they left, and made their ski marks disappear with branches etc. It is not difficult to do.
This theory is the best, we have confession, it explaines everything. Russian officials said mansis couldn't keep a secret, but I think they got really scared when russian officials made a big deal about it, and decided to shut up about it. Until one drunk man decided to boast about it.

I dont have  theory yet but this is the most rational explanation. The Mansi are the only know people on the mountain that night with enough manpower to overrun 9 Russia athletes. And there was Mansi items found  at the scene..

March 26, 2021, 12:27:49 PM
Reply #3


I think I remember reading somewhere that the Mansi had particular ways/rituals their holy men would follow if they did this.  If so, would it fit with the injuries they had?  No doubt someone has more knowledge on this.  I have wondered if they maybe knew more about what happened,  but felt they had to keep quiet.

March 26, 2021, 03:21:46 PM
Reply #4


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
So one (drunk?) Mansi confessed to a man that they killed the hikers yeras ago. This story is on these pages to be found. Why do we not believe him? Why are we even discussing any other theories? No other theory answers every guestion, like the Mansi theory.
The Mansi even boasted about it. Hikers had gone and messed before the Mansi's holy place, where mansis had hidden their gold and furs, that were expensive to them. They probebly thought mistakenly thet the hikers had stolen them. Also they may have feared the hikers were about to go to their holy mountain and cause trouble and bad hunting luck to them. It doesn't even mean that the mountain they had put the tent was that holy mountain, but that mansis may have feared they were going to there later.
The hikers had one photo taken from the mansi holy hiding place. They had gone to look it closer. Big mistake.
The mansi said that their hunters hunted the hikers and gave them to their holy men who killed them.He said that they dropped a dope in to their tent.
Well, I believe the story may have been exaggerated a little bit like usually happens. I think the mansi hunters found the hikers, dropped the dope (that had some nerveagent) in to the tent, that forced the hikers out quickly, by cutting the tent. Then they were surrended by mansi hunters who forced them to leave the area immediately. They may have stayed by the tent to guard that the hikers aren't coming back. Then when they were killed by cold, they left, and made their ski marks disappear with branches etc. It is not difficult to do.
This theory is the best, we have confession, it explaines everything. Russian officials said mansis couldn't keep a secret, but I think they got really scared when russian officials made a big deal about it, and decided to shut up about it. Until one drunk man decided to boast about it.

The Mansi were interrogated by the KGB. The Mansi appear to be a peace loving people who are proud of their history and legends. One of those legends is of the Menk.  The Mansi claim that many of their people have disappeared in the forests.

March 26, 2021, 03:38:31 PM
Reply #5


There were 8,000 Mansi.. They cant account for all of them.. And some Mansi items were found at the scene..

March 26, 2021, 03:57:55 PM
Reply #6


There were 8,000 Mansi.. They cant account for all of them.. And some Mansi items were found at the scene..

Do you think the Mansi are responsible?

March 26, 2021, 04:03:33 PM
Reply #7


Possibly. They were the only known people on the mountain that night that could overrun 9 Russian athletes..

I havent ruled out the government yet tho.. Or Alex and Simon up to something nefarious..

March 26, 2021, 04:28:38 PM
Reply #8


Possibly. They were the only known people on the mountain that night that could overrun 9 Russian athletes..

I havent ruled out the government yet tho.. Or Alex and Simon up to something nefarious..

Excellent, nefarious is a new word for me.

Yeah, I have problems with other people being involved due to the remoteness , logistics and the possibility that it would backfire on the attackers. The weather and environment would make it difficult and they would need some string motivation. Can't be ruled out though but it's down my list.

March 26, 2021, 04:59:02 PM
Reply #9


The Mansi and other tribes lived up there.. and the government would surely   be able to dress appropriately. The ringer here is the Russian nuclear scientists too.. Cant ignore that ! LOL

March 26, 2021, 05:05:49 PM
Reply #10



March 26, 2021, 06:46:50 PM
Reply #11


Whats your theory?

These incidents are not uncommon.  One guy wrote a series of books on the subject ("Missing 411," though "Off the Wall: Death in Yosemite" was better).  Have you read about the Chivrauy incident  (about a dozen years later)?  To me that is an example of even worse decision-making in a similar situation.  The Dyatlov tent began to collapse (probably due to ice/heavy snow buildup), or they though it would collapse, so they cut themselves out, secured the tent so it wouldn't blow away (along with all their stuff), and calmly walked down to the tree line, thinking they could survive with a fire (the fire in fact was said to be quite robust, lasting an hour or two).  One interesting question is if the idea of digging the "den" was the original plan or some sort of secondary one (the two guys who were dressed fairly well could have dug the den while the others started and got warmed up by the fire).  The problem is that when you do a lot of work in the cold (with minimal clothing), then stop to warm up, you're going to do a lot of sweating, and then if your heat source can't be maintained or isn't sufficient, you are in deep trouble!

March 26, 2021, 07:14:28 PM
Reply #12


The Mansi and other tribes lived up there.. and the government would surely   be able to dress appropriately. The ringer here is the Russian nuclear scientists too.. Cant ignore that ! LOL

The Mansi lived 80-100 km away.  They had settlements at Suevet Paul and the Bahtiyarovs had a settlement on the North Toshemka river.  They hunted along the Ural ridges and herded reindeer there.  While they were in the region, it is still a sizeable region.  Saltydog has a theory that the Bahtiyarovs are guilty of killing the Dyatlov group, based on their hunting schedules from February.  His is, in my opinion, the most credible of the Mansi theories.  The Mansi were cleared of any involvement early on in the investigation.  It was not of their nature, they did not have a holy site near the pass where the tent was found and they had no issues with Russians being around their areas.  However, one of the Anyamovs referred to a group of "Ostyaks," near the North Toshemka, which some believe was a reference to the Bahtiyarovs (Ostyak is another name for Khanty, the other indigenous group in the region.)  Khantys had a bit less live for the Russians, after a failed rebellion twenty years before.  I'd say if the Dyatlov group were killed by other people, the Bahtiyarovs would be my prevailing suspects.  However, we also need to remember there was no other evidence that put any other humans near the pass.  No footprints of others, no sled tracks, or wide skis (the Dyatlov group had thinner skis whereas the Mansi used a wider ski.). The only article that could have belonged to a Mansi was a woven belt/garter item that was also used by soldiers and could have been Zolotaryov's and a previously built chum about a mile from the site.  Although, if the snow den was already dug before the Dyatlov group got there, it could very well have been dug and used by the Mansi when hunting there at another point in time and the Dyatlovites then used it for shelter on the night they died, putting down clothes and fresh branch after leaving the tent.

March 26, 2021, 08:00:54 PM
Reply #13


The Dyatlov tent began to collapse (probably due to ice/heavy snow buildup), or they though it would collapse, so they cut themselves out
This makes no sense. The tent had an entrance, nobody would cut themselves out, takes longer and ruins the tent..


March 27, 2021, 07:20:57 AM
Reply #14


Its racist to say that the Mansi or any native type people arent capable of murder...  anger or mental illness. People always over romanticize them.. as if they are Gods chosen people and are pure love.. BS.

March 27, 2021, 08:09:50 AM
Reply #15


I am reading about their mythology here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/khanty-and-mansi-religion

There is a mythical creature called the "Lozva Water Spirit". The Dyatlov group were found in the upper sources of the Lozva river... so much for it not being a sacred place...


March 27, 2021, 08:16:11 AM
Reply #16


Yep.. and thats only one possible motivation..

March 27, 2021, 09:16:50 AM
Reply #17


two things about this:
1. false confessions are a very real issue in investigations and why the police usually keep one key piece of evidence hidden from the public so they can weed out fake confessions. People say they did it because they are mentally ill and think they did, want the publicity, want to waste police time, the reasons are endless. So unless something is revealed in a "confession" that wasn't publically known and is confirmed as a detail, anyone can say anything. doesn't mean anything. could be true, could be a lie

2. I have been looking into the Mansi religion and it isn't a punitive religion like the ones we are most familiar with. I can't find anything to indicate they felt they had to kill the hikers. If anything, being in a sacred place would damage the soul? after death so they didn't have to.

March 27, 2021, 09:19:30 AM
Reply #18


But you are only addressing one  reason to attack them.. something sacred.. Could have many other things..

March 27, 2021, 09:23:23 AM
Reply #19


I heard they are alcoholics.. maybe a drunken rage??? There are other possibilities..

March 27, 2021, 09:32:53 AM
Reply #20


I heard they are alcoholics.. maybe a drunken rage??? There are other possibilities..

And saying they aren't violent by nature is racist, lol?!

If we go back and read the statements by the Russians who knew the Mansi families that were around the area, (taking off our blinders regarding what *we* think,) the overarching belief by those who worked with them and knew them was that they weren't the types to kill Russians.  Much of their violence was more insular (statistically.)  The people who knew them also stated outright that they had no sacred places near Dyatlov Pass and that they didn't practice their religion at that time. 

March 27, 2021, 09:37:31 AM
Reply #21


that's because I can't see a group of Mansi, drunk enough to risk bringing down the Soviet government's wrath on them, skiing out of a warm place to miles away to kill a group. If this was in town? or close to their camp? maybe? but being that drunk the odds are they would pass out and die on the way to kill the group. Plus a group of drunks would leave a lot of evidence they were there, drunks do that and would take valuable items.

March 27, 2021, 09:39:12 AM
Reply #22


that's because I can't see a group of Mansi, drunk enough to risk bringing down the Soviet government's wrath on them, skiing out of a warm place to miles away to kill a group. If this was in town? or close to their camp? maybe? but being that drunk the odds are they would pass out and die on the way to kill the group. Plus a group of drunks would leave a lot of evidence they were there, drunks do that and would take valuable items.

This.  All of this.

March 27, 2021, 09:51:03 AM
Reply #23


The fact remains that they were the only known people on the mountain that night that could overrun 9 Russian athletes. They can never be eliminated.

March 27, 2021, 09:52:32 AM
Reply #24


And saying they aren't violent by nature is racist, lol?! thumb1

March 27, 2021, 09:53:17 AM
Reply #25


Yes.. its one of those "those people" statements..

March 27, 2021, 09:53:52 AM
Reply #26



March 27, 2021, 09:55:18 AM
Reply #27


It also implies that it must have been White people..also racist.

March 27, 2021, 10:01:36 AM
Reply #28


The fact remains that they were the only known people on the mountain that night that could overrun 9 Russian athletes. They can never be eliminated.

Prove they were on the mountain that night.

March 27, 2021, 10:06:20 AM
Reply #29


Yes.. its one of those "those people" statements..

It is a study in statistics.  Look at the statistics of the time; the Mansi were much less likely to be involved in violence against Russian peoples than they were to be involved in insular violence.  It is not a racist statement, it is statistical trend.  One of my grad degrees is in the field of criminology (a study of crime trends.)  This is what I do; i look at crime trends.  I am speaking of statistics, not bias.